cover of episode Q&A With Tommy - Refining Training Programs to Recruit and Retain A-Players

Q&A With Tommy - Refining Training Programs to Recruit and Retain A-Players

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The Home Service Expert Podcast

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Tommy Mello
Tommy Mello: 本期节目中,Tommy Mello 分享了他关于如何提升公司培训项目以招募和留住 A 级人才的经验和见解。他强调了领导力在团队建设中的重要性,指出领导者的行为会影响团队成员的行为。他建议建立清晰的责任制和目标管理体系,并强调承诺的重要性,即承诺不仅是对公司,更是对自身的承诺。员工的目标设定应与个人发展(身心、信仰、家庭、未来知识)相结合,并与公司KPI挂钩。他还建议为每个岗位创建详细的操作手册,以提高效率和可替代性。公司应积极招募和培养 A 级人才,并淘汰表现不佳的员工。在团队会议中,应首先肯定员工的成就,再讨论需要改进的地方。领导者的榜样作用会影响团队成员的行为。他分享了公司在绩效考核、员工培训、以及公司文化建设方面的具体措施,例如使用数据聚合工具整合数据,进行数据分析,并根据数据结果制定行动计划;建立有效的绩效评估体系,并及时肯定员工的贡献;为每个岗位创建详细的操作手册,以提高效率和可替代性;改进招聘流程,更加注重候选人的个性和资质;员工培训包括技术、运营和销售三个方面;毕业后的员工仍需要进一步的指导和磨合;以及如何评估市场的营收潜力等。他还分享了他对财富、成功和人生目标的一些思考,以及如何处理与员工、客户和合作伙伴的关系。 Tommy Mello: 在节目中,Tommy Mello 还回答了听众关于软件选择、员工激励、市场分析、客户转化、顾问选择、以及公司发展战略等一系列问题。他分享了他对绩效薪酬和股权激励计划的看法,以及如何有效地进行数据分析和利用数据来改进公司运营。他还分享了他对公司文化建设的理念,以及如何建立一个积极向上、充满活力和凝聚力的团队。他强调了沟通、责任和承诺的重要性,以及领导者在团队建设中的榜样作用。他建议公司应注重员工的个人发展,并提供相应的支持和资源。他还分享了一些具体的案例和经验,例如如何提高客户转化率、如何处理员工离职等问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is employee accountability crucial for business success?

Employee accountability ensures that each team member is responsible for their goals and commitments, fostering a culture of ownership and performance. This leads to better outcomes and a more aligned team.

How does Tommy Mello ensure his employees stay committed to their goals?

Tommy ties employee commitments not just to company KPIs but also to personal growth areas like physical health, faith, family, and future knowledge. This holistic approach keeps employees motivated and committed.

What role does leadership play in setting a positive example for employees?

Leadership sets the tone by demonstrating preparedness, cleanliness, and commitment. When leaders show up prepared and organized, employees tend to follow suit, creating a more efficient and focused work environment.

Why does Tommy Mello emphasize the importance of celebrating wins in the workplace?

Celebrating wins boosts morale and reinforces positive behavior. It helps employees recognize their achievements and feel valued, which is crucial for maintaining high performance and retention.

How does Tommy Mello plan to improve employee recognition and feedback in his company?

Tommy plans to start meetings with positive feedback, increase personal calls and texts to employees, and create detailed manuals for each role to ensure consistent recognition and development.

What advice does Tommy Mello give for hiring the right attorneys for building an EIP structure?

Tommy recommends not skimping on legal fees for equity incentive programs, suggesting that expensive, experienced lawyers are necessary to avoid legal pitfalls and ensure the structure is sound.

How does Tommy Mello suggest handling competition from former employees?

Tommy believes that providing a superior work environment, including better pay, equity, training, and benefits, can deter employees from leaving to start their own competing businesses.

What is Tommy Mello's strategy for expanding into new markets?

Tommy suggests investing heavily in branding and marketing in the first year of entering a new market, even if it means operating at a loss initially, to build a strong reputation and customer base.

Why does Tommy Mello believe that service agreements should be the last thing a business focuses on?

Tommy argues that service agreements are complex and should only be pursued once a business has perfected other aspects like high conversion rates, high average tickets, and strong customer retention.

How does Tommy Mello plan to scale his business in 2025?

Tommy plans to hire the best consultants and vendors, demand more from them, and focus on offboarding underperforming vendors quickly to ensure the company meets its ambitious goals.

Tommy Mello discusses the importance of building a culture of accountability within a business, emphasizing the role of commitment and personal responsibility.
  • Employees should be accountable to themselves and their goals.
  • Commitment is key to maintaining accountability.
  • Personal development and goal setting are integral to accountability.

Shownotes Transcript

Tommy Mello is the author of Home Service Millionaire and Elevate, and the founder of A1 Garage Doors, a $200 million-plus home service business with over 700 employees in 22 states. Through and the Home Service Expert podcast, Tommy shares his experience and insights to help fellow entrepreneurs scale their businesses.

In this special episode of the Home Service Expert podcast, Tommy answers your biggest questions about business intelligence, employee accountability, development programs...