cover of episode Kamala's DESPERATE (and Racist?) Pander to Black Male Voters | Guests: Kari Lake & Brian Trascher | 10/16/24

Kamala's DESPERATE (and Racist?) Pander to Black Male Voters | Guests: Kari Lake & Brian Trascher | 10/16/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Allie Beth Stuckey
Brian Trascher
Carrie Lake
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck认为卡马拉·哈里斯为了争取黑人选民的支持,承诺向黑人男性提供免费大麻,这是一种不择手段且可能带有种族歧视色彩的策略。他认为这种做法类似于大卫·杜克的竞选提议,非常可悲且具有种族歧视色彩。他还批评卡马拉·哈里斯在与夏尔马格·达·戈德的访谈中,没有反驳后者关于特朗普将把所有非白人关进集中营的荒谬说法,这反映了她为了争取选票而迎合恐惧情绪的策略。 Stu则认为卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选策略类似于用不同的“礼物”去讨好不同族裔的选民,这是一种极度令人厌恶的行为。他还指出,卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选团队在MSNBC上播放的视频中,将特朗普描绘成一个自我封闭、只关注MAGA群体的人,而将哈里斯描绘成积极参与竞选活动的人,这是一种具有误导性的宣传。 Stu认为卡马拉·哈里斯没有驳斥关于特朗普将把非白人关进集中营的恐惧,也没有指出历史上实施这种政策的是进步主义者,这是一种不负责任的行为。他还指出,民主党对特朗普的攻击策略前后矛盾,一会儿说他强势,一会儿说他软弱,这反映了他们竞选策略的失败。此外,他还指出卡马拉·哈里斯在黑人选民中的支持率大幅下降,这表明她的竞选策略失败了。

Deep Dive

Glenn and Stu discuss Kamala Harris's campaign strategy targeting black male voters, including promises of free weed, and question the constitutionality and morality of such tactics.
  • Kamala Harris promises free weed to gain black voter support.
  • Criticism of Harris's campaign strategy as buying votes.
  • Discussion on the constitutionality of Harris's proposals.

Shownotes Transcript


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Not with a capital G. I mean, it's a damn God. But I don't want to say I'm God, because that would be... I mean...

It would really be pretty blasphemous against Charlemagne, wouldn't it? Seriously. We're going to talk about that coming up in just a second. William wrote in to talk about his experience with Relief Factor. He says, I just can't believe I'm not hurting anymore after using Relief Factor. I've been in pain for over 40 years, which is weird because he's only 29. But if you're in pain, you know, doesn't it feel like that? It's like I've been in pain, you know, for 75 years, but you're 50, dude.

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All right. Welcome to the program. Hello, Stu. How are you? Very well, Glenn. How are you? Well, I'm good. I'm good. I was excited to hear all of the things that Kamala is promising for black men.

It's not shameless. It's not shameless. Oh, no. She's not trying to buy votes. We should point that out. Of course not. Some people will think that when they hear you say it like that. Right. But no. Right. And don't worry about that pesky constitution. You know, the fact that all of these things would be unconstitutional. They'll jam it through somehow or another. You know, hey, look, we're talking free weed for black people. Can you?

Can you if if I even said that as a joke, I'd be off the air. You know what? You want to buy their vote? You want to buy black men's vote? Give them free weed.

You'd be banned. Yeah. It sounds like a David Duke campaign proposal. It really does. It's like, it's, it's like, can you imagine who stood up? Who stood up? Please tell me it wasn't a white guy. You know, they stood up. I got an idea. How about we give them crack pipes?

And it's that pathetic. It really is. And was there someone that spoke up at some point and said, guys, you want to try to buy black votes with drugs? I want to make sure I'm understanding the proposal. Isn't it kind of racist to say that black people like drugs? They like drugs and they can't get identification. Those are two campaign planks. That's unbelievable. Well, they're two stones, Stu.

To be able to figure out identification. Right. They need it to buy their big, huge 10-gallon malt liquor. Right.

It's unbelievable. They might as well try all these proposals. I mean, it's crazy. And like you wonder, like they're like, hey, well, these are the types of plans that are going to get black voters. Actually, maybe it's this type of thinking that had you lose them in the first place. It might be. But you know what? Hey, if it works, let's offer free chopsticks and driving lessons for Asians.

That's basically what they're doing. It is what they're doing. It's basically it. It's what they're doing. Now, white women, you get Ugg boots and Starbucks gift certificates. So Venezuelans, we already gave them free apartment buildings in Colorado. That's true. Well, they worked for those, I will say. They did work for those. We have them covered. I was thinking of Native Americans, and I thought we should give them sheets and pillowcases to go with the boot. And then I thought, no, no, no, we shouldn't remind anybody about the blankets. Just maybe more casinos.

More casinos. Now, that's not racist. That's not racist. What? No, that's just going after individual voters that they care about so much. Oh, it's despicable. Barbecue tacos for Hispanics. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that. So, and white men? Yeah, you know. Probably nothing. Just beat it, dude. Or, wait a minute, white men get free trans surgeries.

There you go. Because that's what they really want. That's the white man talking. I'm mad enough to say I want to be a woman. That's how mad I am. So man up. Become a woman. I think that's great. I think that's great. By the way, J.D. Vance did come out yesterday and...

You know, I said that I would that if I ever heard of anything that was, you know, unconstitutional, dictatorial, I would out him and I would stand with the Constitution. And I'm going to do it because J.D. Vance came out yesterday and said, well, Graters is now making a skyline chili flavored ice cream and they're going to ban it. They're going to ban it.

And as much as I see, I don't need I think I think chili flavored ice cream would make me vomit. But I'm but I hey, hey, hey, I'm going to stick up for that ice cream. You know, I mean, you're not going to ban any ice cream on my watch. J.D. Vance, not one. This is I mean, honestly, that's what they would do. He actually did make that tweet as a joke.

But that's what they would say. They would say, see, he's serious. He's serious. He's going to go after ice cream flavors that he doesn't like. I heard a whole report this morning, Glenn, about how Donald Trump just stood there, played DJ for 45 minutes, playing song after song after song. For no reason. No mention of the fact that there were medical emergencies in the crowd. Right. I mean, how can you tell that story without mentioning why he stopped taking questions during the town hall? Because there was someone potentially dying in front of him?

But having some sort of medical emergency? Didn't even mention it. But he doesn't care. He doesn't care about people with medical issues. No. He doesn't care. You know, what did he do? He danced. Somebody's dying and he's dancing with YMCA. What a monster that guy is. So Charlemagne, the god, which I don't know, at some point in my life,

I might worry that that might be a little blasphemy. There might be a question or two on the final exam. You know what I'm saying?

You didn't think that maybe you shouldn't call yourself... But, I mean, it's working out for him in life, so... Well, since he spelled the T-H-A, does that get him out of any of these problems? And the isn't capitalized, even though the G is capitalized in God. Okay. But I think the T-H-A, I don't even know what that means. It's like... The? That's my out with God. That's my out. I didn't call myself God. I said...

God. News for you, if you put A at the end of certain words, it doesn't always help. Well, it does some people. It does some people. Maybe he's got the A thing going on this word, too. I'm not really sure. So anyway, he was doing a town hall with Kamala. Kamala. And, you know...

Gotta, I gotta, you gotta give it. You know, she was great. She's for some reparations, you know, which is, which is great. Let me give you some of the things that she was talking about yesterday. I love the fact, I don't have the audio, but I do have the text of somebody that called it.

Somebody that called in, you know, and spoke to the God and said, you know, I have to tell you, I'm a little concerned. I'm a little concerned because I think Donald Trump is going to round everybody who's not white. He's going to round them all up and put them in camps. And she said, you ready? See? See? I mean, you get it.

You get it. You get it. You get it. OK, I get it. I got the right or the conspiracy theorists. But every non-white person going into camps is you get it from the president. You get it because all he's doing is peddling fear. So you're afraid that she didn't say he's not going to. Right. She didn't try to dissolve the fear at all. No, no. That's why you should vote for me.

Because you're afraid you're going to be round up and put into a camp. But that's an insane fear. Yeah, it is. There was no like, hey, by the way, there's no chance he does this. And by the way, the only people who have done it are progressives.

Yeah. That wasn't mentioned by Kamala? No, she did mention that this is the very kind of laws that have happened before. They rounded up the Japanese. And when she says they, I think she means we. We. The Democrats did that. They didn't mention that, though. No, no. Well, they don't like to mention things like the Klan. That was an arm of the Democratic Party, you know. And they kind of leave out the part that, yeah, it was...

It was us in our big, big eugenics time. You know, eugenics part one. We're kind of in eugenics part two right now. But yeah, we rounded up the Japanese because they're, you know, they're sub. They're sub people, you know, can't trust them. Can't trust them.

You know, they're shifty and they're short. And that totally goes against their just announced chopsticks program. Exactly right. They were trying to buy some of their votes. Yeah. Reparations. Yeah. So we got to give them some chopsticks and maybe some rice, maybe some rice. I don't think that's offensive to Asian people. Do you know? It's central to the way they're running their campaign. Absolutely. Gosh, that is so absolutely amazing. Meanwhile, here's what...

Here's what Kamala, a spokesperson for Kamala, was saying on MSNBC. Now, I want you to listen to this. If you're watching, you're going to get the problem with this quickly.

But I'll explain for radio listeners in just a second. Here it is. And that is probably one of the clearest contrasts that you're going to see in the last three weeks of this race. You're going to see the vice president out on the trail every single day talking about her ideas, going to these big media platforms to share her vision with the biggest number of Americans possible. While Donald Trump continues to sort of retreat into himself in the small MAGA universe that is all about him. And because that's all he's really interested in right now.

Right. Okay. So here's the thing. As he's talking, behind him is the video of Donald Trump...

in Chicago at an economic forum where he's doing an interview with a guy who completely disagrees with him. Goes after him the entire time. It was a Bloomberg forum, right? I mean, it's crazy. Bloomberg, the former Democratic presidential candidate. Right, but he's in his small little universe. Oh, okay. You know, his small little universe. I mean, listen, this is how contentious it got. Cut to, please.

What is the Wall Street Journal now? I'm meeting with them tomorrow. What is the Wall Street Journal? They've been wrong about everything. So have you, by the way. You've been wrong about everything. You're trying to turn this into debate. There are business people. You've been wrong all your life on this stuff. So, and now, by the way, he walked into a room where it was not friendly.

standing ovation when he left and the people that were there said he turned to like about half the crowd because he was, I've never heard a president who actually can speak with experience and deeply about economic and business issues. You know, I can, you know, like Ronald Reagan, you know, he could speak about those things and he knew what he knew about

but not from an experience of actually doing, not being able to talk to business people and say, look, I've been there, dude. I know exactly what's happening. It was really quite remarkable. And the interviewer just didn't get him at all. Listen to this. Cut one. How about this? Gavin Newsom. He's the governor of California. Newsom. He signed Newsom, I call him. Yeah.

But do you think he corrected me? That's the first time I've been corrected. There are CEOs out here. If they said those sort of things about a rival CEO, they'd be sacked. Do you think it's fine for a president? I know, but they don't have to survive like me. They don't have to go through what I have to go through. There has never been a president that's been treated like me, so I have to fight my own way. You made a... This guy who's doing the... What's his name? Micklethwape? Yeah, Micklethwape.

John Micklethwaite. Hello. Yes. Lord Micklethwaite is here. But he's not real popular with the crowd. At least a good portion of the crowd. Not real popular. And I love that answer from him. They don't have to deal with what I have to deal with. They don't have to deal with what I've had to do. No president has ever been treated this way. Exactly.

I love that, too. It's like such a stupid point. If a CEO said that, they'd be sacked. Well, I mean, Trump was a CEO and he said stuff like that all the time. I know. I guess if you own the company, it doesn't happen. Yeah. I mean, we're working on it. You know, people actually are really flocking to people who are real. Yeah. You know, you may not like Donald Trump, but at least, you know, he's real. That's who he is. That's who he is. Who is Kamala? Seriously. Seriously.

Can anyone tell me who they think she really is?

I mean, I have my opinions, you know, but I guess the whole point of her campaign is to hide who she is. That's the whole point. This is why it's so incredible to hear, you know, the commentator you played a couple seconds ago where they're like, well, what Donald Trump is going to do is he's going to stay in his own MAGA base and Kamala is going to be everywhere. She didn't do an interview for 80 days as a candidate. Well, most of them as a candidate. 80 days.

She did no interviews for 80 days. What do you mean? Until her campaign started to fall apart. Until it started to fall apart. And all of a sudden, like, oh, now we've got to do all the interviews. It's like, did you not to mention the previous candidate didn't do a cabinet meeting for multiple years. Like, how can you possibly be out there arguing these things? It is a mental illness. I really believe not, not all Democrats.

But I think there is probably 20 to 30 percent of the country that is mentally ill right now. Mentally ill. You know, there might be. That's quite an accusation to say it's that low. And I mean, I mean, honestly, if if we were not living in this everything is political kind of state, if you could go back 15 years.

and just have doctors look at people and I'm bringing my daughter in. She thinks she's a dog. And she said that I should, uh,

I should lose my stewardship over my 12-year-old daughter because she's a dog and she wants her skin taken off and glue fur glued onto her. Or glue furred onto her. Yeah, right. One of the two. One of the two. I don't know. I'm a panic father right now. Exactly. I'm trying to talk about the health of my dog. And to have a doctor, a doctor would say, we need to put her in the hospital.

Okay, we need to put her in the hospital. We need to have at least talk therapy. Now, everybody on the left, it seems, is like, oh, you monster. Come here, Fido. Come here. Yeah. Come here. Let me pet you.

That's even creepy. Doc, you see what's happening over here? That's creepy. Oh, well, then you need to go in the hospital if you think that's creepy. That's right. That's where we are. It's nuts. All right. Let me tell you about the Tunnel and Towers Foundation. Let me tell you about U.S. Army Specialist Brad Maynard. He's a hero that enlisted after 9-11 because he wanted to be part of something that mattered. And he was.

While he was on a road clearing mission in Afghanistan, unfortunately, his vehicle was destroyed by an IED. It left his life changed forever. He's now a T4 paraplegic with a traumatic brain injury. He's got compartment syndrome in both of his arms, severe internal injuries, even needed facial reconstruction from all the damage the blast did. This is sometimes the cost of freedom that you and I enjoy. Think of that. Think of that. He,

He went through all of that and is still going through all of that to save the freedoms that you may not even have taken the time to read about, that you don't know about. We've got to wake up.

Anyway, despite all that he's had to face, his spirit is really unbroken. Tunnel to Towers Foundation stepped in, built him a specially adapted smart home designed for him. It's all mortgage-free so he can live more independently. And this is the mission that the Tunnel to Towers Foundation is on, to never forget 9-11, nor abandon our heroes and their families.

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I was going to say some of the food. I'm a fan of food, obviously. I know you're a fan of food. Tonight, Americans are getting sick and dying in shocking numbers. Listen to these statistics. 129 million Americans, one third of the country, have at least one major chronic disease. That's pretty shocking. 42% of Americans have two or more chronic diseases. 12% have at least five diseases.

Per the CDC, this began around two decades ago, and it is a trend that is expected to continue. Why? Well, we dug into the research and the things that have been put into our foods over the past 20 years is insane. But the trail doesn't merely end with our food manufacturers. The potentially dangerous additives that are getting past the regulators at the FDA. How is that happening? The truth will shock and horrify you. Don't miss tonight. I mean...

Bag of Doritos. Hamburger Helper and Fruit Loops. What do they all have in common? Delicious. Okay, I got to give you that. I got to give you that, okay? And, you know, Hamburger Helper helped my mom out when we were in tough times, too. So it has that. But Doritos and Fruit Loops didn't. But anyway, what do they all have in common? Tonight, don't miss it. Wednesday night special, 9 p.m. only on Blaze TV. And tomorrow on my YouTube channel. Glenn Beck.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. So, I'm glad Pat is joining me from Pat Gray Unleashed because, Pat, you and I have been friends for how long? 35 years. Yeah, we've been friends for about five of those. Yeah, probably. Intermittently for 35 years. Yeah, intermittently. We have our days. We have our good days. Anyway, Pat's been my best friend forever, and Pat knew me in my drinking days. And I feel, as a recovering alcoholic...

I must step to the plate as an expert witness here. Okay. And Pat is here just to testify to my testimony to say, yes, Glenn has firsthand experience with this. So, you know, all those videos that go around with Kamala Harris, like she's drunk. Okay.

And we've laughed about it, and we've been like, yeah, does that sound like she's had a few, you know, wines? It does. Often. Often. It sounds like that. But I saw one last night, and this has been out for a while, but I just saw it last night for the first time, and I thought, no, I've been there. Okay? Really? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I recognize this one because this was me. Okay? Except I never...

And may I ask the witness to testify, did I ever drink at work? Oh, no. I was never drunk at work, right? Nope. Never drunk at work. That was my little line, okay? Will alcoholics drink at work? But a lot of alcoholics don't have that line, so I thought that was a good line. It was a good line. It was a good line. It was a good line. So anyway, here is Kamala Harris. Listen and watch this.

Never let anyone take your joy from you. I call myself a joyful warrior. Right? Right. Never let anyone take your joy from you. You do what you got to do. And isn't that a wonderful way to live? To know you have purpose.

Wow. Yeah, that looks familiar. It doesn't? It doesn't. I love you, man. I love you, Pat. I'm so joyful right now. Pat, this is so wonderful. I love you. I love the people here. I love everything. It's just so joyful.

I just love... That's what I'm feeling right now. And I'm not going to have anybody take my joy and my love from me right now. That's exactly how I was. Okay? That's exactly how... Don't let anybody take your joy from you. Don't do it. Are you joyful right now? Not as joyful as you look like. I gotta tell you, I...

I, I can, who's stepping on your joy right now? I can feel, I'll help you with that. Yeah. That's, there's a lot of spaces in between. Yeah. Yeah. That is, I mean, that, that should be thought about. You know, you, one thing you don't want is a person that has to make decisions at any time drinking too much.

You know what I mean? We've had some world leaders over the years that have pulled that one off. We have. We have. Some great ones. Nixon. Churchill, right? Yeah, Churchill was. But I think Churchill actually might have been better. He might have been the one excuse that was like, I'm a better driver. I drive slower. I'm more careful when I'm drunk. But I mean, listen to this again. Never let anyone take your joy from you.

I call myself a joyful warrior. Right? Right? Never let anyone take your joy from you. Bet you kind of sways. You do what you got to do. And isn't that a wonderful...

Way to live. No. To know you have purpose. Yeah, but... What time of day was that? Do we know? I don't know. I don't... What the hell is it? Stop, stop. I'm on my joy. Wow. Very joyful. And I find the joy that they're showing now when they, you know, call Donald Trump a fascist. I think that's the sort of joy. That's joyful fascism. Yeah. Well, I mean, is he a fascist if he's also weak? Oh, yeah.

That's what they're doing now. Their new thing is they're calling him weak, which obviously... And saying that he's the one hiding. Right. He's only done one unfriendly interview, and that was Bloomberg yesterday. Really? He has? I know I am, but what are you? Yeah, right. I know I am, but what are you? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what... Shut up! It's basically the Pee Wee Herman defense. It is. Because she...

The other thing is, like, you know they got polling that said, well, people think Donald Trump is strong. Well, let's call him weak. I mean, how pathetic is this campaign? It's the same thing they did with the weird thing. They knew that Tim Walz was as weird as it gets, so they attached that to J.D. Vance, or they tried to, and nobody paid attention to that because it's just not true. Again, example after example after example of them saying,

you know, saying like right now they're all Washington is in full fledged panic because they all think they're going to lose their job. And, you know, he's he said he's coming out. He's got he's going to take away and put it behind bars. Yeah. And they're all afraid that he's going to prosecute his enemies. You mean like you did?

Like exactly what you did. So we see this over and over and over and over and over again. And yet we pay no attention to when the Supreme Court changed the rules and their first thing when they defanged the state, their lie was he could work with the CIA and get his opponent killed and it would be okay.

Wait, wait, wait. Could you say that one again, please? Wait, you think Trump could work with the CIA and they'd assassinate? Ha! I didn't pay attention to that one. No, don't.

It is a stunning time. It is. They do seem to just be throwing everything at the wall right now. I mean, the idea that they could come out with a straight face. It does show how desperate they are. Yeah, I think so. So maybe that's a good thing. Yeah, she's falling apart. I can give you all sorts of data. Like, you know, the prediction markets are really leaning in Trump's favor right now. 64. Are they again? They're back to Trump? Oh, yeah. 64. Oh, I didn't know that.

That's great. Over the past few days in particular, it's really spiked. 60-40? Yeah. And these are not markets you can easily manipulate. You're talking about millions and millions and millions of dollars bet on Trump winning. Wasn't that about where it was when Biden was his opponent? Wasn't it pretty close to that? I thought it was a little bit more than that. More than that, but close. But close. But close. Yeah.

And so that seemed, you know, that you can certainly make the argument that that shows something's happening. You can show polls. Like there was a lot of Harris plus, you know, four and Harris plus two polls going on in those, in those blue wall states. They've all kind of evaporated. Now it's showing like lots of ties and maybe Trump up a little bit. Yeah. You can show all that, but the most central part, the most, the, the, the,

the main indicator that shows that she thinks she's losing this race is the way she's changing tactics. She's completely reversed everything she was doing. Yeah. She was all joy. Right. And they're weird. When's the last time you heard them call them weird? That doesn't even happen anymore. It's gone. Right. Uh,

because it didn't work. It didn't work. By the way, they had internal polling that backed that up. Didn't convert anyone. All the people said it was the most amazing strategy. Tim Walls is incredible. And remember all that hype online about how incredible it was? And he didn't move anybody. He made a

point of saying that J.D. Vance was weird about eight times during an opening statement. He would say it everywhere he went. Anybody who would listen, he's weird. He's weird. And it worked because it got him the nomination, but it did not work against any voters. You're stomping all over my joy. We are stomping on your joy today. Take it away from me.

Now it's like he's a dramatic, he's a fascist. He's going to be a dictator day one. But he can't be a strong man and weak at the same time. He's a weak, strong man is their legitimate pitch right now. It's like, this is incoherent. Are you guys even trying? Does she just want to go home and work for a think tank for a million dollars a year for the rest of her life? Does she not want this job? What is this? Well, you know, Trump said yesterday when he was on the show that, uh,

this is their new strategy. When I said, I think they're throwing her under the bus. You know, that Bill Clinton clip of, yeah, well, if they would have better, maybe these murders wouldn't happen. Biden's done it too. Yeah. And I said, are they just throwing her under the bus? I said, they sound like they're campaigning for you. And he said, no, this is their new strategy. And I didn't follow up. I was listening to it yesterday, listening back. And I thought, you know what?

I should have followed up. What do you mean by that? What is their strategy? Get away from her? Torpedo her? What is the strategy? It seems like he has mentioned that he sort of feels like she's going to be replaced here at the last minute, right? Hasn't he been... What? Didn't he allude to that recently? Who? I don't know who or how they would do that at this point. They couldn't. But I think they've realized they've made a huge mistake because she's so far behind. Yeah.

in where they usually are at this point with Trump especially and where they are with her because she's down even CNN is making this point in fact they're probably making the point more than anybody else especially with blacks she is way

way down. Like, whereas Obama won the black vote by something like 85 or 90%. She's ahead by 41 points, which is still a lot, but it's nowhere near what it usually is. Biden, the whitest white guy of white people, uh,

He won by 61 or 65%. Yeah. Okay, I have it now here. It's 2016 Dems plus 85. 85. 2020 Dems plus 81. 2024 Dems plus 63. So they've lost. Now he's 41. Now she's 41. I mean... According to CNN. Yeah. There's different measures. But still, I mean, it was... Even if you take the... This is the New York Times Siena data, but 78 to 15 is not like...

an incredible amount for Republicans, but all of these groups are having the same momentum. You're seeing it in younger voters, you're seeing it in Hispanic voters. Because they become, they become a parody of,

I mean, and everybody sees it. You know, the worst thing that you can do to a dictator is make fun of them and laugh at them. And that's what's happening. People are beginning to just laugh at them. They're so, it's ridiculous. He's a strong man, but weak. He's a weak man that is also a strong man.

It's just idiotic, right? Like, who could believe this? Who could honestly believe that the problem – the two things that we mentioned, that Donald Trump, he might get into office and then prosecute his enemies. Right.

Like, what are you guys... You guys are doing that currently. You're doing that right now. Yeah. Or, you know, you have the situation where they're going down that road of, like, he won't do any interviews and he's hiding. It's like, are you insanity? You did that in 2020. You did it in 2020. And you're doing it again. You did it all throughout the Biden presidency. And now you're doing it with Kamala Harris up until last week. Like, how... Do you think people are not going to notice this? I...

It's incredible. I will tell you that those who only listen to the mainstream media or get all of their news feed, their algorithm is all leftist stuff. Yeah, I think they might believe that. Yeah.

Because they're not exposed to any of it. You know what the lead story of the New York Times is today? Go ahead. Trump escalates threats to political opponents he deems the enemy. Oh my gosh. Like, guys, guys, we all, like, we have the news. We know that, like, that the Democrats have been trying to throw Donald Trump in prison for multiple years. Right. They're trying to sue his business out of existence. Right.

They have done everything they can to destroy him. To his children, to his attorneys, to everyone around him. We all saw that happen. And like you can say, oh, well, it's, you can make, you could try to make the distinction. Well, this is justified and his isn't. But you can't act like it would be the shocking development that a president would use his apparatus against his enemy.

It's currently happening. Like, we all see it happening. Even if you think every case is completely legitimate, it is totally out of the mainstream of American history to do this. Makes me sad. Honestly, this makes me sad. I know. Oh, yeah. His joy is completely gone. It's gone, man. It's completely gone. It's gone. Don't let that happen. I sincerely hope that the upcoming election in the weeks and months that follow are going to be free from violence, but...

That might be a little naive. If things go badly, do not participate in it. Stay way away from it. Preach against it. If things get really crazy, are you prepared? If you live in a city, are you going to go to the grocery store if things are out of control? Do you feel comfortable doing that?

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Keep this to yourself. You're listening to the Glenn Beck Program. Let me play a couple of pieces of audio yesterday. Cut 32, please. Black voters on Harris.

The campaign still has real work to do, according to Pastor Charles Williams II. So how would you assess how the vice president is doing with three weeks to go? I mean, look, everybody's worried. I'd be considered a supporter and I'm worried in regards to what the polling is suggesting around black men. Jerry Flindale, who works in the city's hip hop music industry, feels there hasn't been enough outreach to the black community. She definitely need to talk to black males.

The hip-hop community needs to hear more from VP Harris about what is her plans. Did you hear about the free drugs? The plans of action for black males. A lot of black males are not into the Harris campaign. Well, but the free drugs. She's offering free drugs. You're not... I thought that's...

I mean, I wouldn't have thought that that was the language that black males speak, but she does. And she's black. So she must know. Incredible. And I say this with this being this. This is the latest polling averages in six of the swing states. Ready? Michigan, Harris up by less than one.

North Carolina, Trump up by less than one. Nevada, Harris up by less than one. Wisconsin, Harris up by less than one. Georgia, Trump up by less than one.

Pennsylvania, Harris up by less than one. Gee, is this a close election? I know. 20% of people have already voted, and Republicans are way behind. That's normal, though. I know, but please, please vote early. Vote. Get it done. You don't know what could happen between now and then. Please, cast your vote early if you can. The Glenn Beck Program.

Let me tell you about first liberty. You know, we hoped against hope that Donald Trump, when he got in, would appoint the right judges and justices. And he did people that understand the Constitution and they have supported that the left cannot stand it. And they're talking about packing the court. They're using the word reform the court. But they're talking about putting instead of nine judges, 15 judges. Well, why not 50 judges?

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. I've read two books here recently. One I'm going to talk to you about later, Ten Commandments and Voting from mom squad dot com. It's fabulous. The other one that is absolutely a must read is from Ali Beth Stuckey.

She has put a new book out called Toxic Empathy, and it is tremendous. She's here to talk about it in just a couple of minutes. You will understand what is happening to our country and what you have to do more than ever before, I think, once you read Toxic Empathy. Let me tell you first about CarShield. When your car breaks down, take out your wallet, remove all the cash, throw it at the car.

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Hey, Glenn, how are you? I am great. It's a real thrill to have you on to talk about toxic empathy because I think you have nailed this. Explain what toxic empathy is.

Toxic empathy is a tool of emotional manipulation that is primarily employed by left-wing activists, the left-wing media, to get people, but I think women in particular, to ultimately vote Democrat, but certainly to believe that the progressive...

position on any policy or any issue is the compassionate one. We see this play out with every issue, but for example, when it comes to illegal immigration, the Washington Post will tell you a story about a poor mother of

who fled Mexican gang violence. She created a life in Fairfield, Ohio. She fears the specter of a Donald Trump presidency because she might be deported. And what they want you to do in that story is they tell you her narrative is to feel exclusive empathy for her, to have all of our feelings in her feelings and to ignore all

everything else in the immigration debate to ignore the equally heart-wrenching stories, the more heart-wrenching stories of Lake and Riley or Molly Tibbetts or Kate Steinle. And that's why I call it not just empathy, but toxic empathy. It's the kind of empathy that blinds you to both reality and morality. So you end up making very stupid feelings-based decisions. And let me give you an example of this. This is from

I think MSNBC. This is Stephanie rules. She had a liberal panelist and, um, and possibly trans non-binary. I have no idea. Um, but listen to what happened. I would ask vice president Harris, um, a question. I think I would ask her, how soon do you think we can get the equality act passed? How about Donald Trump? I would ask him, do you see me as a human?

No, he didn't edit for time. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She's practically crying. Oh, that's an awful clip. I mean, and you feel, if you watch that and you didn't know, you would be like, oh my gosh, I feel right now so bad. But that doesn't necessarily mean

excuse everything else. But with toxic empathy, it's made to make you feel like you should dismiss absolutely everything else, right? Yes. It's okay to feel how someone feels, to say, I feel for your distress. I have compassion for you, and I'm sorry that you feel that way. But empathy turns toxic when we start affirming a lie, when we start affirming things

Then when we start to say because we feel badly for someone that right is wrong or wrong is right, and ultimately it really becomes toxic when in the name of empathy, we support policies that are ultimately destructive. What MSNBC wants you to do is feel so badly for this individual that you will support the Equality Act, which of course is a violation of our First Amendment rights, our religious liberty rights, our free speech rights, etc.

They want you, in the name of empathy, to forget about the women and girls that are violated by gender ideology, the children that are violated by this idea, and only feel exclusive sympathy and empathy for this one person. That's why we have to choose a more discerning approach, which is the truth and love approach, which is what Christians are called to. So how should you...

How should you approach everything where toxic empathy is being used? A, how do you know it? And B, how do you cure yourself or guard yourself against it?

So in every story that you read, this every gut-wrenching story, whether it's about the woman who, quote-unquote, needed an abortion, whether it's the man that is trapped in the wrong body, whether it's the couple that insists that they have to use all kinds of reproductive technology to raise a motherless or...

fatherless children, I'm talking about part of the LGBTQ revolution, whether it's a story about illegal immigration or whether it is a story about justice, social justice, ask yourself who is on the other side of this moral equation. This story seems to only be about the plight of this poor pregnant mother and conveniently

NPR, for example, isn't mentioning that there is also a baby involved in this abortion procedure. So zoom out and ask yourself that question. If they are only getting you to focus on the plight of one purported victim, there's something that they are not telling you.

which is why as powerful as empathy can be, it can also be destructive. That's why we can't be led by empathy and led by our feelings. We have to ask ourselves, but what is true? That's what the Christian is called to because love, 1 Corinthians 13, 6, never rejoices in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. That means love.

love and truth go hand in hand. We as Christians obviously look to the Word of God to tell us what is true, but we can look to science, which God created. We can look to observable reality. We can look to logic. There are all kinds of things that we can look to to tell us what is good, right, and true, but it can't be primarily about how we feel about someone. I am hearing from more and more Christians now. I had somebody just tell me just this weekend, you know whose fault all of this is?

And my response was us. And their response at the same time I said us, they said the pastors. And I think it's a combination of both of us. But pastors have gone, have proven themselves, many of them, not all of them. Many of them have proven themselves to be cowards.

Yeah. You know, what I see most, even from those who identify as conservative evangelicals, so that's in the camp that I'm in, and a lot of pastors in my camp, they'll talk about politics, but this is how they'll do it. They'll say, well, both sides are bad. Sure, I don't agree with the left, but I don't like Donald Trump either. And they think that they are...

being responsible, that they're being mature, that they're staying above the fray. But that's not the moment we're in. Both sides are not morally equivalent. They're not the same. Sure, we can say that politics don't save you. No party is perfect. You disagree with some things in Donald Trump's life. That's absolutely true. But when we are looking at the policies that last much longer than someone's personality or even personal mistakes,

there's a lot of moral daylight between the two and it is your responsibility simply as a pastor who preaches through the Bible to talk about these political things that are theological abortion, the definition of marriage, the definition of gender, the value of human life, the importance of order and borders and governments, which God gave us, by the way, all of these things are biblical before they are political. And a pastor who is simply being faithful in that context,

Colleen will walk into that territory with clarity. Unfortunately, a lot of pastors are too worried about offending. I tell you, my church came out in the 90s, and everybody in my faith looked at each other and went, what is this all about? And they came out with what's called the Family Proclamation. And it is that marriage is between a man and a woman. And in the 90s, we were like, yeah, who's arguing that? And that gender is ordained by God.

And there's no hatred in any of that. But now you will have people, even in my faith, well, now, wait a minute, hold on just a second. No, no, no, wait.

We all agreed for forever that you don't just pick your gender. You're born with your gender and you don't just change and say God made a mistake. What new information did you get? What new science did you get that made you change? And yet people do. And it's from toxic empathy, isn't it?

Yes, I think so because you hear these stories and because we love people, we have a natural inclination toward love and we have a spiritual calling towards love. And it's really easy to conflate love and empathy, but feeling bad for someone is not the same thing as love. If you feel really bad for the drug abuser, for example, who is going through the pain of withdrawals and they are begging you to give them their drugs back.

If you just feel how they feel, then you will give them what they want. But if you love them, if you want what is best for them, you will not give them what they want in that moment because you know it's destructive for them and destructive for the people around them. So we have to be more discerning. And the Word of God is so beautiful, and we have such a gift of clarity that the definition of gender and marriage and all these things

culture war, quote-unquote, concepts are really defined in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible in Genesis 127 that God made us male and female. So there really should be no confusion or no debate over that, but that's what I want to remind people of through my book, that these lies like love is love, trans women are women, abortion is health care, no human is illegal, that all of these things are really refuted, not just by reality, but also by the Word of God.

Ali, talk to people who are thinking, because you are hardcore pro-life. Are you any exceptions?

No, I don't believe in any exceptions. If there is, if the mother's life is at risk, which does happen, then I believe in a dignified delivery for that baby, no matter the point of gestation and you do the best to care for both. Of course, I don't ever believe in just letting the mother die, but you do everything you can to show dignity to both parties. And that never requires poisoning or dismembering the baby. So I don't have exceptions. Okay.

So you're as far pro-life as you can go. You're voting for Donald Trump. Why?

I'm voting for Donald Trump because that's who we have on the ballot. We've got two choices. Maybe it feels good to someone individually. Maybe they feel that they are not compromising if they write someone in, but look at the end of the day, we've got two choices here and every single election in all of history has been a choice between the lesser of two evils. The only perfect person that has ever lived is Jesus and he is not on the ballot.

We've got our two options here. There's a lot of daylight, even on the abortion issue between Harris and Donald Trump. You know, yesterday, a pro-life activist, a mother of a toddler, was just sentenced to federal prison for three and a half years for unlawful assembly in New York. Her name is Bevelyn Williams, and she was protesting outside of an abortion clinic in New York. She is.

been sentenced to federal prison by the Harris Biden DOJ. Of course, there are many other pro-lifers who also have been. I think Donald Trump is going to pardon those people. I think Harris is going to lock more of them up. That's the difference. That's what's at stake. Yeah, I think that you're going to lose your right to assembly for abortion. You're going to lose your right to speak.

I mean, they she is the one thing she is, is bloodthirsty when it comes to babies. She she will let the baby die after birth. That's she's very clear on that. And she is also not for any dissent.

And I think we lose our right to even stand up and say this is wrong if she wins. She has made that extremely clear. Okay, the name of the book is Toxic Empathy. The author is our own Allie Beth Stuckey. It is really, really good. Get it for yourself. Get it for your wife. Get it for your daughters. Get it for your friends. Yes.

But everyone should read it. Toxic Empathy by Allie Bestucky. Thank you, Allie. Thank you, Glenn. You bet. Back in just a minute. First, if I handed you a plate of food and before I said you took the first bite, I said, oh, by the way, I've completely sterilized that. So it has absolutely no nutritional value at all. Would you eat it?

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The Jumpstart trial bag is available now at Ruff Greens, slash Beck or call 833-GLENN33. That's 833-GLENN33, slash Beck. 10 seconds, station ID. You know, the toxic empathy, that's what's happening all over the country with the left and, you know, no person is illegal.

Look at all these good people that are coming in. They're just trying to change their lives, the families. But you are missing all of the missing children that are now being trafficked for sex or whatever. You're missing the women who have been raped on the way dealing with gangsters, coyotes. You're missing the girls here in America that have been raped or killed.

You got to look at all of it, have empathy for everybody. You know, I, a friend of mine, he wanted a big donation for something he was working on. And I, I said, I would, but only in exchange for helping me become more charitable and teaching me about charity. And he said, okay, here's lesson number one. You have to care about all of it. You can't just say, oh, I care about this and that's it. You have to care about the entire human condition, right?

And that's really the antidote for toxic empathy is care about the whole subject.

That's an interesting perspective. I think it's part of the way to become more charitable. For a large donation, I can help you get all the way there. Just so you know. No, this guy had a lot to teach. You know what I'm saying? Well, you know, I mean, there's a certain amount of money that might just unlock some knowledge I didn't know I had to help you become more charitable. In fact, the way you can become more charitable is another gift, Glenn, to me.

You could replicate this over and over and over again. You don't seem real needy. You're not caring about the entire human condition. That's your problem. You're not worried about us in the middle that are just doing okay. Right, you're not. Just keep funneling money to me and I'll change brackets and everything will be fine. That is great. See, you're not a coward. Right. Exactly. You're bold. You're bold with your truth.

I suppose I am. I can't stop thinking about that clip you played with Stephanie Ruhle and that woman who's like, you know, I just I would ask him, do you think I'm human? It's like, what is Donald Trump done? Like, this is all media generated. I mean, if anything, I mean, Donald Trump has come from New York.

He has never... I mean, you go back in his history. This is not a guy who's like... Who cares about whether you're transgendered or not. No. Like, doesn't care. It's not part of what he... I mean, remember when the whole bathroom thing was happening, his first reaction was like, yeah, you know, I don't know. If you feel like you need to go in that bathroom, go in there. It wasn't like this big, like, I have a fundamental disagreement with this and my... That wasn't who he is. No. He's a guy who comes from a culture where...

You walk through the streets of New York one day, you are very familiar with a bunch of different types of humans. Yes. Right? Like, you're very well... You got it. You got it. Wow. Wow. It's a big, big world. It's a big world with a lot of different thoughts and different people. Like, it's... The only thing that would make that person feel that way is...

is just constant panic generated from the media. It's the same reason why this happened with J.D. Vance in his interview with the New York Times the other day where the interviewer was like, what do you think about women who don't have children because they fear climate change? Are they sociopathic? Yeah.

Of course they are. At least it's a sociopathic viewpoint. If you don't have children because you're worried about a 0.9 degree Celsius temperature rise in a century, yeah. There's some sort of mental illness affecting you. Maybe your child is the one that helps solve it. Yeah. I mean, you have to move on with your life. You cannot stop your life because of these things. Have children. Exactly.

You will so regret it. That is the biggest thing. You know, you may not regret it in your 20s, even your 30s, but you will regret it not having children. It is what gives our lives meaning. Glenn Beck. All right, it's incredibly important to be on the right side of history, and that means taking a stand against the things that you feel are wrong.

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Hello, America. It's Wednesday tonight on my Wednesday night special. Americans are getting sick and dying in shocking numbers. Why? We dug into the research. The things that are being put into our food the past 20 years are insane. And who owns big food?

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We have the one and the only Carrie Lake with us. She is running for senator in the great state of Arizona. I was talking to Mike Lee as she was speaking on stage this weekend, and Mike just leaned over to me and said, we have got to have her in the Senate. He said, I want her in the Senate so bad. She's a fighter, and we need some fighters in the Senate. Carrie, welcome to the program.

I'm so glad to be with you, Glenn. Mike Lee is Senator Lee's incredible. He truly says he needs some backup up in Washington, D.C., and I'm willing to go and be his backup. He does. So you had an amazing debate. What was it last week, I think, against the person that is running. And you were doing the job of the media, were you not? Yes.

Well, yeah. I mean, they haven't covered this guy. He's lied about everything and they have not done any fact checking of his lies. And so I had and he's lied about his record and now he's doing the extreme makeover, acting like a moderate when he's voted with Kamala.

Joe Biden 100% of the time for sanctuary cities, open border, asylum for all, voting rights for people coming in illegally. His votes on the economy have helped send our economy into a tailspin and made the

things unaffordable for people here in Arizona and across the country. And then his past, I mean, his book, it should be a work of fiction. And they've never even, the media have never even checked out his background. I mean, we're finding out now his dad was a convicted felon, Mexican drug trafficker. And I mean, this is serious stuff. He said his dad left him when he was 11. That's not true. His family

Family, they were married until he was 18. He didn't live in the south side of Chicago and sleep on the floor. He lived in a middle class suburb, Evergreen Park. I mean, literally, Glenn, everything the guy has said we're finding out now is not true. And I'm trying to sound the alarm. We got a problem here.

This is this seems to be an epidemic on the on the left. They can just make up anything about their their past, not be held accountable for it. And for some strange reason, people are buying it. What is happening? Why? Why? Why are people so willing to vote against their own best interest, especially in Arizona, with a guy who's got a horrible record on the border?

horrible record on the border, on the economy, on our kids when it comes to, you know, protecting our children. I don't know. I mean, you just made me realize they are doing this with other candidates. I mean, Kamala, we're finding out there's a lot of lies about her and Tim Walz. And,

And they know it doesn't matter. The media won't cover it. They can say whatever they want, and the media won't cover it, won't dig into it. If you don't think my family's past was this, that they would be digging into it every day, I mean, they would be. Oh, yeah. And we're finding out. If your dad was a drug dealer? If your dad was a drug dealer, I think that would be probably a lead story. Yeah. I think so. For the cartels. Oh, for the cartels. Yeah.

He said in the book his dad dabbled in drug dealing. No, he was found with 80 kilos of high-grade cocaine and cannabis. This is more than... And he was linked to the cartel. This is a problem, Glenn. And, you know, we also know he's got character flaws. And I'm not trying to get personal, but we've got to look at the character of an individual. You know, we've got people like Mike Lee, who is just of utmost high character. We...

respect the heck out of many of our senators. This guy walked out on his wife when she was nine months pregnant, served her divorce papers days before Christmas. And now, right now, as we speak, we just found out last night, a judge had ordered his divorce records unsealed months ago. He spent a million dollars fighting the unsealing. The judge just said, you've got to reveal what's in the divorce papers.

And he went to the Supreme Court of Arizona and begged them to stop the unsealing. So there's something very, very dark that he's hiding. The voters have a right to know we're voting right now in Arizona and they have a right to know if there's something very dark in the divorce documents. And I think there is. So, Carrie, give me the the the biggest difference between you two, unless it's everything.

It's night and day. It's everything. It's like saying, what's the biggest difference between Kamala and Donald Trump? I mean, you look at policy. Let's just look at policy alone. I want secure borders. I want the border wall constructed. We need to take the people who poured in during the Biden invasion and repatriate them back to their home. We need to make sure we are bringing back a strong, healthy economy. We got to get the government out of dictating what

We're teaching our kids in school and bring it back to the local level. He's the polar opposite. I want to fund the police. He wants to defund the police. He was the co-sponsor of that George Floyd legislation that he wanted to get rid of the filibuster back in the summer of 2020 to jam through, which would have defunded the police nationwide and taken away qualified immunity. That would have been disastrous.

That would have made us all less safe. I could go on and on. Frankly, the debate was one hour. I needed about three or four just to get through his record. It's really the worst I've seen. So who's funding? Is he funding at all? Because they've poured millions of dollars against you.

Yeah, about 100 million between him and his friends in ads touting him as a cross between Mr. Rogers and G.I. Joe, when in fact we know Nancy Pelosi with the beard. Right. And then, you know, attack ads on me pertaining to abortion, 40 million in attack ads on abortion. You think how many women that could have helped? But he's being funded by Soros and the typical leftist, you know,

groups out there were finding out just yesterday as well that this act blue scheme they have going on it I'm sure you heard about it yeah of course it's tying and linking into a lot of these Senate races including my opponent we've been wondering how is he raising this much money we'll have an incredible work our our tails off and have an incredible in a quarter of fundraising and then he'll come out and he'll have double the money

And, you know, we're just trying to figure out where this money is coming from. And now we're finding out, you know, one of the reports that came out today, one woman, I think, gave like thirty three hundred different donations to these various Senate candidates. And her husband said she's dead.

So, I mean, there's a lot of funny business going on, Glenn. And it's all starting to come out, but there's just not enough time to get it out to the public and wake them up to the danger that is ahead if we elect somebody like Ruben Gallego. And there is a real danger from our side as well. You know, Mitch McConnell hasn't spent a dime on Ted Cruz's re-election. Not a dime.

That's stunning. He's probably not helping you either, is he? I was just about to say I'm in the same boat as Senator Cruz. We need Senator Cruz in the Senate. We need strong fighters who will push back and represent their state well and make sure that everything they're doing is constitutional and in the interest of our country. And, you know, I don't think Leader McConnell wants that. I really don't. And, you know, we're going to have a new leader.

in this next session. But he has $400 million in that pack. We could win every single one of these Senate races if he got involved. And he's picking and choosing who to get involved with. I wish he would get involved in Arizona. Our polling shows if we can just get the truth out about my opponent, he will drop like a rock in the polls.

that even Democrats will be running from him when they find out the truth about him. But we need the assistance. I mean, we need help. We can't do it on our own. We don't have Soros. We don't have this ActBlue scheme. And we just have real honest people who are donating to us, which we appreciate, but it's not enough to go against that machine the left has put in place. Carrie, have your team send, you know, bullet points of the facts that you have so we can look at them as well.

I'd like to see them. Will you do that? Yeah. The poll numbers are turning your way now? They are. I mean, I'm going to be honest. My private internal polling has shown us up, but it's tighter than I want it to be. The poll number, public polls are all over the place. I mean,

They've shown us up. They've shown us down a little bit. And then every once in a while, you get some crazy poll saying I'm 15 points down. I mean, come on. These things are meant to bring the averages down and keep donors away and scare the public and take the oxygen out of our incredible movement. I'm on the ground with Arizonans.

every day of the week from sun up until way too late. And the movement is huge. The momentum is massive. I was in a retirement center last night. The place was wall to wall. The night before I was in a coffee shop.

We broke every fire code. I think we were in there like sardines and both of the of the patios were full of people. This is unlike anything I've ever seen. We had a huge movement in 22. This is even bigger than that. I don't think any Republicans going to sit out this this election. It's just too important. I agree. Thank you so much, Carrie, and best of luck to you.

Stay in touch. Thank you, Glenn. And thanks for coming to Arizona. Everyone loved seeing you this past weekend. It was great. And the crowd loved you. You were really good. Really good. Thank you, Carrie. Thank you. God bless. Thanks. Again, Carrie Lake, she's running for the U.S. Senate.

Mike Lee said he only mentioned two names and Kerry was one of them. And he was like, we need fighters. And she was the first one he mentioned. He's like, we have got to have some just fighters.

We have to have some junkyard dogs, you know what I mean, who are just willing to go in and just fight, fight, fight, really, honestly, against our own side. You know, people who are independent and you think the Republicans and Donald Trump and, you know, we're all one. We're not.

We're not we we we know the problems that we have with our own party. We're just willing to say that out loud. Donald Trump is just as much against the the, you know, Mitch McConnell kind of system as he is against the the system of the left.

We just need to have more fighters in there. Carrie Lake. You can find out more at, I'm sure her website is, yeah, All right. Let me talk to you about real estate agents I trust. So you decide to sell your home, move to another one because you didn't have enough stress in your life, right? Okay.

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I have to tell you, the media is just so out of control. You hear the latest from CBS News. So CBS News was in trouble for editing the 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris. They had 41 minutes or 44 minutes of tape with her, and they only used about 15 minutes of it, and they...

We believe that they were switching answers and they still will not release the transcripts. I mean, it's it's shameful. What are we going to find out after now? Here's the latest CBS scandal. They just had the speaker of the house on over the weekend and deceptive editing yet again. This is Speaker Johnson on CBS. Listen to this. Cut 21.

So that's a different accounting than this 2% you say was distributed. Yeah, so they've obligated some funds, but they've only distributed 2%. The rescue and recovery effort is still going on, and then we address the rest of it. So that's a different accounting than this 2% you say was distributed. Full answer. Yeah, so they've obligated some funds.

but they've only distributed 2%. And when I was there on the ground, and you should go, I mean, bring the cameras and talk to the people there. They'll tell you, don't take politicians' words for this or the administration's word. Talk to the people there on the ground. They had not been provided the resources.

almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately needed. And when I was there 13 days post, you know, post the storm hitting that state, people are still being rescued. They're stuck in the higher elevations in the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest. So they need every available resource and all hands on deck. The rescue and recovery effort is still going on. And then we address the rest of it. I don't know. It seems like it might have been edited for more than just time.

It changes his answer entirely, entirely. Does it not? Yeah. I mean, it seems seems like it seems like this is a normal thing. You know, and we mentioned this earlier on 60 Minutes. They do these news packages, right? Like, you know, you're going to get edited going into 60 Minutes. They do it every time. Face the Nation in an interview like that. There's no reason that there's no reason to edit that.

You got the guy on, do an interview, just put it as live. I mean, Brett Baer is interviewing Kamala Harris today. It should be interesting to watch. Is it live? It is live to tape.

Okay, so that means no editing. It means no editing, at least according to Brett Barrow. That's what he said. We're going to do a live slash Studios America. We could go live after these big events. We're going to go after it and we'll review it. If you don't get a chance to watch it, check that out because we'll go through all the details of it. But I mean, I'm okay with that, right? Like live to tape, you've got 20 minutes with the candidate. The time is precious, right? Like you need all 20 minutes to be on TV.

Right. Like it's important for people to know what they're actually saying. You don't just take out 70 percent of the interview and let it leave it on the cutting room floor. The Glenn Beck program. Talked about my Patriot supply. You know, things are unraveling at the seams a bit and you should have, you know, food supply. I mean, I you know, I I had food supply. I had a lot of food supply, but I lost it in a tragic skiing accident yesterday.

And it was, I lost all of my food. You were skiing with your food supply? Well, you know, I thought there's a chance I'm not a very good skier. So I thought that I should strap all of it to the back of my skis just in case I get trapped up there. But then a bear came out and it was a panda bear. Really? Yeah. And took all of my food. Where were you? What a panda bear. I was either in the Cascade Mountains or...

in the Himalayas. I'm not, I don't remember which one, but I knew they were hungry because they're the, these pandas came out with chopsticks and they were about to eat all my food from my Patriots. Oh my goodness. Anyway, don't tell anybody that you have any, I, again, I had some, but I lost it all in that skiing accident.

The three-month emergency food kit will give every member of your family 2,000 calories a day. It can last in storage for up to 25 years. Pandas love it, I just warn you. Go order your food now. Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.

This is the Glenn Beck Program. So, in North Carolina, FEMA has left the area because they say there was an armed militia coming after the FEMA workers. I find that hard to believe, but maybe. But I know somebody who would know about it, somebody who's on the ground and has been on the ground from the beginning, Brian Trasker.

He is part of the United Cajun Navy. And he's been out on the ground and he has actually responded to FEMA. And so we're going to get his side of the story here in just a second. First, let me tell you about American financing. Look, what we're under right now, huge burden. The finances in your life, I don't know what they're like in your life, but wages are flat.

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Oh, I'm just living the dream, Jimmy. Living the dream. Are you still in North Carolina?

I tell you what, since we last spoke, I've been back to Louisiana, to Florida, back to Louisiana, and about to go to North Carolina again. And, you know, people see us online in different places, but I just want everybody to know that we still have teams both in North Carolina and Florida. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean – well, I mean, they're not getting babysat if I'm not there, but that doesn't mean we don't have people there. Yeah, I was going to say, they're pretty capable, right?

I've seen members of your team. They're pretty, pretty darn capable. So tell me about this militia that the FEMA is talking about.

Well, it turns out it was like the worst militia ever because it was just one guy who went on. And I believe this is the correct story. He went on TikTok and was showing videos of federal employees and federal vehicles going around, I guess, near his property or near where he lives. And he was showing videos of some of them that were armed, which I mean, you know, it's not like I don't think it's that big of a deal at some of these places.

you know, federal officials are armed. I mean, it's like, you know, cops are in and out. North Carolina is an open carry state anyway, right? Everybody was armed when I went down there. Yeah, no kidding. So he made a comment, I believe he made a comment that was construed as like, you know, he was not happy about it. Maybe he was going to do something about it. Somehow that turned into there's an armed militia. Fortunately, the North Carolina National Guard came out

fairly quickly and said, Hey, look, we talked to our troops. They haven't seen anything like that. Um, now, you know, feds like over abundance of caution and I was in case this rumor is true. We're going to wait. You're, you're breaking up badly.

Brian, are you there? I'm sorry. I said, yeah, I'm here. Can you hear me? Yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry. Yeah. So I would say, you know, I understand the feds, um, you know, in an abundance of caution for their employee safety, you know, pause and things, but my understanding is that it was just a brief pause and, and they're back at it. Uh, but again, you know, there's been so much misinformation, not,

just on the internet, but, you know, from the feds also, Glenn, we both know that, you know, the federal government will tell you, you know, don't believe your lying eyes. And then their, their allies in media, unfortunately, will stand in front of the burning Hindenburg and tell everybody that it was just a mostly peaceful blimp landing. Right.

So nobody's helping. You know what I mean? It doesn't help. Just say, you know, if people see something and they actually get it on video, then, you know, I mean, just don't tell them it's not true. Say we're investigating. Yeah. At least try to tell the truth. Well, that's difficult for a lot of people to do, especially at the higher levels of government. I feel bad for the FEMA workers because a lot of these people are just, you know, volunteers or other people that,

you know, are, you know, very low level that are just going out and trying to help, uh,

You know, some of them are part of the red tape. And I'm going to leave out the ones at the very tippy top that I have a little bit of contempt for. But nobody should nobody should ever threaten any of them. I mean, I don't think it's a problem to say, you know what? Thank you. But no, thank you. We as a community have decided you can turn your trucks around and go home. We have this.

there's no problem with that, but there should never be any threats.

made. Correct. It's just not correct. Yeah. Cause you know, at the very top there are political appointees who were confirmed by the Senate, but you know, like you said, you're talking about your employees and sometimes in your twenties and thirties and they're out there and not all of them with FEMA, they have people from the forestry service, different federal departments that are out there, you know, trying to, trying to just beef up the staff that they have and the presence that they have. We've heard reports that people are turning down help from, you know, from federal, uh,

agencies and saying, you know, no, we want the Cajun Navy. I mean, as heartwarming as that is, like, they got to understand that we're just a tiny nonprofit. We can't get to everybody. So we wouldn't suggest turning down any help. But of course, to your point, any communities have the right to, you know, self-reliance and doing things on their own. Yeah. And I mean, you know, I understand. I mean, this used to be something that

Americans were proud of that. We're going to take care of it ourselves. Uh, and no, thank you. We believe the government is the problem. We should be skeptical of our government. We shouldn't be violent against our government or threaten violence, but we should be skeptical of them, especially when they deserve that, that side eye when, you know, when they have not been there for seven to 10 days and then they show up because the pressure is, uh, you know, on them. Uh,

I think it's reasonable to have the community come to their own conclusion that I don't know that they really care about us. So I'm not going to be a photo op, but right. You know,

Well, I can tell you, you know, a reporter asked me, you know, what the genesis or my opinion of the genesis of this distrusting government. And I said, well, I think it goes back to how this nation was founded. They were distrusting of a crazy king. And despite having a 13 colony lead, the British still got their asses thrown off this continent. Right. So. Right.

it goes back a long way. And then of course, a lot of stuff that went on during COVID didn't help. So, you know, it's healthy, you know, always, always question your leaders. It's your duty as a citizen to question your elected leaders and their policies and, you know, make your voices heard at the ballot box is, is the best advice I can give. I mean, George Washington said, you know,

Treat government as you treat fire. If you're in control of it, it's fine. If it's, if you're not in control of it, it's deadly. You know, don't, don't trust the government. It was in, you know, one of my favorite stories from history on, on, you know, federal, federal help is the, the hurricane that came in, you know, I think in the 1920s in Texas, the,

And the citizens met them, met the government. Hoover sent a bunch of people down with a bunch of relief and they met them at the at the state line and said, turn your trucks around. We don't need your help. And he went back and he said, hey, Texans need the money. Let's raise the money and, you know, pass this law so we can give them money.

Congress turned it down and said, no, we're not in that business. That's not our deal. And Texas raised more money than what the government was thinking about doing. And they did it on their own. That's the way it should work.

Yeah, and look, I'll point you to a situation closer to home here. 1815, a fleet of British battle wars showed up in Lake Bourne just north of New Orleans. Louisiana wasn't a state yet. Most of the people living in New Orleans didn't even know they were American citizens yet. And yet they asked them to come down and defend the city, and they had to enlist a band of pirates –

because they're the only ones that had any gunpowder and rifles. And again, they were able to thwart a force of 3,500 British soldiers who had put foot on ground in Chalmette, Louisiana. So it's always up to the citizens to act first and take care of themselves. And if the cavalry shows up, great. But if it never does, you got to always assume that it won't. So what are the lessons that we should be pulling out of this whole situation, Brian?

Well, first of all, always, you know, I mean, I was listening to your, I hear your ad all the time about My Patriot Supply. We might need to get linked up with those guys, but it's not a bad idea to have, you know, at least a few weeks or a month's worth of food that's, you know, that'll stay good just stored somewhere because you never know when something like this is going to happen to you. Make sure that you have a plan if you know that a disaster is coming. Make sure that you have a plan

make sure you can execute it. And again, just elaborate with your community. You know, I mean, like, like there has to be some sort of local response plan that goes beyond what the government's doing, because, you know, I think a lot, especially local governments, I think have the best intentions on how to respond to these things. But when you're, when you're police and you're firing EMS employees, it's,

who are usually out there doing a great job every day. And, and I'm not saying they never do. I'm not saying they ever don't do a great job, but I mean, when they get hit too, when their house floods and their roof rips off, they have other problems besides their job. You know what I mean? So, you know, just make sure, uh, you can be as self-reliant as you can because the, the Calvary is always going to come. You just don't know when that's why we talked about it last time. FEMA is a second responder. That's why we're the first responders or we try to be, you know, Brian, um, are you former military?

I'm not. I'm not. But I come from a long line, and veterans make the best volunteers for us because you can't freak them out. Right. And what I learned from this being on the ground is –


You guys are just so good at organizing and just saying, no, no, relax, relax. You over there, you just do this. You go find this and you do that. I mean, it was so well organized by really by you guys and military vets that were just in the area.

Yeah. And, you know, I, I love the, uh, the saying, the most powerful thing a man can carry into combat is a purpose, you know, and, and you can't just, uh, you can't just be aimlessly, you know, going out shooting at things, but, you know, we just had this morning as an area in Florida that, um, some FEMA representatives called and asked if we could, they knew we had some supplies delivered in the area. They asked if we could send some down. I said, sure. They don't have, people don't have to confiscate nothing from us. We'll give it to them. You know what I mean? It's all donated to us. It's not ours. We're supposed to give it to

people that need it. So, you know, we work with them when we can. And then, you know, obviously, sometimes it's they're slow or they're this or they're that. I mean, people can criticize the job they're doing, but they are doing a job. And we just say, hey, let them do it. Be kind to their workers. And let's get through this recovery because it's going to be a marathon, not a sprint. Yeah. Brian, thank you so much. God bless you. And God bless the Cajun Navy. I appreciate it. Thank you.

We love you. Thank you. Yeah, love you too. It is, it's a remarkable and really, really good thing that we're seeing from volunteers. And, you know, as he said, maybe we should get together with the, my Patriot Supply people. We're already, we're already on that. Mercury One is putting together a disaster team on like anything I think anybody has. I mean, it's, it's remarkable that,

the team that we're going to have for the next disaster because we've been slowly finding them and we just work together so well. We don't get into their business. They don't get into our business. And if they are clean and efficient, we help them. And so we thank you for everything you've done for Mercury One at Thank you.

So if you're one of the millions of Americans who have trouble getting sleep at night, you spend a lot of time thinking to yourself, I've really, is it too much to ask that I could just sleep? My wife said, you know, you talk about you taking it occasionally. I take it every night. And I'm like, yeah, I'm beginning to wonder about that. Are you avoiding me? Uh,

But she said, you know, I have such a hard time. She does have a hard time sleeping at night. She takes Z-Factor every night. It's an all-natural supplement, so there's nothing, you know, addictive to it. And it doesn't zonk you out so you don't feel it the next morning.

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10 seconds, station ID. Ah, crap. I just realized something. I have a TV show to do tonight, which means I'm on your stupid show again today. Yeah, it's going to be great. Can't wait to have you on. You do such a great job. You're such an engaging person. Do you think the audience even knows what we're doing? Because I always pretend every Wednesday I'm on, I'm like, what? What do you want? I don't know if people watch and realize...

We're just trashing each other just for fun. It is. We're trying to trap each other. It entertains us. I don't know if it does anyone else. Yeah. So the Wednesday night special tonight, Americans are getting sick and dying in really shocking numbers. 129 million Americans, one third of the country has at least one major chronic disease.

42% have two or more chronic conditions and 12% have at least five. That's nuts. This began around two decades ago, according to the CDC. What's causing it? Well, one theory we dug into the research, the things we've been putting into our food over the last 20 years and who's been putting it into the food. Who's involved in all of this?

It's a trail that doesn't end with our food manufacturers. These are potentially very dangerous additives, and the way they get them through the FDA is rather shocking. Wednesday night special, tonight at 9. This is going to be actually a fun one. It's all kinds of props and Froot Loops, which...

I haven't had Froot Loops in a long time, but I may have to eat them just to show that they don't kill you right away. I'm just saying. I just want to show you that they... Anyway... Do you know they're all flavored the same flavor? They're not flavored different fruits each color? Yeah.

Yeah, I did know. You didn't know that? No, I didn't know that. The one's yellow. You think it's lemon. You think maybe the green one's lime. No, when you were eight, you didn't pull them out and eat them in colors and go, wait a minute. There's a scam. My mom would not let me have these foods when I was a kid. She had sugar and cereal. When I was 20. All right, because my mom was the same. She wouldn't let me have it either. Make America healthy again. The chemicals poisoning your food exposed tonight only on Blaze TV.

That is like legitimately like one thing I remember from childhood that my mom would never let me have sugary cereals. We didn't have soda either. Did you have soda?

Not really. No. Later on. No. We had milk or water or if mom made lemonade or something like that, we could have that. But absolutely no soda. And when we would go out to dinner occasionally, which was really rare, we'd look at mom and she's like, okay, one glass of soda.

That was a treat. You know, Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees has this bad incident and he winds up, you know, basically, you know, having revenge for the rest of his life. That's how I am with the sugary cereals. I want my entire pantry filled with them. It's all... Now, because I couldn't have them as a child, it's...

I want to buy every new flavor that comes out. Okay, can I tell you something? I'm like that with gum. My mother used to take gum, like Wrigley's, and she'd cut it in half, and she'd give you half a gum and half to my sister. Now, I take gum, and I just pour it in my hand. Eight, ten pieces at a time. Eight, ten pieces. All right. I'm going to do a gum. It's true. Yeah. It's just like, because I couldn't have it when I was a kid.

I think that is real. You get those things that you remember from your childhood, and then you just take revenge on them as adults. That's why I don't stop my kids from taking heroin. Right. Because my mom would not let me even try it. Right. And I wanted to be all strung out and destroy my life. At least sometimes. Right. Like at school. That's why my whole pantry is full of heroin. Heroin. Yeah. Because it's such a great product. It really...

It really does what it advertises. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is in us. Even if it's bad for you, I want it. I want it.

You know these things are not healthy. No. You know what I mean? Again, I know you'll have, I'm sure, a very sensible line on your program tonight. But it's not that you can't try these foods or have these foods sometimes. Making them as central a part of the diet as I do, probably not a good idea. Probably not a good idea. Probably not a good idea. No. No. But I mean, you have Hamburger Helper over there.

I can remember my dad making hamburger helper every Tuesday night. My mom had a class or something on Tuesday nights, and I remember hamburger helper every Tuesday night he would make it. I love it. It's such a great memory. That doesn't mean that you should constantly be eating foods. I don't know if hamburger helper is bad for you or whatever. Well, so hamburger helper, I mean, I have memories of it too. We used to eat it right out of the box. Wait, like crunchy? My mom was an alcoholic, so...

She didn't have a meeting on Tuesday night. Yeah. Like, yeah, just eat it out of the house. Well, she had a meeting. She had a meeting. It was just with Jack Daniels. Oh, golly. Oh, yeah. We can laugh. Now we can. Now we can. We're now adults and everything's going perfectly. Yeah, everything's great. Look at what we've done with the world. You could show that everything's worked out just great. You know what? We are superior. We are superior. Yeah, that's...

I mean, that's the lesson. Right. That's right. America. America should teach the rest of the world how to live. You know? Yeah. We're doing a great job. Yeah. Everything's going so swimmingly right now. Although I will say in comparison to the rest of the world, I'm pretty darn confident that I want to stay here. Yeah. Well, how many days away from the election? Less than three weeks, boys and girls. People are like, if he wins, I'm going to move. No, no.

If she wins, we might have to escape. Glenn Beck. Mexico's going to be building a wall. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is on the ground in Israel right now, helping to support Israelis. I just saw a story today. It looks like Biden is saying, we're going to shut off some of this military aid if you don't stop this. Oh, good. That's good. That's good. That's good.

Anyway, Israel can fight its own wars. I just want to show my support of the people of Israel as they are still not back to their houses from October 7th. Some of these people have no place to live. They're being taken in by friends or family or just communities, and they need help.

They not only need food, but they also need other necessities. Believe it or not, this is a necessity. At least one in every family. A flak jacket, a...

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. Tomorrow we're going to be, we'll have all of the clips for you. We'll have a later on blaze TV as well. Trump taking the questions from the, from the women's forum with Faulkner and she's on Fox news and he's, he's doing a really good job. He is showing more of his empathetic side.

which is not easy for him to do. He, he has a tremendous empathy for people when they're struggling. Um, but he doesn't show it because he thinks it's a sign of weakness and,

You know, it's he doesn't want our enemies to see that. But I think you should see that. I found a book that honestly, I'm going to take my kids through it because this is their first time. This is their first time they can vote for a president. And it's from mob mom squad. I keep saying mod mom squad dot com mom squad dot com. And it's a it's a workbook. The Ten Commandments and Voting.

And I think this is one of the best, one of the best things. It's so important. What they've done is they've taken the 10 commandments and use this as a guide and not 10 rules for voting, not 10 recommendations for better political rhetoric. The 10 commandments of the old Testament, the 10 commandments that were given to the Israelites as the foundation of everything that they do.

And they've taken the Ten Commandments and...

And they've worked them in such a way where you can understand what they mean and apply those principles to voting and politics. So it doesn't tell you how to vote. It's just a tool to understand your own principles and your own politics and decide who to vote for based on that understanding. And they're all broken into concepts that can be easily applied. For instance,

Thou shall not have other gods before me. Well, how do you, how does that help me vote? Well, that means center on eternal truth. Don't center on your job. Don't center on your car. Don't center, center on eternal truth. You and the candidate that you vote for should have a clear center based on eternal truths. If they don't have a center based on eternal truths, how do you vote for them?

They obviously have other gods before them. Honor thy father and mother. You and your candidate have to know the history and the laws surrounding the government. How was this built? Honor your father and mother. Honor those who went before you. Honor them by knowing what they did, what they fought for. That's really important. Thou shall not murder. Well, that gets into some interesting places.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It even goes down into war. What are the eternal truths with war? Thou shall not steal. Is that the economy? Is that taxes? Do not bear false witness. Honesty. You know, people say that Donald Trump lies all the time. You know, I used to feel that way before.

When he was in office on exaggeration, not lie, but he would exaggerate and he would say things that, you know, he would say things for he's an entertainer. I don't think that's true anymore. He is becoming so disciplined in his language in certain ways. He's still an entertainer. But I don't think he ever I don't think he lies about anything.

Who he's running against with Harris, he doesn't have to.

She is a Marxist. That's not calling her a name. She is a Marxist. Her mother was a Marxist that wrote, you know, in a very important radical book from the 60s about Marxism. Her father denounced capitalism, was a Marxist, full-blown. I mean, that's what she was raised in. Those were her surroundings. So she's honoring her father and mother. She clearly learned and, you know,

That's who she is. Lies are things like he said, they're very fine people on both sides, meaning the Nazis. No, that that's not only a lie. That's, you know, that's bearing false witness. But anyway, this, this is a, uh, a tremendous book and it, it helps probably help you. I'm going to do it myself, but it would help you. And it would definitely help if you have new voters in your family. Um,

It makes them ask or yourself basic questions about what do you really believe? What is it you're really looking for? So you're not going on personalities. You're going on the things that truly matter, that have eternal consequences.

It's called The Ten Commandments and Voting, and I found it at It's highly recommended. All right, Stu, what haven't we done yet today that we need to get to?

Do you want to do any of the Trump stuff from yesterday on the economic forum? Are you interested in that at all? Yeah, sure. What do you want? Tariffs? Yeah, let's do the tariffs thing. Let's cut three tariffs. You're also talking about 10%, 20% tariffs on the rest of the world. That is going to have a serious effect on the overall economy. And yes, you're going to find some people who will gain from individual tariffs. The overall effect could be massive. I agree. I agree it's going to have a massive effect.

positive effect. It's going to be a positive, not a negative. Let me just, no, no, let me tell you, I know how committed you are to this and it must be hard for you to, you know, spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you're totally wrong. It'll have a negative, it will have...

I'll go a step further. If you don't do this, this country has no chance. 40 million jobs is a lot of jobs to rely on trade. They're all coming back. Those are 40 million jobs in America that rely on trade. Are you ready? John Deere, great company. They announced...

about a year ago, they're going to build big plants outside of the United States, right? They're going to build them in Mexico. And you threatened them with tariffs and they stopped. That's right. I said, if John Deere builds those plants, they're not selling anything into the United States. They just announced yesterday they're probably not going to build the plants, okay? I kept the jobs here.

I'm not one usually for tariffs. Um, in fact, I don't like tariffs and I do think that it is a hidden tax and the president and I have argued about it, uh, much to his, uh, credit. Uh, he and I talked about it for about 20 minutes, uh, off air, just the two of us. And, uh,

And he was like, I'm sorry, Glenn. I just think you're wrong on this. So I just want to let you know I'm doing that. Yeah, it's been central to his system for a very long time. However, I think there is something to say. If you also cut regulation and you make things affordable here, if you make America attractive to the rest of the world to build things here, then

then you're talking about a different kind of situation. And that's, I think that's what he's talking about. He is talking about massive tariffs and I've never seen that go well. But his theory is you have to make it here because we have to start making things here again. Yeah. And that's, again, another thing that's been, he's had a few things that have been really consistent over his entire viewpoint. Even if you go back to like the 80s,

And this is the type of stuff he's been worried about. And look, you know, as you point out, I'm also on the same front as you on tariffs. I don't like them. But regardless, he's going to do them. And he's been very consistent about that. And he's not like we see a lot with Kamala Harris right now. He's not running away from his viewpoints in these interviews.

Correct. And that's important. You know, she said just, well, play the spokesperson yesterday because she said it two days ago that he's in hiding. I don't know what's up with that. That's weird.

And then yesterday, one of her spokespersons said said this. And that is probably one of the clearest contrasts that you're going to see in the last three weeks of this race. You're going to see the vice president out on the trail every single day talking about her ideas, going to these big media platforms to share her vision with the biggest number of Americans possible. While Donald Trump continues to sort of retreat into himself.

in the small MAGA universe that is all about him. And because that's all he's really interested in right now. While he's talking about that, they have the economic forum playing in a screen behind him. I mean, it's like, no, that's not a MAGA. Did you hear the pushback? He was in serious pushback against the host. The host did not agree with Donald Trump.

I mean, I don't even know how. And by the way, did you feel the masculinity coming off that guy? It was like almost too much testosterone. He's redefining it. He's redefining masculinity. He really was. That's what the Democrats are constantly doing. Yes. Telling you what you used to think was a man is now something else, apparently. Yeah.

It's such an impossibly stupid criticism when you are a candidate who didn't do an interview for, I think, 80 days when you became the nominee. It's certainly not a real one. I mean, I guess now you could say, like, Brett Baier, that's a real interview. You're going there, like, Brett's going to probably ask some difficult questions. He's going to have some follow-up stuff. I mean, not, you know. I don't think Brett likes Trump.

I don't know if he likes Harris. I don't know if he does. Yeah. But I mean, I think Brett will attempt to do a normal interview that you would expect of a presidential candidate. Yes. That is a thing. You know, I would qualify that as an actual interview. And she's done several of them recently. It's the strategy change. And it's not just strategy change. It's strategy change immediately into acting as if the previous strategy didn't exist. I know. Like, I...

My mind is blown, Glenn. And we both have had this conversation in our heads, out loud, privately, over and over and over again. If the American people fall for this, they'll fall for anything. We're done. If they'll fall for a woman who goes months as a presidential candidate with no interviews and then criticizes the opponent.

for not doing enough interviews while there is in the background a clip of him doing an interview. A hostile interview. A hostile interview. What? Where? We're lost. No, we are. We are. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. All right, let me tell you about Mantis X. Take your firearms training to the next level with Mantis X. If you're not a gun owner, you really should be. And if you are, you know that keeping up on your training is

Really going to the range is a really important responsibility, but with the price of the range, I don't like going there. I'm the weirdest guy. When it comes, every bullet that goes through and we were firing our Lapua gun,

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Whether it's an actual round or just, you know, dry firing, it will tell you immediately what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and how to correct it. 94% of the shooters improve within 20 minutes, and I can testify to you that is absolutely true. Be a responsible gun owner. Increase your competence and confidence today with That's Get even more Glenn. Subscribe to the Glenn Beck Podcast anywhere podcasts are found.

This is the Glenn Beck Program. Don't forget my new book, Propaganda, is out next Tuesday. You can order it now at You shortened the title already? It's just now Propaganda is the name of it? Yeah. Oh, sorry. Propaganda Wars.

I would say it was just propaganda. There's nothing real in this book. There's nothing real, not a darn thing. Propaganda Wars, sorry, by me and Justin Haskins. You don't want to miss this one. I'm so excited for you to read this one or listen to it, Stu. Yeah.

But you already listen to my voice all day long. It's annoying. Yeah, I don't like it. You might want to read it. Let me play a couple of things that we just have to play. First of all, cut nine. I think everybody should just remember this. This should be a mantra we play every day. And when we all sing happy tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas.

How dare we speak Merry Christmas? How dare we? Yeah. Amen, brother. Yeah. Amen. How dare us? You mentioned earlier, how do we know who Kamala Harris is? That's who she is. Yeah, it is. That clip defines her perfectly. That, by the way, is complaining about illegal immigrants. Yeah. She's worried that illegal immigrants won't have a Merry Christmas. How dare you say they're illegal? How dare you? Because of...

It's accurate. Let me play this. This is Ted Cruz on Mitch McConnell. Listen to this. Last time you ran, it was very close to two, two and a half percent. You won.

McConnell wouldn't give your campaign a plug nickel. I assume he's giving your campaign money now because he wants to control the Senate. Yes. Sadly, no, not a penny. So Mitch McConnell runs the largest Republican super PAC in the country. It has 400 million dollars. But that super PAC is used to reward the Republican senators who obey him.

and to punish those who dare to stand up to him. So as you noted, 2018, I was in what was at the time the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history. I was being outspent three to one. He had $300 million. He spent zero in Texas. I won anyway, but barely, by less than three points. This time around, he has $400 million. I'm being massively outspent again. Schumer's spending millions.

And yet he spent zero. Mitch McConnell's got to go. And he should not. Whoever he's for. No. Yeah. Then biology and science, I think, are going to make that 47 seconds. Can I play this last one? Cut 11, please. So much is going viral online as well. One user suggested yesterday that a militia should go against FEMA. Got more than half a million views. What kind of impact has this had on the recovery effort?

It has a tremendous impact on the comfort level of our own employees to be able to go out there, but it's also demoralizing to all of the first responders that have been out there in their communities helping people. FEMA staff, volunteers, the private sector that are working side by side with local officials to go out and help people.

I need to make sure I can get the resources to where they're needed. And when you have this dangerous rhetoric like you're hearing, it creates fear in our own employees. She said it was dangerous rhetoric to criticize FEMA. The Glenn Beck Program.