cover of episode You can be happier at work — here's how from Fixable

You can be happier at work — here's how from Fixable

logo of podcast The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

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Frances Frei
Laurie Santos
@Frances Frei : 本周一件Caitlin Clark的球衣让她感到快乐,引出了对工作幸福感的讨论。 @Laurie Santos : 她从对人类特殊性的研究转向了幸福感的研究,部分原因是她观察到当代年轻人面临的压力和心理健康问题。从对猴子的研究中,她学习到活在当下、减少对过去和未来的过度思考的重要性。工作中的幸福感包含积极情绪、归属感和意义感,时间匮乏对幸福感的影响非常大,甚至与失业带来的负面影响相当,但过多的空闲时间也不利于幸福感。更快乐的员工工作表现更好,收入更高。研究表明,好心情能提高工作表现,尤其是在处理复杂问题时。工作再设计(Job crafting)是指利用工作中的自主性,将个人优势与工作内容更好地结合。在工作中拥有一个挚友能显著提升幸福感和工作表现。企业投资员工的幸福感,能提升员工绩效、留存率,并最终提高公司业绩。员工的归属感是影响工作幸福感的最重要因素,它包含三个方面:工作中拥有挚友、工作有意义、受到重视。 @Anne Morriss : 与Laurie Santos的对话让她意识到归属感和意义感对工作幸福感至关重要,企业应该重视并投资于这两方面。 Laurie Santos: 分享了其在耶鲁大学教授幸福科学课程的经历以及对学生心理健康状况的观察,这促使她将研究重点转向了如何提升幸福感。她强调了在工作中培养积极情绪、归属感和意义感的重要性,并指出时间管理和人际关系在其中扮演的关键角色。她还介绍了工作再设计(Job Crafting)的概念,以及如何通过主动与同事建立联系、寻求帮助等方式来提升归属感。此外,她还分享了研究数据,表明快乐的员工工作效率更高,公司业绩也更好。她建议企业关注员工的归属感,并通过营造积极的工作氛围、给予员工更多自主权等方式来提升员工的幸福感。 Anne Morriss: 表达了对Laurie Santos观点的认同,并分享了自己的工作经验,强调了在工作中建立良好的人际关系和找到工作的意义感的重要性。她还谈到了在招聘过程中,考虑候选人之间的关系,以促进团队凝聚力的想法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Professor Laurie Santos pivot from studying monkeys to focusing on happiness?

Santos initially studied monkeys to understand what makes humans special, but her focus shifted to happiness when she became aware of the mental health struggles of her Yale students, including depression, anxiety, and suicidality. This led her to explore how psychology can help people feel better and less stressed.

Why is having a best friend at work important for happiness?

Having a best friend at work is crucial for happiness because it significantly predicts a sense of belonging, which is a key predictor of overall happiness at work. Research shows that people who feel connected and have close relationships at work perform better and are more satisfied with their jobs.

Why is time affluence important for happiness, and what is the optimal amount of free time?

Time affluence, or the subjective sense of having free time, is crucial for happiness. Research shows that feeling time famished can be as detrimental to well-being as being unemployed. The optimal amount of free time is between two to five hours a day, with too little or too much free time potentially leading to decreased well-being.

Why does job crafting increase job satisfaction and performance?

Job crafting involves aligning one's job tasks with personal strengths and values, which increases job satisfaction and performance. This approach allows employees to infuse their work with meaning and purpose, making their jobs feel more like a calling. Even in constrained roles, employees can find ways to bring their unique strengths to their tasks.

Why is a sense of belonging at work a top predictor of happiness and company success?

A sense of belonging at work, which includes having a best friend, feeling that one's work matters, and feeling that one matters to others, is the top predictor of happiness at work. This sense of belonging not only boosts individual well-being but also correlates with better company performance and higher stock prices.

Why should employers invest in the happiness of their employees?

Investing in employee happiness is crucial because happier employees perform better, are more innovative, and are more likely to stay with the company. Research shows that companies with higher happiness scores have better stock prices and outperform standard market indices like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ.

How can employers promote a sense of belonging in a remote work environment?

Employers can promote a sense of belonging in remote work environments by fostering connections, ensuring employees feel their work matters, and creating opportunities for meaningful interactions. This can include virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins, and encouraging a culture of mutual support and recognition.

What is the 'beautiful mess effect' and how does it relate to workplace happiness?

The 'beautiful mess effect' is the idea that showing vulnerability and imperfection can actually make people more likable and relatable. In the workplace, being open about one's struggles and asking for help can increase feelings of connection and belonging, leading to greater happiness and performance.

Shownotes Transcript

We're bringing you an episode of Fixable, where Laurie joined Frances Frei and Anne Morriss to discuss whether you can make yourself happier at work. They talk about the concept of time famine, why you need a best friend at work, and where your employer is responsible for your wellbeing. Their conversation will show you how to turn your workplace into your happy place.

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