Kate Healy, who is known and admired for her expertise and passion around all things nextgen in financial planning, joins the show.
We’re chatting about how the pandemic has been a catalyst for change in how we go about attracting and developing the next generation of talent - not just in client facing roles or for younger people, but in all the important roles across an organization and including career changers.
We also discuss imposter syndrome and ways to overcome it - including by participating in the amazing Speaker & Influencer Program in the Innovating Advice Community - and Kate provides some ideas on how to overcome social media compliance challenges you may be facing.
We wrap up with Kate sharing the incredible work that’s happening at the Foundation for Financial Planning where she is the current Board Chair.
Show notes at https://innovatingadvice.com/post/episode78)
Join the IA Community and Speaker & Influencer Program at https://bit.ly/IAComm)
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