Imagine having a squad of superfans passionately promoting your business and generating tangible benefits in attracting solid referrals and positive reviews of your products/services…
Imagine having very passionate advocates who will collectively promote you to everyone they know, resulting in rock-star sales success…
… and they’ll all be happily doing it for FREE!
Of course, it’s never that easy, isn’t it?
Multi-million-dollar international sales and marketing executive Frederick Dudek knows this all too well.
Tune in and discover Frederick’s answers to questions such as:
What motivated you to write your book Creating Business Superfans?
Help us understand what is a Business Superfan, and why businesses would what them?
How can a small to mid-sized business create their own Business Superfans?
Can you share a story a story of how you became a superfan of a business?
What is the most powerful thing that a business owner can do to create a Business Superfan?
And much, much more!
@media only screen and (max-width:1024px) {.fusion-title.fusion-title-127{margin-top:30px!important; margin-right:!important;margin-bottom:30px!important;margin-left:!important;}}Invitation From Guest
Get the Superfans Scorecard and join the Business Superfans Accelerator Community for FREE as it’s just launching! Visit today!
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