cover of episode Ron DeSantis Gives FEMA a Master Class in Disaster Response | Guests: Erik Prince & James Simpson | 10/10/24

Ron DeSantis Gives FEMA a Master Class in Disaster Response | Guests: Erik Prince & James Simpson | 10/10/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Erik Prince
Glenn Beck
Jaco Booyens
James Simpson
Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis: 德桑蒂斯州长在飓风米尔顿来临之前和之后都发表了声明,他强调佛罗里达州将自行负责灾后重建工作,而不是依赖联邦紧急事务管理署(FEMA)。他严厉警告那些试图趁火打劫的人,佛罗里达州将迅速而严厉地惩罚他们。他还强调了佛罗里达州居民在面对灾难时拥有自卫的权利。 Glenn Beck: 贝克盛赞德桑蒂斯州长在飓风应对中的强有力的领导作用,认为这体现了宪政共和的运作方式。他将德桑蒂斯与其他州的领导人进行了对比,认为德桑蒂斯州长展现了真正的领导力,而其他州的领导人则表现出无能和混乱。他还讨论了美国社会中“我”和“我们”之间的平衡问题,以及强人政治的潜在危险。 Stu: 斯图对德桑蒂斯州长的飓风应对表示赞赏,认为这体现了州政府在灾难应对中的重要作用,并批评了联邦政府在灾难应对中的过度干预。他还分析了德桑蒂斯州长的受欢迎程度,以及他在佛罗里达州的政治影响力。

Deep Dive

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Well, I would be remiss if we didn't start with this. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, God, for helping us dodge this bullet.

It was a category 3 when it came on to land and while there is severe damage and flooding, it's not as bad as it could have been. We'll give you all of the details on this coming up in 60 seconds. First,

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Well, let me just say this. I don't know about you, but I was listening to DeSantis. And let me see if we have the longer version of Ron DeSantis giving the, I don't have it, giving the update right before the hurricane hit. It was pretty remarkable. Let's actually start on cut 13 as he's talking about looters and criminals.

Uh, this is not going to be an opportunity, uh, for folks to take advantage of people. Uh, if you think you're going to go in and loot, you got another thing coming. You go into somebody's house after the storm passes, think that, that you're going to be able to, uh, to commit crimes, uh,

you're going to get in really serious trouble. And quite frankly, you don't know what's behind that door in a second amendment state. So, uh, do not try to take advantage of people, uh, who are suffering because of the results of this storm that goes for Helene continually. But then of course that will be the case of, uh, for Milton. I know we've already, uh, brought a lot of people, held people accountable, uh, in post Helene. Um,

We will be very swift across all levels of government to throw the book at people. And of course, when you make these bad decisions, you're opening yourself up to response from property owners who may be inside that house. You hear what he just said? He is saying justice will be served. It will be swift. But most importantly, we're the second responder.

The people behind that door have a right to defend themselves and their stuff. So don't do it. That's an empowering leader. That's somebody, you know, we wouldn't have all of these, these, uh, uh, conspiracy theories, all this, um, uh, what are they calling it? Disinformation. It is not disinformation. It's confusion. A lot of it confusion from what you've said and what you've done. And then trying to explain in our own heads, uh,

What the hell is FEMA doing? That's where it comes from. A lack of leadership. When there is no leadership, the people perish. That's exactly what's happening. Notice Florida has a strong leader and they don't have this problem. Here's what he said about FEMA. Now listen to this. Cut three.

Now, people have asked me about, you know, is FEMA going to do this? Just let me be clear. In Florida, we run the show. FEMA's not running the show. We will utilize them to support some of the things we're doing. But you are not going to see FEMA running amok in Florida. I know that's been out there on the Internet. That is not going to happen. I'm the sheriff that's in charge here, and we will make sure to protect you. Don't worry about it. Okay.

How can he say those things? Well, he can say those things because he's already proven them to be true.

He's already taken before when he was before he said that he said, we have linemen from all over the country already lined up, ready to dispatch wherever the storm takes ground. Okay. So he was telling people, we have this in place, this in place, this in place. And we've seen this now three times with him on major hurricanes. So the people don't have to fear that.

What they were fearing in other states was FEMA. And so what does he say? And how could he possibly tell the federal government mind their own business?

Because he's a believer in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights does not have any FEMA in it. The Constitution doesn't have FEMA in it. That's a very nice thing for the government to keep us safe. But it is not their responsibility. It is the responsibility of the state government. Everything not mentioned in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is

That power all resides at the state level and with the individuals of each state. So what he's saying here is, you're right. You're not going to have a problem with FEMA here because I'm running the show as constitutionally mandated. I'm running the show and we're not going to have any of that nonsense down here.

Look at the difference between a strong governor, somebody who knows the Constitution, is not doing what they did during COVID and saying, hey, I'm just going to take power. No, no, no. Everything he's doing is constitutional. When you had a strong governor in California, you had a non-constitutional strongman. That's the difference between a strongman and a strong constitutional leader.

And notice where there's chaos and where there's none. Will somebody please recognize on the left that what's happening in Florida is remarkable? That this is the way constitutional republics behave. This is the duty of a good governor. These are all the hallmarks of a really well-run state.

He even addressed yesterday the vote. Don't worry, we're already working on it. If there's a problem, we will make sure that everyone's voice is heard for the election. The guy is on top of absolutely everything. And then the local sheriffs take care of the rest. As they're giving the speeches on take shelter, get out of town, etc.,

Here's what the Flagler County Sheriff, Rick Stolle, said. Listen to this. Anyone that comes in will be checked to make sure that they are not a fugitive and not wanted, not a sex offender. If you are a predator, you are not allowed at the Rimfire Shelter. If you are designated under Florida law as a sex predator...

And you need shelter. You need to go to the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility. That's the county jail on Justice Lane. And we will accommodate you in the lobby of that building. You've probably seen it before, I would guess. So what did he just say? Despite what anyone on the left might say at some point. Oh my gosh, he was taking sex predators and saying you couldn't come to the shelter. No, no, no.

I believe God's house is a house of order. There is no chaos with God. Look at the difference between this and the border. What's the difference? Our border is chaotic. It's out of control. Here he is in a crisis situation. And what is he saying? Everyone must take shelter. However, when you're going into these family shelters, if you're a predator,

We will be checking everyone's papers, kind of like what we should be doing at the border. We have no problem with you if you need to take shelter or you want to do it the right way. But if you're a predator, we're going to check your papers. If you are a predator, we know you're a human being, but you can't be with the families in the mix because you've proven yourself to society that you are not trustworthy.

So you need to report here. We'll be taking you to a detainment center where you'll be safe and our families will be safe. Do you see the difference when law and order and the Constitution is actually in play? This is what this is what I almost called him Ronald Reagan. This is what Donald Trump is is talking about.

We have to return to law and order, constitutional law and order.

I did a show on Fox years ago about the pendulum. Do you remember that pendulum show I did on Fox, Stu, by any chance? And I showed how it swings left and right, but it's actually not left and right. It is the we and the me. Those are the two ends. When we go too far in the me direction, you get the 1980s me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

And everything is about me. And I only care about my wealth. And I don't care about anybody else. Okay. That's the zenith of the me. Those are dangerous for people's souls. But those times are not usually dangerous for countries or civilizations because you can't gather a group of people to say, yeah, let's go get them.

Because it's all about the individual. Okay? Everybody, it's like hurting, I mean, go ahead. Try to whip up all of the libertarians in the country to go and vote for one person. Good luck with that. Okay? The other side is extraordinarily dangerous. It is the we.

That's we're currently at the zenith of the we. It's starting to come back. That's you feel it. It's an 80 year cycle. OK, from point to return. We are now at the end of that cycle of the we. Those are dangerous. The last one we had was during World War Two. The time before that.

was the Civil War. The time before that was the American Revolution. So you have this cycle that keeps cycling through. The problem is, and this is what I said on Fox, is at some point, if you weaken society enough, you'll get a strongman dictator. And I said at the time, could be from either side, but somebody who will grab the pendulum and say, we're not moving from here.

Because what we have to do is too important and the ends justify the means. It stops the pendulum from naturally swinging back the other direction. And we're right for about a 30, 40 year period, maybe 20 year period in the middle. When it's perfectly balanced between me and we, that's when we're in the safest zone. Well, where are we right now?

Everybody, both sides are worried the next guy could be a dictator. Why is that? Because we have crushed our underpinnings, which are the Constitution. Ron DeSantis, they want to call him a Nazi and a dictator. He's not he's not demonstrating dictatorial tendencies here. What he's doing is living exactly by the Constitution. You can have law and order.

And the Constitution. Anybody who says we need, you know, extra non-constitutional powers or they want to change the Constitution because things are so crazy. You're seeing how wrong that is by watching Ron DeSantis. By the way, one is saying that we need to do stuff like this. The other slogan is we will not go back.

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How are you? I'm very well, thank you for asking. Why are you talking like Big Mike? It does kind of sound a little... It does. Another thing Barack knows. Yeah, and it's... This is impressive by DeSantis, right? Oh, very. You know, it's one of those things where I think the...

the impression of him has always been of this, um, uh, like he kind of grows to prominence as a, um, as a culture war fighter on the right. And he does do that stuff really well. Like, you know, if you care about that, he does that very well. But really when you look at even before COVID, um,

One of the reasons why he was really, really popular in Florida, not just with conservatives, but with everybody, was because of the way he handles this stuff. Like, this is the stuff that hits everybody every day. A lot of times people, you know, a lot of the issues we talk about are really, really important, but A, are divisive, meaning that like, you know, half the country really does disagree with us.

Or, B, just not that frequent, right? Like you're not dealing with it on a day-to-day basis or it might not hit your individual life. You might see it as an important issue overall for the culture of the country, but it's not doing day-to-day damage to your life.

This is where DeSantis has shined, I think, for everybody in the state. And it's why, you know, this is not a state that we talk about all that often as a swing state anymore. No. When we started the show, this was the swing state. This is it. Yeah. It was 530 some odd votes in Florida that was deciding the 2000 election. Yep. We don't even just talk about it. The last New York Times poll that just came out had Donald Trump up 13 points. Rick Scott's up nine.

Now, we don't know. It might not hold up that way. And DeSantis won by what, 2019, something like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I mean, this sort of stuff. People recognize a good job. They just haven't seen anyone do a good job like what's happening in Florida on hurricanes in a very long time. And why is that? Why is that?

Because that's not the federal government's job. It is up to the states to do that. And then...

Ask the federal government, we need this, this, and this. You have resources we don't have. We need these resources. Instead, the federal government is taking all of these powers that they do not possess and coming in and telling states exactly what they'll do and not do. You cannot have FEMA because there's no one there.

that answers to you. You can't vote them out. You can't say, well, this is completely corrupt. You have no democratic controls over FEMA. None. You do your governor. You do your mayor. You do your sheriff. You do your police. There's your democratic control. If your governor's not getting the job done, you vote him out.

And the next governor is going to come in and he's going to know that's why that guy left. I'm fixing this. Ron DeSantis, I honestly, I think I would love to see Donald Trump come out here in the next few weeks, you know, soon, and just say, look, here's who I'm surrounding myself with. Even if he says I haven't selected my cabinet yet, but I want you to know these people are going to be involved. And I hope that

that Ron DeSantis, and he wouldn't take anything at this point because he's still the governor until 26. But at 26, I would get Ron DeSantis in as the head of FEMA if they haven't already closed it down by that point, which they won't. But if they haven't already closed it down, they should put him in charge of that. Make FEMA responsible for

Not just to the president, but also to the powers of the state. Or at least have him audit it and, you know, and oversee a transition of some sort. He's really good at that. I just don't know if that's the top role that you'd want for Ron DeSantis. I mean, he... I know, but he comes in 26. Yeah. I mean, so... Again, like, we're not against government. We want limited government and competent government. Effective government. And he does both of those things. Back.

All right, let me talk to you about Jace Medical. I have to thank Jace Medical for everything they're doing with the hurricane relief. There are problems with medications that we can't get. They have flown medications in. They have actually, I've heard...

I guess I'm committing them to it now, but I've heard that they're putting together a team that every time we go out now, there will be doctors and medicine that they will bring so we have people on site to

to be able to take care of things. That's such an enormous help. Jace Medical is something that you should have. This would have helped a lot of people that we even saved up on the mountaintops. One lady, for sure, that we saved and airlifted to a hospital. She had a raging infection and she had no antibiotics. She couldn't get them. This is where Jace Medical comes in. They get you a Jace case where...

which has five of the top antibiotics that you could just call your doctor and say, which one do I take? And it will treat that until you can get to a doctor. Jase, J-A-S-E, Use the promo code Beck at checkout. You can subscribe to slash Glenn right now. Use the code fight, fight, fight and save 40 bucks. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program.

So, well, we have an update on the Afghani man arrested on charges of planning a terrorist attack on Election Day. Here's a cute little update. He worked in Afghanistan as a security guard for the CIA. Now, I'm not saying that the CIA is not trustworthy, but I'm not not saying that either.

Eric Prince joins us now. Hello, Eric. How are you? Good morning, Glenn. How are you? Well, you know, I'd be better if I could trust my government. You know, I think we all would be. What are your thoughts on this terrorist that the Biden-Harris people let in after extensive vetting, I'm sure, that worked for the CIA and now we catch him trying to

kill a large group of people on election day? Well, the debacle of the collapse of the Afghan government enabled by Joe Biden the way they did it

certainly pushed tens of thousands of people even onto US aircraft flown out of Afghanistan without ever being vetted. The fact that this guy used to work for the CIA means that it would have had some level of vetting while in Afghanistan, but still there was always the blue on green type insider attacks. The fact that this guy has come to America

probably had a hard time making it work in our society and radicalized because the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and the rest of that ilk are still actually stronger now because after 20 years in Afghanistan, having replaced the Taliban government in 2001 with the Taliban government in 2021, you could say that much of the global war on terror was an abject failure. So, you know, it's...

That's the first of many, I believe. And the lone wolf attack is always the hardest one to figure out because it's not a conspiracy. It's one guy that decides one day to just go crazy and to take as many of his hosts in his newly adopted land, because I'm sure as a refugee he was given significant money and resources by the U.S. government. And this is his...

his ungrateful return. So, Eric, I mean, this is what you do for a living and you advise countries and businesses and everybody else on what's coming. What are the top things that we should be looking for in the next few weeks that are possible or even probable?

Well, on top of that, you have the Iranian government and the IRGC getting pounded, rightly, in the Middle East. And they've, over the last 20 years, have had unbelievable time and opportunity to build terror cells and network capabilities. So expect that after

uh, the inevitable Israeli response to the 180 some ballistic missiles that the Iranians just fired at Israel. When the Israelis respond and pound inside of Iran and the, the, um, the surrogates and the deep cells, uh, of Iranian or other terror agents are going to come to the surface all in the next few weeks just before the election. So it's, um, uh, keep, um,

keep your circle small and, uh, and, and stand by for the black Swan type events that people just would not be, um, expecting any other day of the year. And, and because there's been such a, uh,

beyond an open border, a highway of illegals coming in. It's documented tens of thousands of people from Iran flown to Venezuela, rebadged as Venezuelan to make their way up into the United States illegally. The IRGC, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, has had

ample opportunity to seed lots of terror cells inside of America. And, um, that, that bitter harvest is probably going to come soon. You know, a couple of weeks ago I did a special and in the special, I talked about how Hezbollah actually has a little Island with, uh, Venezuela off the coast of Venezuela where they, where they're training people. And then they go back to Iran to finish their training. And then they come back over here. I mean, it,

It's incredible what we don't know and what our government is just not doing anything about. No, and this is not – already back in the 1980s, there was an incident called the Iran-Ajar where a commercial Iranian aircraft was constant bearing decreasing range at a U.S. Navy ship, and the U.S. Navy ship shot it down.

And some months later, the captain of the ship, of that U.S. Navy ship, his wife's car was attacked with a firebomb in California. So this idea that there are not multiple cells and lots of reach, that was already the reality more than 40 years ago. We're deluding ourselves, and especially after decades of open borders. And I would say an FBI that is really not focused on

on these kind of threats, actually looking at parents that are angry with the school board, considering them the domestic terror threat. The massive political correct distorted lens that they look through things at is unfortunately going to leave, has left many, many doors open that the bad guys are walking through. You know, I love going to different churches and different faiths, and I was at one this last Sunday.

And the pastor said, you know, people say that we're close to losing our democracy and our rights. And that couldn't be further from the truth. You know, we've been through worse. You understand color revolutions. How close are we to a possible lack of I think it's going to take a poly crisis to topple us and to change us forever? Right.

The greatest internal threat that we actually face yet is a collapse of our currency. And between the over-sanctioning, the overuse of sanctions by the Biden administration and the massive overspending where you now have interest on the federal debt

uh that that cost per year exceeding that of the defense budget um when when you have that kind of damage from inflation and monetary collapse like you suffered in like the weimar republic did in 1920s germany that's that's the kind of thing we need to uh watch out for which is why we need to get our house in order i'm i'm really with elon musk on this yeah 80 percent

of federal bureaucracy really can go away. Close it down, massive headcount reduction, because the fact is, even in the D.C. area already, 70% of the bureaucrats are still telecommuting. They're not even going to their office five days a week. That is absolutely ridiculous, and it shows

really how useless and how little actual productive work is being done by a federal bureaucrat. Let me ask you, I had a guy come up to me and say, Glenn, I told my wife that we can't travel. We want to be where we want to be with our family. And we're not going anywhere from Election Day till maybe January 20th.

Good advice, bad advice. His wife didn't agree. She said, oh, you're just being too. And he said, you don't know what could happen. The country could spiral into disarray quickly. Good advice or bad advice? I am one that would side with keep on living your life and do not let fear dictate your every next move. So you're saying just stay where you are. Yeah.

Carry on, carry on with if you're if you're if your business or professional life requires you to travel, you need to keep doing that. I don't think it's I don't think it's a great idea for us to get a bunker mentality to say, well, bad things could happen. Yeah, there's always a lot of bad things can happen. And we have to remind you, you're reminded of who's in charge and and it's certainly not us.

Eric, thank you so much for everything that you do. One last question. You're watching FEMA and the response from the president yesterday where he was saying this is all disinformation and Donald Trump and his ilk are lying about what's happening on the ground. Do you have anything on that that you can share?

I think whether it's the Secret Service or FEMA or whatever, it is all the same of a

of a real collapse of credibility and utility of so many aspects of the federal government. You know, when you throw money at organizations with never any accountability for continued bad performance, this is what you get. And this is exactly why a real housecleaning, a real culling has to be done

and to bring some accountability back. I think it's a great, it's also a great

uh in times of great failure like that it's also uh positive you know my my son and uh put a put a group of guys together and they went out and they they helped in seeing the innovation and the speed right of private companies like starlink or spacex doing starlink and in private charities showing up

with the means and the willpower and the get it done attitude

versus the federal government. It's a, it is a great comparison of actually what made America great. Yes. And it's not our federal government. Yeah. I have to tell you, I, I had so much hope. I was in, uh, Asheville a couple of days after the hurricane and watching the individuals and the, the veterans that came out and everybody's just working together. Nobody asked, you know, are you Republican or Democrat? They were just getting the job done. And it's,

It was America. It was, you know, 9-12-2001 when we all just didn't care except about each other. And it gave me so much hope because people have been saying, are we going to come together if there's a bad problem? The answer is yes. The answer is yes.

Yes. And the people that know how to get things done are the ones that move to the objective to get it done. And they are constantly impaired by the mealy-mouthed bureaucrats second-guessing, whether it's FAA people trying to, you know, assert their control from a thousand miles away on where aircraft can fly, instead of leaving it to pilots' discretion. Hey, if it's VFR conditions,

go get it done and be careful, but move to the objective and solve it. And in this, this one size fits all federal government knows best approach is truly antithetical to whatever built a Republic in the first place. Great talking to Eric. Thank you so much. Eric Prince host of off leash, former Navy seal. You can follow him on Twitter at real Eric D Prince.

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This is the Glenn Beck Program. So did you hear about these cyber scammers on the news who actually tried to steal Graceland from Elvis Presley's family? This is fantastic. They actually went in there and like, oh, no, they sold it to us. The Presley family, the estate, they just wanted us to have it.

Oh, now that one was pretty easy to pick out. These were foreign criminals trying to do this. I think this actually was like a Nigerian prince. It was really? Yeah. Something like that. The one time. It's like, no man, really? I don't know why he's from Jamaica all of a sudden. I don't.

know either. You sound like Kamala Harris. Yes, I know. Thank you. So when you have a situation like that where it's a famous home, you know, maybe they catch it. But with your home, it might not be so famous. My home isn't. That's why I protect it with home title lock. It's important to do that because...

These cyber criminals, domestic and foreign, are coming after your home's title because they see giant dollar signs there, right? Like there's hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe an equity in your home. If that's true, if you've had a good run-up in the price of your home, you've got a bunch of equity, well, that's the target. can protect you from these criminals. You can make sure your home's title is still in your name. Just sign up with your address at

Yeah. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad that you're with us.

You want to know why Kamala Harris is crisscrossing the country and trying to be everywhere is because I think her poll numbers are falling apart, which we will go into with Stu and the Senate numbers coming up in just a second. But here she is yesterday calling the Weather Channel.

It's really important that we think about the language that we're using to talk about what we are predicting. Because, for example, it has moved from time to time from a Category 5 to a Category 4. It's important that we not emphasize that downgrading has happened because, in fact, the difference between Category 5 and Category 4 in terms of the danger and the damage is pretty much the same. Okay.

Okay, I'm taking my advice from Kamala Harris. Very strange thing. And it was Category 3 when it hit, but don't mention the downgrading.

I mean, well, it's very similar to their approach to COVID. Yeah. Right. When there was evidence that said, hey, you know, this isn't as bad for children or, you know, healthy younger people. Don't downgrade. Don't mention that. Don't tell people that because then they might act differently. She also was on Colbert. We told you yesterday, but we missed something. This new accent that she introduced yesterday or the day before on Colbert. Listen to this. Have you no empathy, man?

You know, for the suffering of other people, have you no sense of purpose? What the hell? Was that Irish or was that Jamaican? I'm not. Can we get it one more time? Yeah. I want to see if I can detect. Have you no empathy, man? That's Jamaican. You know, for the suffering of other people, have you no sense of purpose? That was weird. Yeah, you're right. It's weird.

It's weird. So we got another one. We got another one. So she is so authentic. This only happens with Democrats, doesn't it? There's always some new accent. While she's changing accents and calling the Weather Channel, Trump is housing 275 linemen up at his golf course. Let me just show you a little bit of this. Here they are. He's quietly just...

invited linemen to come up and stay at the Doral golf course because they needed a place to stay so they could work. Unbelievable. That's great. But de-emphasize the downgrading of hurricanes. Mon! Hey, Mon! Hey, Mon! The Glenn Beck Program. All right, here's a phrase you don't want to have to use someday. Gee, I wish I would have had a Berna launcher.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Looks like the polls are starting to change in Donald Trump's favor. He is pulling ahead in Michigan and Wisconsin, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll. And there's another poll that talks about Pennsylvania. Things are changing. And if we use history as a guide...

This could be remarkable. Remarkable. In fact, I think Donald Trump thinks it's going to be. He believes he's making a play for New York, believe it or not.

We'll start there in 60 seconds, also give you the latest on the Senate races. First, your home is more than just where you live. It's also an investment tool. You can put it to use by accessing your equity as cash, which you can use to pay off high interest debt. Right now, the average credit card rate average is 25%, sometimes as high as 35%. And if you're not paying that debt off in full every month, those fees are adding up month after month, and you will not get out from behind that eight ball.

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Well, the guy who has been watching the polls for me every election for the past 25 years is Stu. He loves stats. He becomes a little freakish on them. He loves them so much. He could live in a spreadsheet his entire life. He wouldn't be disappointed if his kids turned into numbers on a spreadsheet. He'd be like, oh, I love them so much now.

Right. I mean, yeah, I can't disagree. And this is the time of year that I'm in spreadsheets more than any other time. This is a time that you are really, really busy. I want to talk to you about a couple of things. First of all, President Trump has opened up a lead in Michigan and Wisconsin.

This is according to Quinnipiac. He leads 50 to 47 in Michigan and 48, 46 in Wisconsin. Now, this actually is good if you look at it historically, right?

And, you know, past performance does not guarantee future results. It's not indicative of future results. Yes. Thank you. But he has a history of underperforming.

Yeah. We don't know if polling errors will benefit Donald Trump again this year. It did in 2016 and it did in 2020. And actually the rate and you might say, well, the 2021 wasn't as big. Actually, the 2020 error toward Donald Trump was larger than in 2016. The only difference was that the polls leading up to that race had Biden ahead more than than Clinton was ahead. Right.

But when you look at the past history of this, you'd be very excited coming into this. Like if Donald Trump could trade where he is right now,

to where he was in 2016 or 2020, he would want this election. This is much best. This is the best going into an election numbers he's ever had. I think by far, by far with the exception of Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, 2024. Yes. So he is not in as good a position as he was when Biden, excuse me, was the actual candidate. So, uh,

Harris has tightened this race from that period. But if you look at Donald Trump's previous runs, he's in a better position now than he was in 2016 and 2020. And it's not close.

It's a considerable percentage better than he was in those previous two races. So if he performs, like, for example, you know, Wisconsin has been one of the biggest states when it comes to margin of error. Right. You know, he was behind by some polls, six and seven points. Right. And wound up winning those states in previous elections. Currently, it's it's he's.

Either tied or, you know, depending on where you look, a slight underdog or a slight favorite. But basically, it's a tied race. You'd much rather be in that position than down by seven. I think momentum is really important, especially at this time. You don't want because of the way people vote now. You don't want momentum in the last weekend. You want it right now. And it looks like and I think this is why you're seeing Kamala Harris everywhere, because I think their internal polling shows trouble.

I think the magic, the joy has worn thin now. - Yes, I think that's true. - Yeah, and people are like, okay, well, I'm not so excited as I was about her. Her numbers are starting to come down. His are starting to come up. That's exactly what you want.

Yeah. And if you think about like voters in the middle who are undecided and we know there's only a few percent of people in this situation, but if you kind of think of them as people who got excited about dating Kamala Harris and now have to make a marriage decision. Yes.

That's where I think people are getting right now. Remember, you're going to wake up next to her every day for four years. Every day for the rest. Well, it will seem like the rest of your life, but it will only be four years. And then you'll have a lawyer on the phone. Right. And you can look for another possibility. Yeah, I chew my arm off to get out of this relationship. How do I do that? And so, you know, one of the things we worked on this year as a project was to eliminate –

looking at polls and being like, oh my gosh, this poll looks terrible. Like there was a, there was a poll yesterday that came out that had Donald Trump nationally down by seven points. Now that is, I mean,

Seems to me to be a complete outlier, right? You look at the rest of the polling, he's either tied or a little bit ahead or a little bit behind. This one had him down by seven. Same one here, Quinnipiac. These polls looked really good for him today. How do you kind of synthesize all that information? So what we did is we went through a bunch of election models, polling averages, and prediction markets, synthesized them into this one thing we call the PulseCast, keeping your finger on the pulse of all this stuff throughout the election. By the way, you can get this updated every day at slash PulseCast.

So if you want to check it out, if you look at the narrative of that, the story that tells is what you see is Kamala Harris gets the nomination. She has this burst, this boomlet of wonderful press attention. She's not answering any questions.

It goes up and then it comes down. And Donald Trump actually removes the entire burst of all of that attention and takes the lead the day before that debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. That debate does seem to help Harris and Harris gets into another one of these boomlets. That one now starts is seeming to fade as well and is about faded by about half.

It's almost back to completely tied yet again. And, you know, that is, as you point out, momentum you want. I mean, this is the side you want to be on as far as direction goes right now. Should we be seeing something in regards to the hurricane if that was going to...

I mean, I think there's an argument to say that that's because I will say there was stability in the race from about September 18th to October 2nd or so. And if you kind of look at, you know, around that time is when these polls started to move toward stability.

And I don't know if it's it's very hard to disentangle all of this to find one individual thing. We can all kind of blame it. Like I just gave a generalized narrative. All of that growth for Kamala Harris was not because of the debate only. There were other factors.

But like, I think the hurricane might be part of this. This is about the time you'd start seeing that show up in polling. Yeah. And if they believe that the response was poor, which I think people do, and they actually tie it to Kamala Harris, which has been an issue throughout this campaign, that people are not tying the failures of the Biden administration to Harris closely enough. But if they start seeing this as this is not just Biden, this is Biden-Harris, then

I think that could be a factor here. Right. And we don't know how this is going to come out. But I think something like Ron DeSantis handling this well, who is not in the administration, but is a prominent Republican. Yes. I think that helps. I think it does, too. I mean, look at the difference. And by the way, our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Florida who is affected. We praise God that it didn't hit harder for.

As expected, it came on shore as a Category 3 instead of a Category 5. So thank you, Lord, for that. In this Pennsylvania poll, it shows that Trump had a two-point advantage, 49% to 47%. According to an insider advantage state poll, it looks like

Donald Donald Trump, according to pollsters, appears to be gaining momentum in Pennsylvania with his numbers among independent senior and African-American voters increasing or holding steady. It appears that Harris's support from African-American males is actually deteriorating a bit.

Yeah, I saw an analysis over the past couple of days that said, if not for the minority group movement toward Donald Trump, there are states like Texas that would be toss-ups.

That is essentially the difference right now. That makes you... To me, it makes me very nervous. Very nervous. Because you're relying on voters that aren't traditionally in your camp. And when you do that, they're probably... You know, they're new. And like, if you're Donald Trump, you welcome them in, but you don't know how reliable they are. They're not like... They don't have a long-term loyalty to you or your party. They're not as dependable. You look at them and just say...

Gosh, I don't know. You know, they normally vote for Democrats. They seem to be coming over to our side. Are they going to show up on election day? It just makes you nervous, though.

How many times have Republicans tried to attract these voters forever and they never can? Donald Trump is good at it. He's very, very good at it. Yeah, very good at it. Yeah. So there's a lot going on. It's interesting to look at this. One thing that's interesting in sort of the nerdy sort of world is.

There are higher quality polls and lower quality polls, right? You have some polls that go through... The ones with the money, right? That spend to get everybody on the phone and go through that. Then you have like online panel polls. You have some polls that try to weight the election based on recall of previous elections. So instead of going through voter rolls, which is a very, very arduous process, they will call people up and say, hey, who'd you vote for last time? And if you say Biden...

They'll put you in the Biden category, and then they'll weight the sample to match what happened in 2020. There are problems with this approach, and there are lower quality polls. They're not as reliable. At least this is what the polling nerds all believe. The thing that's interesting about that is Trump is performing better in the higher quality polls. These polls where they...

where people are basically taking shortcuts to try to save money because these are super expensive and really difficult. I mean, no one wants to answer the phone to talk to a pollster. Like, to get these things done, it's really hard. So the higher quality polls, the people that go through that and spend all that money, Trump is performing better

Probably a good sign, right? I mean, you know, we're looking at the average. I think it's important to look at that because you get a bigger sample. But at the end of the day, it is probably a good thing that these these polls like, you know, we just mentioned the New York Times Siena poll. It's one of known as one of the higher rated poll pollsters. But when you look at Trump is doing pretty well there. You know, he's up. I think they had him at plus 13 in Florida, where some of these lower quality polls have him at plus four, plus five, you know.

I don't believe that. I think he's up. I think plus 13 is much more much closer to what he will do. I mean, I think high single digits is absolutely possible and maybe higher.

But it is interesting to see that and probably a good sign for Donald Trump overall. OK, we're going to take a quick break and then we're going to come back and look at the Senate and a little bit of Congress and how that is is shaking out some some new news coming from Maryland as well on that front. We'll give that to you coming up in just a second. First, I have a series of qualities I look for in a person that I'm going to do business with.

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My new book, Propaganda Wars, comes out a week from Tuesday. This is a very, very important book. It is an answer to all of the people who have said, Glenn, how do I find the truth?

People rely on people like me. You shouldn't. You need to know how to think critically and how to find the answer, who to trust, how to trust. I don't tell you who those people are. I tell you how we find them and how we verify stories because you need to be able to do my job. You know, I could get hit by a bus and probably will if Soros had his way. No.

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Next week, you should have it on Tuesday. Also, the audio version is out, and the audio version is very, very good. I recorded it last weekend. So get this, Propaganda Wars.

You know, the person who was editing all that, it was in the middle of the storm. Our friend Nick, who's been working with us for 100 years. I know. I tried to call him all day yesterday. The storm, literally, the center went over his house. Yeah. And he's like, Glenn, I have so much editing to do. I'm like, get out of the house, man. What are you doing? I'm like, Glenn's audio book? Yeah. Really? I mean, let's see. Your life, my audio book. It's close. Yeah, it's close. Yeah.

Crazy. He's okay. We think. We haven't heard from him yet. Yes. So hopefully we will soon. Obviously, power's out for so many millions and millions of people. And that comes out, does that come out the same day as the hardcover? Yes. It does? Yes. Okay. So get it.

Anyway, let's look at the Senate. Yeah. OK, so one of the things you have with the Senate, unlike the presidential election, is you have a starting point. Right. Presidential election, everything, every state's up for grabs, all the electoral votes up for grabs. Not the case. So you have a playing field that is tilted sometimes toward one party or the other. This time you have a playing field that is absolutely tilted in the Republicans favor.

And can we blow it? You bet. Absolutely we can. You bet we could. Yes. We're Republicans, of course. So you start out with a locked in, not up for election, with an advantage for the Republicans of 38 to 28.

That's their starting point. Right. Okay. 38, 28. You only have to get 13 more. Right. Okay. Advantage Republicans plus 10. Yeah. Plus 10. That's where we start. Then we go into the likely categories. I'll blow through these likelies. You got California where, by the way, it looks like Adam Schiff is going to be a senator. Get ready for that in your life. That's crazy.

Delaware. California, you're dead to me. Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren there. Minnesota is not a close race. It could be closer in the presidential race, but not really in the Senate. New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Bernie Sanders coming back for another run.

Washington. That gets, let's see, that's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. So 10 for Democrats in the likely column. Now we're tied. Republican column, though, has a bunch of likelies as well. Nebraska with Pete Ricketts is one. Wyoming, Mississippi, North Dakota,

West Virginia is an important one. That is the Joe Manchin seat going away and going to Jim Justice. So that is a pickup for Republicans. Utah, Indiana, Tennessee, and Missouri with Josh Hawley. That's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. So that gets you to 47 to 38, a lead for Republicans. Then as far as leaners go, now these are states that...

Look like you can pick a direction, but you wouldn't say are sure things. Correct. Start with New Jersey for the Democrats. Arizona, that's the Carrie Lake election. She's behind there. Not impossible for her to come back, but behind. It was like eight points behind. Yeah, it's about seven or eight behind right now. They did have a debate last night, so maybe they can move the needle. Maryland, that's an interesting one. Normally it wouldn't be, but Larry Hogan is running there as a Republican. And there's some new information about his opponent.

Avoiding taxes. But only $47,000. She just didn't know. She had no idea. She wasn't eligible for all those tax breaks. Darn it. Those mistakes always happen and always are in your favor. Nevada, which I think Republicans had high hopes for, but Rosen seems to be leading there. New Mexico, Virginia. Again, these are...

fringe races for republicans to have a shot at uh maine is angus king as as an independent there are there is a democrat in that race though um so you know he's up by about probably nine or ten but still probably a fringe race so that is one two three four five six seven seven more that gets you to 45

Okay. Yeah. 45 for the Democrats when you count leaners. Republican leaners, Ted Cruz here in Texas. Can't believe that's a lean. A lean. A new poll came out. Texas is in trouble, gang. It was a four point margin in the New York Times poll. Tester looks like he's going down in Montana. I think she he's got a good lead there. And I think we'll hold that. And Rick Scott will probably hold it in Florida. That gets you to 50. You need 51. We have five toss ups we can go through in a minute.

But that's 50 to 45 if you count leaners. All right. Thank you very much. All right. We'll be back with the finish of that. And then some insight on Donald Trump that some comedians found. Tell you about it next. Glenn Beck.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Stu is taking us through the possibility of a Senate being controlled over the Republicans.

Or by the Democrats again. And remember, Republicans had a 10-seat advantage going into this. Now can they pull it off to even get 51? We're looking at the leaners and we're at 50 seats for the Republicans. 50. Just a quick review. It was 38 locked in for Republicans. You have nine that are pretty darn sure solid ones.

Another three that are leaners that gets you to 50 for Republicans. For Democrats, start with 28. You have 10 that are pretty solid. Another seven that are leaners that gets you to 45. So 50 to 45 is where we are right now in the Senate. So Republicans basically have to pick off one of these tossed up races.

Okay. These are toss-ups. You'd like to get more than that, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we start with Michigan. That is Mike Rogers and Alyssa Slotkin. Right now, you'd have maybe a slight lead for Democrats in that particular race, though it is very, very close. Could go either way.

Ohio, Sherrod Brown, 47 to 43 was sort of the polling average, though the last two polls for Bernie Moreno, the Republican, have shown the race to be much closer than that. And it looks like that one's tightening.

Almost never, Glenn, do you get a case where a Republican presidential candidate wins by seven, eight, nine points, which is likely in Ohio, and having the Republican Senate candidate lose. It's very uncommon. Like Susan Collins pulled it off once on The Other Way, but it is really not a common process. So especially when it's not like a...

Very close race. Right. You know, then you have Bob Casey versus Dave McCormick. Same story where Casey has maintained a moderate lead in that race, you know, three or four points for most of the time. Last few polls for McCormick have shown a growth and it looks like that race is now razor sharp as well. Razor thin.

Then you have Tammy Baldwin, Eric Hovde in Wisconsin. Same story. Looked like Baldwin has had a lead. Democrats now panicking about that race. Yeah. And it has tightened. All four of those races are largely in the same position where you have, it looked like Democrats had a slight read. They are definitely outperforming Kamala Harris.

In all of those states, the Democrats are, however, very, very close now and could go either way. The last race is one I want to draw your attention to has not had much focus unless you've been listening, you know, to Studios America where I've been ranting about it for weeks because it is been off everybody's radar and is just seemingly popping up right now. It has not been included in the swing state models for most of the people looking at this, but this is a race in Nebraska and

There are two races in Nebraska this time. You have the Ricketts race, which he's going to win easily. The second one is this Deb Fisher versus Dan Osborne race. What they're doing in this race, Glenn, is the same thing they tried on Mike Lee in Utah last election. Yes. Where instead of running a Democrat, they're basically running an independent and acting like he's independent and not a Democrat.

That's crazy that that even has a chance of working. More and more common, though. Democrats are trying it in state after state. They're saying, we can't win a Nebraska Senate race. Why would we even try? So they're not even running anybody. And they're just leaving this guy, Dan Osborne, who is kind of a labor guy. He's claiming he's not going to, I'm not going to caucus with either side. If you believe that, you will believe anything. I mean, he will vote with the Democrats anyway.

Every single time. Yeah. And I really think that this race will be safe for Republicans if people in Nebraska are aware of what's going on.

So far, every Democratic source is like, we don't know what you're talking about. They're just shrugging their hands. We don't know. This has nothing to do with what we're not talking about this at all. We said if it worked with Mike Lee, it would be everywhere. Everywhere. It didn't work in Utah. Will it work in Nebraska? They're trying. They're trying. Now, what's interesting about this race, number one, it's in the toss-up category because I want people to be aware of it. You should be freaking out a little bit about this race. See?

Secondarily, we just don't have any good nonpartisan polling here. It's mostly all, you know, internal polling from the Osborne campaign. Right. You know, organizations that want independent candidates to win. Right. Those type of places have tried the polling and they're showing either a tie or a slight lead for Osborne.

the independent. So Fisher, who has not been my favorite Republican over the years, this is one of the people I was hoping that would be primary in this particular race. However,

She's now the candidate. And if you want Democrats to have control of the Senate, you could vote for Osborne. If you, that is the only real decision here. Right. It's just whether you want Democratic control or if you want Republican control. And honestly, like it is a really important race and it is still in the tossed up category.

until we see some information that convinces me otherwise. Okay. Let me take you to someplace entirely different. There was an interview with Donald Trump, which I think is the best interview I've ever seen Donald Trump in because this group of comedians led by Andrew Schultz on the podcast called Flagrant has cracked the code to the point to where one of them reaches over and puts his hand on Don's knee and says,

Stay focused, stay focused. And he laughs about it. I mean, it's a great interview. And they did something that I've never seen. And they also brought out things that I have been wanting for the president to talk about. And they're the only ones that I have seen do it. If you're going to recommend to somebody that they watch a podcast interview with Donald Trump, this is the one. I rarely learn things online.

of what to do from people who give interviews, I usually learn things like, wow, don't do that. I learned so much on how to interview somebody from this podcast. It is absolutely fantastic. I only have time to give you a couple of things, but it goes to the character of Donald Trump. Here's the first one on Donald Trump's assassination attempt when he was down on the ground. I'm good with names, you know. You are.

When I got up, they said, let me finish my speech. But I'm surrounded by like eight very large, small men and a very wonderful woman. You saw that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm surrounded by guys. They said, sir, no way. And I have blood pouring down. But I really wanted to finish my speech. I think I had like 50,000. I had a lot of people there. And, you know, when I went down, I was sort of like embarrassed. I said,

I went down in front of all these people. That was my first thing. I don't want to be embarrassed. You were embarrassed that you went down after being shot? Well, you weren't exactly sure what the hell was happening at first. But also, you came back up with a fist, right? That's one of the hardest pictures. Okay, that should tell you everything you need to know on why Donald Trump is not vulnerable. The guy was shot and embarrassed that he went to the ground.

That's what he's taught to do. You know, the red, white and blue little banner in front of the podium. That's Kevlar. OK, you are you are told if you hear shots, if you hear shots, not be grazed by one. If you hear them get on the ground behind that Kevlar ribbon. And that's what he did. He was embarrassed by that.

Tells you something about his character. Also tells you about how he views the presidency and standing up and not being afraid. Now,

This one is really important. They start by talking about him as a dad, how his kids are really together. And what did you do as a dad? You're, you have to be incredible. Listen to how he answers this question. Cut 11. You know, he's taken a lot because, uh, he was always a good student. He went to the Wharton school of finance, which is great. And he did well, but he, uh,

He went into the world of politics not because he wanted to, but because I was there and I sort of automatically, you drag the family in. And this guy, what he had to go through with Russia, Russia, Russia. Dad, they're asking me questions about Russia. I don't know anything about Russia. What's going on?

and all of a sudden he's in front of grand juries, he's in front of Congress. It was a hoax, it was a total hoax. This was a made up hoax by crazy Nancy Pelosi and these maniacs, Hillary Clinton, who's totally nuts. And this went on for two years.

And he'd always say, Dad, I know nothing about this stuff. And he'd go before the grand jury. And, you know, Comey, you have Comey, who's the worst, just a bad guy. But he went through a lot, and it actually made him tougher. I don't know if that's good or bad, but he's a tough cookie, that one. And it made, in his case, it made him tougher.

Ivanka did a great job. She didn't want anything. All she wanted to do was get people jobs. I would have made her the ambassador to the UN. I wanted to do that. I think she would have been incredible, the whole aura. She would have been great, but she didn't want that. She didn't, and that would have been a very glamorous position. She would have been great there.

All she did is go to see companies and hire people. And she hired, I think it was like 10 million people, some incredible amount of people. She'd go to Walmart. She'd go to Exxon. She'd go to these big companies and see if she could get groups of people hired. And she loved doing it. There was no glamour. There was no anything, but she got people jobs.

So he goes through this whole thing. He starts with, I have five amazing children. Now, they just said, what did you do as a father? He spends the entire time. He doesn't mention him one time, not once. He doesn't take credit for his children. He spends three, three and a half minutes just talking about his amazing children.

Now, when is the last time someone gave him a compliment, said, you know, the Trump organization or you just did some miracle stuff? When's the last time you ever heard him give credit all of it away and just talk about the amazing people involved? I've heard him do it two times now. One, generally speaking of the American people.

And now with his kids, everybody looks at Donald Trump and they say, oh, he's arrogant. He's whatever. And I keep telling you, he's not like that in real life. He's not. He's actually very humble. He's very, very gracious. He is just not the same guy. You don't see that because the man was embarrassed to show the weakness of going down on the ground when he was shot.

And when he's talking about his children, the guy who's like, I got my name in the sky. It's big. It's beautiful. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trumpity, Trump, Trump doesn't mention himself mentions mom mentions the kids, but not him. That should tell you he's got five kids who would walk through and have walk through walls of fire for him.

I don't know about you, but I had a hard time raising my kids. My kids, two of them, come from a divorce. I didn't have the relationship that he had with his wife that was divorced. I didn't co-parent like he did. I tried, but we never mastered it. He did it. His kids will all walk through a wall of fire. None of them are drunks. None of them are drug addicts.

None of them seem to be out of control in any way, shape or form. How did he do that? If he's such an egomaniac that only cares about himself, why do his five children, why are they healthy, generally balanced? I mean, compared to my family, really balanced. How did he do that? If you think he's a monster, you should ask yourself if Hitler would have had children, right?

Would they have been like that? Back in a minute. You know, whenever you're driving, your wife sits there, very helpfully, I might add. She tells you each and every time that you're speeding or going too slow. She makes sure that you're using your turn signal. You know, she wants you to be very careful not to hit that car a half a mile ahead of you. But I want you to imagine for a moment a scenario where you actually needed that kind of advice and wanted it.

Not that I don't want. I love it. But anyway, that would be like at the gun range, because while you're driving skills may be honed, you're shooting skills not always. That side seat shooter is called the Mantis X, and it's a high-tech, easy-to-use system with...

Used widely in the military now. It started with the Marines and it's everywhere now. It helps you improve your shooting quickly. You attach it to your firearm. You connect it to an app on your smartphone or your tablet via Bluetooth. And then whenever you're firing actual rounds or even dry fire practicing in your house, it gives you instant feedback on what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and

and you actually want to listen to it. It's how to correct your technique. 94% of all the shooters improve within 20 minutes, and I'm one of them. It's an amazing system. Mantis X. Be a responsible gun owner and increase your competence and get confidence today with Mantis X. Get yours at That's

Are opinions weighing you down? Call in and let it out. 888-727-BECK. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Okay, let me give you something else. Here's Donald Trump on the Flagrant podcast talking about nicknames. Listen how funny he is. Listen to this. I'm good with names, you know. You are. You're very good with names. You're the Pocahontas. Yeah. We have names. What about, and there was, Tampon Tim was good. What about, is that? The problem with Tampon Tim, it's hard to say. Yeah. In other words. It's a mouthful. It's a lot. And you can't say.

stutter it through when you follow it's really a lousy word to say but it's quite accurate there are some like Comrade Kamala it's a little hard to say she's Comrade because she's obviously a communist she's horrible so I call her Comrade and it's not bad but when you put the names together it's a little you gotta be able to pew listen to that

Okay, so he's being funny here because he is really, really funny. He really is. I mean, he could have been a comedian, I believe. But anyway, he's really funny. Now listen to the difference between that and Kamala on Howard Stern, cut seven. Even when I watch them on Saturday Night Live where they have Maya Rudolph playing you, I hate it.

I don't want you being made fun of. There's too much at stake. I believe the entire future of this country right now. I mean, as America landed the free home of the brave, I think it's literally on the line. I agree with you. Yeah, I know. Who is the one that is that you want to have a beer with?

I watched Colbert the other day. She had a beer, Glenn. Yeah, I know. Who's the one? I mean, this is good for the conservative movement. Being fun, funny, great to hang out with, have some laughs. Or the ones that are like, we can't have any fun. I don't like it when they make fun of you. The Glenn Beck Program. Stu. Stu.

Before you killed President Miles, your dog. Oh, don't bring that. Why would you bring that up? I'm still grieving my poor little guy. You beat him almost every day. That is not true, and I don't even like you saying it. He was a distinguished dog. I know, he was. He lived to 18 years old. I know, yeah. And then we lost him last year. Yeah, it was really sad. But...

You fed Miles rough greens. Yeah, I mean... I have no evidence of this, but I think it's actually made Uno healthier and live longer.

Well, I mean, if you look at the ingredients, it would make sense, first of all. But also, yeah, you do notice it, right? You notice when... First of all, they love eating the food a lot more. They, like, dive right in. And secondly, you're getting them all the nutrients that they need. Look, I don't know. I don't know either, right? But Miles did live to 18 years old. I mean, he was moving around very slowly at the end, but...

I mean, that's pretty impressive. Yeah. Same with Uno. Same with Uno. He's not 18, but, you know, in dog years, he's like 470 now. First bag is free from Rough Greens. You just pay for shipping. slash Beck. slash Beck. Keep your dog healthy and happy. 833-GLEN-33. 833-GLEN-33.

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Shop right now and get up to 45% off select styles. Rules and restrictions may apply. Welcome to the fusion of entertainment.

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. The country is in flux, shall we say. So many things going on right now that you have to pay attention to. But just like Ron DeSantis brought calm in the middle of a storm, that's what needs to happen in America. This storm is caused by much of it, the government's own activities. So let's look at the storm on our children.

in 60 seconds. First, fortune favors the bold. That is a great way to sum up the American spirit. Unfortunately, it's also a great way to sum up the spirit of the kind of people who would love nothing more than to break into your home and steal all your things.

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We welcome back Yako Buens, who yesterday declared that if you don't vote for Donald Trump, you're going to hell. So we thought we'd have him back again and just ask, who's going to hell today? Yako. Glenn, thank you. You're amazing. Today we're going after corrupt judges. Okay. In family court. Okay. Which we would argue is the most broken court system in our country. Okay. So when you say this, what do you mean corrupt judges?

Judges who choose to give children to the parent who ends up being the pedophile or the predator. And that is a movement across the country. Help me out on that because I've not heard this. Yeah, multiple studies across the country going on. Our organization currently has six cases in Fort Worth.

with Judge Bennett and Judge Stone. These are female judges that historically will take evidence like what's in front of me, gruesome evidence, 10 medical reports by medical professionals talking about

acute genital abrasions, medically diagnosed bruising of genitalia of boys and girls, both anal and we can go on into details you maybe don't want to discuss. No, we don't need more than that. Skip as many of the details as possible. Where the evidence is there from the child's mouth. And it's called a forensic interview. The child doesn't go into court. And then that evidence is inadmissible to court. And the judges hand full custody to the parent that's being accused. And it's through this new movement called parental alienation.

To where if there's a mom that says, look, I think my husband is abusing my child, right? The father starts alienating the mom in the eyes of the child, starts poisoning the mind of the child. Like you saw in the Jeff Yonker case that the Blaze was very involved with at one point.

where one parent will indoctrinate a child against another parent knowing this is going to go to court. But it's almost always, 67%, close to 70% of the time, it's sexual abuse. And the children are going to the abusers. The court is giving. In our six cases we have in Fort Worth, the judges reversed custody where the mother got the custody, who was the plaintiff, who said, "I want a divorce. I caught my husband." Or a father said, "I caught my wife telling my son he's a girl."

trying to transition my son. So it's almost 50-50 whether the husband's the plaintiff or the wife, where the judges then end up giving the child

to the parent who's actually the abuser because they use this tactic called parental alienation and it's very effective. - Okay, so how do you know though, I mean because you do know that there are divorces and custody cases where they're lying. - 100%. It makes it very difficult which is why the child's forensic interview

10 medical professionals advising the court on details and it gets thrown out of court. Brazen cover-up of sexual abuse by the New Jersey court. Here's a mom committing suicide after two of her children's custody is taken away from her knowing that the child says that does XYZ. This case here is a mother selling her daughter and a father saying I want full custody and the mother poisoning. So it's a very, very difficult road to walk

Child advocacy is vital in this country. It's not getting a loud enough voice because sometimes you need an outside entity that will be an advocate for the child by looking at it forensically. Let the child do a forensic interview. Let that interview stand in court.

they're not taking why doesn't that stand that when it comes to child sexual abuse even on sex trafficking i'll give an example we have 254 counties in texas this is ken paxton's numbers right my numbers are a little worse ken paxton attorney general 254 counties in the state of texas we only prosecute in court child sex crimes in 10 counties what 10.

Ken Paxton, the Attorney General, wanted to prosecute the cases himself on his own dime. Text me and said, will you testify in Texas Senate? They're blocking me.

from prosecuting these cases because district attorneys have to invite an AG into a case. You can't superimpose. They plead these things down out of court. They don't allow the child's voice, forensically, not a child on a witness stand. They don't allow the child's voice when a child says, yes, these are doctors, evidence across state lines saying, no question this child is being sexually abused. Not necessarily trafficked, sometimes trafficked, but abused. These child's

Forensic interviews are not going to court. They're settling out of court for a marijuana charge or a drug charge. And normally, the judges are going to lean to the parent that's saying, "She's a homophobe. She's a transphobe. My son wants to be a girl and the mom doesn't want to let him or the dad doesn't want to let him." And the judges are leaning across the country, Glenn, are leaning towards the sympathy of that parent who's actually the abuser.

So there's two things going on here. One is the sexual abuse. I mean, if the leading, the leading indicator for abuse in a family, especially sexual abuse is, is there a step parent in the house that changes or foster? Yeah. That changes the dynamics like crazy. Yeah. But there's a difference between sexual abuse and,

And then the other is mental abuse. You know what I mean? Just as bad. I'm not saying it's horrible. Right. Just as bad. So how many of these cases that you're looking at are actual sexual abuse? And how many of them are transgender? I want to mutilate my child. Between these two studies, there are about 50-50 across the country. There's two major organizations, Women's Coalition International and

and then National Online Resource Center are writing these white papers. It's about 50-50, almost straight down the middle of when it's just indoctrination, right? Manipulation, which we would call coercion, and then actually going to sexual abuse. Now, what the paper studies find and what we find is if you –

If you allow it to continue, if you allow the indoctrination to continue, and then you embolden that parent by giving them full custody, and normally the other parent gets two hours of supervised visitation a week, right? It ends up in sexual abuse later down the road. I mean, it's a natural progression. Especially if the indoctrination is sexually oriented, even if there's not sexual abuse, but it is, hey, you're really a girl.

And we're going to transition you and bring puberty blockers. At some point, that child is now more vulnerable, which means outside predator forces recognize that child and the propensity for that child to be exploited goes up.

So if they don't start in sexual abuse, they start with indoctrination, which they call parental alienation, alienating one parent. And it's tricky. So for us, the fail-safe is let the evidence speak for itself. Because when you do forensic interviews on a child, it's not the child's pediatrician. It's third party. It's doctors and nurses. And the evidence is there. And it gets thrown out of court. Massively corrupt. I mean, I'm not, you know…

I'm not one for experts to come in and tell me what to do. However, when it's forensic, when it is there are bruises, there's bleeding, whatever, then it's pretty clear. Yeah, medical diagnosed bruising, lacerations. So what is the motivation of these judges?

Yeah, I ask that question, particularly Fort Worth, because this is close to us, right? Tarrant County is highlighted as one of the worst in the country. Is it really? Yeah. We have six cases in Fort Worth, just our organization currently. That's crazy.

The motivation going, we could chalk it up to woke culture, woke ideology, but it's really- We're losing Fort Worth. We're losing, Fort Worth is in real trouble. In real trouble. It's in trouble. You lose that sheriff, you lose, I mean- Sheriff Waybourn has to stay. Has to stay. The number one sheriff in the country fighting for the safety of children in exploitation. And then Ted Cruz is up for a battle in Tarrant County. Hey, would you do me a favor, Sarah? Let's get Ted Cruz and Sheriff Waybourn together.

Way born on because he's fantastic both of them are yeah anyway So what's the solution? Parents have to understand and really child advocacy they have to understand if you're going to go into a battle like this you have to get an organization that's in this fight that Cares about the child first really two parents are secondary for us. It's that child and that child safety and that child's voice and

And again, forensically, we're not talking about opinion or expert opinion. You're going in there and there's medical reason, there's bruising, there's... Unfortunately, there's damage. Where we said, that should count, judge. This should go in front of a jury. I don't know why that doesn't count. Does that make sense to you still? They settle out of court. So the jury doesn't get to...

to look at the evidence, the forensic interview. Some of these are voice recordings, right? For instance, this is a voice recording where the child speaks, and it's, I don't want to read it on air, but the child speaks, and this is how the child will say, the one pediatrician, the child forensically says to the pediatrician that her father tells her that she's a bad girl. This is her words. I'm a bad girl. I did some very bad things. She's nine. She's nine.

I mean, telling her you're going to get in trouble, you're going to break the family apart, telling her about her mom is and that she's stepping in the role of her mom. Look, you can't read this on air. These cases, you'll see, watch the amount of families that's going to message you. These cases are across the country, and it's this woke judicial system that has become tolerant of sexual immorality and is giving favor to women.

that sect of society that lean favorably towards pedophilia. They want to call it minor attracted persons, and it is a very large section of our culture. What is that? I mean, you know, we've all known that pedophilia exists, right?

And, you know, when you first saw what were those like, you know, those glamour shows with the little kids that were dressing up and, you know, and, you know, that was disturbing. But you question the parents that were doing that. Why would you allow them to be sexualized like that? You didn't necessarily jump to.

All of the people who are like, oh, that's hot because you thought that was a small number. There seems to be a lot of this. We are the main consumer in the world for this kind of stuff. Number one, $152 billion a year spent on sexually exploitive content on children. $52 billion of the $152 is inside the 50 states. We're a third of the global consumption. A third.

why of the we have abandoned god glenn and i i can't speak it's the it's moloch worship this is jesus walks from the sea of galilee he finds it fit in his day to take the disciples i walked this journey with my kids 13 kilometers walks from the sea of galilee to caesarea philippi he asks who do they say i am some see elijah the prophet and then finally you're the king of kings messiah he said i want you to look at these gates of hell behind him if you're in caesarea philippi there's a cave

The cave is in the garden of Zeus and the temple of Pan. Pansexual is where all your trans movement comes from. It's literally from Moloch, the false god, the sexual god. And Jesus, in the time when they're sacrificing children right there, cutting babies out of the womb, raping, plundering women and children in the cave, he says to the disciples, these gates of hell will not prevail against my kingdom. He saw it fit for them to see it.

to say do you see this abomination this is not of me this will never be of me i mean if my messiah to so it fit to walk his disciples and a whole bunch of women that never get enough credit with the with the disciples and say do you see this this is of demons this is of hell calls it a gate of hell

It's the worship of Moloch. We have abandoned God. There's so much. We talked about it yesterday. Christianity cannot just be a title. It now has to go to action. You said it yesterday. We've got to clean up my house. My house. For me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord. I'm going to protect my children and then my neighbors and in our county.

and in our school, in our state. And if the federal government does their job, which hardly ever happens, then good on them. If we have a president who does his job, good on him. But I'm going to take ownership of what God gave me stewardship over. Yes, yes. Jaco, thank you so much. Where can people find you?

Help, is our organization. If families are in this situation, we will help them as advocates. And then for me, yaku.buoyants on Instagram. We use all our social media to rescue children 100%, and we'd appreciate the support. Thank you very much. Thank you, Glenn. Yaku, I appreciate it. All right, back in just a second, let me talk to you a little bit about the Berna Launcher. Worst kind of mistake you can make in life is the type that can never be taken back.

Maybe at the top of that list, I don't think there is anything bigger than this, is taking somebody's life. Sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes it's even the right thing to do in the situation. But either way, you will live with the consequences of that for the rest of your life, and you'll never take it back. That's why, in addition to the guns I own, I also, well, I used to own that.

Do man another boating accident? Oh, gee. I just replaced all those guns. You're terrible with boats. They're gone. Remind me. I got to call the sheriff in my local county to report those. I keep forgetting. Anyway, I have a burner launcher. It's a nonlethal alternative to safeguarding your home that will teach somebody a very painful but nonlethal lesson. It is legal in all 50 states with no permits or background checks required and can be used by all age groups over 18.

I mean, you can carry this in New York City. I think they might give you a ticket for $50, but I'd pay that every day to be able to be safe in New York. Anyway, the Berna launcher has a powerful deterrent, tear gas, kinetic rounds, all with a 60-foot range. One shot can incapacitate an attacker for up to 40 minutes.

It's a great addition to your home's defense. Gives you the extra options you might need. Burna, B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash Glenn. Made here in the U.S. in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Get 10% off your purchase now. B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash Glenn. It's Burna dot com slash Glenn. 10 seconds station ID.

So last night, I took on the topic of war and what you should be watching for, because this is, Donald Trump says this is the biggest thing on our plate is the prospect of nuclear war and nobody's paying attention to it. And I showed you what was happening. Could we please play the Jenga? This is, I showed you at the end, P.

Polycrisis is what's going to be our downfall. With Election Day now less than four weeks away, we're facing what I like to call a polycrisis. Now, I can't remember another Election Day with as much potential chaos bubbling under the surface. Oh, did you hear today? Just to add to the polycrisis.

A poly crisis is, you know, all these things coming together, multiple crisis at the same time, never waste it. All related but separate, but related to each other. The latest poly crisis today was that there is...

You're going to love this. There was assassins going to assassinate people like you at the malls from ISIS. They were here. The government let them in. Harris Biden let them in. But that was just going to happen on Election Day. Then you have, of course, Hurricane Helene. Oh, you know what's happening right now? You have Hurricane Milton.

And then back in January, just in time for January kids to start the new year, we have another labor strike. Don't worry, this is going to be... This is easy to navigate. Then we have...

Playing Jenga. The border crisis, you know. Hey, did you hear about that mayor and everyone on his staff that was beheaded by the drug gangs in Mexico? Yeah, that's cool. Nothing like that here, though. Of course, we have a financial crisis. I don't like any of my choices. I don't. But we're going to have to go for one of them.

A financial crisis is brewing, which is great, so we got that. Oh, and then we have the assassination plots. Can we, no? Assassination plots. Election interference or election fraud. See, we're just, I mean, we're not teetering at all. I mean, this is great, okay? We then have a war with Iran that's very possible.

And then nuclear war with Russia that seems to be beauty brewing. That one's really good. And then we have somebody who wants to reimagine America and destabilization is the key. I mean, what could possibly...

What could possibly go wrong? We're completely stable, right? You know, destabilizing us, also the goal of Russia, Iran, North Korea, China. But we got it. We're fine. Nothing to see here. That is from last night's TV show. You don't want to miss it. Last night's Wednesday night special available on Blaze TV. Glenn Beck.

I want you to think about this for a second. Your next vice president, the second most powerful person in the world, next in line for top position, is a man who runs his state in such a way that children who survive abortions can still be killed. That is true. No matter how many times they deny it, it's true.

That's how committed he is to, quote, women's rights. We are never going to win the abortion issue in legislation unless we first win it in the hearts and minds of people. That's why I'm so proud to partner with preborn because they're entirely different. They are the country's largest pro-life organization and they are leading the charge. And every day they sponsor free ultrasounds for women as well as providing help for up to two years after the baby is born. They don't just advocate for the baby's life and then forget about them.

It's the mom, too. You're saving two lives. When she sees the unborn child on that monitor, she is twice as likely to consider choosing life. Preborn is saving 200 babies a day. Donate, will you? Dial pound 250. Say the keyword baby. 28 bucks pays for an ultrasound. slash Beck. Pound 250. Keyword baby.

Head over to blaze slash Glenn. Use the code fight, fight, fight and save 40 bucks. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. So if you listen to this program, uh, I, uh, I've been talking about a poly crisis for a while. We were just talking about it and playing Jenga, how you weaken all of the institutions. You, you keep piling crisis upon crisis. And when that happens, you,

You can take down the entire country. When I was on at Fox, I was introduced to a concept that was first introduced by Cloward and Piven. These were two, I think it was husband and wife, and they were college professors. And they actually put this into play and it collapsed the city of New York. All the funding, you know, they went broke and it was really bad.

You know, the government was there to bail him out. When it comes to the federal government, gang, no one is coming to our aid. No one will bail out the United States and say, you know, that's, you know, for everything you guys have done, we're not going to ask you to pay it back. That's not happening. It's not happening. Cloward and Piven is a strategy that came to my attention back in the Fox days, and I explained it to you, and I became, I think,

I think the number one enemy of this sweet little old lady who is not doing this at all, what's happening right now is Cloward and Piven. It's happening in the finances. It's happening with...

the hurricane to where we've taken all of this money and we've used it for illegals, putting them up. That's putting the stress on hurricane recovery. We're doing it with our out of control spending. It's happening everywhere. The guy who first really brought this to our attention and really taught me a lot about Cloward and Piven back in the day is

is Jim Simpson. He's written a new book called Manufactured Crisis, The Plan Aimed at Ending America. And I wanted you to hear what he has to say. James, welcome to the program. Hey, Glenn. Great to be with you. Thanks for having me. Thank you. Thank you. So let's start with Cloward and Piven and show how this is in play.

Okay, sure. Absolutely. Well, you know, it's like so many things, and I've written about this, and I explained it in the book, Manufacturing Crisis, You War to End America, because that's what it is. And, you know, when the Soviet Union was first formed in 1917 with Vladimir Lenin as its leader, he...

advocated using multiple crises to weaken and weaken their enemy until the enemy was ultimately destroyed. And their main enemy from that day forward was America, of course, because we are the biggest and the strongest and the best example of how capitalism works and their goal as people

put out by Karl Marx was to destroy capitalism, essentially wipe out the world as we all know it, at least the Western world, and replace it with their communist vision. Now, hang on, this didn't happen to us. It was very hard because we were, because capitalism should be

Right. Right.

Yeah, no, that's absolutely right. And, you know, quote unquote, public private partnerships, which first became a term used by President Obama, is simply fascism. Fascism is public private partnerships. And of course, the public partnership, the government is the...

you know lead partner and the corporations do whatever they want and of course they're paid it makes them makes it easier for them they essentially get a government monopoly but then the government is in control can you explain that jim for somebody somebody's never heard that they might think that's absolutely outrageous to say can you give me the history on that

Oh yeah, absolutely. So Mussolini, the Italian dictator during World War II, you know, when he was younger, in the 20s, he was a communist. But he realized that Italy would not accept somebody running as a communist. So he created this entirely new idea where

which would essentially be communism without the name. And that was to allow private companies to live, but only in partnership with the government, which of course puts the government in charge in a de facto manner anyway. And he called it fascism.

and he was elected under that banner. And, of course, Hitler followed suit, was inspired by him, and the Nazi Party, National Socialist Party, essentially did the same thing. Right. They let Porsche and Volkswagen and everything exist, but they existed to do the bidding of the government in partnership. Right.

Okay, so talk to me a little bit about Cloward and Piven and how this has been around. Cloward, Richard Cloward, his ideas are what brought the Great Society together, right?

Yes, no, and that's a really important point to know. His ideas inspired Johnson's Great Society, which, by the way, Johnson borrowed the name Great Society from the title of a 1914 work by British socialist Graham Wallace. But so...

Cloward's idea was to vastly increase welfare and to pack the welfare rolls with as many people taking as many of the benefits as they were entitled to. And his belief was that in

In so doing, it would overwhelm the government with demands for public services, and the government would collapse due to the financial burden. And it would keep blacks in poverty. Yes.

Well, so, yeah, I mean, there's multiple purposes for it. The big one that Johnson glommed onto, and of course all the Democrats, was that it would provide them with a permanent voting block because once addicted to the welfare, the minorities, low-income minorities, would be reliable Democrat voters. So that was really what got Johnson onto it. But

It was Cloward and Piven's idea. They didn't want, they disliked, they hated welfare because they said it made, they wanted to, it doused the fires of rebellion that they thought they could get. Right, right. The lower classes, so to the poorer classes. So the idea was to,

Overwhelmed. So much money and overwhelmed the government that it would collapse. And in that situation where they could no longer get the welfare that they thought they were entitled to, they would become the ground army for the great socialist revolution that Cloward and Piven visualized because, in fact, they were, well, they were Trotskyites. We're talking to Jim Simpson. He's the author of a new book called Manufactured Crisis.

Cloward and Piven also played a really important role with Clinton. In fact, I believe they were at the signing of the National Voter Registration Act, which is the motor voter law. That was their idea, was it not?

Oh, it absolutely was. And they spent 10 years. They created an organization called Human Service, Human Service Employees Registration Voting. I forget the last, forget the acronym, but it was...

They researched for 10 years how they could move voting from a private individual responsibility over to the government. And they did lawsuits all over the country in little municipalities where they were trying to get the government to take over voter registration.

And of course, they did judge shopping and sooner or later they found a leftist judge that would agree with them. And so they built momentum for this thing. And then they actually wrote the law that created the National Voter Registration Act, the Motor Voter Law, which was signed by Bill Clinton in...

in 1993, a year before the Republicans took over in Congress so they could do it with impunity. But it has created all the chaos we see in the voting system because

it essentially forces federal agencies to become voter registration operations for the radical left. I mean, motor voter requires motor vehicle departments to register voters. And, and most of the voters who are going to be registered that way are going to be low income people, which they, uh,

assume will vote Democrat, and very importantly, illegal aliens. And so you have the state laws, the various state laws, that are allowing illegal aliens to exist.

driver's license, and that wasn't a mistake. That wasn't unrelated. Those Democrat states that have allowed those laws to pass have calculated that they can get the illegal immigration vote because there is no requirement for somebody to say their citizenship. Right.

in order to get, uh, their motor vehicle license. And then of course registered to vote. So that's what they've been doing. I, I, I want you to read, uh, Jim's book. He is, um, he has put all of this together and I'm telling you what you're experiencing right now, which is going to be a poly crisis that will take us down is the concept that originated with Cloward and Piven. Uh,

illegal immigration being the most visible example, but not the only one. The spending sprees, the subprime mortgage crisis. This is all happening because of Cloward and Piven. The name of the book is Manufactured Crisis, The War to End America. Manufactured Crisis, The War to End America by James Simpson. You can pick it up wherever you get your books. Jim, thank you so much. God bless.

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Former President Trump has announced that he's holding a rally later this month at Madison Square Garden. It's set to take place October 27th. That's nine days before the election.

I mean, does he think that it is in play, New York? I mean, he says that every time. I know. I will say this. It is not in play for him. My guess is it's more of a selfless act. Number one, it will be highly promoted. It will be. The visuals will be amazing. Amazing. Low key, a really, really important state for the House. The Republicans did very well in 2022. The only reason they have the House right now is because of these states, these districts they picked up in New York.

And while it's not necessarily around Madison Square Garden, the state is vitally important for the House for Republicans to get it. But you know what? What changed New York, at least New York City, was COVID. Everything's changed up there. They are psychotic. It is. They are. Really, they are. They're still wearing masks. Many people. And it's it's amazing how, like, for instance, Howard Stern.

He's a different guy. It changed him. A guy who was like, you know, I was in Washington, D.C. when, what was it, that airplane crashed into the 14th Street Bridge. Remember that? And, like, everybody died. They're pulling bodies out of the frozen water the next day, and he's on the air calling the airline saying, I'd like to book a one-way flight to the 14th Street Bridge. Yeah.

Yeah, all right. Listen to what he said to Kamala Harris just on an interview two days ago. Listen to this. Even when I watch them on Saturday Night Live where they have Maya Rudolph playing you, I hate it. I don't want you being made fun of.

There's too much at stake. I believe the entire future of this country right now. I mean, as America landed the free home of the brave, I think it's literally on the line. I agree with you. I mean, cause I think a lot of street bridge bodies being pulled out. I think he'd argue he's changed over the years, right? Yeah. Dramatically. But like a lot of people are looking at that as like, Oh, look how liberal he's become, which whatever. I mean, you can, I'm not surprised that a big entertainer is liberal, but like,

The fact that he's like, we can't have comedy because things are too serious like that. I don't know what that says. If that's just from Howard Stern. And this change came with COVID. It came with COVID. Changed a lot of people. Yeah. Changed a lot of people. A lot of people. And some of them really for the good. Back to freedom. The Glenn Beck Program.