The Home Service Expert podcast is the No. 1 podcast for ambitious home service entrepreneurs, wheth
Mike Michalowicz is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of the Profit First Professionals. He is a
Josh Elizetxe is an internet advertising veteran who started his impressive entrepreneurial journey
Justin Krane is a certified financial planner and a money strategist for business owners. He founded
Todd Bairstow is the founder and co-president at Keyword Connects, an online performance marketing c
Peter Sena is the CEO and Chief Creative Officer at Digital Surgeons, a global innovation & design c
Jody Underhill is an accomplished social media strategist and the director of Green Elephant Agency,
Damion Lupo is the CEO & Founder of Total Control Financial, an Austin-based company that provides r
Troy Timmer is a registered corporate coach and business consultant at Certified Contractors Network
Brian Courtney is the CEO of LifeWhere, a product that focuses on bringing predictive analytics for
Josh is the founder and CEO of Direct Movement Group, a multimillion-dollar custom home building and
Ben is a renowned Internet marketer and one of the top email marketing specialists in the world toda
Thor is the founder of Peak Performance Group and the host of Peak Performance podcast. He is a succ
Zach is a masterful networker, and the author of the book, “Don’t Sleep on Planes”. Zach’s passion i
Parker is the CEO of Answer 1, a virtual receptionist and business answering service that caters to
Simone is the owner of Demo Diva Demolition, a trail-blazing business in a male-dominated industry.
Jason is the Founder, President, and CEO of Phillips' Painting, Roofing and Gutters, a multi-million
Michael is the Founder and CEO of Michael Baldwin Inc, a branding and coaching firm that aims to hel
Jason is the Chief Marketing Officer of RSVP Publications, a marketing agency that converts affluent
Ryan is the Director of Consortia at The Association of Manufacturing Excellence, the largest Lean m
Howard is the Executive Vice President and Director of Training and Operations of Ziglar, Inc, coac