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Listener Questions

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The Idaho Massacre

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Courtney Armstrong
Stephanie Lidecker
Courtney Armstrong, Stephanie Lidecker 和 Gabe Castillo:本集节目旨在解答听众关于爱达荷州大屠杀案的疑问,并邀请听众参与讨论。节目中讨论了911电话未公开的原因、警方掌握的额外证据、嫌疑人车辆信息、与SWAT行动的巧合、嫌疑人DNA证据、手机定位数据缺失、以及嫌疑人动机等问题。他们强调了案件中许多看似巧合的事件,并表达了对受害者及其家人的同情与支持。他们还强调了节目中所有信息都经过法律审核,以确保信息的准确性和客观性。 Paige:提问了911电话为何尚未公开。 Amy:询问了嫌疑人及其父亲在驾车途中被拦截与附近发生的SWAT行动之间是否存在关联。 Marcella:提问了如果嫌疑人没有带手机是否会被逮捕,以及DNA和车辆监控是否足够指控他。 Maya:提问了如果凶手是送餐员,他的手机应该有记录,但这与事实不符。 David:提问了嫌疑人是否在案发前就计划好利用假期回家的机会制造不在场证明。 Wade:提问了房屋拆除是否会影响案件的最终判决。 Sheila:表达了对嫌疑人可能正在收听节目的担忧。

Deep Dive

Listener Paige from Hoboken asks why the 911 call hasn't been released. The hosts discuss the potential reasons behind this, including the possibility of identifying the caller and the chaotic circumstances surrounding the discovery of the bodies. The 911 call could provide crucial information about the timeline and those involved.
  • The 911 call was made around noon, eight hours after the estimated time of the murders.
  • The call was made from one of the surviving roommates' phones, but it wasn't the roommate who spoke to the operator.
  • Multiple voices were reportedly on the 911 call.
  • The call was initially categorized as involving unconscious persons.

Shownotes Transcript


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Every bit of evidence has been gathered. What on the off chance that it has not? And that could be the one piece that seals the fate of the case either way. The big stunner of this case is that these weren't people that necessarily even interfaced, not even once. This is The Idaho Massacre, a production of KT Studios and iHeartRadio. Season 2, Episode 12, Listener Questions.

I'm Courtney Armstrong, a producer at KT Studios with Stephanie Lidecker and Gabe Castillo, who you'll hear reading the questions. We wanted to take this opportunity to answer some of the listener questions that have come in over the course of the season, and also to have a couple of listeners who were able to make the time on the show so we can speak with them. We're starting it off with Paige from Hoboken. First, Stephanie.

Hi, Paige. Hi. So my question is why you think the 911 call hasn't been released yet? There can be a multitude of things at play. For example, and Stephanie and I were talking about just this very thing recently, and in

In another case we covered, which is another high-profile mass murder, the Piketon Massacre, which is our other podcast, the 911 call was indeed released well before trial, well before the accused were known. So that's something that can happen. In this case, obviously, the 911 call has not been released.

There have been articles, people quoting that the prosecution will release it, quote, when it's time, which means we may need to wait until the actual trial to hear the 911 call.

Which is also interesting because I think this particular call, maybe unlike other calls from other cases, does speak a lot to the circumstances of how the bodies were found and discovered. You know, there's been a couple of very big questions about this timeline. One, exactly who discovered the bodies? We know that the bodies were discovered hours later.

And who that person was, all we know it to be is a friend of Ethan's. From my understanding, I would imagine if we hear their voice on the 911 call, that would no longer be anonymous. And they've been very tight-lipped about releasing the information of the 911 call and also the surrounding roommates, right? You could imagine that it must have been mayhem when they make this grisly discovery. We've heard 911 calls.

then there's nothing more harrowing or horrifying than hearing that guttural sound. But we don't know. Yeah, and just to add to that, within the cloud of sort of confusion that Stephanie was speaking about, should we believe, and there's no reason not to, the timeline of the murders, which places that happening between approximately 4 a.m. and 4.20 a.m., the 911 call was not placed until just a few moments before noon.

So that's eight hours later. And as Stephanie said, it's not clear precisely who necessarily made the call, but we know the call came from one of the surviving roommates' cell phones, but it was not them who was initially making connection with 911. It was initially reported as an unconscious person or persons, which seemed suspicious.

odd for what was ultimately found. And it turns out that that was actually the categorization that that 911 call center used to let police know this is in the realm of

someone unconscious versus, say, a fire or something else. So it was a 911 designation. Which is such a really interesting point. And Paige, it's such a good question because it's such an unknowable thing, right? But that particular 911 call would answer so many questions. It would answer the who, the how, the state of affairs at that time. Anything else you want to say, ask, or wonder about?

There was speculation that the fraternity across the street, the two roommates went there and had some of the guys go around the house to make sure that no one was there, which I think might be another thing. Like, I think there was a lot of foot traffic in the house before they called the police. That's really interesting. I have seen that as well. And I think it's another thing that will come to bear. One thing that's been reported is that there were, quote, multiple voices on the 911 call. So who?

who exactly all of those voices are, we don't yet know, but soon to find out. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. Of course. Have a good night, guys. Bye. Bye. In a previous episode, it was mentioned that one of the journalists had gone down to Moscow, Idaho, and noted that in and around the area, they noticed a lot of ring cameras in the neighborhood.

And from what we know, there has been footage that was released from a ring camera. So my question is, do you think police have a lot more information than what has been released? Is this why we have yet to see the first day of trial? Multi-layered question. Do I think there's more we haven't seen?

I would bet any amount of money in the world that there is. Do I bet that investigators on every level canvassed the neighborhood and procured every piece of evidence possible at the time? Absolutely, I do. Is that part of the delay in trial? I mean, it's interesting, and I don't have this stat at the tip of my tongue, but I know we have referred to it before.

the enormity of digital and other evidence that has been gathered that has to be gone through by the prosecution, by investigators, and then when handed over by the defense as well. So I think that's part of it. Also, of course, being a death penalty case that

as we've discussed, you know, exacerbates a timeline because there's so many things that need to be done correctly. But my knee jerk to, is there more evidence from ring cameras we don't know about? Absolutely.

I would really, really hope so, because so much of the evidence that we've been unpacking and has been set into the public or the media, you know, really has some circumstantial sides to it. So I would have to imagine that there is a larger footprint from a technology standpoint that, frankly, we're just not aware of.

It's amazing that you can get away with any crime in today's day and age with the level of ring cameras and cell phones and things that are tracking us real time. It's actually pretty astounding that there was such a blind spot, if in fact there was. So I would assume that we don't know this. But on the other side of that, we have interviewed defense attorneys that would say, look, it's

if there was a ton of great information they would be yelling that from the rooftops and that would be front page news and we would be unpacking the fact that there's a ring camera that has footage of someone else other than the accused brian coberger walking into this murder house if that was the case i think we would really know about it so on the one hand i completely agree with you courtney and on the other i don't know some of this feels like a little bit of a house of cards

That's a fair point because now that you say that, thinking about the fact that even the identification of the car took three times for the FBI, and this is no dig on them, but it took three times to publicly get it correct what the car was, assuming, of course, the accused is whose car we should be looking for. And by the way, we don't even have an actual ID of the person driving that car. So yes, he...

He was driving a white Elantra and yes, it was in and around the area. And yes, that is wildly suspicious, no question. But where's the visual of him actually behind the wheel? I have to assume that that exists or that there is some way to get around the fact that it doesn't appear that we have that.

It doesn't. I mean, it certainly hasn't been public that or any glimpse to the public's knowledge of a license plate. So I don't know. Maybe my bet all the money in the world was a little quick on the trigger. To that end, so let's unpack a little of that because there do seem to be these big ticket items that gets discussed in the press. And we certainly have discussed this here as well, like these big items.

that make it this, no question, this is the guy. There's DNA and there's this car and he was acting fishy and bushy eyebrows and, and, and. And by the way, it does all sort of seem like a

pretty bad day and a pretty bad morning and a pretty bad stretch, frankly, of a lot of terrible things that had to happen in the worst of timing for this accused Brian Koberger to ultimately be accused of this crime. And then when you take a step back, there

There are a lot of these touch points that are like, what are the odds of that happening? Number one, having all of these images of this car in and around the area, but no actual idea of who's driving it or the license plate. I feel like if I roll through a red light, not that I ever have, I guarantee you that there's a ticket in my mailbox waiting for me somehow. So Big Brother is watching, just not that morning.

And then we talk about this bushy eyebrow ID. But like, really? Is that the big thing? So a question we did get, speaking of all the, quote, coincidences, had to do with a shooting that happened on the morning that Brian Koberger and his father departed Washington to head on their cross-country drive to Pennsylvania.

And the question comes from Amy from Warwick, Rhode Island. Is there a connection between the SWAT shooting of Brent Kopaka related to the Idaho massacre?

I mean, it doesn't appear that there is, and we have gone down this rabbit hole. It is shocking to me that something that is violent, like holding somebody hostage, let alone holding your roommate hostage, happening in and around the time of these violent murders. But again, it does seem as though that may have just been a coincidence. It does. And for listeners who aren't aware,

This incident happened on December 15th, 2022. So it was about one month after the November 13th murders. A man named Brent Kopaka

was ultimately shot by Washington State Police in Pullman, Washington, where the accused Brian Koberger lived. And that's where people bring up the connection. Officers were alerted that Copaco was allegedly threatening the lives of his roommates. There was a standoff and according to reports, there were unsuccessful negotiations. There was escalating behavior that ultimately ended in the SWAT team

killing Kopaka. This happened to happen on that same morning of the drive. And in fact, when the Kohlberger men were pulled over, Brian Kohlberger's father mentioned the incident. We can hear it on the audio to one of the officers.

Can you imagine? I can't. Can you imagine that you're this father, you're getting pulled over and you're basically saying, wow, I feel for you officers, a lot going on back there. You're in a white Elantra and you're allegedly driving the accused to be

But the police just happened to pull the Koberger father son duo in this white car driving across country. What are the odds that they get pulled over two different times? That's been reported about so many different ways here included. We were under the impression because that's what we were told.

We had early reported that that was a very choreographed event that Brian Kober was being pulled over because the police were looking to see if he had slashes on his hand. And now we're hearing that that might not have been the case, that it was just a really bad day behind the wheel.

It seems like it really was, hard as this is to swallow, coincidence. It has since come to bear. And hold on, I have actually from the report here, the FBI has maintained its agents were not involved in the stops.

and also the sheriff's office in Indiana, who actually did the stops, also have said publicly that this had nothing to do with the murders whatsoever. It was a separate drug interdiction check. Yes, it's been confirmed by both the agencies that the FBI did not call for those stops. They did not know it was going to happen. It was literally coincidence.

And it was coincidence that on the same day that dad and son depart on their cross country escapade of a trip, that there's also a hostage situation that a nearby neighbor is shot down by authorities because he's holding his roommate hostage, was suffering from mental illness and

has many, many layers to this story. All officials have said there is no connection. And in fact, this is a really, it's a good example of a horrible thing, which is when people do make connections because of circumstance or because of coincidence, when indeed there isn't.

And actually Copaca's family has spoken out, as have his good friends, you know, saying that the speculation of his involvement with the murders has marred his name. And he was a vet. He earned a Purple Heart. And it's just a tragedy in and of itself. And it's a further tragedy of what can happen when people are linked, whether in the news or via social media, without factual merit.

Let's stop here for a break. We'll be back in a moment. Arizona football fans, picture this. You bet on your favorite player to score the first touchdown, and he throws an awesome block so his teammate can score instead. If this happens, BetMGM wants to give you another chance at the end zone with BetMGM's Second Chance Promotion. You'll get your stake back if your first touchdown scorer scores second instead. That's right. Bet on any pro football player to score the first touchdown of the game.

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Did you know Tide has been upgraded to provide an even better clean in cold water? Tide is specifically designed to fight any stain you throw at it, even in cold. Butter? Yep. Chocolate ice cream? Sure thing. Barbecue sauce? Tide's got you covered. You don't need to use warm water. Additionally, Tide Pods let you confidently fight tough stains with new Coldzyme technology. Just remember...

If it's got to be clean, it's got to be tied. Get ready for a full month of fiesta y cultura because it's time for Viva Tucson. Let's celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month como nunca antes in true Tucson style. From September 15th to October 15th, join us for comida, musica y eventos that you won't find anywhere else. Our rich history and traditions make the old pueblo the perfect place para celebrar y aprender.

Mark your calendars so you don't miss out on this celebración. Visita, visit slash viva. This is from Marcella via Instagram. Do you think if Brian had left his phone at home, he would have been arrested? Could the DNA and surveillance of his vehicle have been enough? Court, you got to take this one. This is a rabbit hole that I may never get out of.

It's an excellent question and it's a much debated question and it's ultimately an opinion, right?

The DNA, and this is just my opinion, the DNA is what tied Kohlberger to this investigation by his name through his father once the DNA on the knife sheath was found. And according to court documents, Kohlberger's DNA is at least 5.37 octillion times more likely to match DNA found at the scene than a person unrelated to Kohlberger's father. So those are pretty strong odds to overcome.

Those numbers are shocking. Of course, when we read that for the first time, it was like, well, I guess this guy did it. However...

Listen, some of this stuff can be explained away. I know we covered this at some point this season, but imagine that you're a knife enthusiast when you go to these, like a convention for people who are fishermen and hunters. And there's a lot of knives for sale there and they're on display. And you might be looking at the various knives for purchase and yeah, you want to pick it up, maybe handle it a little bit. And in doing so, hey, guess what?

it's possible that a droplet of your DNA is now under the sheath of that knife. And now you put it back down and this person goes about their merry way and that knife eventually gets sold to someone and it winds up at a murder scene. That could be the connection. It's such a small amount.

On the other side of it, that is no question that the DNA that is found on the sheath is connected to the accused Brian Koberger. That's pretty damning. I mean, listen, I think these are all points that will be brought up by the defense, if I had to guess, because, you know, they are valid. But yeah, just to simply answer your question, Marcella,

Yeah, I do think that DNA and the surveillance of his vehicle would have been enough because the last thing I will say on this, because you said, you know, what if we took the cell phone pings out of it? Keep in mind that during the time of the murders, as we understand it, there was no reporting to the network from Koberger's phone.

his phone was turned off or was somehow unavailable whether it was under a rock or somehow it stopped pinging off of any cell phone towers at 2 47 a.m and then it did not go back to being received by cell phone towers until 4 48 so in a way there are no pings at that time

what a coincidence right that would be hard to throw under the coincidence box i mean i guess that's what is so interesting about this case yes while some of these pieces of the puzzle do in fact seem circumstantial when when looked at individually i guess that's the whole point right you dump them all in a bag and you're like that's a lot of circumstantial evidence in one bag

we do have a follow-up question from marcella she unfortunately couldn't join us today but her follow-up question is i believe the killer was watching the house before he entered do you think he entered the house after the food was delivered in hopes that they would pin it on the food delivery driver

Great question, by the way. I mean, we have discussed this. We really have. The difference is, though, here, you would have to be predicting that food would be ordered and therefore delivered at a certain time to ping it on the guy unless they always received food at the same time, which is not totally unheard of, I would imagine, in a college party house when you're out kind of late. But

It's sort of a leap. That would be a lot of premeditation. Or maybe the person who committed this crime just went for it after they saw there was somebody exiting and entering the house. And next up is another listener question. Here's Maya from Colorado. So my question is like, let's say they ordered it from Uber Eats. If he is an Uber Eats driver, which I don't know what if he is, he would get a notification that at that address they ordered food.

So he could be aware that they ordered food and that it was going to be arriving at so-and-so time. It seems like for that to be the case, then whoever the murderer is would then have to themselves be a driver, correct? I love that question, but I think that actually goes back to the fact that there was, in Kohlberger's case, his phone was unresponsive to any cell phone towers. So actually, I think that because of that reason, that that couldn't be the case. ♪

David from Massachusetts asks via email, do you think the accused committed the murders that night knowing that he was going home for Thanksgiving and had a reason to make a cross-country road trip, thinking that might be enough to make the police look a different direction? This goes to knowing what's in someone's mind, which I do not. But the thought of knowing that fairly soon after

a crime is committed, you will have 3,000 miles worth of distance between yourself and the crime scene. That certainly could be something that comes into play, especially the alleged is a criminology student. Yeah, I'm going out on a limb here. So just take this with a grain of nothingness, but yes, of course he knew he was going home for the holidays and that there would be a break and that that was a

Kind of a nice way to exit the worst situation ever. I always thought it was slightly interesting that his birthday is a week later than the murder. So he would be turning 29 in one week. So you commit a murder of four, hop in a car with your dad, drive across country and

get pulled over twice and then go home to your mom who's cooking for you and maybe preparing for your birthday celebration as you're oddly unpacking any evidence from your car, allegedly, and putting things into baggies because you're wearing plastic gloves. I don't know. It's just so wild. It seems impossible, but or does it?

It's a follow-up question. Why did he, Koberger, let one roommate live after she had seen him? And the murders were so violent and seemed so personal that the accused doesn't really have any connection to the victims. Why do you think that he made them look so violent?

Well, I think I want to jump in real quickly here because I think this is the cross section of this entire case. And what is so compelling and maddening about it is, yes, it feels so intimate, but yes, there's no connection. And I guess that's the real look at where we live today with social media is making us feel so connected, not just social media. That's not an attack on all things media, obviously, but just real.

We're all really connected to people that we actually don't really have access to. And, you know, we can look at that till we're blue in the face. But I think that's probably what's the big stunner of this case is that, yeah, these weren't people that necessarily even interface, not even once necessarily, but probably had some cross section on their phones.

It's staggering, and I think you're right, Stephanie. So, David from Situate, you have your finger on the pulse of what is so compelling at the center of this case. And it's so hard to imagine why whomever committed these murders allowed an eyewitness and an ear witness to remain. I don't know. Thank God they did, right? Thank God they did.

underscore, exclamation point, in bold letters, shout it from the rooftop. Thank goodness the remaining roommates were spared. It's a stunner, right? To your point, David, that...

the lack of connection that both the prosecution and the defense have stipulated for the court record that previously it had been thought that there was some stalking personally of the victims and they have both agreed that that was not the case. So yeah, we will see this all come to bear. Let's stop here for another break. We'll be back in a moment.

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If you're right, you win. If your players score second, you get your stake back in cash. Everyone knows the most exciting part of football is the score. With BetMGM's Second Chance Promotion, you have a chance to keep the fun going after the first player crosses the goal line.

Place a first touchdown score. Wager today. BetMGM and GameSense remind you to play responsibly. See for terms. 21 plus only. Arizona only. Existing customer offer. Subject to eligibility requirements. Rewards vary. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-NEXT-STEP.

Did you know Tide has been upgraded to provide an even better clean in cold water? Tide is specifically designed to fight any stain you throw at it, even in cold. Butter? Yep. Chocolate ice cream? Sure thing. Barbecue sauce? Tide's got you covered. You don't need to use warm water. Additionally, Tide Pods let you confidently fight tough stains with new Coldzyme technology. Just remember, if

If it's got to be clean, it's got to be tied. Get ready for a full month of fiesta y cultura because it's time for Viva Tucson. Let's celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month como nunca antes in true Tucson style from September 15th to October 15th. Join us for comida, musica y eventos that you won't find anywhere else. Our rich history and traditions make the old pueblo the perfect place para celebrar y aprender.

Mark your calendars so you don't miss out on this celebración. Visita, visit slash viva. We have Wade from Baltimore calling in. Hello, Wade. I was wondering if you all feel that the house demolition may alter the verdict.

Yeah, if I'm guilty, I want that house demolished. But if you're not guilty, wouldn't you also potentially want it there for any shred of evidence that could be found to exonerate you and to then implicate the person who actually did it? Yes. If I'm guilty, I want it gone because there's no evidence to be had. But if I'm not guilty, of course, yes, you're absolutely right. You want to be able to make sure that there could be some proof and some new evidence discovered.

to specifically answer this Wade question

I felt different after speaking with a bunch of our different experts and hearing their points of view because my knee jerk was that, okay, this house has been gone over. It has been gone over thoroughly and there are 3D pictures and every bit of evidence has been gathered. What on the off chance that it has not? And that could be the one piece that seals the fate of the case either way. So yeah, I think it could be.

affected by the demolition. Over the course of the season, we've gotten a lot of listener questions and we appreciate all of them. And I will say one of the most commented on episodes was about Howard Bloom's book, When the Night Comes Falling. And the questions are all valid. All of them are.

And it was a little bit controversial. People had different perspectives they walked away from the episode with. And I think our answer is, of course, we're going to interview the person who comes out with the book that's on the topic of what we're discussing. It would have been odd for us, honestly, not to. It's a big conversation.

moment in time for the case. And we want to glean from all perspectives and let all different avenues of information flow into us and out to you. So that's the main thing I would say about it is it was a touch point in this timeline and we thought it was important to note it.

Sheila via email has asked, I wonder if Brian Koberger is listening to you. It unnerves me a bit. Have you ever thought about that? Well, now that unnerves me a bit too, because until this moment, I have not. What a question.

I mean, think about it, though. This guy is by himself in a cell in the basement of the courthouse with probably not too, too much going on. It's been reported that he watches the news through the bars of his cell and that he is interested in the coverage. I don't like it, but I will say this. If the accused Brian Koberger, if he has a burning listener question, we would like to hear it.

Last question. Since it's the end of the season, is there anything else you guys want to say? Any last thoughts for the listeners? I would say sometimes our contributors become a part of the headlines themselves because what they're reporting on catches wind in the media. And it's worth noting that we get every single thing legally vetted by First Amendment right lawyers. So we have to take a lot of stuff out. You'd be shocked.

about all the things that we can't air because look, we don't want to accuse anybody of murder. We don't want to interrupt a police investigation and we don't want to get it wrong. So the spirit of this has been to curate information because there's been so much misinformation. The big ticket items, not only this season, but just seemingly in the case in general is the vehicle. And then the fact that he's not ID'd in the vehicle.

DNA evidence. Hard to explain that away, except it's so little DNA evidence. Does that make that hard to stick? And then there's odd, creepy, weird behavior. We've heard all of those words. Those are not our words. That's what we've been told. Does having an odd personality make you a killer? Of course not. We really just do not know. And I think the roommates, the first responders, the

the friends that had to call 911. Those are big pieces of the puzzle and we just don't have the answers and we respect their privacy and we know quite obviously why authorities are keeping that information very close to the vest.

They have to. There's been so much back and forth about sharing of evidence and the defense saying that the prosecution is holding back evidence. And, you know, look, we just saw that not too, too long ago with the Alec Baldwin trial. Suddenly it appeared the prosecution was holding on to something that was really relevant. Again, different cases. I'm not making any comparisons, just simply this evidence piece of it, right, is kind of an interesting nuance to this whole thing. And I think that's what's also really interesting

both scary and really interesting about this case. We've talked to so many people. When you're in front of one person, you're like, that totally makes sense. And then the next person's like, well, devil's advocate. And I'm like, good point. That makes sense. Like there's a 360 about good points. So I guess it depends where you really want to throw your heart into it. But our hearts are not the thing that are supposed to keep the justice wheel moving. It's supposed to be facts. And in this case, it's pretty plentiful on both sides.

I'm more confused than ever. I think part of our collective goal in this season of the podcast was it's a very specific moment in time. The arrest has been made of the one suspect in the case that happened a while ago.

The trial has not yet begun. However, there has been so much, so many facts, so many feelings. And we wanted to kind of give that 360 view of what are the touchstones of what's going on now? What is the importance of these pretrial motions? And so it was really, I think for us, a really specific look at a specific moment.

moment in time and to try and responsibly gather and present to you the information that exists to the best of our ability. The trial is slated to happen next summer, that's summer 2025, and we will be keeping very close tabs on everything going on in the meantime. As new information arises, we will be back with new episodes and greatly look forward to that time.

And also to listeners who have reached out with information and tips,

so interesting and helpful. And we really do try to address all of them. So please keep it coming. I want to make sure that we touch on the point that because oftentimes we're always talking about the case and the forensics and unpacking the legal process and looking at jurisdictions. And our goal is to unpack and offer all sides. And we're

Sometimes we could lose the reality of the four victims that we're talking about. And Zanna, Madison, Ethan, and Kaylee...

We just really want to make sure that anybody listening, ourselves included, that we're all taking a moment to send healing thoughts to their families and to know that we are fighting with them alongside in our hearts and that the goal to find justice is one that we all share. We want to make sure that everyone knows that collectively we're all interested in them and want them to feel supported.

For more information on the case and relevant photos, follow us on Instagram at KT underscore studios. The Idaho Massacre is produced by Stephanie Leidegger, Gabriel Castillo, and me, Courtney Armstrong. Editing and sound design by Jeff Twa. Music by Jared Aston. The Idaho Massacre is a production of KT Studios and iHeartRadio. For more podcasts like this, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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