cover of episode FEMA Says Asking Questions Is Dangerous?! | Guest: Brian Trascher | 10/8/24

FEMA Says Asking Questions Is Dangerous?! | Guest: Brian Trascher | 10/8/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Glenn Beck
@Deanne Criswell : 批评政府飓风救灾应对的言论是危险的,因为它可能会阻止民众寻求帮助。 @Glenn Beck : 政府将质疑其应对措施的言论斥为"错误信息",意在压制言论自由;FEMA 的说法体现了政府试图掩盖自身无能的"布巴效应"。主流媒体只报道单方面信息,导致民众对灾后救援情况的认知存在偏差。政府将对自身不作为的批评斥为“错误信息”和“阴谋论”,但事实最终证明这些批评是正确的。 @Brian Trascher : 批评 FEMA 的言论会让救援人员感到害怕,并影响救援工作;飓风救援物资的分配受到了人为阻挠;一架黑鹰直升机低空飞过救援物资存放地,导致物资散落,其意图不明。FEMA 的工作人员尽职尽责,但领导层和政治任命人员的问题可能影响了救援工作的效率。FEMA 人员短缺,且经验丰富的员工调配不足,影响了其应对飓风的效率。 @Mike : 飓风后的救灾反应迟缓,几乎没有救援人员到达受灾地区;州长应对飓风灾害的准备不足。 @Crystal : 飓风灾后救援工作不力,但批评政府的言论却被斥为政治化。 @Teresa : 卡马拉·哈里斯声称北卡罗来纳州的飓风灾后情况良好,但这与实际情况不符。 @Dallas : 黑鹰直升机低空飞过救援物资存放地可能是意外事故,而非故意破坏。 @Linda : 需要为飓风灾民提供投票场所。 @Daniel : 在共和党和民主党的辩论中,没有人提及中国气球事件。

Deep Dive

Glenn Beck discusses FEMA's response to Hurricane Helene, questioning its effectiveness and transparency. He criticizes the White House press secretary for defending the administration's actions and raises concerns about potential misinformation surrounding the situation. Brian Trascher from the United Cajun Navy joins to discuss firsthand experiences with relief efforts and a suspicious incident involving a Blackhawk helicopter.
  • White House press secretary's defense of hurricane response criticized
  • FEMA administrator calls critiques "dangerous rhetoric"
  • Concerns raised about potential misinformation
  • United Cajun Navy reports possible obstruction of relief efforts
  • Incident involving unmarked Blackhawk helicopter disrupting supplies raises questions

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Welcome.

Well, hello America and welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is Tuesday. We have open phones today. You are, well, we have one voice that needs to be heard and I think he's part of the Cajun Air Force. We'll talk to him. But other than that, your voice needs to be heard. I want to hear what you're thinking, how you're feeling. I want to hear from you.

Anybody who is affected by the hurricane, we have another hurricane barreling down in the next day or so. Looks like it's headed for Tampa. Could be the worst hurricane since the 1800s.

We'll talk about that. We'll talk about relief. We are positioning now in Florida as well with Mercury One. How can you help? We'll get to all of it, including your loss of freedom of speech. It is on the near horizon. We'll tell you about it.

in 60 seconds. First, make no mistake, the left is on attack. When it comes to the issue of abortion, they are doing their best to take away the right to even protest the evil things that we're standing up against. I am so proud to partner with Preborn, and every day they sponsor free ultrasounds for women as well as providing help

for up to two years after the baby is born. Don't just advocate for the baby's life, then forget about them when they're born. That's what the left says we does, but we do. We don't. Well, it does. Hello. When a mom sees her unborn child on that monitor, when she hears the heartbeat, she's twice as likely to choose life. But then the problem is, I don't have any of my life, anybody in my life that supports me. I don't have the money. I don't have the means, etc., etc. Well, that's fine.

If you have the means, would you help save children? $28 goes for the ultrasound. Then we save the mom by telling her, don't worry about that for the first two years of life.

We're going to help you get everything covered. We have everything that you need, including a support system to be around you, to help you, to donate. Dial pound 250. Say the keyword, baby. Pound 250. Keyword, baby. I don't think there's anything more important that we could do to find favor in the eyes of God than saving his children, both mom and child. slash Beck. slash Beck. Sponsored by Preborn.

All right. I want to talk to you about the loss of freedom of speech. And this is becoming very, very, very real. If things go the opposite direction, the direction that they need to go, you

I fear that we are going to lose our freedom of speech quickly, and I'll explain all of it. I want you to listen for the next 20, 25 minutes, and I will explain all of it to you, and you will hopefully understand it so you can share it with a friend. I also want to tell you something. When does this book come out? Do you know, Sarah? It comes out soon. Let me see if I can look it up here. There's a new book that I am putting out.

called Propaganda Wars. And let me see when it comes out. I think it comes out next week or the week after. October 22nd, so whenever that is. But you can order it now. This is a very unique book because I tell you how to do my job. This, and you will find it obvious, I'm putting my money where my mouth is, if you will.

I believe that we will be silenced if this election goes the wrong way. This book gives you everything that I've learned in the last 25 years so you can replace me. You can do my job. It's Propaganda Wars and it teaches you how to know what the truth is

And what to do about it. In it, I announce a very large project that we need to do together. And we'll talk about it as the book comes out. You can order it now for audio. I just cut that over the weekend. Or you can get the hardback. I urge you to buy everything in books today.

I urge you now, if there's something important, that you buy it or repurchase it in hardbound. Copy, get it in paper, because things will disappear.

It's the modern way to burn a book is just to delete it. And we saw that Fauci and the government went to Amazon. It wasn't just the social media. They went to Amazon and said, de-emphasize these books. So they were harder to find. The next step is just to delete them.

So I'll get into that in the next coming few days. It's called Propaganda Wars. It's my latest book, and you can get it at You can also get it wherever you buy your books. But I urge you to get this book. There's a lot of very important things in there that I share. All right.

So now how could I possibly come on here and say that we're going to lose your freedom of speech, that we're going to not be able to communicate to each other with things? Well, let me show you the setup. Yesterday, Steve Doocy was asked about the hurricane cleanup in FEMA. He asked, quote,

Here it is. To the impacted areas and but instead people want to do disinformation misinformation, which is dangerous, which is dangerous because then it what that when when folks on the ground hear that they may not want to ask for the help that they need that is there for them. That is there for them. That's our focus here. But President Biden is fond of saying, show me your budget and I will tell you what you value.

If he's got money for people in Lebanon right now without Congress having to come back, what does it say about his values? There's not enough money right now for people in North Carolina who need it. That's not misinformation. Wait, no, that is your whole your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir.

What you don't guess. Yes, it's misinformation. I just mentioned I just mentioned I just mentioned to you that we provided more than 200 million dollars to folks who are impacted in the area. And I just shared with you that people are deciding not to. People are deciding not to stop. Do you hear what she's saying? Your question is disinformation.

Your question is disinformation. Question with boldness even the very existence of God. For if there be a God, he must surely rather honest questioning over blindfolded fear. Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a time where it was blasphemy to question God. In America...

Question everything. Always. There is no such thing as a stupid question. And there is no such thing as disinformation as a question. It's a question. So you need to know that dis and misinformation is the setup to stifle your speech. When you hear that, just know that what they are saying is,

Everything that disagrees with whatever the government official tells you is disinformation and should be banned. Please hear me, America. There's another story that came out from People magazine. FEMA, and you know the reporters at People, I mean, they are relentless investigative reporters. FEMA administrator...

Dean Criswell or Deanne Criswell said the false claims for about FEMA are unhelpful as the federal agency attempts to assist those in need. Do you think do you think that's unhelpful? I want you to understand this is the this is absolutely 100 percent the Bubba effect. I told you at one point.

That the government will so discredit itself. This I learned from special forces around 2004. And I interpreted it in a way that we would be hit by a terrorist attack and people would react to it and somebody would make a stupid move.

And the people would come when the federal troops came in and said, you got to arrest Bubba because he just killed a Sikh. He thought he was killing a Muslim, which both are wrong, but you got to arrest Bubba. We're here to take him to federal prison. And the people would say, we know Bubba is wrong. We know it.

We've arrested him, and we're not turning him over to you. We'll take care of Bubba, but you caused this problem. What is happening right now? What is it? You're now turning away FEMA, and FEMA is claiming, at least, to be afraid, and if you are involved in anything that is...

You know, I don't even know what they're claiming happens to them now that people are throwing rocks at them. People are beating them up. If that is happening, that must stop. However, meeting FEMA at the at the street or town line and you say, turn your frickin trucks away. We don't need you here is the most American thing you can do.

They are coming in and they are doing everything they can to disrupt the services. If they were there on day one and they were actually helping, fine. But the people have put together infrastructure now that works and people's lives have been saved that would have died because FEMA couldn't do it.

So now FEMA is claiming that everything that you would say about what's happening on the ground, everything that I know is true that we have reported because we are on the ground. Everything that we're reporting, they now say is a conspiracy.

Just like ISIS will become a caliphate. Just like there's the conspiracy of the financial markets collapsing in 2008. Just like we'll lose the world's reserve currency. Just like we obviously, obviously we will never be downgraded because of our debt.

the conspiracy of the World Economic Forum and ESG, how many times are they going to say that that's a conspiracy theory only to have it come true before your neighbors and friends and family pay attention? Remember, Joe Biden being completely incompetent was disinformation. It was dangerous information and it was a conspiracy theory.

Did that come true? Now, let me look at two other stories for you that are, of course, misinformation. And we have been told by these leaders that this is disinformation. There is a story in The Atlantic. Stu, could you tell me this?

How conservative the Atlantic is because it's really conservative. Not prominently conservative. Not prominently. No, no. Mostly not at all. Mostly not at all. Okay. Let me give you the headline from the story from the Atlantic. Yes. Third trimester abortions are happening in America. That's from the Atlantic. Okay.

Let me give you another one from the oh so very conservative and rag that is full of misinformation about the left. The Washington Post. Late term abortions are not a myth. They are happening. Hmm. Now, wait a minute.

Kamala Harris and everyone on in the media has been telling you that these are myths. We have been telling you, no, they are not. They are happening in America. How about this one? Amber Thurman. You heard Kamala Harris. Bring her up. You heard waltz. Bring her up. Amber Thurman. She was killed. Why?

Because she was afraid to go to the doctor and get help. Okay, let me give you this. Doctors, we now know, allegedly waited a full day before performing surgery on Thurman. She died on the operating table. Now, that doesn't sound like I'm afraid to go to the doctor. What that sounds like is the doctors didn't do their job when she arrived.

A Georgia woman who died after developing sepsis due to a botched chemical abortion.

The family has decided to sue the hospital where she went for treatment, alleging the doctors at the Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge did not act quickly enough to save her. They left her waiting for 20 hours before doing a surgery to remove the remnants of a chemical abortion. Let me give you the English version of that.

The baby hadn't fully aborted. There were things inside of her she needed to be cleaned out. But with chemical abortion, something went wrong. But Glenn, I was told by many reliable sites and news services that this pill was as safe as Tylenol. Yeah, it's not as safe as Tylenol. She had experienced a complication after taking the abortion pill that left fetal tissue inside of her body.

She visited the hospital and was in need of a DNC to take the remaining tissues out. However, doctors allegedly waited near a full day before performing surgery on her. Congratulations. That is the truth. That's not misinformation. It is absolutely against what the government will tell you.

And that's how they define misinformation. They are not the arbiters of truth. They have no idea how to define a woman. I'm going to allow them to claim being the judge and the jury on truth? No. More in 60 seconds. First, it has been a year since October 7th, the massacre by Hamas.

One year ago, yesterday, 1,200 Israelis were murdered. More than 250 were taking hostage. The situation is fluid. It's chaotic. Even with the defeat of most of Hamas and a chunk of Hezbollah, there's a lot left for them to survive through. And they feel very alone. Have you seen how the world is turning on them? This half hour, I have told you about a way to save God's children from

uh, with, um, preborn. Let me tell you God's chosen people. If we curse them, we will be cursed. If we bless them, we will be blessed. If you don't believe that, that's fine. But if you know the scriptures to be true, please, we are living in, we are living in those days.

You must stand up. The Constitution is hanging by a thread and evil is blanketing the world. Light must be there.

888-488-IFCJ. Please, if you can, make a $150 gift right now. We're in a matching period now, so it'll double the impact. This is for food and necessities and shelter and everything else the Israelis need to survive. Let them fight their fight. Let's just help the people out. That's one word, or 888-488-4325. Ten seconds, station ID. Stu, when I say the name Christopher Steele, what do you think of? A guy who put together the Steele dossier, a bunch of information, proved valuable.

largely to be paid for inaccurate. Uh, it went through, it was fusion GPS, uh, traced back essentially to eventually the Clinton campaign. How much of it was true? Very little, very little. Uh, there is a new book out called unredacted by Christopher Steele, and it unveils the fruits of fresh sleuthing and warns that Trump is a, this is going to come as a surprise, a threat to democracy. Uh,

Now, let's watch who covers this book and holds it up as anything other than lies. The guy gave us the lies of the Steele dossier, all been proven 100% mis- and disinformation, backed by Hillary Clinton. He's got more now in a book. Glenn Beck.

NMLS 1A2334, APR for rates in the five starts at 6.799% for well-qualified borrowers. Call 800-906-2440 for details about credit costs and terms. Okay, we are going to take your phone calls here in a minute. I have to tell you one more thing and then it's open for you for the rest of the show. There is nothing quite like waking up one morning, realize you have all of your ducks in the row. I don't. As much as I prepared, I don't feel I'm prepared.

And financially, we've got to make sure that this monkey is off our back because things are going to change dramatically. And you will own nothing in the end. You have to prepare. Please, if you're behind the eight ball with high interest credit card debt,

Who's getting rich on this and who's getting poor? You or the bank? 800-906-2440. I want you to call American Financing. They can help you pass that high interest rate. Please call them if you have a home and a mortgage. They have all kinds of options. 800-906-2440.

Head over to blaze slash glenn and subscribe now use the code fight fight fight and save 40 bucks. Let's come right out with the fema administration uh yesterday. So much is going viral online as well one user suggested yesterday that a militia should go against fema got more than half a million views what kind of impact has this had on the recovery effort?

It has a tremendous impact on the comfort level of our own employees to be able to go out there, but it's also demoralizing to all of the first responders that have been out there in their communities helping people. FEMA staff,

volunteers, the private sector that are working side by side with local officials to go out and help people. I need to make sure I can get the resources to where they needed. And when you have this dangerous rhetoric like you're hearing, it creates fear in our own employees. We need to make sure we're getting help to the people who need it. This is the Bubba effect. This is the Bubba effect.

And you're only in mainstream media. You're only getting one side. So that means half the country is only hearing that they are not. And everything that the other side said to them is being dismissed as conspiracy theory or dangerous misinformation that only plays in to see. I told you these people were dangerous when they're

These people are the ones who have been the first responders. We have been there long before FEMA ever showed up. Let me give you two other stories and then we're going to go to the phone. My premise here is you are going to lose your freedom of speech. Elon Musk came out yesterday and said, believe me,

They will try to shut down X by any means possible if elected. That is true. If it wasn't for Elon Musk, we would be in a much different situation. He is the only man of any real clout and power that is standing up against this push.

And you cannot dismiss this as a conspiracy theory because you have in the last week, Barack, Hillary, Harris, Walsh, and the left all giving speeches or interviews saying this has to stop. Now, let me give you this. There is a...

There is a new pullout from the agencies or on the agencies and the bosses. The bosses of all of the federal agencies were asked in a new Neapolitan Institute survey about the individual freedoms that Americans have.

51% of those people in charge of our agencies say Americans have somewhat too far too much freedom. The voters, 16%.

57% believe the government has way too much control over their lives. We are looking at a difference of a big difference of a very important opinion between those who are in the agencies who control your life through their own regulation, not Congress, their own regulation, and

They believe you have somewhat to far too much freedom. So you know, among the Republican federal agency chiefs, 33% agree, and Democrats, 68% disagree. So even the Republicans are out of step. But this is why RFK, Tulsi Gabbard,

Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, Elon Musk. That's why they're saying cut the size of the federal government. One last thing. House Democrat Bill Foster has now introduced three separate bills that push digital identification on Americans through legislation. What a surprise. He's from Illinois.

He's announced the Improving Digital Identity Act in September 2020. He says, quote, it's time for the United States to catch up with the developed world on digital identity technology. He says this is a very bipartisan bill. Remember, among the people who believe you have far too much freedom,

He says it's vitally important to ramp up safeguards to protect against identity theft and fraud. When has our government been afraid of identity theft? In bipartisan manner, a member of Congress appears to be collecting evidence to bolster their argument for why digital identification is required. Apparently, the only way we can be safe is if we all have digital ID. No way.

No. Period. Let me go to Mike in North Carolina. It's open phones today. I want to hear your voice. 888-727-BECK. Mike. Good morning, sir. How are you? Good. How are you doing today? I'm good. How can I help you? I was in the Asheville-Weaverville area the Sunday after the storm. Yeah. Working with a private tree service. Mm-hmm.

I just wanted to discuss the response to the storm or the lack thereof. Okay. I've honestly never seen anything like it. There was nobody there. I didn't even see a line trim and tree crew or anything like that for four days after that storm. And you say that's rare.

That's never happened. I'll put it that way. I've been doing tree work for 25 years. I've been to most of the big ones. And usually you're in a caravan of tree crews going up there and we were all by ourselves. So whose fault is that, Mike? I mean, our crew was talking about the storm probably a week before it happened. Like we knew something happened with all that rain that came through. It's amazing to me that they didn't have anything set up. And who would have set that up?

The governor. The governor. The governor. You're exactly right. Usually when they declare a state of emergency, things start happening. And the power companies, you know, they call in all these crews. And I guess they didn't this time. Yeah. Interesting. Thank you, Mike. Patty in Connecticut. Hello, Patty. I can't begin to say thank you for all you have done, Glenn. It's true.

Your group, Mercury One, for all the rising of the good-hearted American people who are the soldiers. We are the mercy. The Americans are the most kind, empathetic, sympathetic, and they rise to the occasions in any emergency. Time is of the essence. Life is.

Depends on it. People you help, the sick, the veterans rose to the occasion, the special forces, the goods, the heart, the soul of America you see there. This is the fabric of who we are. We have to count on each other. We have to believe in each other. We have to pray every single day for God's healing hands on this country, for President Trump.

Trump to be the leader, leadership, logistics planning is essential in an emergency time. We'll we'll hurt people. We'll delay care. We'll delay life. We have children with no shoes.

We need to take care of these people. We need to make them paramount in this country. We made them to be what is going to be taken care of. Charity begins at home. We need to take care of our people first, our families first, who have probably worked very hard their whole lives, never asked anyone for anything.

The pride of an American, the American hard worker who does a full day's work and more and never asked for any charity. They want to do it themselves. Well, they were stuck and they're counting on us. They're counting on us to be there, to be present, to do their very best in all the challenges.

People who are in the area are using the essentials they have inside of themselves, their skills, their personal things they're able to do. And they rose to the occasion. Every life you save, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is who America is. We never should forget that what this has actually revealed to every single person in this country. There are heroes amongst us. We are not alone. Do not be afraid. Do not let government make you afraid.

Stand up for truth. Listen to shows as yourself where truth is paramount, take care of each other, look to see for people in trouble because Americans do not like to ask for help. And in regard to Israel, that is God's land.

That is God's home. Those are God's people. Pray for them every day. Give a dollar if you can to help these people. Let them know that they have our support because when you're suffering terrible, it is a huge comfort to every human being to know that there's someone there who cares. And if people should lose their life, it is so nice to know they didn't die afraid and alone. I thank you for what you're doing.

Thank you. Thank you very much, Patty. I really appreciate it. I'm going right after the show. I got here early this morning. I haven't had time to go next door, but I think the museum is full of pallets of food and supplies and everything else. And I want you to know, again, I haven't had a meeting, but I did correspond with Mercury One yesterday, and

about Tampa and Florida. And we are pre-positioning in Florida as well. So we will be wherever...

People are in need. I have great confidence in, in, uh, DeSantis taking care of things in, uh, Florida. However, this may be one of the worst ones that has hit in over a hundred years. Uh, and so we will be there as well. You can donate to mercury 100% of everything raised goes right directly to the problem and to the source, uh,

to be able to help people 100%. I raise funds in other ways during the year. So when we come on the air and ask you about, you know, an emergency situation, we can tell you that we're not paying our phone bills or staff, you know, employees, you know, the money that's all taken care of. 100% of your money will go to help the victims, right?

of hurricanes, natural disasters, this one in particular, and this is going to cost a fortune. We're almost at $10 million now, just from last week, and we really appreciate it. This is the most giving audience I think ever assembled. You are such an amazing group of people.

Know that you are part of something bigger just than yourself, because I am as well. It's an honor to be with you and serve at this time. More in a minute. Let me talk to you about MantisX. If you could improve your shooting without having to go to the range and waste time,

all of that money on ammunition. It's not a waste if that's the only way you can keep your skills up because shooting is a perishable skill and you want to be a good shot. You could drop a ton of money on ammunition, go to the range, or you can take some of the times and you can put ammunition and still use Mantis X and fire at the range, but it will tell you exactly what is going wrong with your shot and

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Show you what you're doing wrong, but it will show you how to fix it. It is such a great thing. Be a responsible gun owner. Increase your competence and your confidence with Mantis X. Mantis X. Get yours now at That's The previous content identified as conservative. Oh, my.

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Hello, you sick freak. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is open phones today. We want to hear your voice. I only have one guest on. He's coming up in a minute. He is from the Cajun Air Force, which is in North Carolina now. And we have about 50 helicopters we're supporting. And he's going to talk about the Blackhawk mission.

that was unmarked and I've seen the video that flew over an area that had supplies. Do we have that video? Yeah, watch this, Stu. So this is a Black Hawk helicopter, which I don't think you have as a private citizen. Maybe, you know, maybe you do, but it's unmarked and it came over and downwashed this entire area

and gave the downwash over this place that had all these supplies and just tore it up.

Just tore it up. When you say downwashed? Downwash, it's the wind from the blades coming down. And if you watch this, it just destroyed a lot of the work people had done. Why? Whose helicopter? Why did that happen? If it's a private person, they should be arrested. If it is a federal group, we should know about it, and they should be arrested. Right.

What happened? Why did somebody do that? He's going to talk about it. I believe he witnessed it yesterday, but we have video on it and somebody should be getting to the bottom of that. In the meantime, let's go to David in Georgia. I have one minute, David. Go ahead.

Glenn, thanks for all you do. Listen, people need to get out and vote. I work at the Bartow Executive Committee, Bartow County, Georgia, north of Atlanta, and we're working to get the vote out. But the apathy is just too present, no matter how much I've been working for the last two years to get people involved and getting rid of bad books from schools and things. Apathy? Yes.

There's apathy. People just, they don't show up. They don't speak at school board meetings. They don't show up at meetings to help us organize walks. They're just not doing enough. They can do more. People are tired. Just the only message I have is,

Find three to five people each who don't normally vote, who are registered to vote, and get them to vote, and get them to vote for Trump. The stakes are too high. Tell them we don't have any more time to argue. Trump's not the savior, but he is the way that we can take our country back, give us enough time to work. Harris is the death of our country. We are on the cusp of a civilizational change.

Max Bankman, I'm the new doctor. Welcome aboard the Odyssey. ABC Thursdays. This ship is heaven. We're tending to our passengers' dreams. I'm in. From 911 executive producer Ryan Murphy comes a splashy new drama on a luxury cruise ship with Joshua Jackson and Don Johnson. It's your job to keep everyone alive. She's in V-Fib. One, two, three. Clear. Clear.

I have a pulse. You're going to be okay. Dr. Odyssey, Thursdays, 9, 8 central on ABC and stream on Hulu. The vote out. Thank you so much, David. Thanks for all your work in Georgia. Apathy. The Glenn Beck program. So let me talk to you about Jace Medical. I think we're seeing that when things go to hell in a handbasket, it's

I don't know why you would go to hell in a handbasket. It's hot. I mean, that's probably made out of wicker. Anyway, I digress. Jace Medical is so critically important. We have had our helicopters delivering antibiotics everywhere. People get hurt and then they don't have antibiotics and they can't get them.

So Jace has been helping us with antibiotics and other things that people need, and I suggest you have them on hand. The U.S. relies on China for 80% of our generic medication. 80. Like 18 out of 20 of our main antibiotics comes from China.

I think this is a problem that maybe we should address and you should be prepared to for. Get your Jace case now at, Enter the promo code Beck at checkout. Get a discount on your order. That's, promo code Beck. All right. Hour two of this fabulous broadcast begins. Stay the f***. It's a new day.

Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. We have the United Cajun Navy Vice President and PIO on with us in just a second. These guys are just, they're the best. The Cajun Navy is just the best. They're helping in Asheville, and they are able to talk about what happened in the

with a Black Hawk helicopter yesterday. Don't know if this is private, don't know if this was the government, but somebody came and flew over a site where people were sorting through food and water and emergency supplies, and they hovered over the site, and all of that downwash from the blades came and just blew everything off the tarmac, and then they just flew away.

Why would someone do that? Do we have any information on who this person is? And so it's not a conspiracy theory. We have the guy from the Cajun Navy who was there and witnessed it.

Talk to him in 60 seconds. First, worst kind of mistake you can make in life is the type that can never be taken back. Maybe on the top of that list is taking another person's life. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is necessary. Sometimes it's the right thing to do in a situation, but either way, you don't get to take it back. Once you pull that trigger, you cannot take that back. That's why, in addition to the guns that I own,

that I lost in a very tragic lake accident. Man, those boats! Well, I talked to the guy of the Cajun Navy. I don't know if he's lost all of his guns, you know, down at the bottom of a swamp, but...

I lost mine in a lake anyway. I have Burna Launcher. It's non-lethal alternative. It'll safeguard your home. It's great in the glove box. You can carry it. It's legal in all 50 states. No permits or background checks are required. They can be used by all age groups over 18. And it has powerful deterrents, kinetic rounds, and tear gas. Not pepper spray. Tear gas.

It'll hit something at a 60-foot range. It'll incapacitate somebody up to 40 minutes. Get yours now. Find out all about it at slash glenn. It's slash glenn. 10% off your purchase now. slash glenn.

Brian Trasher is on, the vice president of the Cajun Navy, the United Cajun Navy. Brian, thank you for everything you guys are doing. You are absolute heroes.

Glenn, thanks so much for having us. And really, we just want to take a minute to thank you and JP and the team over at Mercury One for the tremendous support and generosity they've been giving us throughout this deployment in North Carolina. And we hope to continue to keep working together in Florida. So thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. Everybody, thanks, Glenn. I want to thank, please, it's the audience, it's not me. Please, Glenn,

don't let me forget before we go to talk about Florida and what we have to do in Florida. But first, can you, can you talk to me? Uh, are supplies meant for hurricane Helene? Are they purposely being thwarted? And what happened with the helicopter? So, you know, I think I made the mistake of, of asking for new conspiracy theories for Christmas. Cause all the ones I got last year came true. And, uh,

So, you know, we were on the ground pretty early in Florida. You know, we always say that people have to understand that FEMA and the National Guard are not first responders. They're second responders. And the first responders locally, the local first responders, are also victims. So they're not always fully up to speed. So that's why we put first shrimp boots on the ground and get to work right away. The good thing about the United Cajun Navy is that we don't have to ask our lawyers for permission to do anything. We just ask them to show up to the bond hearing later.

and we'll deal with it. So anyhow, when we first got down there, we were hearing reports about people getting stopped and getting, you know, impeding the relief efforts. It didn't happen to us. You know, we have an existing relationship with FEMA and the Red Cross and a lot of agencies, so they know who we are. And so we weren't really experiencing it like other people were. We were getting reports of it for sure. But then, you

we were, we started getting frantic calls and texts and pictures and stuff sent to us from our volunteers over at that site saying, you know, what in hell is happening? This, you know, they, they said that the, the, this Blackhawk did a low pass, like he was going to land and they started giving them the X signs with their arms saying, you know, it's a no land zone. And, uh, he kept coming down and, you know, look, I wasn't there myself, but I've watched a video a bunch of times. I am a pilot. I'm a fixed wing pilot, not helicopter, but, uh,

It does look to me like, first of all, he was flying too low. FAA says you have to stay 500 feet over any structure or person. That's just a day one rule. But it looks like he does a left bank and then aft pitch, which...

It increased, in my opinion, the strength of the rotary wash that you saw blowing all the materials in the tent everywhere. And then he pitched forward and took off. So I really don't, you know, everybody's been sending us information on the aircraft. They're saying, you know, I don't want to say like because we don't know for sure, but they think they know who it belongs to.

where it came from. Nobody knows, including myself, what the intent was. Some people are telling me, oh, the pilot just lost his situational awareness and made a mistake. I'm like, listen, Blackhawk pilots are the top guns of the rotary wing. The only Blackhawk pilots that make mistakes are the dead ones. You know what I mean? These guys are some of the best helicopter pilots in the world. Um,

Seems like either we had just like a rogue hotshot or they were trying to send some kind of message. I hate to go down that rabbit hole, but I mean, you, you, everybody's seen the video now. Like I'm happy to hear what anybody thinks. So do I, I know somebody who has a black hawk.

Believe it or not. I didn't know you could buy them, but you can strip down, apparently. Do we know if this was private, at least? That was, okay, so my first instinct was, like, because you're right. If you've got money, you can buy it. Well, if you've got money, you can buy anything, right? You can rent a congressman pretty cheap these days, even with inflation. So.

So, but, but somebody, um, one of our, one of our followers, like, you know, was really good with video and they were able to like kind of close up on it and see the two pilots in the cockpit. It takes two people to fly Blackhawk. And they said they were wearing standard DOD headgear. Um,

The aircraft does, if we think we've identified the right one, does appear to be registered to the military. It was not armed. So I thought maybe it belonged to an agency. You know, I don't know. I mean, there's so many possibilities. And there was no marking on it?

Not that I'm aware of. We've looked at everything that we could as far as with the video and pictures available. I mean, that's illegal, isn't it? Yeah, we just didn't see any.

So people have been using flight tracker and things like that to see who was flying missions in that area. And, you know, again, they've come up with a few possibilities. We're trying not to jump the gun. And also, even if it, let's say it was, you know, military, like the last thing I want people doing is going and trying to find out who the pilots were and start harassing them and all that. You know, I don't want any of that. Yeah, no. And I just said on the air, anybody who is threatening military

Any government official is a problem and it should stop. However, you know, standing there in a place like you're at now, I assume you're at our base camp there by the Harley Davidson dealer. Yeah. Adam Smith, one of the baddest dudes in North Carolina. Yeah. At the Harley Davidson dealership. And he has politely told them, go away.

because we have a system down and it's been working and it's saved a lot of lives and you can go do your thing, but you're not shutting us down. There's no problem with saying thank you, but no thank you as we are the first responders, but you cannot take it out on the people. You can't. Please be kind if

And I'll tell you, Glenn, just so happened that the week before Helene hit, we had some pre-scheduled meetings in D.C. And one of those meetings was at FEMA. And so they had us up into the Incident Command Center, which is like their war room. And they had just done a level one activation. And they were watching Helene and talking to all the local emergency managers and making plans. And I did not meet anybody in the entire building when I was at FEMA that was not

a passionate, dedicated person that cares about their job and cares about helping people in trouble. So FEMA is as a, as a, as a entity seems like it's, you know, like just another F word. And you can say what you want about the leadership of FEMA and the political appointees, but, but the people on the ground and there are people on the ground, North Carolina have been since, since I, I got there. But yeah, don't,

don't be ugly to those people. They're just employees. The job is to do this and they do care about it. Yeah. By the way, I don't know how they can say that they've got this covered because

As of Monday yesterday, only 9% of FEMA's personnel or 1,200 people were available to respond to the hurricane or other disasters. They are having a hard time. They say this is the busiest year in the past decade, and the staffing reserves at this point were 19%. That is obviously not good.

And they are they're having a difficult time getting people in to help. So I don't know how the government can have it both ways. By the way, this is coming from The New York Times. I don't know how they can have it both ways. Look, we don't you know, we don't need help. And, you know, we're here to take over and then at the same time be short people, especially with Milton on its way.

Right. And, you know, it's worse than having being short people. And this is something that was, you know, intimated to me from some, you know, FEMA management people that obviously won't be named, but it's not just not

not having enough bodies, Glenn, they're more experienced staff or elsewhere. And you know where I'm talking about. And, and so it's like they have people, but they're kind of barely new hires still carrying around their employee handbook, trying to figure out what's going on. So they've requested it to their credit. These, these people have requested from their higher ups to bring in some of these more senior experienced people. And my understanding is that, that that hasn't happened yet.

I can't thank you and every single veteran that is on the ground. I mean, the American people are really good people, but we don't have the experience per se that you guys do. The veterans and especially special forces guys, you guys sprung into action and set these systems up.

like only really military can do. You just, you had what you had and you made good with that and you set it up and you organized. And I think you made the difference between life and death with a lot of people. So thank you. Yeah.

Yeah, well, and just to be clear, I myself am not a military veteran, but I'm a pilot. I'm a boat captain. I'm a diver. I just did all these types of skill sets on my own, and it turned out to be useful. But, yeah, you're right. We have a ton of veterans, and they do make the best volunteers, and they just –

You can't freak them out. You can't make them woozy. They can handle anything. And I think one of the other things that helped us out as an organization with regards to, you know, local or locals or federal officials trying to stop relief efforts is that we put it out there very early that anybody getting in our way, we're offering an all expense paid free swamp tour back in Louisiana. So sign up, please. Yeah.

All right. Thank you so much. Before you go, talk to me about Milton. We are. So Milton is, you know, one of the lowest center of pressure in terms of millibars that we've seen in the last century. We have our own meteorologists on staff at United Cajun Navy that are making sure that we're putting out accurate information. And it's it's bearing down the NHC track is looking to stay right in that zone.

that Tampa area. Unfortunately, it's going to hit as a very strong hurricane. We are pre-positioned. We have assets in Destin and Ocala, and we're moving more into the area. We're going to have boat assets, supplies, and air assets, just like we did in North Carolina. So nobody has to worry about weather. We're coming. We're already there. And we're going to help as many people as we can. The good thing about Florida is...

They do such a good job with these hurricanes as a state that usually we're just there for like maybe a few days or a week handling the life-threatening emergency stuff. And then the state comes in and starts running their show and it's, you know, they take over and they have a tremendous snapback game.

Yeah, Ron DeSantis is absolutely incredible. Just incredible with the system. Everybody should have a Navy SEAL as a governor. I mean, we love Jeff Landry. Don't get me wrong. He's a bad dude, but Ron's on another level. Brian, is there anything you need in help?

If anybody wants to find out more about us, we're on all the socials, United Cajun Navy. Our website is Sign up to volunteer, donate. We always say time, talent, treasure. If you've got the time to give, the talent to offer, or the treasure to donate, we appreciate it all. One thing everybody can do for free is go to our social media posts and

and share them. That helps us grow and grow our mission as does Mercury One and all your listeners. So again, thank you so much. We are very grateful. Thank you, Brian. We're glad to partner with you. Thank you.

Brian Trasher from the Cajun Navy. He's the vice president. Yeah, he's awesome and very funny. These guys are, I mean, you know, they've been through these things over and over again. And like he said, you know, they're just unflappable. And there's nothing better in an emergency than have a group of people that are just like, we got it. Don't worry. We got it.

especially when they're grappling down from a helicopter as they were over the mountains and pulling people up in the helicopter. When I saw Corey Mills do that, I'm like, what? Who does? Well, I mean, you do that, but

I don't ever want to do that. I don't want to have to do that. I don't want somebody to have to pick me up like that. You know, I'm just going to tie a rope around you. Then we're going to just head on up. No, thank you. No, thank you. All right. More in just a second. By the way, you can help Mercury one dot org. Now with Milton on the way, we really need to pull together and know that we will be there for you.

That is kind of the thing that you learn if you're a farmer or you live in a small town. When the neighbor's farm has trouble, you go over and help because you know at some point you're going to have problems and they'll have to help you. So it's not transactional, but it's required that we all help each other.

We're the first responders, not the government. All right. If you tripped and fell out of a plate glass window, would you just ignore how you felt afterwards? A car ran over your toes in the parking lot. You just try to walk. Just walk it off, Stu. Just walk it off. No, I don't think so. So when it comes to the aches and pains that you have from getting older, why are you trying to grin and bear it or just shake it off? Especially when there are things like relief factor that you can try, right?

I took Relief Factor and got my life back five, six, I don't even know, six years ago. It's a daily supplement that helps your body fight pain by fighting inflammation, which is the source of most of the pain in our bodies as well as a lot of the disease. So 70% of the people who take it go on to order more because it works like it worked for me.

Stop masking your pain. Start fighting back naturally. Give Relief Factor a try. Try it now. Three-week quick start, $19.95, less than a dollar a day. or call 1-800-4-RELIEF. 1-800-4-RELIEF. 10 seconds, station ID.

This is from the New York Post. Hundreds of special operations personnel in North Carolina have formed their own homegrown rescue and supply operation in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene after they grew tired of waiting for the federal government to get its act together. The Post found an all-volunteer operation being run out of a Harley-Davidson dealership with ruthless efficiency and military precision.

Who's FEMA? Ex-Green Beret Adam Smith derisively responded when we asked about the agency's presence on the ground. This disaster has definitely proven, without a shadow of a doubt, FEMA's incompetence and incapability, he said, noting that the agency didn't even show up until Thursday of last week, almost a week after the storm that had killed at least 232, nearly half of them, in the mountains.

Unwilling to stand idly by after feeling his community was languishing with inadequate support from the government, Smith enlisted the help of a few good men and women to take matters into their own hands. This Harley-Davidson dealership has become the forward operating base, complete with a fleet of 35 helicopters that have flown hundreds of rescue, reconnaissance, and resupply sorties.

organizers are calling the effort Savage Freedoms Relief Operation. But Smith says they're proudly adopted the alternate moniker of the Redneck Air Force. I mean, these guys are really...

Really, really, truly amazing. And we are blessed to know them. And they are blessed by you knowing their name. All right. We're going back to the phones today. I just want to hear from you. How much time do we have here, Sarah? Yeah, let me take Crystal. Crystal, we have about a minute and a half. Go ahead.

Hey, Glenn, thank you so much for taking my call. Really appreciate what you guys are doing. We're in a little community called Lansing, North Carolina. That's in Ashe County, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia corner. And I'm just I'm so mad. I'm really tired of people telling us that we're not seeing what we're seeing on the ground here. And I'm mad that it's become political to say that these people need help and they're not getting it.

Yeah. It's, it's interesting to me. If you remember what happened with Katrina and George W. Bush, uh,

how the media just hammered him almost to death on Katrina. And it was fine to point that out. When he was actually doing something and had been offering stuff, it's kind of like January 6th, he had offered to help before the storm, and the mayor said no, and I believe the governor at the time said no, and so he didn't dispatch anybody. Here...

They didn't offer. It didn't happen. And yet they get away with it and we're the conspiracy theorists. I don't know how you win an election when the press is this bought and paid for. Glenn Beck.

Some days you're shaking your head. I'm amazed that, you know, that they say this and they're like, how do they ever lose? I look at from the other perspective. If you had how bad their policies must be, if they've ever lost an election within this environment. I know. I know. I meant how do we win an election? Yeah, no, I know. Yeah. I'm saying how do they ever lose? Yeah. It's crazy. It's crazy. All right. Let me talk to you about my Patriot supply. If you are feeling alarmed, have no fear.

Just fill your oil lamp. Just fill your lamp with oil. That's all you have to do. My Patriot supply is there so you can be prepared in case things get worse and by then

I mean, it could happen through natural disasters or even the disasters the government creates. Storing emergency food in your home is the right thing to do. We live in crazy times. Please order your three-month emergency food kit from MyPatriotSupply. Order it now and you'll save and it could be delivered as soon as tomorrow to your door. is doing amazing work with all of these storms. If you can be involved, please do. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Stu just asked me to put a list together of Santa candidates. No, I did not. He said, would you be interested in me, not you, me, putting together a list of Senate candidates we should be interviewing? Senate candidates. Yes, U.S. Senate is what I was thinking. I heard Santa candidates, and I thought...

That doesn't sound like a list we need. I want to have a Christmas party and I want it to look good this year. I am so tired. You are. I went to Monday night football in Kansas city last night. Didn't get home till very late. And, uh,

Little sleepy. I was watching the end of that game, and I was like, there's no way Glenn actually lasted to the end of that game, did he? Yeah. Because I knew you were supposed to be here today. Yeah, like 15 minutes before it ended, we got out. Oh, wow. And the game was over. Oh, my gosh. It's the best stadium. I've never been there. I got to go to it. That's what I want to go to. It's so good.

It's like crazy. They're in Seattle are the two. It's like, oh my God. It's unbelievable. And the spirit that runs through it. I mean, it was really cool. It's just, I mean, it's a great town. I hate that he's a great town. I hate the fact that they eat, they beat the Eagles a couple of years ago, but other than that, it's just a fantastic. Oh, I have a picture for you. Oh no. I have,

I have a picture for you. You don't need to torture me. I'm complimenting the team that you like. I know. I have a picture. But I took it for you because it said Philadelphia Eagles on it. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Was it when were they lost? Well, it was the I'm holding the Super Bowl trophy. Oh, God. That hurts. It's pain. I said, please. Oh, please let me hold this and take a picture for Stu. Please. Oh.

So I have. I really do despise you. It's hard to describe how much I wish the plane went into the ground on the way back from that game last night. All right. Let me go to Liana in Kentucky. Hi, Liana.

Do I have any contact numbers? Of course I do. Will you hang on? Put her in touch with JP or...

or he'll know who to contact. Thank you so much. Let me go to Teresa, North Carolina. Hello, Teresa. Hello, Glenn. Thank you for having me. You bet. So I actually called you all back in 2022 after the midterms. I was living in Pennsylvania.

I was very disheartened of the outcome of that. And you told me that if I cared about my family, I should get the hell out of there. So June of this year, we are now North Carolina residents. We live in Eastern North Carolina. Oh, my. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry about that.

That's okay. Go west. Go west. Yeah, yeah. The temperature down here is, you know, a little bit different. But I will say that this election in particular is one that I'm just kind of not getting as emotionally involved in and kind of surrendering it to God because... Wait, wait, wait, wait. What does that mean?

That means that I'm not wanting to rip my hair out every single day that I see the idiocy from the other side. But you are going to vote. Absolutely. Okay, good. You have exactly the right approach to this election. Exactly. And I think it's because there's a whole movement.

after 2020 of people that either woke up or deciding to stay asleep and stupid. And as the years are progressing, it's getting more and more of, I see peers or people my age, I'm in my mid-30s, I'm a working mom of two, my husband works two jobs just for us to be middle class.

And I just don't understand. I like to watch all the news to kind of get the,

to see what's going on because I like to use my head and my brain and my own eyes to see what's going on. The gas lighting is unreal. It is. I almost wanted to yesterday when I saw that Kamala Harris came out and said that FEMA is doing everything they can, that everyone is happy in North Carolina and everyone's doing okay. Are they interviewing residents there? Because I'm pretty sure that no one,

is dancing around and happy. And what's so sad is that we need those people to vote because of what they're going through. And that is last on their list right now. So that's where my head is at with this is we've seen, uh,

everything we need to see you either made your decision or you didn't, but I will say the VP debate, I was so thankful for because that was something I know everyone was watching and JD Vance was able to eloquently put this administration in their place and put it out there. And there's no way you can deny it because at the end of the day, the left has an agenda and,

And their agenda is to really kind of focus on issues like women's rights. That doesn't affect everybody. Trans rights don't affect everybody. But everybody needs to buy groceries. Everybody is being affected by the money. So where I'm at is just...

I have to actively stop myself from engaging in arguments every single day because of what I see. And it's almost, it's just not worth your mental health. Here's the healthiest thing you've said is that you're not engaging like that and you're just trusting God. I will tell you, if we can all walk into the voting booth knowing that

We haven't gotten what we deserve yet, and I pray we don't get what we deserve as a nation. But knowing that we have a heavenly father that loves us, truly loves us, and loves the people who are voting the other way as well, loves the people who are trying to destroy us. He loves everyone, just like you love your children.

That doesn't mean you agree with your children. Doesn't mean you're really happy with your children, but you love them. And everything that will happen will be for our good. I was so against 2016 and Donald Trump. And look at us now.

I mean, that worked out really well. Then I thought with Joe Biden, oh my gosh, this is going to be a nightmare. It is. But because of that, look how many more people are awake. Our job is not just to save the country, but our job, I can't believe I'm saying this on the air, our job is to prepare the way of the Lord. And souls matter.

And the more people that wake up, the better. There's going to be a large number of people, even if it gets really, really bad, that are going to be dead asleep. And you're exactly right. Teresa, when you said they choose to be asleep, that is coming even more. They will choose, and they will go very, very dark. If you're choosing to stay asleep, you'll go very, very dark. But whatever happens...

Whether we get what we deserve or he just blesses us again with something that we don't deserve. And he's like, okay, I'm going to make it a little easier on you guys. Whichever is for his will and for our benefit and our good. And I say that the way I've said this for a million years.

If you could go back to 1938 and tell a German Jew, hey, don't worry, something great's going to happen. In just like 10 years, Israel will be rebirthed because of all of this. Yeah, okay, that's nice, but I'm a German Jew in 1938. How do I get there? How do I pass those 10 years? That's what I would have been concerned with, and I'm concerned with now, but...

If you have a bigger perspective and you know that it's an honor to be alive today and serve at this time, that's fantastic.

Fantastic, and it will get you through an awful lot. Frank in New York, welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Morning, Glenn. Hey, how are you? Pretty good. I appreciate everything you're doing along with Mercury One and all your listeners out there for the people of North Carolina. I have my girlfriend and I have relatives down there. Fortunately, they only had minor damage. But a few years ago, you did a very important show. It was about prepping.

He brought in a ham radio guy from out there in Texas. Yep. And now the ham radio was playing such a key role in communications before and after the storm. Thank you for bringing this up. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes. There's one particular repeater down there, which I've been listening to ever since the end of the storm. Sorry. And...

everybody's on there. I've heard the hospitals get on there looking for diapers for babies. As you know, oh, two is needed. That request was put out and, uh, slowly but surely somebody responds back and they, they supply the needs. They're looking for drop spots for helicopters and, uh, you know, it's amazing. I don't want roads not to go on. Yeah. It's amazing. Unfortunately, um,

ham radio is not as popular as it needs to be. If, if you have the inclination, I have a ham radio. I don't even know how to use it yet. I'm planning on figuring it out, you know, after, I don't know, you know, the antichrist is crucifying people. Hey, don't go to Vegas. I watched the Stephen King movie. It's spooky there. But I've got one.

I just have a lot of other things I have to do. But please get a ham radio. If you have the inclination and the time to learn and to get licensed, the ham radios are playing a huge, huge role. As is AM radio. AM radio is so important. Please support your local stations.

All right. Going to take a quick break back with more from you. 888-727-BECK. Let me go to our sponsor, which is Simply Safe. You know, from porch pirates to the folks who are willing to actually break into your house, the criminal class is full of people who'd love nothing more than to take what, you know, because they deserve it. You don't deserve it and you won't eat.

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All right. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Linda in Arkansas, welcome. Hi, Glenn. I just wanted to let you know about a group that I'm associated with. I was a former colleague of mine from the sheriff's office here. I'm in north central Arkansas, just below the Missouri line. And the group is called Men in Black Disaster Recovery. Their mission is to help...

individuals who are on dialysis get treatment in disasters like this. And the gentleman that heads up that organization, his name is Troy Burleson, and he has been documenting on his Facebook page all the struggles that they are dealing with. They went to a company called, they work with a company called Precious Precious.

Precise kidney care. And they went to them and asked if they could help. And they said, the lady there said, we don't need your help. I asked her if all her staff had been accounted for. She hesitantly said no. I asked her if they had any contact. She said no. And she said, we absolutely not need your help. And they had contacted FEMA for some, you know, for employee support.

And, you know, Troy has in his group has been instrumental. They helped in Katrina. They helped in Puerto Rico. And they're now in Carolina. And I know they will head to Florida because they've done that in the past. He is so frustrated with what they're trying to accomplish and how they're trying to help. He is a reserve deputy in here and works, you know, with our sheriff's department. What is he what's he frustrated by?

He's just not getting any assistance, not being able to help. They keep turning him away, you know, trying to get these patients to their dialysis. And, you know, I did send you an email through your website. I'm so sorry. Well, that's okay. I just sent it this morning. I just wanted to give you his information so that you could look. He is documenting everything on his Facebook page, his personal Facebook page, and it's public so people can see it. Give it to me. What is his personal page?

His name is Troy, T-R-O-Y Burleson, B-U-R-L-S-O-N. And he is located in Arkansas. He actually works out of Omaha, Arkansas, which is right below Branson.

And, you know, it's just heartbreaking to me that they're having to deal with this. And he's put extensive North Carolina updates and what he's doing. He got to the point where he was just ready to come home because they were just getting so frustrated with not being able to help, but they decided to stay. And a local doctor's office is helping him raise money. They've set up a fund, you know, to help him. We'll reach out to him and see if there's anything that we can do to help. I'm not sure that we can, but we'll...

We'll see if we can help him in any way. It sounds like a great, great cause. Thank you so much for your phone call. You know, this is the real problem. The government always thinks they're the boss of you. They're not. They work for you.

Now, I have no problem if they're the first in. That's fine. But to come in as arrogantly as the government has, and please, I do not... I want you to watch the video where I spoke to the woman at FEMA that showed up. I was nice. I was calm. I didn't... I just asked questions. I was polite.

There is no reason to be anything other than that with the people who are down in FEMA. They are not the same people as they are in Washington, per se. The ones who are actually at a high enough level to make these kinds of decisions. But...

FEMA should understand that you're coming into our communities. You are the second responder. You're to back us up on things we can't do, not shut us down on the things we are doing and doing well.

This is, I warn you, this is the Bubba effect, and they've wanted this to happen for quite some time. Please be kind to all volunteers, whether they're government or not. The Glenn Beck Program.

Let me tell you about UpPhone. UpPhone is a sponsor of the program. I'm thrilled to have them on. This is one that I found and tried to talk them into being a sponsor because this is something that I was looking for. And I called a good friend of mine and said, what is the safest phone? And

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Welcome. It's Tuesday. Stu and I have to talk to you about our Freaky Friday experience, except it was on Monday, so it was kind of like Freaky Monday, where I was watching football and he was watching the news. It was a horrible experiment. I actually really liked it. I really liked it. No, never again. We'll talk about that and take your phone call, 888-727-BECK. We'll do that in 60 seconds. First...

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All right. So, uh, uh, last night I was, uh, at Monday night football up in Kansas city and it was unbelievable. I just love Kansas city. Love. I just loved everything about it. Just loved everything about it. Um,

Just fun. And I just like the players are all, you know, Taylor Swift was there, so it kind of... Yeah, did you hang out with her at all? You get a little... Took the shine off of that a little bit. No, no Tay-Tay time. Darn it. Darn it. I don't think she was looking for any...

Glennie Glenn time. No. That would have been weird. That would have been hilarious, though. At some point, they just show the box, and you just go in there, and you get a hug from Taylor Swift. You guys are just joking. The two of us sitting next to each other. What do you think? I love that new dance number you put into the show. It's great. Anyway. Guaranteed she knows more about football than you do. Oh, yeah. Guaranteed. Yeah, guaranteed. Guaranteed.

But I know about things like what's good for the country. That's very true. More than she does. Very true. All right. So, Stu, last night you were watching the 60 Minutes interview. I did watch that. Yes. How was it? It was not good. Really? There are a lot of different things. I much would have rather been watching football. It was. So the couple of things about it. Number one was pitched as a Kamala Harris interview.

And it wasn't really that. You got some Kamala Harris, a bunch of Tim Walls, and then an excruciatingly long piece about whether the election in Arizona was stolen in 2020. We got four weeks until the election. Again, you can absolutely make a case that what happened in 2020 in Arizona is important. Nothing can be done about it from now until the election. What's important now is the 2024 election.

You get past 2024, you can start fixing problems you think exist in all these states. Once again, should have been done, obviously, between 20 and 20 and 2024. But there's just no relevance to this whatsoever at this point. But whatever. They're trying to make Donald Trump look bad. A lot of it was tilted that way, including puff questions to Kamala Harris about. So why do you think Donald Trump didn't want to do this interview?

Good tough question, 60 Minutes. You really pushed it there. There were a couple of questions that were...

adversarial, I guess you could say. There was the typical, hey, you flip-flopped on 943 issues. Let me list three of them and let you give a generic answer about your principles haven't changed. That moment happened. So let me play one. This is cut three. This is her being pressed on her nomination. Listen to this. Was democracy best served by President Biden stepping down and basically saying,

handing you a nomination. You didn't have to go through a primary process. You didn't have to fight off other contenders. That's not really the way our system was intended to work. President Biden made a decision that I think history is going to show is rare among leaders, which was to put country

Stop it. He didn't want him to do it. I am proud to have earned the support of the vast majority of delegates and to have been elected the Democratic nominee. I am proud to have received the endorsement

of leaders around this country from every background and walk of life. Nobody voted for you. To fight in this election over the next month. Please say there's a follow-up. For our democracy. But I think this truncated process is why people think or say they don't really know who you are. Look, I've been in this race for 70 days. Right.

Right? Right. Yes. And nobody voted for you. I mean, that's a fair question. You're right, though. The lack of follow-up is difficult.

Like it's tough to take because, you know, this would they would sit on this and press on it and say, wait a minute. But you're saying you you won the votes. You won the votes of the delegates after. Correct. The sitting president endorsed you and you pushed everybody else out of the race. And after you sat on the information that he was almost a vegetable. Yeah.

For four years, three and a half years, you said, trust me, I'm there with him. He is fine. And then we find out he's not. The night we find that out, you say it was just a bad night. He's fine. Yep. You went on Anderson Cooper and said everything was fine. You see him behind closed doors. He's incredible. He's getting all these things done. He's dealing with these leaders in these amazing ways. She was lying everywhere.

after the debate about this. Correct. And still, we really haven't had her pressed on what the hell happened there. How did you, why did you not tell people about this in advance? Why did you continue to lie after everyone else already knew? So why didn't he ask that question? Cut eight, please. Here's Hillary Clinton.

And if the platforms, whether it's Facebook or Twitter X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don't moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control. And it's not just social and psychological effects. It's real harm.

It's real harm. So why didn't the... Why wasn't the question pressed over and over again the way it would be done for anybody else? No.

Cut nine. Here's Tim Walls. I think we need to push back on this. There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy. That's an incredible clip, largely because he then repeated it during the actual debate. That was 2022, that clip. He had multiple years. That clip went viral in between, and he still thought...

That there's, you know, the hate speech is banned by the First Amendment and that you can't say fire in a crowded theater. Things that anyone who studied this issue know immediately are wrong. And he knows nothing about them. Why didn't CBS ask the tough question? Why is no one really pushing Kamala on FEMA and the response to this hurricane, which is devastating? I don't know. Cut 10.

And I think the dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing. And it's part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. You can't, you know, there's no, the referees we used to have to determine what's a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of, you know, been eviscerated to a certain degree.

and people self-select where they go for their news or for their information. And then you just get into a vicious cycle. So it's really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years I've been involved in this. And there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities.

in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, et cetera. But look, if people go to only one source and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation,

Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, notice it out of existence. They are not talking about who the final arbiter is on mis and dis information. The arbiter that they are asking for is them, that they will alert social media and everyone else. This is not true. This is true. Just like they did with the Hunter Biden laptop.

This is not true. This is Russian disinformation. When they knew the truth, you're seeing what they want to do. They are telling you what they will do. Now we have to choose. Let me go to Dallas and...

Dallas is, I just looked up, I thought it was Dallas, Texas, but Dallas is his name. He is from Texas. Hi, Dallas. Hey, how are you, Glenn? Good. Long time listener, first time caller. Thank you.

I'm a retired Army aviation major, and I've got more than 1,200 hours in Blackhawks and a couple hundred hours in Chinooks. Oh, good. And after hearing your conversation, I went to look at the videos of the Blackhawk dusting off your supply area. Right.

Having done something very similar myself more than once, I don't think it was on purpose. It looked to me that as soon as they realized what they were doing, they were pulling away. And I've seen more stuff than I can tell you blown over, including one of my soldiers was blown over by an Apache. I mean, it actually sent him tumbling. Many years ago in Korea, a lieutenant and I were flying a hawk.

And we were tactically flying the riverbeds, and it just so happened it was also the vacation season in Korea. And the Koreans set up these canopies and easy-ups on the river and float in the water. And we were following the riverbed, not going real fast. And I thought I was high enough until I looked out and I saw canopies tumbling and flying every which direction. You were popular.

Yeah, it was real popular. Well, I'm glad to hear that. And I hope you don't think that we accused because we said we didn't know. We'd like to know who owned the helicopter, who, you know, it didn't have a tail number on it. And so who was it? And just to not take it out on the pilots or even the service, but just to ask the questions, what happened there? What happened there?

I can't tell whether that's a civilian-owned hawk or whether it's a government hawk. No, neither can we. There's a lot of agencies that have them. Once again, also at Fort Hood, I...

I got accused of flying over a neighborhood while I was at my house having a lunch. And I actually looked out and saw the Black Hawk. And I don't know if it was a customs or who it was, but after they found out that I was actually at my house and not flying, I got redeemed on that one. But no, if they had wanted to really cause some trouble,

damage, cause some damage. They would have, they would have come in a lot lower. And it looked to me like as soon as I realized, Oh crap, you know, we're going and it was, it was light stuff from, from looking at the picture at the video. So I really, in my heart of hearts, I don't think it was done on purpose. I am glad to hear that Dallas. Thank you so much. Let me go to Dan in Pennsylvania. Hello, Dan.

Hello, how are you doing this morning? I'm good. How are you? As I said, I'm a minister, and I'm a district superintendent of a church, and I wanted to thank you for...

The other evening, as you went off the show, you talked about getting God back in our families. I think it was back in our schools. And that's where we need to go back to, is we need to go back to God. And I appreciate that. You don't hear that much anymore over a talk show. Yeah.

You know, it's strange, Pastor. I don't hear it a lot from the pulpit sometimes. That is true. And what I don't understand sometimes is I want to be careful, but people call themselves Christians. And I remember when Democrats and Republicans wasn't far apart. We're beyond that today. We're beyond good and evil. Right.

And I would say anybody that calls herself Christians, conservative Christians, we need to get out and vote and get Trump back in. I've seen a difference in – I'm over 10 churches, and I've seen a difference in that period of time. And I just wanted to thank you for putting that out and being courageous enough to do that because most people would not do that.

Well, I think more and more people are, Dan. I really do. I thank you for your call. I was in Kansas City yesterday, and I was with a small group, and it was just kind of a Q&A thing. And God came up an awful lot, and it was a secular thing. And I think people, I think the people who are awake, and they're religious and awake,

are willing to talk about God because they know that's the only thing left and

There doesn't seem to be fear anymore. I mean, I'm not afraid. Somebody asked me, you know, you think Jesus is coming? They don't even get the sentence finished. Yeah, I do. I do. Could be wrong, but yep, I do. Now is the time to prepare and do all of the things that we're supposed to do because I think he's coming. I would have never said that 20 years ago on the air, you know, and you certainly wouldn't be. I wouldn't have said it on the air like,

a lot you know maybe once you know I mean maybe I think he's coming I think he's coming and I think the people we have we've had everything torn away from us and like our children the one opinion that Christians should not shy uh on stating is

I believe in Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and he's my savior. He saved my life. He saved my soul. And I am here to serve him. Should not be afraid to say that. You have to say that. It will give other people courage as well.

All right. Let me talk to you about our sponsor. And it's GenuCell. Stu. Yes. Time, Glenn. I hate to say it is running out for the end of summer sale at GenuCell. You should take advantage of it before it goes away because they got the GenuCell dark spot corrector going on right now. You can see the dark marks and sunspots disappear. Sometimes the sun can be a little difficult on the skin. Yeah. You know, people have noticed this.

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That's really funny. I went to my dermatologist and they said, when you get here, it's going to be a big surprise. Oh, really? Yeah. And it was cancer. Oh, well, that's so...

That is not the surprise at Jenny Scholl's website. I promise. It will not be cancer. Plus, you have to remember, Joe Biden cured cancer. You're right. That's what I said when they're like, your face is 90% cancer. And I'm like, I know. I've heard that from women my whole life. And they're like, no, we really mean. And I said, okay. But I'm not worried. I said, I'm not going to have any of it cut off because Joe Biden just cured it. Yeah, check it out. Mm-hmm. Oh.

Oh, oh, says no. Bad news says. Yeah. OK. Joe Biden right now is giving a press briefing, you know, in the Teddy Roosevelt room about preparations for Hurricane Milton. You know, Milton Berle, I used to watch him on TV. It was great. And so he's he's got that under control. Let me go to Linda in Florida. Hello, Linda.

Hey, Glenn, how are you? I'm great. Good. As we sit here and prepare for our visitor Milton to come. Yes. My question is, and it's understandable that the primary thought right now is to take care of the people who have been devastated by Helene and those who are going to be devastated by Milton. But I'm looking four weeks down the future. Mm-hmm.

And I'm concerned and maybe I'm hoping you have the answer that nobody is preparing to get these people to vote.

having a place for them to vote. Okay, so first of all, rest assured, somebody is preparing for that. The Democrats are. The Republicans, I can't tell you. I am putting a call in to Laura Trump today. Maybe she'll be on tomorrow because I want an answer to that. What are we doing to make sure that people are voting for

Because the ones, you know, down in Asheville, which we are helping and we love, are Democrats. The ones up in the mountains that are really been trapped up there, they're the Republicans. Let's make sure both sides have a place to go to vote. Glenn Beck. All right, let me tell you about Jace Medical. What do you do when your physical pharmacy doesn't exist?

Right. You just go down the road, you go to another one. I mean, that's what I would do. What happens if the pharmacies don't have the medication that you need? Well, again, you just drive down the street to the next one. What do you say? All of them are have some sort of temporary disruption that can happen in a heartbeat. As we are now finding out, the U.S. relies on China for more than 80 percent of its generic medication.

preparing right now is something that you need to do if there's a break in that critical supply chain, even the supply chain not from China but just from state to state supply.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Phones are open 888-727-BECK. Let me go to Daniel in Florida. Hello. How are you? Oh, I'm sorry. Great. How are you? Good, sir. I just wanted to thank you for everything you do, sir, and Stu and Blaze Media and the entire you guys are... Thank you. I can't say enough good about you guys. I really can't. Well, thank you. You probably have said too much about Stu. Uh-huh.

You're going a little for a little while. All right. Anyway, go ahead. Just a quick concern. And every time I watch the debates between, you know, the Republicans and Democrats, my thing is, is nobody has brought up the fact of that crazy Chinese balloon coming across our country. It's true. You know, because that's those guys. Yeah, I know. It's well, you know, actually, they did. They did bring this up kind of on the view.

The Chinese, oh, well, I guess in a way. Yeah, yeah. This is a question that I have been begging a journalist to ask Kamala Harris. And I thought, you know, I don't know, maybe it would be 60 Minutes, for example, right? No. Like I would be- No.

You know, Dana Bash on CNN. Somebody would just ask this question. Put her in this position. Make her answer it. I cannot believe I got it from the view. The freaking view. And this is why, by the way, Glenn.

cupcake interviews much, much, much better than her doing no interviews. Because when she does no interviews, you can't catch her on anything. When she does these cupcake interviews, you know, I of course would love an adversary. I'd love her to come on this program. We could ask her all the questions we want to ask. She's never going to do that. Adversarial interviews are fantastic. Even like a 60 Minutes, there was a couple of questions that were okay. But sometimes the cupcake interviews are the ones where you get the best stuff.

This should be an easy question. I can't believe she's not prepared for it. I don't think she's a Blaze TV subscriber at all because I've been talking about it for months. Listen. Well, if anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden? Oh, my gosh. During the past four years. Simple question.

There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of when I've been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact. I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message. You got exactly what I was hoping she would say in response to that question. She just took responsibility for all of it. Think of Afghani.

Afghan citizens hanging off the bottom of a plane. Think about the price of food and inflation. The price of food. The price of gas. Think of the border. Think of everything that's happening in your school with your kids. She would do not one thing differently. Wow. She just told you.

That is like the gift of gifts of gifts of gifts. And I actually assumed she'd have some answer for it. Or even even I, you know, I haven't thought of it. I'm sure there are things that I would have. Exactly. That would have been much better. That would have been much better. This is nope. I approve all of it. All of it.

I'd do it exactly the same. And I was in there making the decisions with him. I know. She added on to it. That is an incredible gift to the Trump campaign with four weeks left until this election. That's nuts.

It's nuts. I will be shocked if by the end of the day, you don't have that clip with Donald Trump saying, I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message after it. Running all over the place. Because this has been the problem, Glenn. We talked about this over the past couple of weeks. When you look in depth at the polling, the supporting questions, not just the top lines, one of the things that is a real problem for the Trump campaign right now is for whatever bizarre freaking reason...

The people who respond to these polls see Kamala Harris as the change. I don't, I don't get it. It makes no sense at all. It, it, it would make sense. Maybe in 2020, you could argue, okay, Donald Trump's been president for four years. These are the people challenging them. Okay. Maybe, maybe they're the change candidates of the two. Maybe that would make sense when she's been vice president and he's been president this entire time.

It makes no sense that Donald Trump would not be seen as the person who's going to change things. But for whatever reason, you know, and it might be age, it might be age related. Obviously, he was president at one point, but they see Kamala Harris as the change candidate. That is like the biggest hurdle they need to clear because Biden's presidency is seen by the overwhelming majority of voters as a failure. She just admitted it was her and she changed nothing. Nothing.

That is an incredible gift. Well, nobody on the right. Sorry, nobody on the left is going to share that. No one will share that. I want to share something else. This is how disinformation actually works. This is from Ali Bestucky. This doesn't seem to be mainstream yet, but a young Dallas woman was tortured and robbed, abused,

by four a group of four hispanic men on saturday she came home from dinner to find these men who spoke no english in her garage they dragged her inside pinned her down while they beat her they took her phone car keys jewelry slashed her paintings and all of her furniture she managed to get to her alarm and when it started going off they left miraculously she wasn't raped or murdered

Police are confident that this was yet another instance of a Venezuelan gang activity best known for violence and sex trafficking of young women. They now have a significant presence in the Dallas area. This is real. This is not fear mongering. It's not an exaggeration. The toxic empathy that has convinced Christians that loving your neighbor means a preference for illegal alien gang members at the expense of their fellow citizens is demonic.

Satan loves chaos. He loves violence. He loves lawlessness. Therefore, he loves borderlessness. I'd vote for Donald Trump just based on his promise for mass deportations alone. So listen to what the response is.

Michelle wrote, you're a liar. J. Joe or Hey Joe wrote, this is a fabricated story. The Dallas Police Department has no report of it happening. Another one, you're such a liar. Another one, even if this were real, how does it prove anything else but one case? Tracy wrote in and said, hi, I'm a former FBI agent here.

I live right near this neighborhood. Let's stop feeding the rumor mill. It's irresponsible. Yes, this happened. Yes, this poor woman was tied up and the individuals laid in wait for her. But there have been no police reports issued that these were members of a gang. What happened to the victim is unconscionable, but fear mongering, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. OK, that was the response last week when Ali Best Stucky said this just happened in my neighborhood.

Okay, she's, of course, a kook. Now, let me tell you, let me just read the report from the New York Post. Four reputed members of the vicious Venezuelan street gang are now behind bars after a tense eight-hour standoff with cops in Texas following a violent $75,000 jewelry heist.

They were...

but the leader of the crew barricaded himself in a home as Dallas cops and Irving police SWAT team deployed outside. Uh,

It shows who they were, blah, blah, blah. Police use surveillance video from the woman's garage and fingerprints from the scene to identify the subjects and to track them down. The migrants tied up the victim, threatened to cut off her fingers if she didn't lead them to the pricey gems during the robbery, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So wait, it was yet another piece of miss or disinformation?

I want you to, even if you get it at the library, I don't care. It's coming out in, what, two weeks, the 22nd, I think, so whenever that is. Tuesday after next, I think. I have a new book out. It's called Propaganda Wars. And when you read it, I think you're going to understand that I'm speaking to you on multiple levels. What this book does is shows you what the problem is, which you know,

But more importantly, the last four chapters, it's seven chapters, the last four chapters are all about what do you personally do? How do you tell the difference between fact and fiction? I'm lucky enough to have a staff to check things. I send things in all the time to the staff. Can you please verify this? Can you find out if this is true? And a good portion of what

I send in is false. Well, you don't have a staff, but I and my producers, my two executive producers, Stu and Ricky, have taught the staff exactly how to verify things. And it's teachable. And you have to be somebody who guards their credibility. I know I guard my credibility, but I am fooled by fake news as well.

It happens to all of us, but we try to quickly repair it and correct our wrongs when we make them. And we have to be more careful because your credibility is truly all you have. That's it. And your credibility can be lost in an instant with your friends or family. And perhaps it has been because...

Many of us have gone to our families and said, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and it turned out not to be true. Now, the left never recognizes that the things that they told you have a much lower batting average than

They've, they told us that, no, it was the science that these things were going to be healthy and it's good. And there's nothing wrong with them. And you should wear a mask because that's what science says. The W E F is not real. ESG isn't real. Uh,

You know, they're not letting people through on our borders. It's not in chaos. They're not flying people into our cities. No, FEMA is not forgetting the people in North Carolina. And well, we know all of those things now. All of them were lies. So how do you differentiate between the truth and fiction? This is...

Probably the only book I've read from anybody and the only book I think I've read whose goal it is is to teach you how to do my job. It's to teach you how to be legitimate journalist in your own life.

It's called Propaganda Wars. You can order it now wherever books are sold. It comes out in two weeks. Also, I recorded the audio for it this weekend, and it's tremendous. You're really going to like it. You can get it in audio, which, by the way, can be deleted. You might want to get it both in audio and in hardback form.

I believe in paper more than I do in digital, but it's called Propaganda Wars, and it is out in two weeks by this guy who is just unbelievable, and me. So you don't want to miss it. All right, let me tell you about our sponsor this half hour. Stu gets up every day, boils some chicken, cuts it up, puts some rice in it, some vegetables, and then serves it right to his dog because that's...

I love my dogs. I'm way too lazy for that. Don't do that. No. You know, I did that for about a month. And then I'm like, not going to do that anymore. Way too much work. Yeah, not going to do it. Way too much work. Love the dog. But like they'll. Love it.

They can handle it. They need their nutrients. Yes. They want to make sure they get good nutrients, but also, like, I want to take a scoop of food out of a bag and put it in a bowl. Exactly. That's what I want. Wow, we have so much in common. Yeah. That's exactly how I felt. That's why we took the Rough Greens Challenge. Yeah, the Rough Greens Challenge...

Because you're using that same dog food, but then you're giving all the nutrients with the rough greens on top. First of all, they love it. Second of all, they get all the nutrients they want. And you're not getting up every morning and cooking rice and chicken for your dog. Sorry, dog. No, that's people food.

Anyway, folks at Rough Green would love for your dogs to try Rough Greens. They'll send you a free trial bag. All you have to do is go to roughgreens, R-U-F-F,, slash Beck, or call 833-GLEN-33. You would just pay for shipping. Your dog is going to love it, and you'll see a huge difference in your dog. We have Rough Greens, R-U-F-F,, slash Beck, or 833-GLEN-33. The Glenn Beck Program.

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Basically a summary of all the mainstream media, data nerds, prediction markets, and everything else. As far as predicting the election, where does it stand right now? And I think about a week or two ago, you could kind of squint if you wanted to, if you're a Kamala Harris supporter and see Kamala Harris with the slightest of edges. But as of right now, we've really moved back into pure toss-up categories. About 46% chance for Donald Trump to win this election, 54% for Kamala Harris, and

That is as tight as you're going to get. It's basically a complete flip of the coin at this point. And you see some of these results that are coming out. A new New York Times poll has Kamala Harris up by three nationally. But in that same poll...

Donald Trump up by 13 points in Florida. It's hard to imagine a race that hits both of those notes. It'd just be a very strange race. It's possible, and anything is possible, as you might be able to tell as we go through this election. Even questions asked by the few that are of value. That one was a stunner. I kept...

I have, I mean, you've heard me blab about that particular question because you need to have this separation. Well, what do you believe that was different? What policies did you want to pursue that Joe Biden stopped you from pursuing? She's laid it out. It was nothing.

In another moment that was not really covered last night from 60 Minutes, she was asked basically, hey, you know, you keep saying Donald Trump is this racist, Charlottesville birtherism, he's divisive, he's racist, yet half of the country supports him. Why is that? And she basically said the ones that support him aren't reasonable. Most reasonable people are supporting me. I mean, that's essentially basket of deplorables all over again. The Glenn Beck Program.