cover of episode McDonald's-Gate: Media LOSE IT Over Viral Trump Campaign Stop | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Brendan Carr | 10/21/24

McDonald's-Gate: Media LOSE IT Over Viral Trump Campaign Stop | Guests: Sen. Mike Lee & Brendan Carr | 10/21/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Barbara Lee
Brendan Carr
Dr. Phil
Elon Musk
Glenn Beck
Jim Desmond
Mike Lee
Pat Gray
Glenn Beck: 就堕胎、麦当劳事件、以及特朗普和哈里斯竞选展开讨论,并表达对民主党和媒体的批评。对卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策和言论提出质疑,认为其与保守主义价值观背道而驰。同时,对特朗普竞选活动和民调结果进行分析,并对美国当前的政治和经济形势表达担忧。 Stu: 就特朗普在麦当劳的活动、卡玛拉·哈里斯的竞选策略、以及民主党在2016年选举中的失误进行评论。认为特朗普抓住了竞选中的“快乐”和“乐趣”,而民主党关于民主丧失的论点无法打动美国人民。 Pat Gray: 就特朗普在麦当劳的活动、卡玛拉·哈里斯的竞选策略、以及特朗普的转变进行评论。认为特朗普现在像里根一样乐观,并为比自己更大的目标服务。同时,对卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策和言论提出质疑,认为其与保守主义价值观背道而驰。 Mike Lee: 就卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策立场与保守主义价值观是否相符进行分析,认为卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策将削弱宗教自由,并列举其多项政策立场与保守主义不相符。 Brendan Carr: 就FCC在CBS新闻报道中的作用、以及全球言论自由面临的危险进行分析。认为CBS应该公布完整的采访记录,并对巴西政府对言论自由的压制表示担忧。 Jim Desmond: 就边境巡逻队将移民转移到亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州的情况、以及圣地亚哥县面临的移民问题进行评论。认为如果特朗普没有当选,圣地亚哥县的移民问题会恶化。 Elon Musk: 就堕胎问题发表个人观点,认为如果婴儿能够在子宫外存活,就不能堕胎。同时,对教育体系使女孩和妇女对怀孕感到恐惧表示担忧。 Barbara Lee: 对特朗普在麦当劳的活动进行评论,认为其缺乏逻辑,并质疑其经济议程。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the viral story of Donald Trump working at a McDonald's drive-thru, revealing it to be a publicity stunt. They express disbelief and frustration at the lack of transparency and the preferential treatment given to Trump.
  • Trump's McDonald's drive-thru appearance was a publicity stunt.
  • Customers were hand-selected and screened, unlike typical McDonald's customers.
  • The hosts express frustration with the preferential treatment and lack of transparency.

Shownotes Transcript


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It's worth remembering that this year, the Democratic National Convention offered free abortion bans right out in the street.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Holy cow. You know, I saw that story about Donald Trump working the drive-thru at McDonald's. You saw that, didn't you? I did, yeah. Wait until you hear the truth about it. Because I was surprised to see that he needed a job, went through the normal hiring process, did all these interviews. Oh, no, no, no. Wait. Wait. Wait until you hear the truth.

The truth behind the McDonald's drive-thru scandal. We're calling it... Yeah, we're calling it McDonald'sgate. Ah!

Engage? That means it's really bad. Really bad. We start there at 60 seconds. Oh, wow. I'm very upset. I want to tell you about America's number one daily fantasy sports app. It's called PrizePix. It's got over 5 million active members. And we're talking about the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. It's just you against the numbers. You just pick one.

more or less on two to six player stat projections. I'm looking at my PrizePix app right now. In fact, the NBA season's starting here pretty soon. Anthony Edwards, a guy you might know, they're giving you a square more than 0.5 points. Now, Glenn, even you can predict such a thing. I think you might think that he's going to have more than 0.5 points. Yeah, well...

I mean, you might go cheating less. He might go with less. All right. Well, PrizePix invented the flex play, which means you can still cash out of your lineup even if it isn't perfect.

So download the PrizePix app today. Use the code STU and get $50 instantly when you play. Only $5. The code is STU on PrizePix. You get $50 when you play only $5. You don't even have to win to receive that $50 bonus. So if you're Glenn, you don't even have to get these things right. Can I ask, because I've never gambled. I gambled once in Vegas. This is, of course, not gambling. It's Daily Fantasy Sports. No, I know that, but I don't know how odds work. Yes, okay. Yeah, sure. So if I...

I chose Donald Trump, but I chose him when the odds were not in his favor. Okay. Do I get the same payout as I would...

This is a separate conversation. It's a lot of numbers I'm going to have to walk you through. Let me just say this. Get your bonus of prize picks. Prize picks run your game. I don't know how. Wait, so what's your question? My question is, if I took the risk at the beginning, you know what I mean? And I would have put the money down when he was at 30% chance winning. Yeah. Do I get the same payout? No. No.

You get a better payout. Okay, good. So it locks in. On that type of thing, yes. There are some things that work a little bit differently, but like, for example, if you go on one of these prediction markets, you're basically almost like buying shares, $30. And if he wins, it goes to $100, right? So if you buy it at $50, you're going to get double your money rather than triple. So that's the way that works. Okay, I got to get to this McDonaldgate. McDonald's gate is really bad, Stu.

Well, what do you mean? No, it was a nice moment. Here's a guy who, a billionaire, who goes through the McDonald's hiring process. Do not spread any more myths or disinformation. Okay. Here's the audio of Trump managing the drive-thru at a McDonald's. Okay. Boy, that's a good-looking group. Hello, everybody. Hello.

This is not a normal situation, is it? What a good-looking family. How did you produce those good-looking kids? Oh, they look like the wife. They look like the wife. How are you? Nice to see you. That's great. Thank you, man. Thank you very much. Thank you. And there'll be no charge Trump is paying for it. Is that okay? Oh, you're doing some extra stuff. This is all on Trump. I'm allowed to do that, right? Let's check and make sure

It's everything you said it would be. It better be. It's going to be the best. I made it myself. Now, as cute as that is, here he is, quote, working, end quote, the Friolator. Okay. I'm going to hit that timer. Bring that one up. I'm going to take care of these. He's training.

He's making fries. Making fries. Okay. Now, I found out after I was bamboozled by this video. Yeah. I found out today from the press that he didn't actually work at McDonald's. What do you mean? I just saw it on video. No, no. Is that a deepfake? This was a publicity stunt.

What do you mean a publicity stunt? Yeah. No, no. They the people in line, they were all hand selected. So they weren't just strangers driving up to the drive. No, no. They checked to make sure that they were the right people. And you know what I mean by right people?

No. People without guns. Oh, my God. So they screened them. Has that ever happened to you at a McDonald's drive-thru? No, of course not. Glenn, I have to tell you this. Of course not. I worked at McDonald's. It was my first job. I know. I know. At no point did they screen customers...

To come up and make sure they were people that I liked or supported me in any way. These were just random people who walked into the McDonald's and came up and put in the order of food that they wanted at that time. I bet you had to go through an application situation. I had to do an interview. You didn't just walk in and say, I'm here to work at a McDonald's.

And then they hand you the apron. Not at all. That's the way it happened with him. So he didn't take the test beforehand? The McDonald's test? Well, they have a little like, hey, review thing, if I remember right, from back in the day. Like, you know, they give you kind of a walkthrough. So it's kind of like a test, kind of like, are you crazy? Are you going to sue this? No, that was not actually required at all. They didn't care about that. They just wanted to make sure I could make the fries. Okay, good. No, no test.

No test. This is a disgrace. It's a disgrace. After all I went through to get that job, this guy just walks in there? Yeah. And by the way, you got to get up in the organization to be working the drive-thru. It's not like the first thing you're doing. No. You know? This guy just skips. Skips all of it. Skips all of it. This is unbelievable. He was practically the president of McDonald's. How did they uncover this? I don't know. Because there is video. Good journalism. Good journalism. I guess so. Because I...

And they're not saying the video is AI, right? No, no, that's real video. They're just saying the whole thing was a fake. What a scam. I'm voting for Kamala Harris. She, she's the only honest person who seemingly worked at McDonald's, but has no evidence of it whatsoever. Yeah. We don't think she worked at McDonald's. We don't. That's okay. She just doesn't have any. Totally. Okay. Yeah. She just doesn't have, uh, by the way, here is the crowd. Uh,

In front of the McDonald's. Look at this. Oh, my gosh. I mean, thousands of people out there. Thousands and thousands of people. I've never seen an election like this. I mean, it is crazy. Is that not just nuts? Look at it. It goes on and on and on and on.

It really is an impressive crowd. I mean, look, Donald Trump has no problem getting crowds to come see him. The people love him. To stand across the street from the McDonald's?

I wish I was dedicated enough for anybody to do that. I don't, I mean, I don't, I can't think of anything. Maybe if they were releasing a new McFlurry, I might do something like that. By the way, let me just, because I want to be fair and balanced. Let me just, can I just, let me just put in this message. Cut five, please. This message from Kamala Harris. And when we all sing happy tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas. Oh, no.

How dare we speak Merry Christmas? How dare we? Wow, that connects with me.

You know, that really pushes me toward her campaign. Yeah. You know, I just, I'm like, wow, I also despise all of our traditions and things that make me feel good about our country. Thank goodness somebody has finally said it. Gosh, I feel so in line with Kamala. Now, that video is a little bit old, but I don't know why she's not bringing it back up. I know. It's just such a powerful message. It connects. Your Christmas memories are disgusting.

She's revolted by your holiday. How dare you? Yeah, that's great. Here's cut 12. Should never again have the privilege of standing behind the seal of the United States. God. Wow, that is... Never again. This is the typical Democrat mistake. Never again. Yeah. Never.

I haven't learned word one from Hillary. No, not one. This is what they, because you get more desperate. It gets everyone behind you going, look, you're not being assertive enough. And they're telling her this all the time. And now she's out there screaming with that voice. Do you have the one where she's saying it like, because this is not, this was spontaneous. Oh, it was? Yeah, it was spontaneous. You just had the one up with like 12 boxes.

To the control room? Yeah, play this. Yeah.

Well, it seems like she's just saying the same thing in venue after venue after venue after venue. Yeah, but she brings that anger with her each time. Yeah. It seems like she pronounced all the things, you know, she emphasized the things the same way. That's strange. He should never stand behind the seal of the president of the United States ever again. Never again. Such a dumb, dumb season, right? Like, it's like...

I can't believe they're doing this. Well, we were the dummies. We fell for Donald Trump actually working. That's what I meant. That's what I meant, of course. Yeah. You know, such a dumb season. How could we be that stupid? Are you a little surprised? Because I think Democrats...

really looked at the Hillary Clinton thing as something they should have won. They believe, 2016, they should have won that election. They did no introspection. There was no thought after, like, how did we lose this? Well, see, I thought there was, and I thought that's why they started with joy.

Right? I mean, I know it was BS. No, I think they started with joy because that's what actually was said about the Republican Party. Everybody was saying that. Don't you remember? They were saying it was so joyful. It was like happy. Oh, at the Republican Convention. So they just copied them. And so they were like, we can't let them have joy. See, I thought it was more related. And you might be right. I thought it was more related to joy.

The sort of approach that Biden brought to the table and Hillary as well, which was this constant top five, five alarm fire sort of, oh, my gosh, get on the edge of your seat. Democracy's crumbling, blah, blah, blah. And they stayed away from that messaging for the first month or two of her campaign. Yep. Because it was just interesting. They were. Here's the other thing. And Donald Trump has captured it.

I mean, this is a huge change. Donald Trump has captured the magic, the joy, the fun, the

You know, while she's like, I don't know. Yeah. While she's doing that, he's having fun. Yeah. I feel like they tried the joy thing, got a little burst. It faded. And now they're realizing it's empty calories. Yeah. And now they're like, well, what do we do? And they're only other people.

page in the playbook is scream about the loss of democracy and i just don't think that connects with the american people i really don't i just feel like people are like all right we got it you know they might have really disliked everything that happened around the election they may have really disliked january 6th and all those things but like come up with an argument

Come up with an argument that's not just, you know, you repeating the same things you've been saying every day since 2015. Yeah. Right? Like, it's not even since 2020. No. It goes back to his initial thing. They were stealing elections. Russia was helping him steal elections. Democracy's going to die because Vladimir Putin's going to come in and fix the voting machines. I mean, it's been constant. People are just bored of it. Bored. And they don't believe it. Well...

They don't believe it this time because she's so credible. Like yesterday when she went to church. Oh, really? Yeah, did you see? She does this every Sunday. Here's cut four. Does she? Yeah, she walks into, you know, just walking into a church, you know, and just kind of, I'm just there to seek Jesus.

Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I shouldn't have brought that up. You know, because it makes me think of saying Merry Christmas for one. Which is revolting.

Thank you. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is a disgusting thing, but let me go to church real quick. It's so fake. Yeah. So fake. We also have, I mean, she had another problem, you know, some hecklers in her crowd. We'll get to that here in just a second. First, you know the old rule. If you want dessert, you have to eat your vegetables.

Unfortunately, that's kind of how life works. Take buying and selling homes, for instance. You really want a good experience, then you got to eat your vegetables. You got a ton of work to do on the back end. There's so many things that you have to figure out, so many moving parts that you have to keep in motion. But what if you had a real estate agent that could do all of that?

could eat your vegetables for you. You see what I'm saying? What if you had a real estate agent who was so good, so competent that he or she made the whole process easy? That's what you'll get when you use my company to find a real estate agent. None of these people work for me. We just vet them. We're just somebody that goes out and we look for the best real estate agent in your area. If we don't have one, we won't recommend one.

There's only about, I think there's like 2,000 of these people that we work with around the country. And we don't have any bigger than that because we want to make sure that we can really watch these people and talk to you after your real estate experience to make sure they did a good job. How do we know that these people are really going through interviews? And it's not like Donald Trump, who has people who are screened. Shh, don't say that.

Where do you think Donald Trump got that? That's 10 seconds. Station ID. Holy cow. Oh, here it is. Here it is. Cut 14. This is what happened at a rally for Kamala Harris. Now listen to this. Do you hear that?

Did you hear that? Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Okay, she's talking about abortion, and somebody just screams out, Jesus is Lord. Luckily, she had the right quip. And here she is in response. With the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade, and they did as he intended.

Look how excited she is about herself here. Look at her face, like she is pumped up. She's nailed this response.

She's nailed it. She's waving at them sarcastically. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street. Oh, they love it. She loves it. She loves herself. What a burn. No one loves her more than her. Okay, there were 2,500 people at her rally, 7,000 just down the street with Donald Trump. So I think she doesn't understand smaller and bigger. Maybe she missed that episode on Sesame Street.

But another thing you probably shouldn't say is, in response to Jesus is Lord, you're at the wrong place. That was amazing. I mean, it's possible, right? She heard, she didn't know. She just thought someone was yelling something against her on abortion or something. Sure. You don't know for sure if she heard it, but it did. I didn't hear that at all. Oh, you didn't? No.

Also, if you missed the lesson on Sesame Street about smaller and bigger, you can ask Donald Trump about Arnold Palmer and he'll explain the entire thing to you in detail. Did you hear CNN was obsessing about that? Yeah, what was that? Jake Tapper was into it. Jake was into it. Who was it? Who was it he was interviewing? Oh, it was a speaker of the house. Johnson. Johnson. Anyway, and he's like, Jake, you seem to like that word a lot.

You seem to love this story a little too much. You know what I mean? How many times are you going to bring it up there, Jake? Yep. That was an interesting... What an interesting weekend it was. We're not completely going insane at all. I will say it is pretty consistent that the person who will kick the Jesus is Lord person out also hates Christmas, though. There's a real consistency there. Yeah. It's very good. It's very good. I...

I feel pretty good about, you know, just voting for my particular candidate. You will be mine. That's how the rally should start. Ladies and gentlemen, my candidate. She will stand behind the seal of the president under the right of the state's poor and poor. Kamala Harris.

Wait, forever? I thought we were limited to two terms. No, I guess she might cheat. The Prince of Darkness is okay. He's fine with that. Once you vote for him, it's pretty much lasting. Right. So that's good. That's really good. Did you see Elon Musk on the road?

Yeah. Some like incredible things, I thought. I agree. I mean, his stories about the red tape of trying to do business in this country were fantastic. We have some of the things that he said, including his stance on abortion, which is incredibly brave. Incredibly brave. It's like, you know, the guy's standing out.

He's standing up saying unpopular things. Hey, yeah, but where do you stand on abortion? I just want to give you the opportunity to have everyone hate you on all sides. Back with more in just a second. I hope, I sincerely hope that the upcoming election and the weeks and months after that that follow it are going to be free of violence.

But I think to assume that might be a little naive. So if things go badly, if things get really crazy, are you prepared? I mean, if they're literal riots in the streets, God forbid, how do you ride them out?

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For example, 2,000 calories a day. I mean, that'll do you good, 2,000 calories every day. Order your three-month emergency food kit now. You're going to need good coverage of this election from somebody. I'd recommend I thought you were going to recommend me. No, Kamala. Use the code FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT and save $40.

Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Glad you're here. So Donald Trump working at McDonald's, which we have revealed, Pat Gray joins us now, was just, and I hate to break it to you, according to the left, just a, quote, publicity stunt. Scam. What? He did not actually work at the McDonald's.

I didn't believe it either. I didn't believe it either, Pat. Are you saying he didn't go through the regular interview process with a manager? No. That's what we're saying. No, you're not. Seriously? I didn't buy it either initially. What about his next shift? When is that? He doesn't have one. He doesn't even have one. He doesn't have another shift scheduled? No. What about like this weekend? No. Like a late night thing? No. No.

No, and he started right at the top. Special favors. He started right at the top, Pat, at the drive-thru. That's something you have to work a long time for. You'll just step out there to the drive-thru on day one. They just gave it to him on a silver platter. And they've also exposed the drivers in the car. They were all checked. They were all...

Not by Secret Service, I hope. And selected by the campaign. Oh, no. Yes. They weren't just normal customers going up there at that time. That's what I thought. I thought this was a very popular McDonald's because I saw the crowds. Thousands of people lined up. I thought, wow, this is, I mean, it's popular in this part of Pennsylvania. But no. No. No. Slice, Pat. No.

Oh, how do you believe a word? Amen, brother. Not one word. Amen. Wow. Amen. Well, I don't know. Kamala Harris, when she said to that person who said Jesus is Lord, you're in the wrong. You're in the wrong rally. I believe that.

Yeah, I do. That was true. I believe that. What I didn't believe was when she said you should be at the smaller one down the road because that one was three and a half times as large as hers. Yeah. So I didn't know. Right. It's you know, it's bad. It's bad. It is bad. Bad. It is bad. So have you noticed that Donald Trump is like channeling Ronald Reagan right now? Yes. Yes.

He's very optimistic. He's very different. Yeah. He has been. This, this, this, the shooting thing changed him. Yeah, I think it did. It did. How could it not? Yeah. True. Really? You take a bullet on stage. You have that moment where you stand up and you say, fight, fight, fight. And all the, everything that went along with that, like, how could you not change? At least at some level. Well, I, I, I don't know if I told this on the air, but I was with him last weekend or weekend before last, whatever. And, uh,

I was watching him thinking how much he has changed. And, you know, you don't go through that without some introspection, you know, without going, you know, am I willing to die for this? Yeah. And I really feel he is serving something bigger. And I think it's the American people. I think it's you, you know, as he gets up every day and he is,

He's the, what he's serving that's bigger than him is you. Yeah. And I don't know that he's a super before this, that he was a super religious guy. I will tell you. But I think he's more so now. Yeah. I, I will tell you, I've heard him talk about God in ways that's, you know, not, uh, you know, not, what is it? Uh,

Two Peters? No, yeah. Two Corinthians. Two Corinthians walking into a bar. Did he give a religious speech about how much he hates Christmas? No, he didn't. Can we play that again? You've got to remember, it's not Donald Trump that said that. And when we all sing happy tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas. Hmm.

How dare we speak Merry Christmas? Yeah! How dare we? Yes! I'm going to the polls right now for Kamala. Right, right. I'm pumped up. Because she's pissed off about Christmas. She despises it. That's not all. That's not all. Cut 12, please. Should never again have the privilege of standing behind the seal. How do they think that's going to work? Never again. It's remarkable. Never again. Never again.

What was that quote that Hillary said? I am tired of telling people that I'm tired. What difference does it make? No, she said, I'm sick and tired of people saying... Saying you're not patriotic if you question the war, which is hilarious these days. We have the same party who's like, oh, how dare... It's not anti-American to question a war.

Gee, what happened to that whole philosophy on the left? That's changed quite a bit. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, no, it's like, you just think they would, she would have that one moment where she went off the cuff. It was like, you can't stand, she would never stand behind the sail. That would happen one time and everyone would go to her and go, Kamala, Kamala.

Good God, never again. Whatever you do, don't hit that note, whatever that note is. Don't do it. No, that's the strategy now, though. Yeah. She really kind of... That wasn't a one-off? No. No. No. You're kidding me? She didn't just say that once. I guess. Yeah. Same hand gestures each time.

It's unbelievable. Who would want that? Wow. Reverse course, if you're the campaign. No, no, no. For me, for my purposes, continue to do exactly that. But if you're in that campaign, aren't you like...

Kamala, literally anything else. I'd rather have her cackle for 20 minutes on stage. She did the Brett Baer interview with that attitude the whole time. Yep. The whole time. This is, again, I think a strategy change. You know, the whole attitude of I'm speaking now, I'm speaking now is so annoying. Sarah, is it just guys that feel that way?

I can't stand her voice. She's worse than Hillary for me. Yeah. Okay. I think that's very common. Yeah. I think that is very common. Especially like there's something about her trying to yell forcefully that is so irritating. But real. Yeah.

But real. I think that's her. I think it is, too. I think it's much closer to her than the joy. Like, I'm going on Oprah, and here's your car. Yeah, what happened to the joy? The joy didn't last very long, did it? It's just dead. Because the people who are currently institutionalized that worked in her office for a year, they left, and they're rocking back and forth going, is that Kamala? Is she coming? She's got me around the corner. She's got me around the corner. Ah!

And isn't it like dozens of people that quit her employee? Oh, yeah. Everybody but two. Because she was so hard to work with. Everyone but two. Yeah. And that was okay to talk about before she had the nomination. Yeah. Now those people have been snuffed out. Now the mainstream media won't even discuss their own articles that they printed about it. Did you hear that Donald Trump said he's going to release the names in the Epstein diary? I did hear him say something about that. You think he'll do it? How does he have it?

Well, he doesn't, but the government does. Oh, okay. Yeah. The FBI has it. So it's in safe hands. Yeah. You don't seem to believe that. No. Wouldn't it be terrible if there was a fire in that room right before Trump took over? No way. No, we lost it. Dang it. January 18th or 19th. Oh, darn. You know? Burned up. Wow, that would be... Jeez. That would be awful. Yeah. That would be a real sad moment. I think he'll do it. I think he'll do it. Don't you? I mean, I think the guy is like...

This is so far gone, it's got to be burned down. You've got to take all the bad guys, burn it out. So you think he will release the Epstein names? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he talked about trying to release some of the JFK stuff and got blocked on some of it. Well, he blocked it. He blocked it. He did. Yeah. There were like a couple of big things that he left in or kept in the vault. Okay. And he said, if you would have seen them, you would have done the same thing.

It's interesting. I don't think so. I don't think so. But now, not only do you have the Epstein files, you got the Diddy files too that may be pretty telling and pretty incriminating for a lot of people. Oh. Yeah. I think definitely. Oh.

Maybe they got some information on some people who weren't at first, Usher, saying anything about who they support for president. And now all of a sudden, now all of a sudden they're all over the Kamala Harris campaign. Oh, really? Yeah. Well, he was asked, I think on The View, or was he asked about, and he didn't want to say. And he just, he just...

Said, yeah, I'm not disclosing that. Well, now he's come out and endorsed her at a rally. What are you implying? I'm implying that he's on the diddy list.

Yeah, that would be the implication there. Apparently, I talked to somebody over the weekend. But I don't know that for a fact. Right. No, you don't know. You're guesstimating. I don't know much about the Diddy Parties either. The only thing I know about them is there ain't no party like a Diddy Party. And I learned that from, of course, LeBron James, who said that exact thing. There ain't no party like a Diddy Party.

quote, LeBron James. Just wanted to point that out in case anyone was concerned about where LeBron stood on the issue. Well, at least he wasn't lying. Because it doesn't seem like there's a lot of parties like that. Maybe there are, though. Maybe that's part of our problem. There are too many parties like Diddy parties. So I'm out of time, and I want to play some of these a little later on in the program. But let me just play one thing. Here's Elon Musk.

over the weekend doing rallies himself and taking questions from the audience. The most awkward guy ever. You know, he's, you know, Asperger's. And so he's taking questions from the audience and he's asked about...

you know, voting in California. Listen to this. A friend of mine went to vote in Palo Alto in California because he was like, is this real or not? And he like tried to show his ID and it was like presenting a cross to a vampire. Like, they're like, no, no, put the ID away. You know, like they literally, they weren't allowed to look at his ID even if he wanted to show it to them.

That is the extent of the madness. This is a real thing in California right now. And if the Dems win nationally, they'll do it nationwide. Obviously, that's what's going to happen. And there will be no democracy.

It's amazing how clear eyed some people are. And now he is, I mean, he's, as he said this weekend, in fact, where is that? Here, cut six, listen to this. Hopefully, hopefully I don't get shot. I was just on the cover of some big, like, I think it's the biggest magazine in Germany called Der Spiegel. I was just like their Time magazine or something saying that I'm enemy number two. You know? Yeah.

I'm like enemy number two of what? Democracy? I mean, I'm pro-democracy. All I'm literally trying to do is uphold the Constitution and ensure we have a fair and free and fair election. I'm definitely upgrading my security. You know, it's like, so I guess I better cancel that open cop parade. Just kidding. All right. Thank you, Pat, for stopping by. Let me tell you about the Berna Launcher.

It's important to have the right tool in your hand for the job. In a life and death situation, a gun at your side can definitely be the right tool for the job. But there are situations where deadly force isn't necessary, even the best way to go. Now, it can be used, you know, sure. But, you know, if you're...

If you're in a situation where you're not willing to pull a gun and kill somebody because it's not the right situation or you're just not willing to do it, burn a launcher can help you. We put these in our cars. They are, I think, fantastic in case you happen to be surrounded by Kamala zombies and they're out in the street and they're surrounding your car. All you have to do is just open up the window a little bit and shoot a little tear gas at them.

Yeah, that'll work. It'll work. Burna, B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash Glenn. Get 10% off your purchase. Check this out now. Made here in America in Fort Wayne, Indiana by Second Amendment lovers. It's Burna, B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash Glenn.

Are opinions weighing you down? Call in and let it out. 888-727-BECK. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Here's Elon Musk on abortion over the weekend.

There is no answer to this question that will not offend some number of people. But nonetheless, I will tell you what my opinion is, which will certainly offend some number of people. My opinion is that if a baby can survive outside the womb, it cannot be aborted. It cannot.

Good start. Yeah. For a liberal? Yeah. I mean, that's basically it. If a baby can survive outside the womb, if it is far enough in gestation to survive outside the womb, at that point it is not abortion, it is murder. So, obviously. That's even stronger. It's sort of the Roe versus Wade standard, but I think by my position. Now, part of the challenge here is that the education system has terrified girls and women

and relentlessly push the idea that getting pregnant is the end of your life. Like, your career is dead, you're ostracized from society. And so when you instill terror in young girls that getting pregnant is the worst thing that could happen, they obviously, you know, they believe that if they're just kids. And so that...

When that is a deep-seated belief that they've been hit with in the educational system for a long time, then the idea that they will not be able to get an abortion, even in extreme circumstances, is obviously a terrifying situation. And they will not vote for any candidate who might...

essentially, who would stop them from getting an abortion, even in extreme circumstances. So this is the issue that we face. It's this relentless push in education, terrifying girls and women that if they get pregnant, their life's over. And the reality is there's nothing greater than having a kid. And...

He believes that. Yeah, he does. So, you know, I get more joy in my life from my kids than anything else. And that's generally true of all humans. In fact, that is how we evolved. It is a very natural thing that you will love your children. So, in fact, having a child is...

We'll make you happier than anything else in your life ever. I have to tell you, there is a new survey out. I want to get to it next hour. New survey out that shows Americans may not believe that anymore. It's crazy. Next. The Glenn Beck Program. Let me tell you about Jace Medical. We are still cleaning up from Hurricane Helene.

300 people are dead. Hundreds are still missing. I just saw a video of a guy, hope to have him on the air, who went up this weekend and went into a place and found a place that nobody has ever been to. I mean, nobody had, none of the rescue workers had even gone to yet. People are in real trouble. And if you get sick, you get an infection.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. So, can I just ask you, I mean, if you're a conservative and you're Jeff Flake, how do you come out and say, I'm a conservative and I'm not voting for Kamala in spite of being a conservative?

I'm voting for her because I am a conservative. How is that even possible? What kind of mental gymnast do you have to be to be able to land on your feet on that one? Mike Lee is here. We're going to talk about that coming up in just a second. First, last thing you want to do the day your car suddenly needs repairs is have to hold a funeral for your wallet.

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over the weekend. And I just, if I may, I just want to quote it here. Let me just pull it up on X. It was so great. He, come on, open. Okay. He writes, I'm voting for Kamala Harris, not in spite of being conservative, but because I am a conservative. Conservatives believe in the rule of law. Wow. That, just that says a lot.

Um, it does, it does. And I've known Jeff for a long time and he's a friend. I, but I, I, I could not disagree more with this assertion, but it,

If you don't want to vote for Donald Trump, it's your right to vote for whomever you want. But for somebody to actually vote for Kamala Harris and to say that they must vote for Kamala Harris because they're a conservative, I don't know how one justifies that. Now, maybe what I've written will invite a response, but I've identified a number of things that Kamala Harris wants to do. Like,

Entirely gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Okay, hang on just a second. Hang on. Say that again and explain it because I think people will roll their eyes when you say, oh, she wants to gut the First Amendment and all the religious freedom. They'll roll their eyes because they don't know.

Right. All right. So as a senator, she spent four years in the Senate. She and I were colleagues in the Senate. She was there for four years, one of her top legislative priorities as a U.S. senator.

focused on a bill called the do no harm act google it if you're curious the do no harm act ironically named like so many other democratic show pieces right uh because it would do immense harm what the do no harm act would do is essentially say that the religious freedom restoration act does not apply cannot offer any protection to the free exercise of religion if somebody

experiences what they call dignitary harm. If they experience harm, including dignitary harm, meaning you have insulted my dignity as a person by doing X, Y, or Z. So let's say if you go to a, I don't know, like a religious hospital, for example,

and you want a late abortion or you want a sex change operation or something like that and that religious hospital says sorry it conflicts with our regular religious beliefs and policies to perform that procedure uh we're not going to do it and then that person sued to try to enforce them this seems to be a favorite trick of the left the religious freedom restoration act would do you no good there and would disappear because kamala would have neutered it

Look, there is very little left of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act if her bill passes. So if you let's say let's say you are a church, you don't you know, you you have only male priests and you don't marry gay people. Would you be forced to marry gay people and would you force be forced to have female priests?

Okay, this is a good question. I'm glad you're raising this because the left loves to point to this. They love to point to Barack Obama's promise when Obergefell was decided, look, I'm not going to force any of your clergy to perform gay weddings they don't want to perform. They love to say we're not going to do that. We couldn't get away with that anyway. Well, look, maybe that's true. That's usually not where they're going to go anyway. They're actually going to go in the direction of

religious institutions and religious individuals for not complying with what it is that they want. So it might not be a court order saying you clergyman X, Y, or Z must perform this ordinance. It's more like, yeah, if you want the ability to participate in this government program, if you want to maintain your tax exempt status for that matter, you cannot do certain things that we regard as discriminatory.

Therefore, comply or be punished. That's that's usually how it manifests itself. And Kamala Harris would be just fine with that. How do we know that? Well, because she wrote a bill that would do that. OK, so you start with Jeff Flake and say Kamala wants to gut the religious freedom. You got your religious freedom. That's not conservative, nor is it OK.

Then you go on. Yeah, I go on. So she likes price controls. That's not conservative. That's what Marxists do. Price controls don't work. Price controls buy into the Marxist theory of economics, which doesn't work. And it's certainly not conservative. I can point out that she's got an unhealthy preoccupation with abortion. Not conservative. She wants to imprison her political enemies as she's been just fine with this lawfare campaign against Trump. Not conservative.

She's been hiding Biden's dementia for nearly four years. Not conservative. Wants to raise taxes. Not conservative. She's all about the Green New Deal. She was its principal advocate in the Senate. Green New Deal. Not conservative. She wants to pack the Supreme Court.

Same description. She tells Christians at her rallies, you're at the wrong rally. That's not conservative. I go on. There are about 20 of these. I point out, I cannot identify a single thing that she does. It can be reconciled with conservatism, much less compel a conservative to vote for. I just want to go on. Kamala wants to shut down X for not suppressing conservative content. Kamala let in 10 million illegal aliens.

also let in enough fentanyl to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans while enriching international drug cartel to the tunes of tens of billions of dollars a year. Kamala thinks it's a good idea to use taxpayer money to pay for sex change operations for prisoners.

Kamala believes it's OK for elected federal bureaucrats to make 100000 pages of new law every year. Kamala wants to tax unrealized capital gains. Kamala wants to ban fracking. Kamala wants to give free health care to illegal aliens. She wants to force women to compete against biological men in sports rather than a tortured reading of Title nine.

Kamala actively encourages lawless violent protests in 2020, pledging to give money to rioters to pay for their bail. Kamala said she wants to decriminalize immigration offenses.

Kamala believes there should be no restriction on abortion up until the moment of birth. Kamala backed tyrannical policies punishing Americans for not getting the COVID vaccine, even if they had legitimate medical or religious reasons to avoid it. I can't identify a single conservative reason to vote for Kamala Harris, not even one. I have to tell you, you look at that list. I mean, Mike, how does somebody...

Out as a religious person, not just see the Democratic Convention and the free abortion vans that they had parked outside and say, oh, no, this is cool to attend this. I mean, you'd never go to a concert if they had free abortion vans out. You would go, this is kind of evil.

Would you? No. Heavens no. She was treating, the Democratic Party was treating abortion as if it were a sacrament. As if that were just some holy rite that they had to participate in. They had to make it available that week, of course. Look, you don't do that. And you certainly don't vote for that candidate and call it conservative. So, look, I implore all within the sound of my voice,

If you've got issues with Trump, I understand that. But for heaven's sakes, look at what we're looking at the other end of this. Look at Kamala Harris and do not tell me that your conservatism compels you to vote for Kamala Harris, because on no planet can that be true. It just isn't. Mike, let me switch topics.

Who do we really need to pay attention to in the Senate races? Who are the ones that you're like, I got to have them? Please, please vote for this person.

Well, look, obviously, let's start with a couple of incumbents. Ted Cruz and Rick Scott are both up for reelection this year. They're both in tight races in Texas and in Florida. Is Rick getting any help from Turtle Face?

Well, if you're asking whether he's getting any help from the Mitch McConnell Senate Leadership Fund, last I heard he was not and neither was Ted. Neither did I when I was in a tight race in 2022 beyond some some advice. But I didn't get it done. And my understanding is that neither Ted nor Rick have either. Yeah, no, Ted hasn't for sure. But I haven't talked to Rick about it.

Yeah, yeah. Then let's move on to the other races involving potential pickups. So we've got a significant opportunity. Look, we're going to win West Virginia. Jim Justice will win there. I think we've got a decent shot at winning in Montana. Tim Sheehy is coming very close to Jon Kester, and I think he's got a really good shot at beating him.

Bernie Moreno in Ohio. I just got back from Ohio where I was campaigning with Bernie Moreno. He's doing really well, but he needs every little bit of a push that he possibly can. Those guys are in a very good position. And we've jumped down a tier of people who are not necessarily right on the verge of victory and could close the deal, but still could get there. You've got Dave McCormick in Pennsylvania, Eric Hubby in Wisconsin, Kerry Lake in Arizona.

And Sam Brown in Nevada. Those are probably the next most likely to win. I think we were in a good position. I think we could easily get the Senate majority. That would be a dream come true. The Nebraska thing. They're doing in Nebraska exactly what they tried to do to you.

Yes. Oh, thank you for reminding me of Nebraska. I neglected to mention Nebraska. So my friend and colleague, Deb Fisher, faces a challenger somewhat reminiscent of the guy who ran against me. She's facing a guy named Osborne who is running against Deb Fisher as an independent, but he's actually pushing forward.

leftist policies and getting away with a lot with just saying, well, I'm an independent, so I'm different than everybody else. Vote for me. He's got socialists. He actually has socialists working for him. I mean, from democratic socialist, you know, uh, organizations.

I mean, it's just nuts what these people are trying to get away with. And I don't know if you heard this, but Bernie Sanders over the weekend, Bernie Sanders came out and said, look, you know, Kamala flip flopping on major issues. Her goal is just to defeat Trump. That's what she's doing. Wait, wait, what?

So he's admitting that she hasn't changed on anything. Are we that stupid, Mike? No.

but well we're not but they think we are and that's yet another reason why no person who has any sympathies toward conservatism should ever vote for kamala harris but they really are that transactionally minded and you saw john pester recently the democratic senator from montana was being interviewed and asked why he wasn't going to kamala rallies and he said because i'm up for re-election

So it's just very transactionally minded, very open about saying, well, yeah, I can't act like the liberal that I am.

because I've got an election that I've got to face. So that's not cool. Look, the Democrats do think we're dumb. They do think that they can rest on the fact that we've all been marinating in Marxist indoctrination for our entire lives because, well, we have. It's primary education, secondary education, higher education,

News media and entertainment media have all been under the control of leftists for pretty much all of our lives. We've been taught the language of politics in the terminology used only by the left. Mike Lee, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Godspeed. Thank you very much. Good to talk to you. Good to talk to you. Mike Lee from the great state of Utah.

Sometimes the cost of doing one's duty comes with a very, very high price. There are heroes in this country and abroad, service members and first responders alike, who will give everything of themselves. And they'll give it up, including paying the ultimate price just to serve their nation or their community. So who's there to help them? Who's there to help their families? It ain't the government. Who exactly is on the front lines for those who are on the front line?

It's tunnel to towers. They're gold star family of fallen first responders, smart home, homeless veterans programs,

they're in the line of duty programs and they're dedicated to honoring our nation's heroes and their families, engaging people in nine 11 remembrance all across America. They host over 80 runs, walks, climbs, dozens of golf outings. They even, you know, run the tunnel to towers, nine 11 Institute, educating kids. So they'll never forget more than 95 cents of every dollar you donate goes to tunnel to towers and its programs. Uh,

uh never forget never forget the sacrifice that our country's greatest heroes have made you can help them donate 11 a month to tunnel to towers at that's t the number two 10 seconds station id so uh 60 minutes finally came out now it's been what 12 days 14 days a couple weeks yeah been a couple of weeks um and there's been one question hey uh

Why is one answer different in the promo than the answer you aired the next night in the special from Kamala Harris? Kamala Harris was asked a question and she gave this long convoluted answer in on Face the Nation from that interview. Then when it aired the next day on CBS, the whole interview, it wasn't anything like that.

So people have been saying, can you release the transcript and release the video footage? They always do that for the full unedited interview. Go to 60 minutes dot com. Right. They always do that. At least the transcript. So we've been asking for the transcript. You've been asking for the transcript. The government's been asking for the transcript of the unedited interview.

So 60 Minutes takes them two weeks to respond over the weekend with this. 60 Minutes gave an excerpt of our interview to Face the Nation that used a longer section of her answer than on 60 Minutes. The statement claimed, same question, same answer, but a different portion of the response. It was more succinct, which allows time for other subjects in a wide-ranging 21-minute long segment.

Then they said, but remember, Mr. Trump pulled out of his interview with 60 Minutes and the vice president participated. So, wow, is that why was that last line necessary in answering the other question that shows they have an agenda? Why wouldn't they release this? It's taken him two weeks.

I really don't get it. Other than there's something there they are literally trying to hide. I mean, you could argue in some way, like if someone said demanded us to release a transcript of something and we're like, screw you, we're going to do what we want. Like you could see a sort of indignant response like this is we it's our material. We'll release what we want. That's not the argument they're making.

They're just, they're not making any argument. They're not even addressing why, because they keep saying like, well, we edited to 20 minutes to make a 20 minute segment. Well, you got 45 minutes with her. What happened in the other 24 minutes? Why didn't you release that? You didn't have to put it in the show. Even as you point out, you could have put it online. Okay. So here's what you need to do.

You need to email or write snail mail, but I would suggest email. Email the stations. Make it to the general manager. You look for your local CBS television station, and you ask them why they are not demanding for their own local audience to be informed on what looks like CBS News election interference. Okay.

Here's why you write that. Because a letter has to be saved. Any complaint like that has to be saved for the FCC. That's how you get their license pulled. You don't do it, you know, nationally. CBS News doesn't have a license.

But the local stations have license. And those local stations will call up to CBS and say, what are you doing to us? Release that information. So if you want results on this, call, I'm sorry, write, snail mail, or email the general manager of your local CBS station. Do it today. Glenn Beck.

As a moral and religious people, those of us who are still part of that group, we are all that stands in the gap between this bloodthirsty death cult that has taken over a massive chunk of the left and our nation and the innocent children that they kill every day in this country.

We have to change the hearts and minds of people, and we're not going to do it by shouting against people who are going in to have an abortion. We have to love the mother, and we have to love the child. I'm so proud to partner with Preborn because all they do is they sponsor free ultrasounds for women, and then they provide them with help for two years after the baby is born. So they don't just advocate for the baby's life and then forget about them once they're born. The left thinks we act that way, but we don't.

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Big news. Tomorrow, I am releasing my next book, Propaganda Wars, How the Global Elite Control What You See, Think, and Feel. We all know that we're watching propaganda. It dominates every part of our lives now, from our children's biology textbooks to presidential debate stages. But what most people don't understand is how powerful and well-organized this propaganda scheme has become.

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How to stop things, for instance, not in this book, but let me give you one of the things that will be helpful for CBS. We were just talking about it a minute ago. You want to stop the propaganda. Well, it seems like you can't get any answers from CBS, right? Even Congress won't give it. They won't give an answer to Congress. So they're hiding something.

So how do you get to CBS? CBS cares about its local affiliates. And if the local affiliates are squeezed, they will report that to the FCC because they have to.

So I want you to write a letter to your local CBS affiliate, your local television CBS affiliate, and write it to the general manager, CC the FCC, so they know there's record of this. Because all of those letters have to be saved for their renewal of their license.

And if there is an overwhelming number of letters addressing this propaganda and using language about your local community, we don't care what the rest of the country might be thinking. But we believe this is propaganda from the network. How can you as a local station stand by and allow this to happen? We demand answers immediately.

From CBS. They won't give him the answers. Well, you should be asking for those answers. Otherwise, you're not serving your community. Make sure you put that in. You're not serving your community. That's how license challenges come up. And there isn't anyone who is a general manager who likes to see a letter like that. No one.

Because that just gives the FCC ammunition. You just want the FCC to walk in, see your public file and go, okay, you're good. You don't want anything that just makes that sticky. They will call if you're starting to give them lots of letters. They will call CBS and say, can you end this, please? Because this is killing us. It's a similar approach that many took toward, and you discussed earlier about Bud Light,

When people, it wasn't call Bud Light, it was a tweet to Bud Light. It was talk to the distributors. Yes. And that made a real difference in that moment. It was the distributors that broke the back finally. Because remember, the distributors said, we're not going to take Bud Light. We're not going to take it. The local bars, we're not going to take it. And so once those distributors fall apart, they're in trouble. Yeah.

And it's important to understand with 60 Minutes, this is supposedly a news organization, a news program. The news program. We are not asking them, hey, you need to ask tougher questions of Kamala Harris. Obviously, I feel like they should. But it's their editorial control on that aspect. What we're asking for is what actually occurred.

We've got a presidential election decision to make. Can you tell us what went on here? And I will be honest, at the beginning of this, I kind of... You always do. We always do. I try to give the benefit of the doubt whenever necessary because... Or whenever possible because...

You know, I'm a conservative and my personal political bias is to want one side to win. So I try to question that all the time. So I'm not just random. There's so many people on the freaking Internet just saying everything that's good for their side. I don't want to be that person. I don't either. So at the beginning of this, I kind of suspected that.

60 Minutes edits this stuff all the time. You're right. They typically will release larger portions or fuller context online. Especially if there's a problem. Especially if there's a question. Right. And that's the thing. Journalists would react that way. We're not asking for them to...

We're not micromanaging the way they ask questions or why didn't they follow up on this. We can complain about that stuff all day. We just want to know what occurred. There was a 45-minute interview. Their telling of the story was a 45-minute interview in which they aired 21 minutes. Why are we not knowing what happened in the other 24 minutes?

Why? What happened there? At the beginning, I was skeptical it was something really bad for the Harris campaign. The way they are acting here, the fact that after all of this pressure, they haven't just said, okay, here it is. Just look at it. We didn't do anything wrong. You might have think we made a wrong editorial choice, but it's all right there. The fact that they haven't done that in two weeks makes me think something really bad happened. Something where she really said something that might really damage her campaign. And I don't know...

I don't know what to think other than that. This is bizarre behavior from an organization that's supposed to be protecting its journalistic credentials. And you know what? It may not even be on that question. That question. I know. It might not at all. Yeah. That leads us to believe if they're editing that question.

What other questions? Did they do that anywhere? You need the full transcript and the full tape. Like you said, 41 minutes. Here's what really doesn't make sense to me. You have a woman who's not giving interviews. At the time this aired, she had just started giving interviews. So...

It's her first major interview since, who was it? ABC, I think. I think Dan and Bash did one with both of them. Remember that? Right. So it's her first major network solo interview. All right.

In a time when everybody wants to see it, everybody wants, I mean, we watched it. I don't want to watch, you know, I'm not watching it. If, you know, Joe Biden's giving an interview, I've seen it. Ben, they're done that. I got it. I and everybody else in America, even her supporters, want to know where she actually stands on things. So why would you have a 40-minute interview? You have 41 minutes in an hour, okay?

And why would they only use 21 minutes with all of the setup and everything else? It's probably, they probably used, I'll be generous. They used 16 minutes of her actually speaking. Okay. Um,

Why wouldn't you want to drive traffic even to your website? Why wouldn't you make the entire thing? It's not your Sunday typical 60 minutes. Why wouldn't you make the whole thing just that we sat down for an hour-long interview, and you'll see it this week on 60 Minutes? Right. Why wouldn't you do that? And I watched that whole hour, Glenn, as I mentioned. They had Tim Walls on for a segment, which...

Is moderately defensible, right? Like you're putting on, I mean, it's a kind of a strange choice when you have more material from Kamala Harris. Why wouldn't you air that instead of a Tim Walls interview, which no one really cares about, but he's on the ticket. Okay. Kind of defensible. But the last like 20 minutes of the show was some produced piece about whether the Arizona election was stolen in 2020. Right.

Like, I, and obviously with the very heavy tilt that it was not, and look at all these poor people who, you know, like campaign workers who got, you know, bad tweets sent to them and things like that. Okay, like, you want to cover that? All right. I mean, I don't see why it's really relevant right now, but okay, maybe you think it is. But the idea that you would bump

15 minutes of a kamala harris interview with this context around it to air a pre-produced piece about what happened in the 2020 election in arizona what the hell is that that's the most insane decision of all time yeah you want to throw you know stupid tim walls on there for a few minutes maybe you can defend that indefensible to to leave 24 minutes on the cutting room floor of kamala harris

When you're airing that, air that another week. This is a primetime special. It makes no sense at all. I would post your letter to the GM or the vice presidents of your local CBS stations. I'd post them on X.

Let that let people see that. Tag us as well. Yeah. Tag us. Tag the FCC. Make sure you tag the FCC. And and note, as Glenn noted, the words community standards. Yeah. You're not serving your community. You know, this is not helpful to our local community because that's the directive that they have to hit. By the way, fiscal policy out of the 50 states is.

Tim Walls, Minnesota for fiscal policy ranks last. The bottom 10 states, according to new analysis, New Mexico, Missouri, Oregon, Michigan, Wisconsin, Delaware, Washington, Maine, New York, and lastly, Minnesota. Huh? Why? Why? Why is that?

Well, he proposed a budget for $2 billion more in new spending and taxes would have to increase by $1.3 billion. Then in 2021, he proposed adding a new individual income tax rate of 10.85% above the current top rate.

Also a surtax on capital gains and dividends, a hike to the corporate tax rate from 9.8% to 11.25%. It would have raised $1.6 billion. It was rejected by the legislature. But...

He has raised taxes, fees on vehicles, transportation, indexing the gas tax for inflation, increasing vehicle registration taxes, raising fees on deliveries and sales tax in the Twin Cities area. Last place for fiscal policy beyond New York and California. And that's the vice presidential nominee.

Good luck with that. Hey, we're up against the wire. Within a couple of weeks, we're going to have a much better idea where the country is headed economically. But I would argue that either way, you should count on things getting worse before they get better. Even if another Trump administration comes in, we're not going to be in any real good economic shape immediately.

So you know the drill. Don't trust the dollar. Do your own homework. Find out what's right for you and your family. But if you have money and you saved for your retirement and you haven't at least put 10% of that in gold or silver, I'm not a financial advisor, but it's doubled in the last 24 months, the price of gold. And it is going to go over, especially if she wins. Oh, my gosh.

Do you see that Wall Street now is moving from a Democrat friendly portfolio to Republican? They think Donald Trump is now going to win. And so all of the bets in stocks are moving towards Republican friendly. I hope that's true. But you want to have gold or silver.

please call Lear today. They'll credit your account $250 towards your purchase at Lear Capital. It's 800-957-GOLD. 800-957-GOLD. Call them now. 800-957-GOLD. You're listening to the swinging sounds of Glenn Beck. Sit tight, boys and girls. We'll be right back after these messages. So you see what Barbara Lee said? Barbara Lee, uh...

was on the Alex Witt show on MSNBC. And she said, and I quote, Donald Trump has gone to a McDonald's.

He's going to this McDonald's and he's in. I'm sorry, this is wit. And he's going to the McDonald's. He's going to go in the Philadelphia area. He's going to work a fryer, apparently, before he goes to the Steelers versus Jets game. If you're on his campaign, and I know you're certainly not, I'm not making any implication of that. But what is the logic behind this going to a McDonald's? Probably there is no logic to it.

It's a stunt. He has not put forth an economic agenda. What? Yes, he has. He, as you know, appears to not be well, and he's engaged in some really bizarre types of activities during this campaign. Okay, doing a publicity stunt? Honestly, the thing they tend to bring up on the left for evidence of this is,

He played music for 30 minutes at a rally. Yeah, because somebody was like getting medical attention. They thought they were going to die. Yeah. And so they didn't he didn't think it was appropriate to sit there and answer questions while that was going on. That is almost never included, though, as context as to why he played 30 minutes of audio. They just don't make any sense.

You know, it's desperation, though. I think it makes sense under that context. If you look at the lens and you say, wait a minute, they were they thought they were ahead. They thought the debate was enough for them to sail to victory. That debate bump is completely gone. Trump seems to be doing really well. So listen to this. Wall Street Journal just came out, said because he did. He sat down with him for 90 minutes. The editorial board said.

Lately, Mr. Trump's detractors have been speculating about his, quote, mental decline, end quote. There's no sign of such slippage in our Thursday meeting. The 2024 Trump seems more confident and is certainly more knowledgeable about policy than he was in 2015.

His discursive style of talking can confuse listeners, but that was equally, equally true nine years ago. And he never appears to be lost in his thoughts the way prize president Biden repeatedly did in their June debate. So here's the wall street journal saying, that's not, it's not true. He's not. And I will tell you, I was talking to Tanya over the weekend and I said, I Donald Trump,

is sharper, I think, than he was in 2016 in the way that he just seems to know a little bit or a lot of everything now. You know, he's you could talk to him about absolutely anything. I don't know how he stays up to date. I really don't look at his schedule.

He's always going one place to another, to another, to another. I don't know how he's even standing up. I'd be so exhausted. And they say he's exhausted and they keep trying to mock him for that while he's still doing far more events, interviews, press conferences than Kamala Harris, who's what, 20 some odd years younger than him. I mean, it really is. His energy level is amazing. There's no doubt about that. All right. Back with more in a minute.

The Glenn Beck Program. We have the FCC commissioner on next. I want to ask him about this CBS thing. Let me tell you about the Berna launcher. I hope the day never comes that any of us have to defend ourselves or our family from a violent attack. But when it does, you always want to be prepared. In a lot of situations, that means having a gun. But using a gun means shooting to kill. And maybe the situation doesn't call for that.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment.

and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. 60 Minutes released a statement yesterday that I don't know why it took them 14 days to release this statement because it says nothing. It was all about the broadcast on 60 Minutes with Kamala Harris. They apparently edited, but they haven't released a transcript. They won't release the full 40 minutes. What happened in the other 20 minutes?

You know, it's probably actually more like 25 by the time it was all edited down. What else did they say? And did you move any other answers?

They're not going to say 60 minutes is, uh, clamming up. They released a short and I think a little terse statement, one paragraph saying we moved the answer, just took their, her answer from a little later on in the same question and answer period and shortened it up. Doesn't appear that way, but maybe, maybe that's what they did. Um,

But then they took a shot at Donald Trump. You know, at least Kamala Harris came on. Donald Trump still refuses to come on 60 Minutes. Well, yeah, maybe because he doesn't know if he can trust you. It's always been a bloodbath with him. You've never edited his stuff to make him look more succinct. But you did with Kamala Harris. So Donald Trump said take their license away. But the FCC doesn't issue a license for CBS.

It doesn't happen that way. It does happen at the local level.

Brandon Carr, FCC Commissioner, joins us here in just a second. We'll talk about freedom of speech and so much more. Let me tell you about Your home is going to look a lot better once you've got new window treatments from And you can take my word for it because I've used them several times. But I recommend you check them out for yourself. Do your own homework. Go to their website, look at their amazing selection, and then look at the prices. Shopping for window treatments? Oh, man.

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I'm doing great. Good to be with you, Glenn. Yeah, great to have you on. So can you explain what the FCC's role is on something like CBS News and their quote-unquote license? Because I don't believe they have one.

Yeah, that's generally right. I mean, one of the things that we've seen recently, as you noted, is there was a complaint filed at the FCC regarding CBS's coverage. It was a complaint filed under something called the news distortion rule. And this is a rule that's on the books. It's

been on the books for over 50 years. But it's really something that in, you know, one case out of a million, is there any legitimacy to a claim? Most of the time we get people that bring news distortion complaints, but it's really about, you know, editorial decisions they disagree with, you know, First Amendment protected positions of journalists, you know, the mind run of cases are just complaints about people not liking the news and they're sort of dismissed out of hand.

Where it's a little bit different sometimes is when you're bringing forward some extrinsic evidence that an outlet intentionally did something that was just really inaccurate. So for instance, there's been cases where actually a news program put explosives on a car and made it explode and claimed that it was a problem with the car. But there's also been other cases, for instance, where... So again, we're talking about stuff that's like...

pretty far out there because we don't want to get into like authenticating news or becoming a ministry of truth. But the doctrine does have some application. Another case was where an outlet took an answer that someone gave as yes to a question and they replaced it with them saying no to a different question. So we're talking about really high bar, really egregious stuff that requires evidence. In this particular case, I don't think this should be a federal case. I think, you know, Catherine Harris used to work at CBS and

said that in her view, it just makes journalistic sense to release the full transcript. And I agree with Catherine Harrods. There's plenty of precedent for CBS to do that. In fact, Catherine Harrods did a, I believe a Trump interview back in 2020

And they ended up releasing the full unedited transcript. And so in my view, you know, that's the best way forward here. Release the transcript. And there's no reason to even have this before the FCC at that point. So I agree with you. There's no federal case here. That's why I suggested to the audience that they write their local CBS affiliate and say,

You know, you're doing a great disservice to our local community when we can't trust the news you're getting from CBS. Can you please call CBS News and ask them so our local community here knows what's true and what's not, what to believe or not to believe?

I suggested going to the local affiliates to put pressure on them to put pressure on because you do have I mean, they have inspections for their license.

Yeah, that's actually part of the news distortion policy is we say, look, as a first step, as an initial matter, we encourage people that have a dispute with a broadcast to go to the actual broadcaster, the licensee, and see if they can sort of get the concerns addressed without the federal government getting involved. Again, as this particular complaint, I haven't reached...

view on the merits, but in terms of whether it's sort of frivolous on its face, I don't think anybody can reach that conclusion either. But again, that's why I just think the best way forward here is simply to release it. Now, maybe CBS has a position it violates our first-member rights to do that or whatever. They've done it several times before.

Right, right. And you have an exclusive interview with somebody who doesn't do interviews at that time, and you've got 40 minutes. I know they've done this before, too. See the entire interview at

You know what I mean? They've released the transcripts when asked, and they also release full interviews if they have to cut them down and it's a big interview. It doesn't make any even business sense why they wouldn't release the full interview.

Yeah, again, I go with, you know, Catherine Herridge, who worked at CBS. She put out a post, I think, this morning where she said, releasing the full unedited transcript is consistent with journalistic transparency, and it stands behind the integrity of the entire Kamala Harris edit, not just the clips under scrutiny. I think that's, you know, the best way forward. I think, you know, CBS should just release the transcript. Can I switch topics here with you? Elon Musk was on the campaign trail.

And he was talking about the loss of freedom of speech and, you know, the First Amendment going awry if the election goes, you know, towards Kamala Harris. Can you tell me, because I just, I could hear people's eyes roll when you say things like that, because people just don't think that could ever happen here. What are the dangers? And you don't, I don't ask you necessarily to pick a side, but what,

What are the actual dangers that you see on the horizon for freedom of speech?

Yeah, your point, putting aside this particular election, which I have to under the Hatch Act, I think you can look at the ghost of Christmas future in Europe and in Brazil. We just saw an instance where the Lula administration in Brazil is engaging in a full-scale crackdown on free speech. You had the government of Brazil sending secret orders to social media companies, including Facebook and X,

demanding that they censor the posts of their political opponents. We only know about this because X objected and Facebook did not. So think about this for a second. At the very moment that Mark Zuckerberg was writing a mea culpa letter to our Congress saying, we're so sorry that we secretly censored in the past, we're not going to do it. At that exact same moment, his company was knuckling under

in Brazil to secret orders to censor core political speech. So the idea that the first amendment is there and that's been enshrined forever is not something that you can take for granted because globally right now, again, whether it's Europe or Brazil, there is a strong movement towards censorship. Um, that doesn't necessarily, you know, stop short of our shores if we're not careful.

Uh, Brandon, I, uh, I thank you as always for everything you're doing. Um, it must be tough, uh, being in the minority and, and being a conservative that is more constitutional. At least that's the policies that I hear from you are the constitutional things. Just keep it fair, keep it balanced, keep it, you know, with the law and the constitution. And I, I thank you for your fight.

Yeah, thanks so much. Look forward and always, always glad to talk to you. But again, I mean, to this point of censorship, we're still seeing it right now where there's been a lot of attention recently on the fact that Vice President Harris has been leading this $42 billion campaign.

internet infrastructure program for over a thousand days and hasn't connected even a single person. Well, there was a quote unquote fact check run on that over the weekend. And as a result, Facebook is now censoring posts that simply point out that fact. I get that it's inconvenient, but it's a truthful post. And I think it's important that people hear the information that both Facebook and Harris officials don't want them to know right now. Yeah.

Thank you so much, Brendan. I appreciate it. All right. Let me tell you about Relief Factor. We're going to take a look at the polls next. Relief Factor. What have I told you? It's not only possible to get rid of the pain that you've been carrying around for so long, but you could actually go back to feeling good the way you used to. Remember those days back when you didn't have to check in with your body before everything you did just to make sure it was going to hold out? You could find that relief.

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And the first chapter is just where we find ourselves right now. How insane is this? Nothing makes sense. And then we explain how big tech, you know, mainstream media, the government are using tools that you don't even know are being used on you to sway you one way or the other. Look at the mental illness that is happening in our country.

Some of that mental illness, and I would say a lot of it in our teenagers, comes from big tech and big government going in and trying to change everything that we know to be true. Propaganda Wars, it shows you how to find out what's true, what's not, and how to fight it. Propaganda Wars, available everywhere in bookstores tomorrow.

So, Glenn, we've been working on this thing called the Pulsecast, which looks at not just one poll or one polling average, but all the polling averages, all the prediction markets and all the full blown election models out there. Some of them are like really well known. Some of them are like just election nerds working in obscurity. But I think it's important to kind of look at all of this because you can you can get a bad sense if you're just picking the polls you like or the polls that freak you out.

so if you look back at the arc of this campaign right starts with uh kamala harris announcing and starting a rise donald trump led for the first few days in august by this measure but then you had that sort of boomlet of of joy if you will where kamala took a slight lead these are very close numbers but took a slight lead rose to about 55 or so that started to fade and donald trump actually took the uh the lead for one day

right before the day before the debate with Kamala Harris. After that, seemingly, she had a little bump again and went back up to about 56, 57% favor to win. That was in the, let's say, late September area. The last three weeks, though, have been particularly good for Donald Trump. And all of Kamala Harris's lead has now completely evaporated. In fact, for the first time in a long time,

Donald Trump now leads in the Pulse cast at 52.21% chance to win. Kamala Harris at 47.79% chance. That's a huge, huge difference. Because it doesn't change that much. You know what I mean? If you think about how many things go into this, dozens of different measures and polls and everything else, it's...

It's hard to move it. It's supposed to be a slower acting situation that's not jumping up and down all over the place every day. So this is also remarkable if they get it wrong, like they've traditionally gotten Donald Trump wrong. Yes. It's significant because he's never, ever led in the polls. Yeah, this is, you know, when I talk to people who are worried about Donald Trump,

And they want to be pulled off of the cliff, the edge of it. I tell them, number one, this is the best position Donald Trump has ever been in during one of his presidential runs. He is polling much better than 2016 and much better than 2020.

in addition to that both of those runs the polls were bad for him compared to his actual output he outperformed the polls in both of those elections by significant margins in fact he outperformed the polls in 2020 by more than he outperformed the polls in 2016. you know people think of well you know 2016 he switched the you know they said Clinton was going to win and then he won

And for us, as individuals, as human beings who actually care about the outcome of these things, that is a bigger quote-unquote mistake, right, than what happened in 2020 where they favored Biden and Biden is somehow residing in the White House. I think currently still. I think he's still the president. I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure. I think he is. So you think of like, well, they missed in both of these years. They missed it in 2016 by a smaller amount than in 2020. The 2020 polls were worse. Now, if you look at

On a state-to-state basis, though, it gives you a real reason for optimism. Because when you kind of like look at this and you say, all right, well, yes, this has happened in two consecutive elections. We kind of know, generally speaking, that the polls went in the favor of Donald Trump. But how much of a factor was this?

Here's the swing states from 2020. Iowa, Ohio, Texas, kind of, I mean, somewhat close. Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. So you look at that. It's a broad geographic scope. They're all over the country. They're all relatively close states.

How did the polling averages miss? Now there's smaller misses, there's larger misses, but every single one of those states in 2020 missed to wind up benefiting Donald Trump in the actual election. So the polls underestimated him in 2020 and all of those states.

In 2016, you have a different group of swing states. Iowa, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, Minnesota. Again, same story all across the country. What's the story with all those states? Every single one of them, again, underestimated Donald Trump. In two consecutive elections. There's real reason to believe just by that evidence that the same thing might happen. Yep.

And it might wind up being what we're now seeing as a legitimately really close election. The polls are not telling us Donald Trump's up by a million points. The fact that he's up 52 to 48 percent chance of winning in the polls cast is a better place to be than the alternative, but is not a blood. It's a toss up race. Polling average show this is the steam is being poured on right now. Yeah, I think that's true. But if you look at that and you say, well, let's just say there's a two point polling error in these states toward Donald Trump.

He's going to win with over probably 300 electoral votes. The electoral vote count might not look all that close. And that was the same thing in 2016 and 2020. It didn't look all that close electoral vote wise, but those are my small margins that wind up making it look a little bit more like a blowout than it was. These are both close elections.

If you go back in history, you don't find this. This is not like a thing that Republicans are always underestimated. In 2012, it was the opposite. Every swing state except one underestimated Barack Obama. In 2008, every one pretty much except one, which was Georgia at the time,

favored underestimated Barack Obama. So those you had some totally different situation in previous elections. Trump may have something unique and there's a lot of things that have been discussed as what the reason is. We can talk about that later. But generally speaking, it could be something that's just unique to Donald Trump that he winds up outperforming these polls because of the types of voters he brings in. So I saw today that there are a few senators that are in tight races. Democrats

who are now running Donald Trump in their ads as a positive. Yeah. I mean, Casey is one of them in Pennsylvania doing that. Yes, several are doing that. And look, you know, Democrats really have a tough road in the Senate. They have to basically sweep every state they need to win to have a chance. I mean, Republicans, I wouldn't say locked up, but they've got about 50 states strung

strong to their lean here. 50 seats, I mean, strong to their lean. There's a bunch of swing states that Republicans need to pick off one of them. Those would be Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the second race in Nebraska. They have a good chance of doing that. I would say that Ohio is starting to look better and better by the day. And since Trump is going to win Ohio, rarely do they split tickets anymore these days. So really good chance Bernie Moreno is making a lot of ground there. All right. More in just a second.

Stand by. Glenn Beck. We take you to the border next. Time to talk about your pet experience and taking it to the next level. You love your dog. You want him to be healthy and happy or her to be healthy and happy. That's why you need Rough Greens. I started feeding Uno Rough Greens a while back, and as I've said many times on the program, he is a completely different dog. Well, he's not.

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We have a ton going on this week. This is the next couple of days. I will be with Bill O'Reilly today at 1230, followed on my schedule by a dental appointment. I don't know which one I read more. And tomorrow on with Charlie Kirk. So you don't want to miss that.

All right. I mean, does Bill give you nitrous? Because if he doesn't, I think the choice is clear. Yeah, the choice is clear. Dentist, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. All right. Let's see. We have Jim Desmond on with us. I look at what's happening at our border, and-

they keep saying that they've gotten it under control. Now they're trying to convince people that it's, you know, lower numbers coming across than when Trump was in office. This is absolutely not true. So we have the supervisor for San Diego. He's on with us. He is the county supervisor and he has information on border patrol on something that is,

you know, now apparently happening again on our border. Welcome, Jim. Hey, Glenn. Thanks for having me this morning. You bet. So tell me what the border patrol informed you of. Well, the numbers are down, but from record highs. Yes. We still have a lot of people

We'll have more capacity, more people coming across the border than we can actually handle here in San Diego County or in the San Diego sector. And what happened from September of last year until June of this year, the Border Patrol dropped off over 155,000 people just into the streets of San Diego County. 155,000 people?

Yes, absolutely. They dropped off over that nine-month period of time, and we had to absorb them, or most of them left and went to other parts of the country. So they were just dropping off the excess here in our transit stations here in San Diego County.

And that stopped in June. But what they've been doing ever since, we're still taking more people in that we can manage here. There's about three buses a day that they're taking migrants, Border Patrol's taking migrants to Yuma, Arizona, which is right on the California-Arizona line. So about three buses per day.

And they have about three to four flights per week leaving San Diego going to Texas, primarily McAllen, Texas. So it's just smoke and mirrors. What they're doing is they're just taking these numbers. They're no longer putting them on our streets, which was very in the open, and press and everything else had access to that. And they're hiding them by busing them to Arizona or flying them to Texas.

Well, I want to thank them for that. This is, I mean, if Trump doesn't win, what do you think is coming our way, Jim?

Well, I think it's going to go back to what it was before, where we were getting several hundred dropped off each day here in San Diego County. And unfortunately, we became the number one spot for border crossing. We're the number one spot for fentanyl. We're also in one of the top spots for human trafficking. You know, all of these things we don't want, but it stopped in June, right before the election.

as far as the street drop-offs. That was the most visible thing that we could see. So I think, unfortunately, we're going to go back to the mayhem that we had in the previous months where they were just dropping off more and more people here in San Diego County. That's what I fear. So you are a county supervisor. What can you do, if anything?

Not much, other than reporting it and what's happening. And one of the other things that what's happening here in San Diego County is we're getting several boats a week, just where people just run up onto our shores with boats and smugglers.

and people just getting off the boats and walking into our neighborhoods and they just abandoned the boats on the beach. Those people aren't even checked or go through a border patrol. They're not fingerprinted. We have absolutely no idea. And that's been happening for months.

And if you remember 9-11, it was only a couple dozen people. Well, two boats is a couple dozen people coming into our shores. And that's happening several times a week where we have these people just completely unaccounted for. It is crazy. Let me play something here that came from Dr. Phil. This he is talking to a special agent with ICE. It's cut 10.

So you're telling me that DHS has acknowledged that Venezuela, for example, is empty in their prisons and their rehabilitation centers with the understanding you get out if you leave here and go to the United States. Yes. And DHS has in writing said that.

We know that's happening. We know they're coming here. We're processing them in and have no idea where they are. Correct. How many people are we talking about? Millions. And just Venezuela alone. How does a country survive that? How does a country survive that? How does San Diego survive that?

We don't. We're getting overrun. And to be honest with you, the state of California is a sanctuary state, which means that our local law enforcement cannot enforce immigration laws.

So even these people that are getting off the boats and walking into our neighborhoods, local law enforcement can't do a thing about it. If they pull somebody over, they can't ask them about their immigration status. And so, you know, we're sanctuary state because of that. There's very little, you know, locally anybody can, can do about this stuff. So that's,

One of the issues, another thing that the federal government just did to us recently is they gave us $19 million for a migrant processing center here in San Diego County. Right after the June drop-offs, they gave us $19 million, and that's FEMA dollars that could have been going to hurricane relief. Right now, we're not using that money at all, but it's $19 million FEMA dollars

sitting in our pockets waiting for a migrant center, which probably if Kamala wins, we're going to have to put up right away. Jeez. God bless you, Jim. Thank you for breaking this news. I appreciate your courage. Thank you. Glenn, thanks for putting it out there. I love it. You bet. That's a supervisor, a county supervisor from San Diego, Jim Desmond, who

I think it was what last night or the night before about what's happening now. They are flying them out, flying them out. Congratulations, Arizona. You get some Texas. You get some. It's like Oprah. Yeah. Everyone's got some under your chair. Congratulations. Actually, probably actually kind of like literally that. Oh, man. Disturbing.

It's hard to imagine this is a close election with everything that's going on. I think that's one of the things that I think is mesmerizing to a lot of people. I just don't believe it. I just don't believe it. I mean, everything that is, you know, everybody knows the country's in trouble, right? Everybody knows that. I think, yeah, what, 80% of people say we're on the wrong track. Yeah.

So she's part of the wrong track, people. She's actually currently the vice president of the United States. Yeah, we know what Trump has done because he was already in. We know that our life was better, for the most part, under Donald Trump than it was, I mean, the price of everything. The immigration crisis.

I mean, that wasn't a problem. Yeah, there's a voter in one of those forums who put it really well, basically saying this is a unique opportunity for America. Like never before have we really had, maybe not never, but very rarely have we had the opportunity to look at two candidates and say, oh, they both kind of done this job well.

We have an idea how they're going to do. Usually it's one or the other, right? You have one candidate who's done it and the other one you're kind of projecting. What will they do if they have this job? You sort of had it, I guess, in 2020. I mean, since Biden was a previous vice president, right?

And Trump was a president. So you kind of had it. But you don't normally have that opportunity. We can pretty much pretty clearly look at and examine their records and make a pretty easy determination as to who was a better leader. Well, I don't think it's not a tough, tough one for me. I tell you, the New York Times is desperate. Listen to this. For Trump, a lifetime of scandals heads toward a moment of judgment.

No majority party presidential candidate, much less president in American history, has been accused of wrongdoing so many times. What does that mean? What do you mean accused of wrongdoing? Exactly. It means nothing. It means nothing. You can be accused of all kinds of stuff. Doesn't mean you're guilty of it.

When history of the 2024 election is written, one of the iconic images illustrating will surely be the mugshot taken of Donald J. Trump of one of his four indictments staring into the camera with his signature glare. It's an image not of shame, but of defiance. The image of a man who would be convicted felon before election day and yet possibly president of the United States again afterwards. They go into, and I learned an

Awful lot of stuff. Did you know that he was impeached?

What? Yeah, not once. Probably once. No, twice. Twice? What? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I bet he didn't even work at McDonald's the other day. No. Well, they said that he didn't. Oh, no. They didn't. Did you know that he went bankrupt? There's probably 440,000 words in the New York Times. And it's like he went bankrupt. Did you forget that? Oh, and his dad, his dad was accused of being a racist in 1972. Yeah.

I mean, I'm not making that up. Trump University. They mentioned that? No, but they did mention stakes. Trump stakes. It was a failure. His stake stuff was a failure. Oh, my God. It is desperation. Just dredging up. And yet they won't look into any aspect of Kamala Harris's background. I mean, she's not even from Oakland. No. Where she says. She grew up in Berkeley. Berkeley.

And Canada. Well, they don't care about stuff that far back. Well, no, I'm sorry. He cheated to get into Wharton Business School. Did he? Yeah, that's what they say. He cheated. And then he was a former military academy cadet, but he didn't want to serve in the real military or be sent to Vietnam. So his dad stepped in and got him out of that, too. So...

but then you know i've heard a lot of these things before he vaulted to fame did you know he had a divorce he's actually had three divorces he's been really has he has he had three or two that was two uh i think it said

Let me see here. I didn't remember this at all. What is casinos in? He had trouble with his casinos. What? What is the purpose of this? Yet they can't come up with one piece of evidence that Kamala Harris worked at McDonald's. Yeah. Not that I'd care if she worked at McDonald's. And I don't know. I guess as a person who did work at McDonald's, I don't know how I would prove that other than my friends knowing I worked there.

Now, I guess she says she has one friend who will say that her mom once told her she worked there. That's their level of evidence of that particular claim. I mean, I could go back and find a lot of people who would say, oh, yeah, I remember that. Look how long this story is. It's long. Look how long this is. It just goes on and on and on and on. What is the purpose? What is the purpose? Oh, by the way, he was also looked into.

for mob connections. - Looked, someone looked into him? - Looked into any mob connections. I mean, once you've been looked into, you know, mob connections,

You're guilty. Has Joe Biden ever been looked into for anything? Has Kamala Harris ever been looked at? Did they collude? It's like this is like a clip show. It's like when you're in season 26 of The Simpsons and they're like, here's a bunch of clips from season eight that people seem to like. That's what they're doing. Well, this just shows they are desperate for.

They think they're going to lose. Because this is just a clip show. Yeah. It is. It's just a rerun of, you should be afraid of him. Be afraid. It's also just...

It's the media realizing they're just no level of ability anymore to affect these things. No impact. This is basically them screaming, we've been saying this forever. You're not supposed to elect this guy. Pay attention to us. I know. It shows they have absolutely no impact at all. All right, let me tell you about American financing. Two questions. Do you own your own home?

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Glenn's newsletter is free and full of useful info delivered every day right to your inbox. Sign up at I have to tell you, now Donald Trump is back in North Carolina talking about the Helene devastation. This guy, have you noticed...

How many things he does and how he's all over the country every day. It's incredible. It is unbelievable. And of course he does it in an efficient, I think smart way, which is a businessman. Yeah. He did. He runs it like he comes in. He doesn't do little tiny things.

12-person meetups like a lot of candidates do. I will be surprised. But I mean, he does large events. Yes. He does efficient travel. Yeah. On a nice private jet. He sleeps in places where he's comfortable. Not every, you know, other comfort in. But still. That's smart. It's a smart way to handle it. It is. You know, 2016 was not an impressive campaign. 2020, I had my problems with.

This is an impressive campaign from Donald Trump. I'm really impressed by their media approach. Yeah. The way they're utilizing him in his comfort zones, I think is really smart. And J.D. Vance. They are killing it right now. Just killing it. The Glenn Beck Program.