cover of episode Proof That Trump’s the WORST 'Fascist' Ever | Guests: Avi Yemini & Rep. Scott Perry | 10/25/24

Proof That Trump’s the WORST 'Fascist' Ever | Guests: Avi Yemini & Rep. Scott Perry | 10/25/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck: 本期节目讨论了特朗普的政治策略,包括其在拉斯维加斯集会上的演讲,以及他可能取消所得税和通过关税重建美国制造业的计划。他还谈到了对民主党将特朗普比作希特勒或法西斯主义者的回应,认为这种说法是错误的,因为特朗普的政策重点是放松管制,这与希特勒的政策相反。此外,他还讨论了医院面临静脉注射液短缺的危机,以及人们应该如何保护自己免受房屋产权欺诈的侵害。他还谈到了学校应该配备伯纳发射器来应对潜在的枪击事件,以及左派对政治对手的打压是危险的。最后,他还表达了对特朗普获胜的乐观态度,并呼吁人们去投票。 Stu Burguiere: Stu Burguiere在节目中与Glenn Beck一起讨论了各种话题,包括特朗普的政治策略,美国面临的经济挑战,以及医院静脉注射液短缺的危机。他还对民主党将特朗普描绘成希特勒的策略表示批评,认为这种策略是徒劳的,并且对卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选策略提出了质疑。此外,他还讨论了Z世代对政治的反应,以及女性在政治中的角色。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Kamala Harris's campaign strategy focusing on labeling Trump as a 'fascist'?

Desperation to rally anti-Trump base; empty words no longer effective.

Why is Donald Trump's recent speech in Vegas considered significant?

Focused, big vision, optimistic; unlike any other politician in recent memory.

Why might young men be leaning to the Right and young women to the Left?

Men's protective instincts see trouble; women's maternal instincts see empathy narratives.

Why is there a push to end the income tax according to Glenn?

Right time due to tariffs; smaller government, fewer regulations.

Why is the left's strategy of calling Trump a 'fascist' failing?

Trump's policies don't align with fascist definitions; deregulation key.

Why is there concern about Iran's influence over the Biden-Harris administration?

Hiring of individuals with strong ties to Iran; undermining Israel.

Why is there skepticism about General Kelly's claims about Trump?

Kelly out of his league as chief of staff; military mindset vs. political intrigue.

Why is the military's focus on DEI and climate change problematic?

Detracts from lethality and readiness; enemies no longer fear U.S. military.

Glenn Beck discusses Donald Trump's potential policies in a second term, including the possibility of ending the income tax and implementing tariffs to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.
  • Trump's vision for a second term includes ending the income tax and implementing tariffs to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.
  • The discussion highlights the importance of manufacturing and infrastructure rebuilding in the U.S.
  • Trump's focus on deregulation and reducing the size of government is emphasized.

Shownotes Transcript


all right big show today it is friday hello stew hang on it's great to hear from you um let me tell you about jace medical the way you tell stories like just you just did fantastic and yes uh you spend uh much of the time do you spend your time thinking about you know worst case scenarios that that's not that doesn't lead you to a happy place believe me i know

Unfortunately, that's my job. You need to get rid of all of the stuff that you worry about and just put it in the rearview mirror. You know, Eric Prince, he talks about China and the trouble we're in with China. Well, China makes 80% of our drugs. That's not good. So what you need is a bridge from some sort of disruption to getting our crap together.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. So I tried to get to Las Vegas yesterday, just couldn't make it at the last minute. And so I watched the rally of Donald Trump in Vegas yesterday.

This guy is on fire. I mean, in the best way. I know they've been trying to light him on fire for a long time, but he is nailing it. He has brought a big vision, and he's the first politician that has been talking big vision in detail. I...

Maybe since Reagan? I mean, Barack Obama seemed to have a big vision. "We're going to transform the United States of America. We're going to take it over and, you know, we got hope and change." But he never articulated anything. It was just all empty feelings. But it worked back then. As Kamala is finding out, empty words mean nothing anymore. Had enough of that.

He was so spot on yesterday. If you didn't see his speech last night in Vegas, you need to watch it. I don't think I've ever said that. You got to watch this Donald Trump speech. You should watch it in its entirety. It only runs, believe it or not, I think it ran about an hour. And he was focused, big vision, happy. It is his time.

We'll talk about that. And Kamala is warning Americans again. Donald Trump, you know, he's a fascist.

Wait till you hear the latest. We'll get to that here in just a second. First, let me tell you about relief factor. Living with pain is kind of a drag. You walk around all day with that pain constantly crashing cymbals in your ears. And if you're in the kind of pain that I used to be, or worse, you'll try just about anything. I mean, if they would have said, Glenn, you got to eat cats with the people from Venezuela, I might have said...

You eat the cats and I'll watch. But no, I would have tried it. It's cats. My wife and I started watching this show last night. Have you seen... What is it? Ah, shoot. It's with... Is it a musical? No. It's on Apple. It's a series with Cate Blanchett in it. Disclaimer? No. Disclaimer or something? Anyway, I can't remember. It's good sell, though. Yeah. It has a cat in every scene. And...

I'm sorry. It's driving me nuts. I hate when cats jump on people's kitchen counters. No, no. Those feet have been in a litter box. You're very strange. Get off the kitchen. That's not strange. You're a very strange person. If your dog had been walking around in its own poop, do you want it walking around on your kitchen counter? Some people like their animals. I know. That's a crazy idea. All right. All right.

Please, I'm trying to stay focused on Relief Factor. Stop masking your pain and start fighting back naturally. How the hell did I get there? Give Relief Factor a try right now. Their three-week quick start. Somebody in the psychiatry and psychology profession analyzing this right now. And they're like, oh, brother, I know what it is.

Give Relief Factor a try. Three-week quick start is only $19.95, less than a dollar a day. Call 800-4-RELIEF. 800, the number for relief. I have to tell you, I watched him last night. I mean, he is on it.

I was told he's exhausted, Glenn. That's what I was told. Reliable sources like Kamala Harris told me he's exhausted. This is a tough job. He can't do this job. As if we didn't just witness you make excuses for a guy for four years who actually was in that situation. Yeah. He is not. He is sharper than ever.

And I don't say that because I see him backstage. I see him, you know, in conferences and he's sharper than ever. Trust me. And he's on stage going...

You can see it. This speech he gave last night was so focused. He even, honestly, there were times he was reading the teleprompter and I'm like, is he reading that off the teleprompter? He's I've never said that. He's usually on teleprompter like, and another thing we'll do. And then he'll go off and he'll meander for a while. And then he'll come back to the teleprompter. He was fantastic last night. Uh, and big vision, optimistic, uh,

with the people, I mean, totally right where people are right now. He was closing well. Game-changing stuff. If he can get in and do this stuff, game-changing. And Rogan today, right? So that's a big one. Good time to be on your game. I've often said that I thought the best time Donald Trump has ever, the best performance he's ever had campaigning was in the few weeks following the Access Hollywood tape.

Because like, I think that shook him and he was, there was a moment of like, oh my gosh, we're going to lose this thing badly. And he just buttoned up and he was rock solid for several weeks. And like, he has his moments all the time. He's, you know, he does, he has his strengths, obviously. But, you know, he can, as you point out, kind of go off script and do his stuff.

He's doing really well because they put him in a position and he's decided to take a position where he's going in and doing these podcast type interviews. It's just, it fits him really well. I mean, like there's another world where just if Donald Trump doesn't decide he ever wants to be president of the United States, he's just a big podcast host. Yeah.

That's an absolute thing that could have happened in this world. Coming off of The Apprentice, he's a big, you know, a big real estate developer. I would highly recommend that if he would lose. I would highly recommend that. Just don't do it at this time period, please. Or this country. You could do it at some other place. But, I mean, he is... He was finally...

Someone saying what the problems are, but not just saying the problems. Here's how we're going to fix it. You know, when you listen to this speech last night from him where he's talking about, I think he's maybe even talking about no income tax.

Yeah. Now, as a person who has a mug and has been selling it for a couple of years, repeal the 16th Amendment. Yes. I am a huge fan of that particular part of that policy. Yeah. We should totally get rid of the income tax. Now, you know. And it's almost, I mean, I think it's the right time because he's talking about tariffs in a different way. He's talking about tariffs. You build your cars outside of the United States. Okay. Yeah.

We're going to put a tariff on it to keep cars that are made here in the United States cheaper. We have to rebuild. This is the only time I think I've ever started to agree with tariffs. We must rebuild our infrastructure. We have to have manufacturing here in America. You know, people are under this illusion that, oh, well, we did it before, you know, World War II. When America sets their mind to it, they can do anything.

What did we contribute to World War II? Manufacturing. We made the planes and the tanks and the Jeeps and everything else. We made the trucks that brought the whole world into Germany. Okay. That was our biggest contribution. We lost what? 500,000 people?

Russia lost 20 million soldiers. We had the least on the table far as flesh and bone. We were important. Don't get me wrong. And everything those guys did was obviously. However, our biggest contribution was being able to turn manufacturing on and just produce a war machine. We had nothing in 38. Nothing.

In 39 and 40, we started to get serious because we're like, we're in trouble. And they started to tool. 41, we were way behind Germany in manufacturing. We could not even keep up. By 42, 43, I think we had almost doubled their output.

Because we had our own steel, we had our own manufacturing plants. All you had to do is start making this instead of this. Tariffs would bring jobs back at this point. Later in our life, we may not be able to do it. But tariffs have a chance of saying, look, you want to...

You want to sell your stuff. Fine. Make it in America. Big stuff. Big manufacturing stuff. Make it in America. We'll give you incentives to bring your company, your manufacturing here. So we have these plants. We are producing our own steel. We're doing these things. Meanwhile, we're also going to drill baby drill. And as he said last night, frack, frack, frack, frack, frack.

And so we will bring our energy costs down. I think this is a game-changing moment. Game-changing. Yeah.

And I'm never going to be in love with tariffs like I'm not. I'm not in love with tariffs either. But I mean, the size of the government that would be required for a government to be funded by tariffs is a size of a government I like. Yes. It's a lot smaller than the one we have. Yes. It does a lot fewer things. Yes. And I like that. And we were all about that up until the 13th, 16th Amendment.

Yeah, look, get rid of that. And it's a heck of a good step in the right direction. And I think it's also the right thing. I mean, there are really bad taxes out there. Income tax is one of them. The progressive income tax in particular. I'd go for, I just go for a flat tax.

Everybody pays the same. We all have the same skin in the game. Yeah, and the payroll tax is another one. Trump has talked about that before, which is a regressive tax, not even a progressive tax, a regressive tax, where people who are at the bottom of the income scale pay a higher percentage than those at the top, which, again, you'd think the progressives would be all over, but they want their money. Anyway, Trump has proposed a lot of these different tax cuts and

Look, until this election, I thought that was what everyone did in an election time. But I think he's actually going to do a lot of these things.

He's obviously he's restricted by the form of government we have. I know if he has the Senate and the House, I think we'll do a lot of this. And that would be great. It's certainly not going to go the wrong direction for once. And that would be nice. You know, I mean, if you can get this point, the stuff done that he says he's going to do in four years. And he he has told me, Glenn, it's not going to be four years. We have 100 days. We have 100 days.

And he's right. He's got to come in and just go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Take everybody's breath away. Uh,

because he's got to turn it around and turn it around quickly. Yeah, and I think if his focus is freeing people to do with their money what they want, rather than a centralized economic policy, which I don't think is a good thing. The more we centralize economic strategy, I think we've seen this in country after country. That turns out poorly. This is what Kamala Harris wants, though.

And she wants a house in Washington making all the decisions for the entire country. And it's quite clear that that's not what Donald Trump wants. I mean, that's not to say that we can't find, I'm sure we can nitpick these policies and find things that we don't like. But at the end of the day, here's a person who understands the American economy. Yes. And by the way, I don't know if anyone recognized this. He was already president of the United States and things went pretty well.

Yeah. Right? It's not what it was in 16. We didn't know if he actually believed these things. We didn't know. The only thing I knew for sure is tariffs. Remember? Oh, yeah. Tariffs and at some level the border. And war. Those are two things. You mean being opposed to it. Being opposed to war. Those three things he's been really consistent on since like 1980. For like 40 years. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And those things I knew he would do. I...

I didn't know the rest. I didn't believe the rest. I'm going to make sure that we recognize Israel. Uh-huh. Sure. Right. I didn't know if he would prioritize Israel. I didn't know that he would name Supreme Court justices that would overturn Robles' lead. Exactly right. These are things that I really, I mean, not even doubted, was somewhat sure he wouldn't do back in 2016. I was positive. I was stupid. I was positive he wouldn't do it. But I think understandably, and that's why I think, too, you're seeing a real failure of

of what Harris and Walls are trying to do with this whole fascism Hitler thing. Oh my gosh. If in 2016, you have a guy who's a businessman, who's never been in politics, who you don't necessarily, can't necessarily lock down in all of his policies, and

You know, he's a guy who's most famous for saying you're fired to people over and over again. Oh, I hope he becomes more famous soon. At some level in 2016, maybe you can convince some undecided people. I don't know. Is this guy Hitler? I don't know. Like, maybe you'd be able to work. Hitler was the guy. Here is the definition of fascism.

Hitler took the government, made it all regulations, and then went to the companies and said, I'm not going to put you out of business. You just have to make what we want. You have to make it how we want it and follow all these regulations. You can keep your company. You can get rich. He made public-private partnerships. Well, that's not what Donald Trump is doing. And I'll point out, if you want to look at the defining...

piece of domestic policy for Donald Trump during his first term. Probably the easiest way to summarize it would be deregulation. You could talk about the border, but some of that stuff he got done, some of it he didn't. You could talk about a bunch of different policies. But defining when it comes to domestic policy probably is deregulation. He did that all over the government. Did Adolf Hitler, was he famous for deregulation? No.

I'm pretty sure... And civil cut regulations! I will completely stay out of everything! No, he didn't say that. That was not his policy profile. We want privatized gas chambers! What?

It's dark, but it's funny because it's just like it's so inherently stupid. I mean, a closing argument. And I think like what I was thinking about this because there's obviously a jam, a totally different strategy from the Harris campaign in the last couple of weeks. Like now we're going on TV all the time and he's Hitler. No more joy.

It's so bizarre. It's so weird. And I wonder if partially, obviously they know this isn't working, but I think their strategy, their piece of this argument behind the scenes is likely there are no more undecided voters we can get. No. So just like now charge our people. I want the MSNBC viewer at the polls. Yes. That's exactly what's happening and a setup for trouble after the election. But we'll get into some of that later.

You know, in a happy sort of way. Yeah. In just a minute. Yeah, joyful. Thank you. Thank you. Joyful. What if I told you that with just a little bit of your time, you could not only be paying significantly less for your phone service, but you'd also be dealing with a phone company that shares your values, not the leftist ones. It's Patriot Mobile. Consider, please, switching your cell phone service today. I don't know.

Why everybody hasn't done this? I mean that sincerely. You're going to save money. Okay. Like sometimes it's like half the cost. You get exactly the same service because you're on exactly the same cell tower. So you're getting the same service of the big three. The, the,

Right now, saving money, same service, and you're sending a message and not just an empty message. You're taking money away from Planned Parenthood that Verizon got from you and gave to Planned Parenthood. How is this not just like a no brainer?

Switch today. 972-PATRIOT. 972-PATRIOT for your free month of service. slash back 972-PATRIOT. 10 seconds, station ID. Okay. All right. First of all, can you give me the tweet from Kamala Harris yesterday? Oh, you have the audio? Go ahead. That's better. Play the audio. Just imagine the Oval Office in three months. Picture it in your mind. Okay, I'm picturing it. It is either so...

But there's a choice that everybody has. So let's imagine it for a moment. Okay. It's either Donald Trump in there stewing his enemies list or me, you, checking off do lists. You have the

To do list. Okay, stop. You mean, so in other words, the to-do list, which is probably more aptly called... The should have already been done list. Yeah. Right? Like you've been vice president for four years. Should have done that. Should have done that. What a weird thing for an incumbent to run on. And what... To have a to-do list? I know. I know. Wait, what have you been doing? I know. And how bizarre is it? She won't tell you what that to-do list is, by the way.

She has to study it some more. But anyway, she and she says it on a day that Donald Trump said much to my chagrin. I would be open to pardoning Hunter Biden. Now, I wouldn't get that one. Yeah, but that is the kind of guy he does not believe in.

in an enemy's list he doesn't he will you know what i think that is i could be wrong on this this is hillary clinton you know saying you know put block him up and then did he no no i think it's bad what i think this is i tell me if you think you know him better than i do so this is me just just guessing at his you know the way he's thinking but

I think this is a way to try to further this divide between Kamala and him. Like, I think he, I think there's a part of Biden at this point that wants Kamala to lose because he's so pissed off that they took this nomination from him. And I think this is just him sort of like,

you know, he's encouraging a little bit. Maybe this isn't so bad if I were to win, Joe. I don't know. You think that has anything to do with that? He plays three-dimensional chess all the time. Exactly. This is the way he thinks. I don't know. That's very good observation. Very good. Let me see. Let me take you to a couple of other places. Well, here's Hillary. The same story. This is Hillary. Listen to this.

And, you know, one other thing that you'll see next week, Caitlin, is Trump actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book. I bet you do. President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis, fascists in America were lining up to essentially...

pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany. You know what's really weird? You know what one of the leaders of what was called the German Boone Movement, you know who one of the leaders was? Father Coughlin, a progressive Democrat. Says the person who loves the early 20th century progressives, right? Right, of course. All right, let me tell you about the Berna launcher. You know, I have to tell you,

The Berna launcher, I think, should be in every school. I think the teachers should have in their desk or on their person a Berna launcher.

It's a way to I mean, the argument is, well, we can't equip them with guns because then bullets would be flying. Well, this won't kill anybody. But I'll tell you, you hit that attacker with tear gas. You fire it. You can fire it from around the corner. You don't even have to look fired around the corner. And now the guy's been immobilized with tear gas.

Why wouldn't you use a Berna launcher? Every school should have these. Every teacher should. You don't need a license. You don't need a permit. No background checks can be used by all age groups over 18 because it's non-lethal. But it incapac... Why isn't this in every school? It's almost like people don't want to solve this problem.

Berna, B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash Glenn. Check this out. The Berna Launcher. Berna, made in America by deep fans of the Second Amendment. Glenn's new book, Propaganda Wars, available now. Go to or wherever you get your books.

You know, I'm just filled with such optimism right now that if we all go out and do our part, if we go out and vote, I really think Donald Trump is going to win. And I think if everyone, like in Texas, people are like, oh, you know, he's going to win. Maybe not.

Maybe not. But your responsibility is to go out and vote anyway, even if your vote doesn't count. Because this one, I really think that this is a first gate on whether or not you're going to stand or not. Because if they win, it's going to be harder and harder to stand. It's going to be more and more difficult. Look at what they're doing to not just Donald Trump, Elon Musk.

Look at what they're doing. And I just am overwhelmed with, I feel like we're seeing God in action right now. He is interested in the affairs of man and this country. And we just all have to do our part. Because I think we're at a place now where if we...

control ourselves, have self-regulation, the technology that is coming our way could change everything. You know, we were just talking about the Berna launcher. Yeah. It's great. Why is it that those are not being snapped up by schools? Just think of this. What's the argument of teachers having guns?

Well, my new argument is I think if they're in the union, they're nuts. But the argument is you don't want somebody with deadly stopping power around children. Now, this is not what I agree, but you don't want them around children. You need responsible people with stopping power around children for anybody who wants to protect the children. However...

That's a big responsibility for all of the teachers. You just need to stop the attack, right? Well, if you had to burn a launcher with tear gas in it, if you knew that the guy was in the next room, you could just stick your hand out around the corner. You don't even have to aim it and just fire it in the hallway or in the lunchroom or wherever they are.

He wouldn't be able to see. That would give you time. I mean, it'll disable him for 40 minutes if it hits within, I think, 6 or 10 feet. But even if it's, you know, 15 feet away...

It will give the kids time to get out or somebody to tackle that guy. Right. And there's no risk of death. Yeah, because, you know, one of the, they always talk about people getting guns in their hands. They could do a mass shooting. Well, not with a burnout launcher. No. That's not a possibility. And it is something that is only really a defensive weapon. Right. Right. And so you'd think in these situations, it would be perfect for schools to have. Correct.

It's not even like a taser where you have to be close or pepper spray. You don't have to be close. You don't even have to be good at your aim. Well, have they considered this? I mean, do people come and talk to Verna about this at schools? Nope. You know, I was talking to the guy at Verna yesterday, a great guy. And he said, I don't understand it, Glenn. He said, if you were trying to make sure that school shootings didn't happen and other shootings didn't happen, why?

why wouldn't you embrace this technology? He said, honestly, I thought liberals would be the first to adopt this technology. He said, I'm huge Second Amendment. I carry a gun. He said, but I also carry a burner launcher. And he said, I'll tell you why. He said, years ago, I was driving down the highway and he said, honestly, I was being kind of a jerk. I was, you know, weaving in and out of traffic. And he said, some guy got pissed off and

and would was tailgating me. And then I'd slow down and he'd slow down. I'd speed up. He'd slow. He'd speed up. He wouldn't let me go behind him or anything else. And he's like, OK, now now we're in full fledged road rage with this guy. And, you know, he was like, I know I you know, I know I was being rude to other drivers, but road rage is bad.

You know, not good. He said, so I decided just to deescalate. I was just going to pull off to the side of the road and let him go. He said, I pulled off and he pulled in right behind me and got out of his car. He said, I had a gun in my glove box. And he said, I looked at my glove box, looked at my rear view mirror and saw him walking towards the car. And he's like, do I grab my gun? He said, I wasn't willing to kill someone, uh,

Over road rage. He said, I wasn't willing. I knew I wouldn't pull the trigger and I could make it worse. If you pull it and you're not willing to use it, then it's going to be worse. And if that person has a gun, you pull out your gun. Right. What happens then? And he said, so I made the biggest mistake of my life. He said, I got out of my car and I was like, hey, I'm really sorry. And he said, the guy beat me with an inch of my life. And he said, I realized I

I can't be alone, but even if I am, there's got to be something where...

You're in those situations where you're like, I'm not willing to kill that person. You know what I mean? But I know I'm in real danger. And he said, that's why I did it. And he said, so for those situations that don't require lethal force that people might find themselves in, why wouldn't we give them an option? I wanted another option. And he said, okay.

All of the left, all he said, we're banned on Facebook. We're banned from advertising with Google. We can't advertise this anywhere. We can't do it. He said talk radio is like the only place left. Some podcasts as well. But he said, I can't get anything from a liberal side to let me advertise. He said, why would that be?

My answer to him was, I don't I'm not sure anybody wants to solve the problem because what have we done on school shootings? Have we solved that? No, we just keep talking about every time it happens. Nobody says, OK, we can't get that done.

We can continue to work on that if you're from the left. We can continue to work on that, but we've got to do other things. That's the only option? To only just take your guns. Right. This is a clear option. I'm telling you if, and this is not a commercial, but I'm telling you if you are a teacher, why wouldn't your school allow you to have a Berna launcher? It's tear gas. The worst that can happen is everybody's in the hallway crying.

It's much better than having everybody in the community crying. And I just think we are coming up with new answers now on things. I think Elon Musk is absolutely amazing. And what are they trying to do to him? Because they disagree with him politically. This is America.

Because they disagree with him politically, they are trying to put him out of business. And if they win, they will. They will. He'll either be dead, broke, or in jail. And they'll make sure of it. That's not America. And if this, we have the chance with all of the West, all of the world, going so totalitarian and so fascistic that

If we lead the way out of this, it is going to be a rebirth of this country like you haven't seen. And I think, you know, at least with me, my head has been so clouded with how do I tell people what's coming? How do I warn them? Well, I don't know if it needs to happen much more. We'll find out in, what, 11 days. We'll find out. But

People are waking up. They know. And the empty calories of the left is just not doing anything. You know, when Kamala says...

to Anderson Cooper and the town hall just a couple of days ago. I may not be able to answer all of your questions because, I mean, I still have some studying to do on some of these policies. What the hell? Are you a freshman in high school taking a college class? I don't know if you know this. Class has been dismissed. You've graduated. You're now vying for the center chair of

the big office, the corner office, the one that has to make all of the decisions. Uh, you shouldn't be studying up on easy things that the average person can ask you about policy. That time is long gone. And so people know that. And I was thinking, I thought this when I was listening to her in the town hall. And then I thought it again, listening to Donald Trump. Uh, I got up early this morning and listened to his speech last night. And, um,

I have to tell you, without vision, the people shall perish. Without leadership, the people shall perish. That's not is Joe Biden a leader? Is Kamala Harris a leader? We don't know who the leader is right now. I can just tell you we didn't vote for them. Whoever is actually running the show, it's not them.

So it's an unelected leader that we don't know. I'd like to know their vision. And the one who we're supposed to pick as the leader with vision won't share her vision and has never proven herself to be a leader. Okay, great. On the other hand...

Listen to what Donald Trump is saying with a very happy, hopeful message. He's not, you know, he is the guy I have been praying for for a very long time. Where's the next Ronald Reagan? People said that about Donald Trump the first term. He had so many rough edges on it, on him, that you could look at his policies and say, yeah, but you couldn't look at his message because he was always on defense, right?

And he was angry and he had every reason to be. I worried that this campaign would be a vengeance to her, you know, that he would just be mad and look what they've done to me. That's not what he's done. And I think we should recognize that that's not what he's done. I have to tell you, it might be what I would have done. I would have been tempted to do that.

But he has plugged into the psyche of America unlike any other politician I've ever seen. And something big is coming. Now, if it's something big and it's bad, just know it will be good in the end. God has a way of doing stuff, and he's engaged right now. Are you? For the first time in my life, I look at this election in a completely different way. I live in Texas. I think Donald Trump's going to win.

But I voted and I voted for him and I looked at each candidate and I voted for the candidate that I felt was on the right track all the way down the line. Um, and it's not because I think, you know, with the Cruz thing, I think it will make a difference in Texas. Um, I don't think Donald Trump's going to lose Texas maybe, but I doubt it. Um,

But that vote was not to be counted just in the popular vote, which is very important this time around. I really think that this is the easiest, lowest hurdle. Do you recognize the difference between life and death? Do you recognize eternal truth and eternal damnation lies?

Can you still see the difference between good and evil when they are in your face this bright? This is something that I looked at my vote as I'm saying to him, I've done my homework. I think this is the guy. I think it's pretty clear, Lord. But if I'm wrong,

I vow to you that I will write this wrong. If this guy turns into something really dangerous and bad for freedom, because this is not my freedom I'm losing. This is the freedom you gave me on loan to protect for future generations. So if this guy all of a sudden turns into everything that Kamala says, I will be on the front line fighting him. I vow to you, God, that

I know what's at stake, but I want you to know, count me, count me. At this amazing time in human history, count me. I will stand right where you ask me to stand.

All right, unless you're Amish, you spend an awful lot of your day driving around from one place to another. Actually, they probably spend more time driving around, but things don't break down. They don't have an engine in that horse. Anyway, when it breaks down, yeah, I guess the Amish have to buy a new horse, but you might have to put a new transmission in. You might have to, I mean, all the things that could go wrong, just the computer chips alone are a fortune right now.

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This is the Glenn Beck Program. So excited for you to hear this. I'm nervous, kind of nervous, but I think you're going to really like it. Welcome to the program. I got a call from a doctor friend of mine who runs a hospital. And he said, Glenn, are you paying attention to the IV bag shortage? And I'm like, of course I am. Who isn't, you know?

He said, no, it's critical. He said one of the main manufacturers, there's three in America, one of the main manufacturers, their plant was wiped out in the hurricane. And he said some of our hospitals are days to three weeks away of not being able to have IV fluids.

I can't take on another issue. I'm out of room for issues. I called the company yesterday, and they said, no, we're working really hard to get the plant back up. We hope to have it up in a couple of weeks, and this should. But warning, warning, warning, warning. The Glenn Beck Program. Now, it's important to protect your home. We've been talking about protecting your family and your belongings.

But it's your home. It's your biggest belonging, right? It's your retirement, essentially. It's right around the corner if you are thinking about how to prepare for the future. If all of your money is gone, if all of your equity is gone, what do you do? Well, I can tell you what you do because you basically go around and you have to fight through the legal system for months and months and months and months to reclaim what is rightfully yours.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. It is Friday. We get to the show here in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about This is a company that I started with my brother about 10 years ago. It's done billions of dollars now in home sales. And it's all based on...

It's all based on people that have earned the right to say, I am the best real estate agent in the area. And it's not just based on sales. It is also based on competence, do

Do you know the way the system works now? What is your website like? How do you get people to traffic your website so people are there? When somebody puts their house up for sale, you want as many people to see it as possible. You know, the days are gone where you blow up balloons and everybody just stops by. There's no more Sunday drivers, okay?

And so you need people everywhere seeing your house up for sale. And you need a real estate agent that has a great track record of being honest, knows what they know, knows what they don't, and also listens to you. Those are the kind of real estate agents we look for to recommend to you. So if you're looking to buy or sell across the street or across the country, will give you the name of the real estate agent in your area.

So, have you seen the McDonald's Happy Meal toys, the videos or the pictures of them? I've seen those, but they're not real. I don't know. Remember I told you? Remember I told you?

There'd be a time you wouldn't be able to believe your eyes or ears. I mean, they look completely real, but I gotta assume they're AI or something, right? I don't know. If you know about these Happy Meals, and you have one, will you just call us real quick? 888-727-BECK. McDonald's is not going to start producing Happy Meal action figures of candidates. I wouldn't think so.

But they look so real. And people are like, hey, I've got three of these so far. I'll trade for the Elon Musk one. I can't believe that. Right. I think it's a joke, right? It's got to be AI. Unless they have Kamala Harris ones. The Joe Biden one. They make all the candidates type of thing? Yeah. But I can't imagine. But I'm looking now. Can we get a camera on the screen in front of me underneath Sarah's head?

You can't, can you? Anyway, there's... Get it on my screen here. Look at this picture of... Look at this picture of Elon Musk. I mean, what are you... And it is stew. It's not Elon Musk. That's where we were going. It's stew. It is. It even has your dimples. No, Sarah. I didn't say nipples. I said dimples. Dimples.

That is, I mean... Excuse Sarah, she's drunk. So, I mean, I can't... Sarah's going, what? How do you know what his nipples look like? I said dimples, but thanks for chiming in. I do get the Elon Musk thing from time to time. That is one that I get people like, oh, you look like Elon Musk, which I mean, I don't...

I mean, he almost seems like a normal look. It's not a compliment. It's not an insult per se. No, you do kind of look like him. I mean, you look exactly like his McDonald doll. Yes. That looks more like you than him. If that's real, I want it. Oh, you have to. I have to get it, but it's not real. You could convince your grandkids. I was so big that McDonald's made me into a toy. I do think it would be fun at some point to rent a Tesla.

and like hire a bunch of like photographers to just kind of stand out in front of a restaurant and just like, I'll just get out and just walk in and kind of like duck my head and it would be fun just to see it. And have everybody go, wow, that guy thinks he looks like Elon Musk. I don't, but I mean, I do hear that from time to time. And I would like to be, can I walk into a bank and just be like, hey, it's me, Elon. Hey, just give me some of the cash. Just give me some, whatever amount you can grab is fine. Yeah.

Yeah, that's called robbery. The amazing thing, I just can't get over, again, where they're making fun, and especially Tim Walls, who is one of the most awkward guys ever coming out on stage. So awkward. Him making fun of Elon Musk, who is autistic. Asperger's. Asperger's, yeah. Okay, so he has Asperger's.

Since when does a presidential candidate remember when Donald Trump talked years ago? And everybody was outraged and they thought it was wrong. I thought it was wrong, too. I think he eventually thought it was wrong himself. Here's Tim Walz going on and saying, you know, and he's walking around like a spaz or what did he say? Skipping on the state. And it's like, yeah, because he has Asperger's, you dope. And this is a guy whose son is handicapped.

And they were very quick to complain about anyone who called that out. Yeah. Which I think I actually thought his, you know, him at the DNC was like actually really endearing his son because, you know, his son was just like overly gushingly proud of his dad, which is fine. On the other side, like...

my least favorite thing of this election cycle is having a closer relationship with Tim walls. I can't stand him. He drives me nuts. Everything about him drives me nuts. I don't know what it is. I know what it is. They're fake. It's fake. I think that's what it is. Everything seems so fake. The fake, I'm a hunter thing. The fake, um,

excitement on stage. I'm just so excited. Yeah, the fake, like, I'm just a normal dad and like in the over, oh God, it's so irritating. The I'm just a knucklehead. Yeah, that stuff. Like that stuff. You know, when I was performing surgery on my wife and I was giving her a kidney transplant. Wait a minute. You what? I'm sorry. I'm a knucklehead sometimes. I don't know what I was saying. The inauthentic liar, this sort of like,

Here is every goofy sitcom dad. It's like what the left thinks a Midwestern dad is like. And it's so irritating. I find him...

20 times more irritating than kamala harris like kamala harris i she is what she is she's terrible she's an awful politician i've i've seen this person a million times throughout politics walls is so irritating in a totally different way it hits me at my core like i can't stand him i really think i don't know what it is are uh have developed over the last especially gen z

They have developed this bull crap meter. Unlike, you know, my generation was the first generation to be marketed to from birth.

OK, we saw marketing when we were little on television and everything else. And, you know, all the serial marketing and everything else. It was like buy unfiltered cigarettes, boy. It was like that. It was, you know, four out of five doctors recommend camel cigarettes. And you're like, really? OK.

And so, you know, we were marketed to this generation has been lied to for so long. We yes, we had the tobacco lie. But generally speaking, other things were kind of on the up and up. You know what I mean? Not now.

Everything is a lie. Everything they see, their friends on Facebook, it's a lie. That's not them actually authentically smiling. That's not them authentically doing anything. They're setting this fake situation up for the camera or a video or whatever, right?

They know authenticity when they see it. And I think that's why you're seeing such a swing in Z. And you're also seeing Z kind of repelled from the Harris-Walls kind of campaign. They're like,

I don't think that's real. President Xi, I think he really is compelled to go toward the Kamala Harris campaign. Yes, he is Generation Z. Generation Z. Okay, yeah, that's true. No, you're right. The leader of China, absolutely. It's like, what? This sounds great. Glenn Beck is now saying I'm against Kamala Harris? That's got to change. I think we're seeing this in polls, too, when you look at...

at the movement, especially young men, young men are really running away from the democratic party. Now they're young women are becoming more liberal. I think, I don't know if that continues. Are you worried about that? No, I've told you, I think what I think that is. I wasn't listening. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, that's, I should have expected it. Right. So excuse the audience. You've probably heard this before, but this will be new for Stu. Right. The, the,

I think this can be explained, but...

by no matter how much the left wants to say, men and women are exactly the same. And you're like, uh, that guy in a short, tight, you know, short shorts there on the volleyball team just blew that other team members head off with a serve. Uh, no, no, they're exactly the same. Uh, what we're very different. And, and there's one thing that we're all born with.

Men are born with a protective. I thought you were going to go to different P word there, but go ahead. With a penis. Oh, yes. Okay. Yes. But also a protective gene. Okay. I'm sorry, but we are naturally built to be the protector.

And women, and this is all, you know, I've met women who are not like this. I've met men who are not like this. It's a generality. Generality. Generally, women are the nurturer. They're the first to run and go, oh, I know you didn't mean it. And dad's like, yeah, I did. Oh, no, no, we can't spank. We can't spank. Yeah, we can. So we're just different. Okay.

What's happening to Generation Z with both the females and the males is I think the guys are seeing, I think that's a lot of bull crap. And no, my instincts tell me that's not going to work out well for us. They see trouble on the horizon. And so their natural instinct to stand up and be a man is,

Bad times or hard times make strong men. We're at the beginning of the hard times. Generation Z is going to be the strong men. They're going to reject all this. What are you saying? I can wear a dress and be a he-man? I'm not afraid to say a woman could rule over me. Shut up.

Shut up. They've had enough of it. And they don't have a problem. It's exactly the way we were for most people when Barack Obama started saying, yeah, and they just hate black people. And you're like, I don't hate black. What are you talking about? All they see is race. I don't see. I listen to Martin Luther King, all of that stuff. That's in the past. That's in history. Right? That's where Generation Z is on this.

They don't they don't have a problem with women, you know, being the president. They don't have a problem with any of these stuff that any of this stuff we have evolved as much as the progressive movement has tried to regress our society and

They know that's bull crap instinctively. The reason why the women are flipping so hard on the other side is because their maternal instinct is kicking in. And they see the sad little tale about all of these immigrants where the guys will see, yeah, they're gang members. The women will just see, yeah, but what about the poor little child that's

You mean the one that's in danger of being marketed for sex? Well, no, but there are these little kids that this is all normal. It's all normal. This is what Ali Stuckey is talking about in her book. What is it? Toxic empathy, right? Yeah. She's talking about how you're playing on that. Right. Yeah. They're targeting women with that sort of approach. And it works on a lot of women. I mean, it really, you know, it works on them. It's natural. It's natural. It's natural.

And it's natural for guys to say no. It's natural for guys who generally are the one, again, generally. I know a lot of strong women that are not like this, but generally they're the ones who are like, get out of the way. I'm going to make something of my life. I am going to build this thing.

Where generally women are not cutthroat and they also, they can get in to be cutthroat and be, you know, a great entrepreneur or whatever. No, but they also will at some point say, I want to have a baby. I want to be a mom.

And some women are completely ruthless, right? Behind the scenes. I think, let me give you, may I say, I think, I think girls, I think women slowly grow out of that. Maybe by the time they're 80, they're not as ruthless as they were when they were teenage girls. Teenage girls are monsters. Can I give a counterpoint to this? Yeah. The rise of Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris has been doing this behind the scenes for decades. Yes. And she has risen throughout politics. I'm trying to be careful with my words. She's risen throughout politics through a legitimate... I was trying to avoid... I was going to say a legitimate talent... Of having sex with her boss? I'm sorry. I shouldn't, but I just... Go ahead. A legitimate talent with...

with backroom politics. And I didn't say bedroom, though bedroom also would apply in this particular, certain portions of her career. But backroom politics, she was able to out-execute dozens of high-level politicians

competing attorneys in San Francisco to gain billionaire donors. I mean, her rise is it's legitimate talent of hers. It's her only talent. But it has when women why is she here? When women go dark, when women go ruthless, there's studies on this. The the worst Nazi guards were the women.

Really? Oh, my gosh. Read about the women's camps and the women that were, they were ruthless, ruthless, far more than the men. All right, back in just a second. Men were pretty bad. Men were pretty bad. I mean, they were just, you know, sticking people with knives for fun. So, but the women were ruthless. Lynn,

Linda writes in about her dog's experience with rough greens. She says Lucy just had her 11th birthday in September. Since trying rough greens, she now waits impatiently for her meals. She initiates playing with her Frisbee, something she hadn't done in years. And she's my walking partner again. It's like the clock is turning back for her.

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For your free Rough Greens jumpstart trial bag, watch the clock turn back on your dog. Go to roughgreens, R-U-F-F greens dot com slash Beck or call 833-G-L-E-N-N 33. That's 833-GLEN33 or slash Beck. 10 seconds station ID. I can't believe that Stu made so many sexist comments here on this broadcast.

You seem to be very pro women in that segment. I would just like the record to show that that's all stew. Even the stuff I said, I'm afraid of stew. He makes me say these things, your honor. Your best defense at this point. Yeah, I know. You know what? You know, I'm, I'm pretty convinced that if Donald Trump loses, I'm going to have to find a new job. Um,

But I am convinced that that won't happen to podcasters on the other side of the aisle or broadcasters on the other side of the aisle if Donald Trump wins. Actually, he's going to bring the military to their houses. He calls them the enemy within. Have you heard about this? And, you know, let me tell you exactly who he says the enemy within is. Anyone who doesn't bend the knee.

Anyone who dares to disagree with him, he's sending the military to your house. That's literally what she's saying. You know what's amazing is watching his campaign speech last night, which you have to watch. Even if you've seen a million of his speeches, this one was unbelievable. And very focused and happy and optimistic. Anyway, what's amazing is...

Yesterday, he said that he might pardon Hunter Biden. He'd be open to that. Stu had a really good theory on that last hour. In case you missed it, listen to the podcast. But he's not going the direction that they need him to go. And they look so incredibly desperate right now. They are just trying to get the people that hate Donald Trump

The people who watch MSNBC just to go, well, I got to go out because if they don't get if they lose any of their base, they're in trouble. Any of their base, they don't stand a chance. You know, I have a feeling with the way now I don't know how it's going to happen with the voting and, you know, whatever.

and everything else but i i think i hate to even say this um but i i think there's a chance that if if our side comes out to vote he could maybe maybe win the popular vote now that's going to be hard because possible it's possible it's right there i mean with california looking uh as who said this the other day looking at elon musk i think looking at voter id as like a cross and a vampire

You know, the people going, no, don't show us your ID. That might skew things in a popular vote. He's got a shot, though. I mean, the national polls are really close. And, you know, usually what happens is the Democrats can win the national polls because they run up the margins in California and New York. But, I mean, that might not happen this time. I mean, Trump definitely has a shot at it. It's very close. If you go out and vote...

I mean, there's nothing that will shut them down more than electoral and popular vote. Get out and vote. It matters in all states. All right. It's not fun to have to admit, but almost nobody is a good shot right out of the gate. You know, the first time without any effort whatsoever, you suck. You do. This is a perishable skill. You have to practice a lot and then practice a lot more. You, you, uh,

It's just different when you're in, especially when you're in a panic. And it's hard to practice all the time because it takes all that time of going to the range and then spending on the ammunition. But you got to do it unless you have a Mantis X. Now, Mantis X is the greatest teacher and it's on your phone or your iPad or whatever.

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really good without spending any money on ammunition. Be a responsible gun owner. Increase your confidence and competence. That's New book, Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel by Glenn Beck. Available now at Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. We're glad you're here. Hey, Mercury One has...

has just grown into an amazing, amazing charity that is, we just help the people who are helping. And, you know, I heard the president say that he had raised, I don't know, $8 million or something, an amazing amount to give to charity to help. And I thought, wow,

I think our audience did more than that. And that is incredible to even be even close to what the president is doing.

Um, you're just such a giving audience and we appreciate it. Um, this weekend is the, uh, Mercury one gala. And this is something that I started when I started the charity because I wanted to be able to go on the air every year and say, 100% of what is raised will go downfield and to whatever it is we're talking about, the hurricanes, the relief in Afghanistan, whatever it is. Uh,

Um, and, uh, so every year we hold a gala and we bilk rich people. I mean, and I tell them if you're coming, I'm going to squeeze every penny out of you.

And I'll guilt you. I mean, I take the stage at some point. I'm like, really? You're going to let him bid on that when we clearly know you want it and you have more money than that guy. And then when he bids, then I look at it. You're not going to take that from him. Are you? It's a great event. It's fun. It is. It's fun. But anyway, we do a silent auction every year and you don't have to be present to bid on any of these items.

And you can find them at The bidding will end tomorrow, I think right towards the end of the gala tomorrow night, which is being held here at the Mercury Studios.

and you can bid on that. You can also get registered to win a car. You don't have to be present to win on any of this stuff, but this is the way that we pay the light bills, the expense of the actual building, the employee salaries, and everything else. That way, everything that we raise from the average person year-round comes from

You know, rich people. They don't even notice it. They got so much money. So if you want to look for anything on the silent auction, just go to That's Okay. I have to say something here that I don't often say, but I realized yesterday I'm not a very good person.

And here's why I say it often. I know. I know. It's not often for me to say it. It's regular for you to say it. It's like, it's like a cuckoo clock with you every 15 minutes. You're not a good person. You're not a good person. Anyway, I learned that yesterday because I watched Ben Shapiro go into a room with dopes with little red flags and he was going to debate them all. And it, it,

My eyes bleed. I watched one of these and I'm like, I can't watch it anymore. I don't know. I would have exploded. I would have been going, is there a suicide bomber in the room that we could all go? I mean, I'm willing to go myself with you right now to make this end. Give me a hug right before you pull the vest. But he, you know, somehow or another tolerated it. And here's one clip from that.

How do you define abortion really quickly? Abortion would be the forcible termination of an unborn human life. Yes, but why do you hold that definition? Would you not assume something like a C-section would be considered an abortion? No, because the baby is born alive. So how would that be an abortion? What does the definition of abortion have to include the death of a fetus? Because that's literally the definition of abortion. It literally isn't, though. Where are you getting this definition from? Where are you getting your definition from? Let's go to like, do you like f***ing Mayo Clinic? Like any f***?

like hospital you've ever gone to before. A C-section ends with the birth of the child. Right, but abortion generally, I'm here, I'm talking to you. I know, baby. Thus, I was not born yet. I understand this, but like, yes, but like, no, well, yes, but like,

But no, you could simply say that abortion is simply the ending of a pregnancy, right? So the ending of a pregnancy outside of the natural birth of a fetus. I don't see why you would say that it would have to end in the death of a fetus, which is why I'm pro-abortion all nine months, right? Because say if a woman is not able to pass a fetus in the natural way, we could have these other abortion processes that would say, okay, she needs some type of induction that doesn't include the actual natural expulsion of a fetus.

but it doesn't always end in the death of a fetus. So I don't see how you could say that her Kamala Harris stance is immoral in this sense. I just don't understand how you're removing the death of the fetus from the equation about abortion. That's literally the entire moral issue. You and I would not even be arguing if we were talking about C-sections or about natural birth. But it seems like at this court, though, we disagree on what the inherent definition of abortion is. Okay, then you could leave away the, I mean, we could very easily solve this. Let's just not talk about the word abortion. Let's talk about the forcible termination of a baby. Okay, so then what do you value in the fetus then?

The life of the fetus. Good God. What a saint. Right? I mean, he should have 70 virgins just for that. Okay. I don't think he's asking for that. No, he's not asking for it. But, you know, Casey wanted him later, you know, in afterlife. Maybe he should. Oh, you were the guy who sat with those stupid people and did that? Yeah. I can imagine.

I can call downstairs and maybe get some virgins for you. I don't know. I mean, that is... He is walking into and standing in the middle of the intersection of stupidity and certainty, which is like the worst place to go. Because she is not only incredibly dumb, but also stupid.

so certain she's right. And like that intersection is like the most dangerous place that exists in all of humanity. You don't want to be standing anywhere near that intersection. No, no. Traffic's flying at you from all directions. And he's trying to navigate traffic. He's like directing traffic. He's really trying. Like, don't do it, man. Don't do it. I, I,

I mean, that's the type of person I would just give up on. Because, like, if you don't even know what the word means, by the way, abortion defined the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, as, by the way, all of us know. No, except for a C-section. Except for a C-section. Like, I think she's trying to point to something else that she's screwing up. Yeah, she's the forced removal. The forced removal.

child. That's what I think she's saying. But like that, again, it's so far beyond dumb. Like, there are fringes of the abortion debate, right, where people will bring up these points and everyone knows that's not what we're talking about, but they're trying to come up with a technicality to get the person to come up with some exception to their moral standard, right? That is a very typical thing people do. They try to dismantle a moral standard by coming up with a fringe exception to it.

She, on the other hand, is like, well, she quite clearly doesn't even know the definitions of the words she's talking about. So can I tell you this? I'd like to reintroduce this word because in my world, we still use words when they apply. So I just want to say this is the definition of retarded. Now, that doesn't mean she has some mental disability.

She's just so stupid. I don't know how she navigates life. And so there is a there is a level and it has nothing to do with actual physical disabilities. Has nothing to do with that. When I was a kid, when you said somebody was retarded, you were talking about someone like that. Not by the way, retarded. That's a progressive term.

Honest to God, progressive medical term introduced by the medical doctors back in the 1920s and teens by progressives. That was not a regular. That was.

And wasn't it like, we shouldn't use the term moron and idiot anymore? No, no, no. Those were also. I know what I'm saying. Wasn't this like the. No, no, no. They were different. Moron, imbecile. Yeah. Those were levels. And then there was retarded. And it didn't necessarily. It was all the same time period. I thought that one came out a little bit later. No, they were levels of stupidity. And I think we should get back to that. Oxford Dictionary of Retarded. While we're here. Yeah.

It says offensive and dated, but it says less advanced in mental, physical or social development than is usual for one's age. I think that fits. I think that certainly fits her. And to me, the word and I know everybody's like, oh, my gosh, you're hurting so many people's feelings. No.

No, no. If your feelings are hurt, then you don't understand the point I'm making. And that's on you. I'm not saying that about people who have physical or mental disabilities. That is a self-imposed retardation. She is in self-imposed retard kingdom. She's like, I'm going to be the queen of all of the beyond stupid people.

And I'm going to hold court with Ben Shapiro. I mean, that's what's so bizarre here. Because she is not only really dumb, but that level of not only certainty, but cocky certainty. She's like, you're so stupid, you don't even get the point I'm making. No! And it's like...

How do you go through life? Especially like, I mean, why do you even sit down? Look, you can look at Ben Shapiro and think he's wrong on a lot of these issues, which a lot of people on the left would. But you have to know the guy's smart. He's obviously think that he is just so racist. Yeah, that they're going to just out him as being some sort of women hater, racist Nazi. So, I mean, that's just bizarre. An incredible clip. It's retarded. Back in just a second. All right.

All right. We can all laugh about the possibility of nuclear war. All you want. I mean, it's so funny to talk about it. If I were Ben Shapiro, I would have been praying for Nuka. Can he launch the missiles right now? Where's the promise? Nuclear winter. Anyway, I can't believe we're still we're actually discussing nuclear war that they're talking about. It's nuts.

We also have other things that are happening. Did you know that there is a IV bag shortage coming in your hospitals?

OK, because one of the three, you know, IV bag makers was wiped out by the hurricane. Now they are. I think it's Baxter. And they say they're coming back online next week, which would be a miracle and great if it did happen. But, you know, boy, I would think the rest of the world would run to America's aid if we didn't have IV bags. Don't you think?

Things happen all the time. It doesn't have to be nuclear war. It could be a hurricane, which, by the way, another one is coming next week on the same path. That's weird.

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Every day, you will have 2,000 calories. It can last in storage for up to 25 years. I don't know what emergency it might be, but please take that worry off your plate. See what I did? I said take the worry off the plate when I'm talking about food. Oh, my gosh. MyPatriotsupply. I know. Retarded. And I am. I am. Many times. Order now your three-month emergency food kit from

You're listening to the swinging sounds of Glenn Beck. Sit tight, boys and girls. We'll be right back after these messages. After this election, we'll definitely need a little Christmas. A new Christmas album produced by Glenn Beck is coming soon.

This is Glenn Beck. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I'm glad you're here. Stu just gave me a lecture of the definition of appropriate and accurate. They're

Probably different words. I appreciate that, Stu. Thank you very much. No problem, Glenn. I'm here for you. I'm just so sick of it. No, I think everybody is. I think everybody is. I'm just so sick of it. You know, I mean, this is why I think a lot of people are connecting with the messaging of the Trump campaign, particularly as it's tied to Elon Musk and free speech. You know, a lot of people on the left, people like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk, who I think would all be defined as...

very liberal a few years ago. I mean, you know, Tulsi Gabbard, who is, you know, who is now a Republican, was running a branch of the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016. I know. Right? Like, this is a big difference, and I think that free speech element's a big part of it. People are just sick of, like, of being told they can't say things that they believe. That are appropriate and accurate. I mean, look, there's always a level of...

of self-control that can be applied to situations. Right, exactly right. I started the break with, I'm not a good person. Remember? That's true. And I agreed. I agreed wholeheartedly. Exactly right. So you know what you're dealing with here, brother. And continue to agree to this moment. You're not a good person. You're not a good person. There's the cuckoo clock again. But that is like a, again, a fundamental human tenet. This goes to like Barry Weiss in her publication, Free Press. Yeah.

Like that, she's no conservative. No. Right? But she's somebody who wants, who believes in free speech as a central tenet of society. Right? Like of civilization. And if there is a movement which is broad opposing that...

It's something maybe we should note. Yes. You know, occasionally I think it's a major change. And you talk about this in, certainly in Propaganda Wars, but also Great Reset and Dark Future and this whole series of books you've put together that kind of revolves around this big thing of this sort of global movement that is pushing people to reject these fundamental tenets that I thought we kind of had all agreed on. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, like...

Speech is important. If you can't disagree, you can never correct a problem. Yeah. You know, you can say, no, this is the best car in the world. This is the best car in the world. But if you can't talk about aerodynamics or you can't talk about miles per gallon or you can't talk about, you know, an engine that's running on whale oil,

And you can't say, maybe we should get out of the whale oil business. You have no progress. That's what's so crazy. The progressives are the ones now trying to impose regressive policies everywhere. Everywhere in society. Everywhere. It's nuts. And I think the smart people that are paying attention who are not trapped in the zombie zone...

are seeing it now. And they're like, wait, this is really dangerous. I mean, you know, we might disagree on policies and stuff, but these are rock solid, eternal principles that we're talking about now. And if you kick those principles, those columns out from our society, there is literally nothing left.

And we're close to that. We're close. This election will decide it. Do we have those cornerstones? Do we have those pillars? Are they going to be shored up or are they going to be kicked down? We decide in 11 days. Vote.

The Glenn Beck Program. Let me tell you about our network sponsor for The Blaze. It's UpPhone. This is actually something that we discussed in the podcast today because he's the guy who came up with this phone. It is a...

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

There is nothing I love better than when somebody from a foreign country comes in and talks to Americans and just because they're not biased like we are, they are just coming at it from a different direction. There is a citizen journalist from Australia who is traveling the country right now in an RV just talking to Americans. So what are Americans really saying and feeling about this upcoming election?

We'll share his findings with him in studio in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about U.S. Navy Corporal and Sheriff Officer Lori Wood. On top of her service to both her country and her community, she's known for educating and mentoring aspiring law enforcement officers and impacting the next generation in a good way. Sadly, during a training exercise where she was trying to do exactly that, she fell from the roof of a mock house in a training village

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Avi Yemeni is a Rebel News reporter from Australia. Is this not your first time? No, no, I've been here before. Okay. So you're traveling. Where did you start? So we started in San Fran. Okay. That's the idea, starting in San Fran in like Kamala, the place that represents everything she represents. And we're going to end in Miami. So we've done a fair bit. This is a great location.

Large country. Right. I know. I know. You have a large continent, a very large country, but not a lot of people.

No, no. And I'll tell you this. I probably traveled now more of America than I have Australia. Really? It's a bit like I've never done. I've never gone in an RV around Australia. Is there a gas station somewhere in the middle of Australia where you could? I have done. I've gone to Outback Australia during COVID to report on some of the crime stuff that was happening in Alice Springs in the middle of Australia. So, yeah. Yeah.

You can get to places, but you have long drives of nothing. Beautiful, beautiful country, though. Okay, so what are you finding so far? You're halfway through your trip. You're here in Texas. So what are you finding along the way? What are people actually feeling and saying? Look, people keep asking me in Australia, especially like, what are you predicting? And I go, look, if I'm going by the mood, the mood is clearly Trump because I'm seeing people that are saying,

You have your Trumpers, you have your Republicans. They're fine. Most of them are proud to say it. Then you have the people that kind of – the whole issue is about the last four years has just been tough. I was a registered Democrat. I am a Democrat. I've always voted Democrat. And they've gone to Trump. And then you have the Democrats that say they're voting Democrat, but they're like, we're going to lose. Yeah.

and then you have like the die-hard democrat that yeah that are like nah kamala's way ahead so do you do you find you know there's always this suppressed trump voter that doesn't want to say um i think that's becoming less and less of a factor now um you know people

God bless them that six years ago were wearing the MAGA hats who were just like on suicide missions. You'd see them and you'd be like, the guy's wearing a red hat. He's crazy. But now people don't have that feeling. Is there still the suppressed Trump? And do you think that there is a suppressed Trump?

Trump supporter in some that are saying, therefore, Kamala, they just don't want anybody to know. I was actually surprised a bit. I think in San Antonio, not San Antonio, San...

Let's see, you were in Las Cruces, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego. San Diego. In San Diego, I was surprised because there was – what I noticed when you say closet Trumpers, the way you work it out is by the – so I go, okay, you don't want to – I ask people what they're voting and they say, oh, I'd rather not say whatever. And then I go, oh, so what are the kind of issues that bother you? And then it's their answers about cost of living. The last four years have been –

they're essentially saying have been horrible, it was easier before. So you know who they're voting, they just don't want to say it out loud. They're scared to say it. And I ask them, what are you worried about? And some of them say, you know, it depends which way this is going to play. We don't know. And I've got family, I've got friends, I've got this.

But I've actually had really interesting interactions yesterday, in fact, in Texas, in Waco, Texas. I reckon it hasn't even – we haven't published it yet. So, we've got, like, this website,, where we're publishing everything. We haven't even produced it yet, but we bumped into a couple where I'm just asking – in fact, everywhere I go, I try to think of something unique to the place. In Texas, I was reading some reports that there are Democrats that think that Texas is going to flip from, you know –

Red to blue. Yeah, red to blue. And so there was that question and there was also I read a progressive local writer that's saying that if Trump succeeds in deporting all the illegal immigrants, the economy in Texas is going to crash. That's craziness. So that was my question. I don't want to hear it from media pundits. I want to hear it from the average person.

And so I walk up to this couple like I've done to everyone. Mind you, I was expecting a lot more cowboys here. I know. Really disappointed. I've had friends that fly into the state and they're like, where are all the cows? You're like, good Lord, it's not Texas 1874. I was hunting. There was an Aussie hunting the streets of Texas looking for cowboys. I was like a crocodile hunter, just more cowboy hunting. Anyways, so I asked this couple and they're

He was a Kamala. He was like a left-wing young guy. He was a year younger than me, so he was 38 or something. And then they kind of broke out into this argument. I kind of stepped back and just played the mic because she was clearly a Trumper. She was making all the arguments that you would hear, like that I see online play out. It was playing out in real life in front of me between a couple, which I –

I hope to God that they stay together. But, but I said it to them. What was he saying? So he was, you know, it got to the point, you know, they digressed to black lives matter, for example. And he was making all the arguments of, you know, I went to those who were great. And she's like, I was working in a coffee shop. They were terrorists. They were attacking. But he went, he went through everything, all the different, and, you know, he just labeled her a conspiracy theorist. He said that you can't have, you know, I'm not going to vote for, for, for a side that waves Nazi flags at their rallies. That,

I can tell you right now, that's not going to last. She turns around, she goes, what are you calling me, a Nazi? And it's like, no, no, not you. Yeah, right, right, right. For me, it was the most compelling kind of interview, which I, you know, I really stopped interviewing because they were just doing the work for me. Yeah. And I,

I think it also just demonstrates what's happening across this country. I think that's what's really going on. The fact that they're together, I actually hope they stay together because- Were they married or just a couple? No, they've been seeing each other. Clearly, I'm someone that looks at that and I hope that they can because I come from a family. I'm one of 17 children.

17? Your mother was tired. My mother is tired. She'll never babysit my kids. She says, I have done my time, she tells me. But, you know, in our family, we have wide-ranging, you know, I've got...

what I consider far left wing brothers, siblings. And then I have some that, you know, they might consider me far right. But there are some that are more conservative than me even. And I think interestingly enough, the silver lining of October 7 for us in our family, and probably for a lot of Jews is actually we realize that. We're all family. Yeah. It doesn't actually, those political differences don't matter. There's a greater enemy and they want us all dead. But I would love to see that for,

for not only America, for the world, that you can actually have opposing views and talk about it. I agree with you. I don't know if they'll last because he was jumping on. It was almost the personal tax, but he had to skip over his partner. As a man who married at 19 and politics did not play a role at all, and her politics were much, really almost Hillary Clinton.

It doesn't... It doesn't work. It's not possible. I've heard that argument. Yeah, it doesn't work. If you're both strong-willed and strong opinion, I mean, especially when it's... If you're in a relationship, try to make it work. Do everything you can to make it work, but it takes both of you wanting to make it work. But if you're dating somebody, I mean, God bless you, but why put yourself through when somebody is calling...

Your philosophy. Nazi. Yeah. I mean, that's nuts. That's nuts. Okay, take me through a couple of these sound bites here. What do we have? Let me see here. We have you catch a voter on her bad argument using bad logic. That was my most fun. I reckon that one. Okay, let's go. Cut six, please. My sister is trans and she it's like when someone's like

talking about something that directly affects you and they have no skin in the game. None. Nada. Zero. Like, you know, it's different. How do you feel about Israel and Palestine? I mean, I don't think the genocide in Gaza is good. Do you have skin in the game? Well, like, that's like a little bit of a different issue, though.

- Like, we're talking about like the health-- - I don't know, but I'm just trying to make the point here. So you're upset-- - We're talking about a foreign war and I'm talking about people's healthcare. - I'm talking about people's lives. So my mother lives in Israel, my sister, my brother, you have a really strong opinion about Israel. I'm applying your same argument back at you. You don't know what you're talking about. You've got no skin in the game. - I'm okay. - Okay. - She just walks away. - You see how that works? Funny how her logic only applies to her political foes. - Yeah. - Imagine my shock.

The great part about that is there's just unrelated laughter at the perfect time in that video. It's like in the background, but she's just laughing at her argument. I only realized that when reading the comments. I didn't even hear the laughter. Someone's just laughing at something totally separate in the background, but it just timed perfectly into your video. Might have been. Which city was that in? That was in Hollywood. That was Hollywood. You're a brave man. Let's go to cut seven.

What threat to your community does Donald Trump pose? Anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ, actually trying to reverse rights for women. What rights for women? The right to control their body. Because how would you define a woman? I would define a woman as anyone who says that they're a woman. So abortion rights would not really be then women because if somebody who can't have...

I mean, you can play semantics games, like, on how you want to describe things, but I did say that anyone who has a uterus to be able to, you know, control their body. So he's not really against women's rights, he's against... Then what's a woman?

I don't want to argue that point with you. Take care, good luck. I love that. I absolutely love it because that's usually the way it goes. You're so stupid, I don't want to argue with you anymore. And you're like, ah. Yeah, look, I can't get away with that fun in Australia anymore. Like you said, Australia is a tiny place and everyone, I might be small, but everybody kind of recognized me and then they just get angry. A bit like probably here.

what I'm finding great about America is, uh, I can just have normal conversation. I'm talking to everyone. Those were two clips of, you know, two left. I'm talking to right wing and I'm challenging everyone's kind of view because the idea of what we're trying to achieve here is to hear what actual Americans think. So those are on extreme ends. Uh,

And you're finding generally our population to be what? At each other's throat, civil war, what? I think a lot of people are nervous about what's happening, but I think most people are more scared of the outcome of the election than

Really? Like the average person is scared about their pocket. They feel like cost of living. And if it continues the way it's going, we're going to be in all sorts of trouble. The other thing that I've noticed. That's every election that has ever been in situations like this, that.

It's the economy, stupid. It's the economy. It's always been. The other thing that stood out is I have noticed, and I remember seeing it from afar, watching commentators here, but I see it in real life, is any time you go to even a liberal pocket within a Republican state, but a liberal state or a liberal pocket...

There's suddenly like this explosion of homelessness and like drug abuse, drug use on the streets. And I'm talking to the homeless people. I'm asking them like, what is, and most of them are coming there. And it's, it's funny to see even the mental gymnastics of the local, you know, liberals that are there. I'm going, why is it that when I go to a Republican city or a Republican town area, they're

I don't see any of this. And they go, oh, no, because, you know, they'll give all different sorts of excuses as in, you know, this is a much safer space for them. You know, liberals are more giving. So they come here and they're... So it's all... They twist all these things to make it like they are good things. And I'm like, then is this the way you want America to be? Like, is this the vision you have for the rest of America? Right. And...

It's on one hand, they complain about it and they move to places like Texas. Yeah. But then they bring their policies and their politics with them, which I fear for places like Texas because you think like it's amazing. I've never seen. So I was saying this to our driver on the way. The only other place I've seen such patriotism as in so many flags proudly displayed is Israel.

Israel and Texas. Yeah. And it's beautiful because I think you need to be proud about. I think so, too. That's why I'm trying to convince Donald Trump to build a Western wall, Northern wall, Eastern wall and Southern wall around Texas. Just to save anybody. We don't want any Californians, New Yorkers. You know, we're fine. We're fine. Can you open it to one Australian? Come on.

All right. I've got 16 brothers. I've got to tell you that Australia is the perfect prison. I think God designed it as a prison. He's like, you know what? Place to put criminals and all of the creepy animals that kill you. We'll just put them all right here. And they tested it in COVID and it works. Yeah. Hey, have you guys sobered up on that at all? I mean, are you? Yeah, no. Is the population going? Everybody's forgotten. So they didn't, nobody. Learned a lesson. Learned a lesson. No. Oh, jeez.

No, no, no. Crazy. Avi, thank you so much. You can find all of this at That's All right. Let me tell you about relief factor sleep. Unless you are literally a zombie, you probably don't enjoy going through your day feeling like one. But it is hard not to go through your day like that sometimes when you just can't get a good night's sleep.

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Okay. Stu, how are you feeling? I'm feeling generally optimistic about things right now. I will say I had a conversation with my wife today that shook me a little bit, though. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. I was getting ready this morning and she's super engaged. Oh, yeah, I know. Super engaged in politics. She's a fireball. She's a nuclear power plant. Yes, 100%. Yeah. And she was like...

you know, she's quoting all these things. You know, how can people fall for this Kamala thing? I mean, she gets fired up about it. And also, you should note, she has more energy than any other human being and it's like six in the morning. I know, I know. My brain's barely on yet. I know, I know. And she's like, you know, I just, I see this, I see this poll happening and this poll happening and this poll happening and just, you know, you just know he's going to win. You just know it. And I,

Yeah, that scares me too. I'm starting to get to that point where I'm optimistic. I think election hell today, I think he probably wins. But again, this is still in toss-up category. And they still have...

possible. Sure. Yeah, like if you're worried about that, you can't even be near confident, right? So I think that like the feelings, the vibes right now might be a little bit ahead of the data. Yeah. And that makes me nervous. I know. Well, Donald Trump said in his speech last night in Vegas, he said, look, we're ahead right now.

But they tell me not to say that because then they're convinced you won't go out and vote. I'm telling you, we lose if you don't go out and vote. The poll is not the vote. Go out and vote. Get one extra person to come with you. Glenn Beck.

All right, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is on the ground in Israel right now, helping to support a lot of Israelis who have been driven out of their homes by the constant warfare that has been going on there since October 7th last year. I actually met with a lot of the big funders of this and the people that run it. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, they're such amazing people. They're just great people.

Since the war started, there are reservists, everyday Israeli citizens who have had to leave their families to go serve their country. Soldiers who have been injured, their families need support. Your gift of $150 will help the fellowship provide food and other necessities for these families to help them survive. And thanks to a generous fellowship supporter, your gift will be matched to double in impact. Join us in letting those families know that listeners like you stand with Israel.

Follow the dictates of the Lord. Stand with his people. 888-488-IFCJ. That doesn't mean fight their war for them. It means stand with them, support them when you can. 888-488-4325. Support Head over to slash Glenn. We've got great election coverage coming election night. Use the code fight, fight, fight and save 40 bucks off Blaze TV.

So there is a guy up for reelection in Pennsylvania. His name is Congressman Scott Perry. He is in the House currently, and he is a combat veteran. He is also on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation Infrastructure, chairman of the subcommittee on economic development, public buildings, emergency management.

Serves on the Subcommittee for Aviation Oversight and Accountability. Foreign Affairs, which is where I think we want to stop for a second. The Foreign Affairs side of Iran. What's happening with Iran and the United States of America in particular?

Do we know yet who the source of the U.S. intelligence leak on Israel's plan to attack Iran? Do we know who that was yet? And if so, why haven't we moved on some of these people? There's a couple of people in the DOD that really should not be at the DOD because we know they have a relationship with Iranians. Scott Perry is joining us now from the great state of Pennsylvania. Hello, Congressman. How are you?

Glenn, it's a great honor to be with you. And I think you've set this up well. As a matter of fact, while Americans shake their heads at what they see happening, I wrote a letter to President Biden essentially asking him what the strategy was for Iran and

And then in the lack of a strategy, letting him know, it sure seems to me that the Iran strategy for America is being run out of Tehran. That's how bad it is, Glenn. It's that bad.

The rhetoric from the Biden administration is let's support Israel. Let's help our greatest ally in the region. But the actions of the administration are exactly opposite. And, you know, from trying to undermine the prime minister, Netanyahu directly. And, of course, Obama did the same thing. But did we just a second? Did we have did we have the State Department or anyone else interfere on that? Were we not?

Were we actually involved in trying to push Netanyahu out? We were, yeah, on multiple occasions.

certainly during the Biden or the Obama administration directly, tax dollars going towards funding his ouster as prime minister, but the Biden administration directly immediately following the attacks of October of last year, the Biden administration was actively undermining him. And you actually couldn't believe some of the things you would hear immediately

in the Capitol by foreign dignitaries and the administration openly talking about Netanyahu. And of course, when we did the joint session and had him come, the Biden administration was not interested in that and that happening. They essentially caved in eventually. And, and, you know, we, we just did it anyhow, of course, we're, we're another branch of government, but that was more,

a bunch of us and the urging of Mike Speaker Mike Johnson making that happen. And the Democrats didn't want and they didn't want him here at all. And, you know, so so it goes pretty deep, Glenn. And it's it's exceptionally dangerous. It is exceptionally dangerous. So do we know who leaked

this. This was really damaging to Israel and our relationship. I mean, if I were the Israelis, I wouldn't share anything in advance with the United States now.

Right. Well, I tend to agree with you. And we do not know, as we're told. And, you know, Glenn, take this with a grain of salt, right? We're told the investigation is ongoing. And as I understand it, it wasn't necessarily Israeli intelligence that was shared. It was intelligence that we were gathering on it.

Israel, what Israel was doing that was then shared. But keep in mind, Glenn, uh, you know, it was a week after Biden took office that he hired this guy named Robert Malley, um, back into the, his administration. Malley course came from the Obama administration on a thing called the JCPOA, the joint comprehensive plan of action, which was essentially the nuclear armament of Iran.

Now, Robert Malley was special envoy to Iran under Biden. But, Glenn, he was groomed by Palestinian Yasser Arafat.

He's a guy who would repeatedly downplay Hamas's terrorist activity. So you got that guy as your lead player. And what's really crazy to me is that he hired this gal named Ariane Tabatabai, and she has even stronger relations with Iran. She would literally go to the IRGC, that's the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, formerly

formerly run by Soleimani, this guy that President Trump outright, she would go to him and them for advice on which conference to attend and which policy to support. She is now the chief of staff to SOLIC. That's the Special Operations Low Intensity Conflict Command. She would have had access to that information, right? Because a lot of people say she's the leak.

Was she? I don't know, and I'm not saying she's the leak, so I'm not saying that. But I think that she potentially could and would have access. It goes back to something like if you're familiar with a gal named Ana Montes who spied on the United States for Cuba for 20 years, and she was in charge of the Cuba desk at the

And my point is, is that this administration and Democrats in general and in recent administrations have just fostered this environment where it's okay to hate the United States, it's okay to hate Israel, and it's okay to be for our enemy, which is Iran. And Glenn, we don't have a declared war with Iran, but if somebody at the government, this

this and gave this information to Iran, I think this does qualify for treason. I agree. I absolutely agree with you. And I don't use charges of treason lightly. It's the only one spelled out in the Constitution. But if you have the two witnesses of that kind of betrayal, it is treason. You were a brigadier general, if I'm not mistaken. You retired right before this administration, right? That's correct. Do you

Do we have a chance of turning this? Well, let me start. Let me start here. Do you believe General Kelly's claim on Donald Trump at all? No, I do not. OK. Do you have any experience or any insight or is that just a gut feeling?

Well, obviously it wasn't in the room, but I can tell you my conversations and experiences with General Kelly while he was the chief of staff was that he was a man who was appropriately suited for his role in the military. And of course, his family's made enormous sacrifices in defense of our country, but that he was completely 100 percent out of his league.

as chief of staff in the White House. And with all due respect, those of us who have worn the uniform that think that that's an easy transition to political ventures, it's a whole different mindset and a whole different world. And in the military where your enemy is obviously usually seen because of the uniforms they wear and the geographic battle lines,

In this political intrigue world that we live in, the enemy is oftentimes standing right next to you and might even be in the same room and working on the same. He didn't seem to get that.

So let me ask you the follow up question on this is Kamala Harris came out, I think, in a very shameful declaration with the vice president trappings all around her to make what it looked like an official statement that he was going to he was going to purge the military of anybody who didn't agree with him and that he was going to just put yes men in.

which I would be absolutely against and stand against it if he did, but I don't believe he would ever do that. But as I was looking at it, I thought, wait a minute. I've never seen a military stand down order, I think, in my life, a global military stand down, which is what they did to purge the military of those people who disagreed

with Joe Biden and were Trump supporters right after they got into office. My question is, they have loaded this thing with DEI and everything else. Can we actually, do you see a way to bring the military back to its original mission of defense and purge it of any kind of political influence

bias one way or another. Serve the Constitution and the Commander-in-Chief as long as he's in line with the Constitution. Yeah, as long as the orders are lawful. Let's just start...

where we both know Glenn, whatever they're accusing you of, this is Saul Alinsky. That's what they're doing. If you remember during Obama's administration, they purged, they literally, and let's use that word, they purged probably over 500 flag officers. A flag officer is an officer that wears a star. So that's a general or an admiral. They purged them for political viewpoints. And people complained, but not,

very loudly and they just continued. And now we have the military that we have today, which is, you know, look, I left the military. I wasn't asked to leave. I retired willingly because it no longer reflected my values. And I knew a lot of great men and women that served in uniform that were doing the same thing. And that's very, very tragic. President Trump

loves the military, and he loves the military that he remembers growing up, that he remembers being the strongest, most revered, most respected organization on the planet by enemies.

That's what he remembers. And so the left is just setting him up for what they actually did. Yes, he's going to want to change things around, and we need to. Our military is based on lethality and readiness, being ready to kill your enemy and vanquish them as quickly as possible so there's at least a

as possible. And right now we are focused on everything but that, whether it's climate change, whether it's transgender surgeries, we all know it. And it's going to take a strong leader. It's going to take somebody like President Trump. But the other thing, Glenn, it's going to take flag officers who have now come up during the Obama administration and have done it.

and have towed the line so that they could be promoted to do that work. And it's going to take... Look, we're going to have to just look at, I think, what your viewpoints are, and if you're willing to do the work of defending your country, and if you're political like Mark Milley, one of those guys...

You cannot be you cannot be in charge. You cannot be the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. You can't be in charge of SOCOM. You can't be one of those people that stands up at the podium at the West Point graduation and talks about, you know, how much you hate Trump or, you know, the gender reassignment is a focus of the United States military. And it's going to take it's going to take resolve. I will tell you that the left is going to go crazy about it.

But our enemies need to know that they have to fear the United States military because if they don't, and Glenn, they don't right now. They don't. I know they don't. I know they don't. We've got the Ooties. We've got guys wearing shorts and flip-flops and john boats defeating the most lethal naval...

planet, the United States of America. This cannot go on. We're talking to Scott Perry. He is a congressman up for re-election in Pennsylvania. It is a close race. Make sure you get out and vote if you're in Pennsylvania for Scott Perry and also for Donald Trump. Last question. I've only got...

And McCormick. Oh, and McCormick. Last question. I've only got about 40 seconds for an answer, so I don't know if you can do this. Are you concerned at all about the changes that were made in the DOD directive recently, about a month ago, that seems to give the military more lethal force to

or rains on killing American citizens at the direction of the Department of Defense secretary and the president? I am concerned about it because I think about that kind of power in the hands of somebody like Mark Milley. I don't think I'm not worried about it with President Trump, but I am concerned about it with somebody like Mark Milley, who is willing to call the Chinese apparently and let them know.

that, you know, what President Trump was thinking. That is very, very concerning to me. The United States military needs to be outwardly pointing towards our enemies. And, you know, we won't even use it on our border against the cartels. Correct.

We won't use it there, but you're talking about using it against American citizens? Absolutely. Look, there's a limit to this. We have a National Guard run by the states for civil disobedience opportunities or requirements. The president at the time couldn't use it in Washington, D.C., but now we're going to use it against political foes? Yes, it's absolutely concerning. We need to be focused on our enemies, and they are outside this country more than they are inside this country.

Congressman Scott Perry, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Good luck with the race. Hope to talk to you again maybe before the race is over. Let me talk to you about pre-born here. Every day in this country, there are lives hanging in the balance, which are just cut short because of the evil of abortion. And it is. Abortion, yes, it is a choice, but it is also a very dark choice. But we're not going to change anybody's minds unless we extend love and compassion first.

Most of these women who have abortions, they don't want to have abortions. They just feel trapped. And it's easy to be to believe the lie that it's just a clump of cells. When a mom sees her unborn child on a monitor of a scan, she hears the heartbeat. She is twice as likely to consider choosing life. The other trap is I don't have anybody supporting me. I don't have the money. I don't have whatever.

That's where pre-born comes in. They provide the ultrasound and the help for two years after the baby is born. One ultrasound is 28 bucks, five or 140. They save about 200 babies a day. Would you like to be counted as somebody who is saving the lives of moms and babies? Go to slash Beck or hit pound 250. Say the keyword baby pound 250 keyword baby or slash Beck. The Glenn Beck program.

Glenn's newsletter is free and full of useful info delivered every day right to your inbox. Sign up at Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I will be gone on Monday for a funeral for a family member. My uncle Dave passed away. He helped raise me for a year after my mother's death until my father moved back from Alaska. It's a big loss for the family, but I'll be back on Tuesday.

PulseCast has Donald Trump around 53% holding steady there. There's a new New York Times poll that is out today, one of the highest rated pollsters. Has the race at a tie exactly, which is a three-point improvement in that poll for Donald Trump. And when they have all the third-party candidates, Trump is actually leading 47 to 46. And that's a popular vote, too. This is, yeah, popular vote, nationwide popular vote. So that is great. But it's tied today.

Don't think he's ahead by 14 points. Please go out and vote. I'll be doing a special episode of a state of the race. You can get that on the studios, America feed, breaking down this poll and be out later today. The Glenn Beck program.