cover of episode Errol Musk on his son Elon Musk’s recent comments

Errol Musk on his son Elon Musk’s recent comments

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Errol Musk
Errol Musk: 我对儿子的成就感到满意,我们很相似。我不会理会无稽的批评。我看到针对他的恶毒言论,有时会想教训那些人。埃隆在德国等国的投资使他有理由干预这些国家的政治。他目前是私人公民,可以自由发言。他的言论与普通公民不同,但其他人(如索罗斯)也拥有类似的影响力。他在欧洲有大量投资,在英国有家庭成员,因此他有理由评论欧洲政治。我们应该帮助英国解决问题。我认为汤米·罗宾逊是一个政治犯,被判处18个月单独监禁是疯狂的,这说法是胡说八道。英国法院已经被操纵,不再是独立的。英国的政治领导人指示法官该如何判决。我没有证据证明我的说法,但这只是人们的直觉。决策者应该根据证据而非直觉做出反应。我认为迈克尔·柯林斯是个恶棍,英国人应该一开始就杀了他。埃隆·马斯克说坏话没关系,只要结果是好的。英国对来自第三世界国家的移民过于优待,这导致了当地居民的不满。英国政府应该对性侵儿童团伙进行彻底调查。工党反对全国性调查,只支持地方性调查,这是不可接受的。关于性侵儿童团伙的报道大多是假的。性侵儿童团伙的庭审记录令人震惊。许多高级官员参与了性侵儿童团伙的活动。基尔·斯塔默政府将在2月底倒台。我认为基尔·斯塔默参与了掩盖性侵儿童案件。性侵儿童案件的数量巨大,远超已知的案例。我对基尔·斯塔默的指控是基于我的直觉。我的大脑可以将信息联系起来。英国目前正经历艰难时期。汤米·罗宾逊只是指出英国存在的问题。汤米·罗宾逊的犯罪记录是胡说八道。汤米·罗宾逊很可能成为未来的英国首相。我和埃隆都很喜欢爱尔兰。爱尔兰人民非常友好。爱尔兰政府曾委任我参与反种族隔离宣传。 Ciarán Cudahy: 采访中,Ciarán Cudahy 主要负责引导话题,提出问题,并对Errol Musk 的一些观点进行反驳和质疑,例如关于Tommy Robinson 是否为政治犯,以及关于英国司法系统是否公正等问题。他提供了证据来反驳Errol Musk 的一些说法,例如关于爱尔兰和外国国民的量刑差异,以及关于Keir Starmer 的参与。

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Key Insights

Why does Errol Musk believe Elon Musk has the right to intervene in the politics of countries like Germany and the UK?

Errol Musk argues that Elon's significant investments in countries like Germany justify his interventions. He also points out that these countries have historically interfered in other nations' politics, making it a 'free-for-all.' Additionally, Errol mentions that Elon is a 'citizen of the world' with global influence through social media, which allows him to comment on international issues.

What is Errol Musk's opinion on Tommy Robinson's imprisonment?

Errol Musk believes Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner, claiming he is imprisoned for exposing issues in the UK. He dismisses the official reason for Robinson's imprisonment—contempt of court—as an excuse, comparing it to practices in Soviet Russia. However, the High Court ruled that Robinson was imprisoned for breaching an injunction by repeating libelous claims.

How does Errol Musk respond to criticism of Elon Musk's influence on global politics?

Errol Musk dismisses criticism of Elon's influence by comparing it to the sway held by figures like George Soros. He argues that Elon's global reach and investments give him a legitimate platform to comment on international issues. Errol also emphasizes that social media has made the world interconnected, allowing individuals to voice opinions beyond their local contexts.

What does Errol Musk think about the UK's handling of grooming gang inquiries?

Errol Musk criticizes the UK government for not supporting a national inquiry into grooming gangs, claiming that local inquiries are insufficient. He believes the issue is a 'time bomb' that will significantly impact UK politics and potentially bring down the Labour government. Errol also alleges that Keir Starmer, as the former Director of Public Prosecutions, shelved investigations into these crimes.

What is Errol Musk's view on Elon Musk's retweet about Irish sentencing disparities?

Errol Musk defends Elon's retweet claiming that Irish citizens receive longer prison sentences than illegal immigrants, despite evidence showing the opposite. He dismisses the factual inaccuracies, suggesting that Elon's statements are likely correct. Errol also implies that the issue is part of a broader pattern of preferential treatment for immigrants over citizens.

How does Errol Musk describe his relationship with Ireland?

Errol Musk expresses deep affection for Ireland, describing it as a 'fabulous' country with 'the nicest people' he has ever met. He recounts visiting Ireland multiple times, including tourist spots and local pubs, and mentions a personal connection through his work with the Irish government on anti-apartheid radio broadcasts in South Africa in 1982.

What does Errol Musk think about the UK's judicial system?

Errol Musk is highly critical of the UK's judicial system, claiming it is compromised and influenced by political leaders. He alleges that judges receive instructions from politicians, comparing the system to practices in authoritarian regimes. Errol also criticizes specific cases, such as the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson and the handling of grooming gang inquiries, as evidence of systemic corruption.

Errol Musk discusses his pride in Elon's achievements, their similarities, and how he handles criticism. He also comments on Elon's political interventions, particularly concerning Germany and the UK.
  • Errol Musk expresses pride in Elon's progress.
  • He acknowledges similarities between himself and Elon.
  • He discusses Elon's political interventions in Germany and the UK, relating them to Elon's investments and familial ties.

Shownotes Transcript

One name has been cropping up again and again in the news, and that is Elon Musk. The billionaire has caused a stir in the UK with his promotion of individuals like Tommy Robinson, and criticism of what he sees as inaction of the Labour Government to address grooming gangs in the UK.

His father Errol Musk, joins Kieran to discuss.