cover of episode FEMA Is Broke Because Mayorkas Spent Everything on ILLEGAL ALIENS?! | Guests: Jack Carr & James Scott | 10/3/24

FEMA Is Broke Because Mayorkas Spent Everything on ILLEGAL ALIENS?! | Guests: Jack Carr & James Scott | 10/3/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Clint Bolick
Corey Mills
Dom Theodore
Glenn Beck
Jack Carr
James Scott
Winston Parrish
Glenn Beck认为美国正面临多种危机,美元贬值,政府对飓风灾民的救济金少得可怜,而对非法移民的援助却十分慷慨。他批评政府应对飓风灾害不力,社会秩序面临崩溃的风险。他还提到田纳西州紧急事务管理局(TEMA)阻止教会接收州外的救济物资,以及联邦政府可能利用FEMA执行绿色新政。 Stu与Glenn Beck讨论了灾后社会秩序崩溃的风险,以及政府对灾民的援助不足。 Winston Parrish牧师讲述了灾后社区的团结互助精神,以及当地政府和国会议员在救援中发挥的作用,同时也指出了联邦政府救援的缺失。 Clint Bolick法官澄清了此前关于亚利桑那州为近10万非法移民登记投票的报道,指出该报道是不准确的。 Jack Carr和James Scott讨论了1983年贝鲁特海军陆战队营房爆炸事件对美国对外政策的影响,以及美国政府未能从历史中吸取教训。 Corey Mills议员讲述了他在飓风救援中的亲身经历,以及他与其他组织合作救助灾民的情况。 Dom Theodore讲述了密歇根州Goshen工厂的中国共产党高管与当地官员合谋,试图挖掘反对者个人信息的情况。

Deep Dive

Glenn criticizes the government's inadequate response to Hurricane Helene, highlighting the disparity between aid provided to hurricane victims and illegal immigrants. He emphasizes the efforts of private citizens and organizations like Mercury One in delivering essential supplies and rescuing stranded individuals. Glenn also shares unsettling reports from the ground about the handling of the disaster.
  • $750 offered to hurricane victims compared to billions for illegal immigrants.
  • Private organizations and citizens are leading rescue and relief efforts.
  • Reports of FEMA and TEMA confiscating supplies from churches and individuals.
  • Concerns about the breakdown of society and potential violence in affected areas.
  • Call for donations to Mercury One to support relief efforts.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello America, welcome to the Glenn Beck program. There is a lot happening in the wake of Hurricane Helene. This is the second most offensive and embarrassing moment in American history since I've been alive. The first one was Afghanistan. This is approaching Afghanistan.

Kamala Harris said yesterday $750. Whoa, slow down, sister. She's going to give $750 to anybody who was affected by the hurricane. Holy cow. Well, gee, I mean, you're giving over a billion to the illegals. Thanks for the $750, mom. Oh, my gosh.

We have reports coming from the ground. I'm going to Asheville today. I'll be in North Carolina today. I'm leaving just before the program ends today so I can be there. We're delivering so much. Well, we'll get into it here in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about Rough Greens. If you feed your dog kibble food, you probably know by now it's like the guy in The Princess Bride. Mostly dead.

There's not much difference between mostly dead and all dead. But you can do something about it. You don't have to even go to Miracle Max. All you have to do is just go to Your dog's diet needs things that are not mostly dead or all dead. Which...

You get rough greens and you add it to your dog's food. Whatever you're feeding your dog, it's something that was developed by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black and it's a supplement. And it contains all the good stuff for your dog, like probiotics, antioxidants, you know,

MLT mutton lettuce and tomato sandwich, especially when the mutton is real lean. All you have to do is go to rough greens. R U F F slash back rough You get your first bag free. You just pay for shipping rough slash back. Eight, three, three Glenn 33 is the number. Okay. So today I'm going out with a Mercury one and Corey Mills. We have loaded up a large plane here in Dallas and,

Uh, and, um, we're taking off in a couple of hours and I'll be on the ground, uh, three hours later in Asheville. Uh, I think we're flying into Greer, which is the closest we can land a, you know, a fixed wing plane. And then we're taking, um, helicopters back and forth to deliver the, the supplies and, and hopefully, uh,

Corey Mills has been out there every day. He's running for office. He's in the middle of a campaign. His campaign is like, Corey, you can't leave the state. I mean, we're in the middle of a campaign. And he's like, how do I face the Lord on Judgment Day? I could have helped those people, but I had a campaign to run.

This guy is an amazing guy. He is a he's he's the closest thing to an American or Captain America. I think that we have. But thank you, Corey, for everything that you are doing. He is he's rescuing people from the helicopters. I mean, it's it's it's amazing. Yesterday, my security staff called and said, Glenn, we have to take a couple more protectors.

And they're actually starting to look for people who are former special forces that can help protect some of the food and some of the supplies. The National Guard's not on the ground. Now, Stu, what happens when...

People know that no one's coming to help. What happens? And how long does it take? Society breaks down, right? Yep. And it usually starts 48 hours and gets worse and worse after that. Yes. 72 hours. If you want to be someplace safe and you don't have electricity, you don't have cops, you don't have anything. You better be out of that place by 72 hours or it's the Wild West.

That's how this has been described to me as the Wild West. There are, well, and let me just give you a couple of, let me give you a couple of things that I have received from the ground. And I want to make this really clear. I have talked to some of these people and I know that the people that I know have, you

Talk to people on the ground, been on the ground, and I cannot give you the names because at this point I'm told they don't want to be identified. And I completely understand that. But I want to give you a couple of things that we are hearing about. There are two reports that I have first, one from Eastern Tennessee and the other one from Asheville, North Carolina. The first one is from Tennessee, FEMA, FEMA, FEMA,

Pardon me? Yeah, I know. FEMA is being... People are starting to say that FEMA is taking away food. It's not FEMA. I even made this mistake this morning. It's not FEMA. The accusation is actually TEMA, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, which I think makes this worse. They are telling churches, and we have four...

And some of them churches, some of them not churches for sources that do not want to be identified for fear of reprisal from the government that they are told they cannot take contributions from the outside of the state. Okay.

TEMA is the one, not FEMA, TEMA is the one taking the food away from people. And they're saying, we know where this needs to go. You can't take the food from outside. You've got to take it from us. And it's horrible. And it's policy, apparently. So they are taking the resources away.

TEMA is under the state and pressure needs to be put on the Tennessee elected officials to get these guys under control. We put a call into the governor's office to let him know what's occurring under him. State officials need to hear from the people to get the state bureaucrats out of the way. Now, I have this. I have spoken to people who have spoken to the people.

But we have Blaze bringing some reporters with us today. Blaze is already on the ground, been there for a while, but we're bringing more resources in. We're going to track these things down and absolutely verify. I would normally wait before I would say something like this on the air, but people are dying right

Because they do not have the resources. There are people still in the hills that are completely cut off. And without the National Guard, it's private helicopters. It's people like you. It is because of you that we have two helicopters, giant rescue helicopters, operating in daylight hours as much as they possibly can.

And that's because of you. We need more helicopters and we will supply those as more donations come in. If you would like to be a part of the solution and not the problem, this is such a bad thing and a good thing at the same time. Our government is betraying us.

Um, but on the good side, um, we're seeing people rise up and do amazing, amazing things. Now, one lady was serving food to children at the local school. She said, Tima came in and just took all the food. Several folks that were interviewed made statements of disappointment in Tima, but they want to remain anonymous. Now on the North Carolina side, um,

There's some really good things that are going on. There's this one pastor. In fact, we're going to bring them on here. 150 homes are just gone. They're missing.

They need money for all of the special requests. They're providing prescriptions. I know I don't have an update yet on Jace Medical, but I think Jace Medical is going to be supplying medicine that we're flying in as well. I mean, if you don't have insulin, you have no way to refrigerate insulin. What are you doing?

What are you doing? I mean, people are dying because of this. They also need special equipment, et cetera, et cetera. Let me bring on the pastor in one minute. Let me bring him on because he can tell you exactly what's going on in Asheville. It's kind of the center for all of the good stuff that is happening that he's running.

Let me tell you about the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Things are heating up. You know, next Friday, I think, is going to be an important day some way or another. I don't know why, but it's an important day. And we need to pray. We need to pray for Israel. We need to pray for peace. And we honestly...

We need to repent. I mean, I know this is a commercial broadcast and nobody is signing up to, you know, be brought to Jesus and, you know, whatever. You do what you do, boo. But let me tell you, we have to ask forgiveness now.

and turn our eyes back to him. We are about to be destroyed. Please do this and do things that will find favor for our cause in the eyes of God. And helping one another is one of those things. Another thing is standing with the people of Israel. They are in real trouble right now. If you can support Israel by any donation,

Please make your gift right now to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. They're on the ground in Israel, and things are about to get very bad. 888-488-IFCJ. 888-488-IFCJ. Or you can go online,, and give. 10 seconds, station ID. My gosh, we have...

We have so much going on. I have to get to Chris Martinson here in just a second. What he has published is shocking and horrifying. But I want to bring on Winston Parrish. He is the senior pastor at Trinity Baptist Church.

Pastor, I can't thank you enough for holding your community together. I know you are tired. I've talked to people who have talked to you, and they say, you know, five minutes on the phone with the pastor, you get about 10 seconds because everybody's asking for something, and you really kind of have a command center there. So thank you for that.

May God bless you for that. Yes, sir, Glenn. Thank you for having me on, and I appreciate your prayers more than all. God's giving us strength. He's giving us wisdom and discernment that's above ourself or above our ability, and we're just honored to be serving. So tell me the situation. First, let's start with some good news. Tell me what you're seeing from the people.

Glenn, I'm seeing the people come together in a way maybe that I've never seen in this area before. There's just a camaraderie and a sense of community that really has never been this visible. It's quite incredible to see how people are caring for one another, loving one another, and that's the good side. There's been some violence. There's been some looting, but I would say the good outweighs the bad always.

on that end and we're thankful for the 500 extra law enforcement officers that have poured into our community to keep us safe. So on that end, there is some good news. We are hearing from people that were presumed dead or missing that were finding out they're at a shelter or that they made it out before the flood water hit their home. And so there are some bright spots. I think the greatest news is that God is still in control.

There is chaos. There's pandemonium. There's heartbreak. But God has, God hasn't abdicated the throne. He's in control this morning. And that's where our peace is. Have you seen the federal government anywhere yet? I,

I personally have not seen anyone from FEMA. I did have our Congressman Chuck Edwards. I was thankful to see him here yesterday in Asheville. And he was here on campus with us, with our team for over an hour, maybe even more, and was listening directly to those needs. And I was thankful for his office. I've already heard a couple of

times from his office this morning and they're helping us with specific needs. And I'm thankful for that. Other than him and our local government that's done an incredible job with what they have, that's the only government official I've heard from at this point. Winston, I have to tell you, I am just so disappointed

Yes, sir.

Glenn, we are blessed right now with there are churches all over the southeast that have come together to help Trinity Baptist Church here in Asheville get the supplies out to the fire departments, the communities that need it. At this point, the requests that are coming back, our church campus has turned into an operations center. The National Guard is here.

We have task force from all over the country that are housed here. My sanctuary now is a massive dorm for over 100 rescuers, National Guard. And we're taking care of them here, trying to keep them self-sufficient.

Our water system here in Asheville is in ruins, and the water department's doing their very best to get water back on. So over the last two days, we have been drilling wells here on our church property. We're waiting on the test to come back so that we can start drinking that water. So we're working on getting as much resource here as we can. The big thing right now that I've heard, I've heard from nine different churches

fire departments this morning. They need things like freezers. They need things like refrigerators. They need new boots. These guys have had wet feet and these gals have had wet feet for a week now. And so some of their boots are ruined. Some of their boots are gone. It's full of river mud and muck.

And so I have an order for dozens and dozens of station duty boots. I have a tractor trailer load of ice that's coming today. There are very specific needs throughout Western North Carolina that we're trying to meet today. And we're here to support emergency services. We're here to support...

support local fire departments. There is no red tape here. There's no bureaucracy here. This is just a local church trying to do its best to level its community. And the need is great. I have about nine pages worth of printed requests from these departments. So I'm doing everything that I can and we'll keep doing what we can as long as the resources available. - Winston, I have millions of people listening.

Is there anything on your list that you need help with that we can take care of for you?

If we can find freezers, boots, if we can find a supplier maybe that would like to help us with good waterproof station duty boots, that is a need in multiple, multiple places. And then a lot of the other requests that are coming in, we're taking care of ourselves here at the church, and we're trying to do our very best. Okay.

There's other needs, obviously, that some of them are firemen's homes and things that are weeks down the road. I just talked to a fire chief a few minutes ago. There's still a community here in Buncombe County where folks are unreachable.

because of how much mud and how much debris is blocking the roads. The roads really don't exist anymore. So one operation today is getting some of these people who are cut off, getting them food, getting them water. There's a church there that's handling all of that. We're supplying them with any need that they have.

And then, obviously, we're just going to buy as many refrigerators, freezers, and boots, some of these other items like beds and cots and mattresses. We're doing all that we can with what we have. Thank you. Thank you. You're truly blessing the community and giving us a chance to be blessed as well by helping you.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you for your stand for Israel as well. I know that's a separate issue than what we're talking about today, but I do still greatly believe that if we'll bless Israel, God will bless us. And I appreciate your stand with the nation of Israel, sir. Thank you. Winston, I hope to see you today. God bless you. We'll see you soon. God bless you. Yeah.

All right, here's what I would like to do. I am leaving my plane in Dallas. Takes off in about two and a half hours, I think, two hours. I don't even know what station-ready boots are. But if somebody does and they can get them to the Mercury Studios or, you know, if you can get them to us, let us know. I'm landing in Greer.

North Carolina with a fixed plane. If you can get them there, I can put them on the helicopters and get them to these fire stations today. If somebody wants to, I mean, Mercury One will buy all of this stuff. So if you don't have connections for freezers or whatever, just call Mercury One and make a donation at It's on the front page,

And we'll buy the freezers if we have to. If you have a connection and you're like, I can get freezers really cheap and they're all really good and everything, please notify Mercury One. But we are, our job is to help people like Winston Parrish.

He's on the ground. He's getting it done. Let's help him help his community. More in a minute. Glenn Beck.

All right. Let me tell you about LifeLock. You know, I don't know if you know this, but due to recent data breaches, about 75% of all Americans have their social security numbers exposed now. That's a lot of personal information out there for the grabs. And what would you do if your social security number was on the dark web? What do you do? I don't even know. I don't even know how to get to the dark web. I don't know anything about the dark web, you know?

Here's how you protect yourself from comprehensive identity theft. You get comprehensive identity theft protection. LifeLock, they offer advanced empowering monitoring of your identity and personal information. It alerts you to cyber criminals who are trying to use or grab your personal information. They track hundreds of millions of data points every second to detect and alert you to a wide range of threats.

They have professional U.S.-based restoration specialists. So if you do become a victim, they'll help you manage and fix the situation, guaranteed. And they have plans up to $3 million in coverage. Start protecting your identity today with a free 30-day trial. 30-day trial. Use the promo code, Beck. And head over to slash Glenn. And the code is FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT. You'll save 30, 40 bucks, actually, off BlazeTV.

Welcome to the program. Now, Chris Martinson, he's a PhD. He's been on the program before. He is, hopefully, he's going to be on today. Have you heard yet? Hopefully, he's going to be on. I just saw his post about an hour ago, so we're trying to get a hold of him. But he's from Peak Prosperity. And, right, Stu? I mean, I always thought he was a rational, normal guy, right? Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, as far as I mean, hopefully you're not booking people that aren't rational on the show. No, no, no. I know. But I've always I mean, because this is just a very strange post coming from him because he's a normal guy. OK, this evening from a peak prosperity member to me via PM at my site, them saying.

Chris, I can't post this online because it's not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of Chimney Rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all, and the land was being seized by the federal government. They would not be able to move back, and basically their homes, the ones that were standing, were no longer theirs, and the federal government was owning it all.

I don't know what kind of crazy play for land this is. There's a lot of conspiracy theories about lithium mines. And just let me tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of western North Carolina, they are not being helped. And this is actually a stand down operation by the federal government. Me. What the heck? That's quite disturbing.

Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info? writes Chris. Them. Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday, and someone from the federal government told all of them those things in a town meeting.

but doesn't want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane, and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order door-delivering water, and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they were going into found they needed body bags.

We're trying to keep the body count, but they're not picking up the bodies. They don't want to identify the bodies and they're just leaving them in the streets. Chris writes, I can't even, I'm stunned. This is beyond anything I could have ever imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It's what humans do. They're violating every possible custom on purpose, but

Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you're comfortable with me posting on our forums, blah, blah, blah. Them. You can post it. You can post this message because it needs to get out. Something evil is going on in North Carolina mountains. I just didn't want to be identified just today. We filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville, North Carolina that had no food and tons of moms and babies, uh,

All these stores around are empty or locked. Chandler, North Carolina, 2,000 people haven't eaten anything or had any water in about six days. We just got an SOS message out for help.

I'm trying to tag the Cajun Navy and Operation Airdrop, but people are dying every day. Multiple truckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. I've heard this too. I mean, we're going in hot, as they would say in the military. Yeah.

Today, they were helping. They said bodies on the way were even in the trees, in ditches, in major roads back on the travel. Something weird is going on. Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad this is. Stu, could you write that down? Find somebody with a large national megaphone.

I don't think we're going to be able to find any. Okay, well, let's just see. If you have one, let us know. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Airdrop North Carolina Central Command. They need pilots with planes, and now we're asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed. But more than anything, the nation needs to put pressure on Washington, D.C., to deploy the full National Guard ASAP.

The 82nd was begging to go in since Saturday, but have been told to stand down. Every Apache we have should be flying rescue missions right now. Please get this message out. I hope to have him on because I just want him to verify that this source is like legitimate because I don't know what's true and what's not anymore because you can't trust the government. You can't trust the media anymore.

You can't trust social media. That's why I'm going today. I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to talk to the people, and that's why we're bringing Blaze journalists as well. We already have two Blaze journalists on the ground. But, man, from the reports that I heard yesterday as we were preparing to go and what we needed to prepare for, I tend to believe some of these things are happening. It's not good. Now,

When they say the town is being bulldozed, I don't know if this is true. I hope to get to Chimney Rock today. I want to ask. I want to see if this is the way they're saying it is. But this is not out of the blue. I want to give you a monologue that I did on television. I don't even know when. Three years ago? It was right after Joe Biden got into office.

Let me share something that we told you about at that time. I'm just going to quote from the monologue. Here we go. In the first few days of the Biden presidency, a flurry of executive orders were issued. This one is worth looking at. Number 14-0-0-8. Tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad.

Take a look at Section 104, where Biden reinstated an Obama-era initiative called the Presidential Memorandum of September 21, 2016, Climate Change and National Security. You can see just how far Trump set them back. They've been planning this one for more than six years, and the next line in the order gives a hint on what Pillar 1 is all about. Quote, "...taking a government-wide approach to the climate crisis."

Much of this and what all of it means is still coming out, but we're starting to see how the government is planning to make an end run around the Constitution and bureaucracy is how they're going to do it.

We found this academic paper written by a climate activist professor several years ago. It proposes that FEMA could be weaponized to, instead of being reactionary to natural disasters, proactively it could operate as some sort of Green New Deal enforcer.

If, quoting the paper, if the moment is seized, the current crisis and any renewed attention it may bring to the emergency management can be an opportunity to recast it as more vital and strategic component in the future political landscape. The paper laments FEMA's previous restrictions when it comes to liberty and their reluctance to, quote, impose limitations on private property.

So what they're saying in this is, well, let me quote directly from the FEMA government website, integrating sustainability into recovery. It was updated July 22nd, 2020. I'm quoting from the monologue from about three years ago. This is being set in motion during the final months of the Trump administration. And they say there's no such thing as the deep state.

This is one of their guides that actually is linked back to the Department of Energy going green from the ground up. The first section says it all out of crisis opportunity. Keep in mind, this isn't from a congressional committee. This is from an unelected bureaucracy, FEMA and the Department of Energy.

They will rebuild society in whatever image they want. As you scroll through the FEMA website, it looks familiar for people who have been following this stuff.

It looks like a near carbon copy of the United Nations agenda 2030, the agenda for sustainable development. And the 17 sustainable goals are another common carbon copy of what the Davos crew are saying about the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. It is all the same. And our own government is quietly pushing ahead without your vote, your knowledge or your consent.

What they're saying is, if you actually like or need your high-carbon footprint job, if you work in the oil and gas industry, car industry, coal industry, 95% of blue-collar work or literally anything they don't like, too bad. The new U.S. government bureaucratic Great Reset believes that liberty is a liability. Private property is, quote, a limitation.

So what could be happening in Chimney Rock is FEMA, and I told you this the other day when I quoted the three goals now of FEMA. I said they're not an emergency management, you know, get in there first and make sure everybody's okay. That's not what they do anymore. On their own website are the first three goals.

Equity is goal number one. Equity. Goal number one. And they have as subtitles in that a diverse workforce. Their number one listed goal is a diverse workforce. Number one goal of our emergency management is now equity. Hey,

hey, you want to keep voting for more of this, right? I mean, go, go Kamala. And like, you almost want to say, is this like some subset of FEMA? Is this like, you know, is it some, oh, hey, this is our plan for diversity or something like, no, it is just legitimately their strategic plan, goal one equity, right?

1.1 is diverse workforce. Then you have a people first approach and then equitable outcomes. Again, outcomes. Yeah. So reason number one would be these are, you know, this Appalachia is full of a lot of white people and the people who are affected are a lot of white hicks. They've had their time.

Okay, that could be the thinking logically and without them thinking that's a bad thing because they really truly believe this. Okay, so they're not going in to help because it's not for equity. We got to get those people out because of goal number two. Goal two is climate resilience. Now what this means is they need to, out of crisis,

Find the opportunity and make places reshape them so they're resilient to climate change. And that can mean you don't live there anymore. Well, that's apparently what Chris Martinson is saying on his X feed. That apparently is what they told the town council of Chimney Rock. This is all government land. You're not going to rebuild here.

That fits goal number two of FEMA. Let me just leave you with one other thing. Could we please play the audio of Kamala Harris yesterday on what the government, what she thinks the government needs to do right away? Go ahead. I wanted to ask you, there's a political ad on TV from a 2019 climate...

And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula and the like. And you can apply now for anyone who's watching this who has been affected. $750. We just sent how many billions? How many billions have gone overseas?

How many billions? How many hundreds of millions have we sent over to Ukraine? We are paying for some of their small businesses to stay open. Did you know that? We are paying for their social security in Ukraine and you get $750? This is your freaking money. You want more of this? Vote Kamala. You want to take care of things? Vote Trump.

You just want to make sure people are happy. Stop waiting for the government to do it. Help us help them. Mercury All right. Let me tell you about my Patriot supply. I think you're learning today. The government is not coming to rescue you. You know, yesterday Kamala said, Oh, by the way, those, those port workers, those dock workers, rah, rah, keep that strike going. And,

In four weeks, that is a national crisis. We get a lot of our medicine. We get our fruit. We get so much. We get lumber. We get building supplies through those ports. And everything we sell to the rest of the world goes through those ports. So it's hurting us on both sides.

Please prepare my Patriot supply right now. By the way, just this week, they're trying to help the people with Hurricane Helene. So my Patriot supply has been kind enough to donate 10% of all of the proceeds to Mercury One this week.

So get your four-week emergency food kit. Do it right now. $50 off, and 10% of it goes to Hurricane Helene. So thank you again. Prepare your family.

Are opinions weighing you down? Call in and let it out. 888-727-BECK. This is the Glenn Beck Program. If you have your own home, you want to make sure that you keep that home under your own ownership. Owning a home and having ownership of it, they go kind of hand in hand. This is a shocking development for some.

But I will say, like, when you look at this long term, you're looking at making sure not only is your house protected with things like locking the door and an alarm system and insurance. You need all those things, but you also need to protect yourself against home title theft. It's one of the fastest growing crimes in America and has been for a while now.

Unfortunately, it's one of the least known crimes though and if you don't want this happening to you and your family, you need to take action. That's why home title lock is so important. Think about it this way, if no one's watching out for your title, it's really just a matter of time until one of these thieves targets you and they act like you've sold your home to them and they can take out loans against the equity and it gets to be a real disaster. Don't fall prey to these thieves.

go to make sure your title is safe the promo code is blaze they're going to send you a complete scan of your home's title and your first 30 days of triple lock home title protection for free the promo code is blaze you know we've been talking about all this stuff um you know with uh the hurricane and everything else where you're you're having all these

disasters it's there's so many things to protect yourself from i'd like to just take one off the table when i can home title the promo code is blaze home title welcome to the glenbeck program uh we have mitch in north carolina just are you just outside of chimney rock

I live five miles from Chimney Rock, Glenn, and I was traveling up Route 9, which is the route going there, and I was behind three Earthmovers and a police escort. So they are heading that way. Okay, so, but that could be just to clear the roadways, could it not? It could be. We don't know. I'm just adding another piece to the, you know, another log of the fire. Okay. Okay.

We just hope we're not stoking the wrong fire. I hope to be there today. Have you heard talk of this in your area? And are there bodies literally all over? I have not been to Chimney Rock. I have not seen them, but I've heard of bodies. Yes. This is crazy what's going on. Mitch, God bless you. Are you and your family safe?

We are, Glenn. I'm home alone. They left town taking care of things. We appreciate your help. We have tapped into it. And I hope that your end takes my contact info in case you need me when you get here. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. We'll take him, put him on hold and take his information. Mitch from North Carolina.

Okay, I'll be on the ground in North Carolina here in a few hours. Report back tomorrow. I'll be back in the studio tomorrow. It's going to be a long day and night. The Glenn Beck Program. Let me tell you about Jace Medical. Jace Medical, I got to tell you, these guys are so fantastic. They're helping in so many ways. You know, the dock workers from New England to Texas just went on strike.

The result could be it's costing our economy $3.8 billion and increase the cost of consumer goods. Drugs. I mean, when they shut down these ports, so many things you need are going to be sitting on those docks or sitting offshore or not even being shipped to us. We rely on this chain for our medication. 80% of our medication comes from China itself.

Prepare now in case something happens and disrupts the critical supply chain. It's coming. The Jace case. Personalized emergency medicine kit contains essential antibiotics and medications that treat the most common and deadly bacterial infections. I want you to go to, enter the promo code Beck at checkout for a discount on your order. It's promo code Beck at J-A-S-E dot com. More in a minute.

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Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program.

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. As Tim Walls was on the campaign trail yesterday, he spent a lot of time trying to clean up his remarks on China and the China trips and Tiananmen Square. OK, good. He can concentrate on all of that. But Kamala Harris was out, you know, lifting the, you know, the hard, heavy rocks. Here she is on Hurricane Helene.

And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now for anyone who's watching this who has been affected.

That is fantastic. So you can apply if you've been affected for $750. Now, I just want to remind you, those poor migrants that are crumbing across the border, they get $2,500. But you in Appalachia, you're cute. You get $750. I swear to you.

I'm coming to the belief that the federal government may not be our best friend or have our best interest at heart. But who am I to say I don't want to judge them? Someone else will do that after life.

Meantime, we just want to help. So Mercury One is on the ground. I will be on the ground in North Carolina today. We're going to be trying to track down some stories that I don't know if it's true or not. Some of the things that are coming out are just crazy, crazy stories.

But I don't know if they're true. So we're bringing some of our Blaze reporters. We already have Blaze reporters on the ground. But we want to track some of those things down. But most importantly, we've loaded a gigantic aircraft full of food, water, supplies, medicine, everything we can. And Congressman Corey Mills, who is, I think, a superhero, is on the ground. He's meeting me around, I don't know,

sometime, you know, noon or something. Uh, and we will be flying into Asheville and then we're going to stop at some other places. Uh, he's been rescuing people from these helicopters that you have, you have helped supply the food and everything else. Um, he's been getting in these helicopters. Uh, somebody is just doing it for cost. Um, and, uh,

And he, yesterday, he was airlifting people out that were dying, literally dying, delivering food to people who literally are starving in America.

We'll have more on this and so much more in 60 seconds. First, let me tell you about real estate agents I trust. When it comes to buying and selling houses, no two experiences are quite the same. There will be similarities, but there will also be a lot of differences as well. And if you think about that, that in and of itself can be a little scary because, you know,

It seems like every time is like the first time when it really goes badly. There's a lot to know. And if you want the experience to be as good as it can be, I recommend you seek the help of somebody who knows what they're doing, has the best business practices, knows how to attract people to their website so people will see your house so they can sell your house fast and for the most amount of money.

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And so you're going to have a lot in common with them as well. But they're the top sellers in the field. They have the best practices and it's their full time gig. Real estate agents. I trust dot com. The name says it all. Real estate agents. I trust dot com. OK, let me. Can you see if we can get Dom Theodore on the phone here in a couple of minutes? Because, you know, that Goshen plant up in Michigan. Have you heard the latest on this one, Stu?

So the CCP was trying to build a plant that,

Up in Michigan. And when the town found out about it, the citizens, they were like, whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't want the communists in here. And part of their contract with the state and the township was that, you know, they've got like a little, you know, communist China recruiting station in the in the plant. They're like, no, we don't want that here.

So it's been going on for years. People have been protesting it, yada, yada, yada. Well, they found a couple of things that I think are interesting. So the CCP battery plant is suing the township to force the township to let them build this discovery. So you've got Chinese communists using our system to sue a township that doesn't want them.

But discovery goes both ways in lawsuits. So the people demanded all the communications between the former elected officials who were all recalled and the CCP Goshen.

Well, some of the stuff that turned up in there seems to be kind of interesting. The VP of CCP's Goshen conspired with the elected officials in the township to intimidate the leading opponent, the farm owner who lives right across the street, by digging up her divorce papers to see if they could find something. This is...

This is so evil what is going on. Our townships, our cities, our villages, everything is being sold out from underneath us.

And the media is not reporting any of this stuff. So, you know, half the country is like, oh, that's a conspiracy theory, if they even hear about it. But there is going to be so much when this thing comes down, there's going to be so much when people are going to say, when did this happen? I know you were listening to the mainstream media. You have no idea what was going on. But they've gone back and forth with these emails saying,

to where, I mean, it's evil. The CCP is writing going, hey, you got any dirt? Yeah, I just got the divorce proceedings. I think we got her. I think we can. Are you kidding me? Nope. Those are your public officials at work for you. Now,

A processor, as I just heard this from Dom yesterday, a process server from the firm representing the CCP showed up at Dom's house yesterday. Now, Dom is a guy who's been reporting on this. He works for me. He lives in this township. And he said yesterday, he wrote and he said, we don't I haven't seen the paperwork yet.

Then he wrote later, I won't know for sure until tomorrow morning, which is now. But the same law firm representing Goshen is also representing a defendant in a different case involving a subdivision, you know, where we live, blah, blah, blah. Maybe they just want to talk to my wife about, you know, the period of when we lived in that area. Prayers are welcome. Hopefully this is a nothing burger.

It's sad, though, because we know we haven't done anything wrong. We also know that lawfare is a thing. And when you're fighting the Communist Party in America, we almost expect this. Thankfully, we live under the righteous protection of a heavenly father. We need it living in a mostly blue state. Yeah, you know, Tom, you should move out of that blue state. I'm just saying, you know, am I talking out loud? Is this hello?

Whoops. Okay, so we also have those migrants. Remember, the migrants got $2,500. They got a free cell phone. What else they get? Oh, they got food and water and housing and stuff, so that's good. And I don't mean to just limit it to water. I'm sure they had Pepsi or whatever beverage they would like. They got all of that, but...

Uncle Sam, man, it's nice to have a rich uncle, huh? Because he opened his wallet and he dug deep. He's going 750 big ones. Boom. Can be yours. All you have to have is just no house, no job, no roads, no schools for your kids. Boom. We're there with 750. Of course, you don't have any cell service either, but we're all out of phones.

The cupboard is bare. If I hear FEMA say one more time that they are out of money for this hurricane season, Stu, can you look up how many big hurricanes that have caused massive disasters have happened this year? We're at the end of hurricane season and they say they're out of money. First of all, you're the United States government. You're never out of money. You just print more.

You're doing that over the planet. You are taking our money and you're shipping it overseas to God only knows who to do God only knows what. And when we, the people who are paying for all of this, when we need help, $750, $750. Whoa, slow down, Uncle Sam. I mean, I think that's a little too much. Don't you?

Now, wouldn't they argue, look, this is just for the very initial thing. Like, this is the initial expenditures, right? Like, you need a hotel room to stay in. You need a rental car or something like that. Yeah. You know, Palestine, Ohio. It was just the initial thing. We're just going to give you 20 bucks. But we're going to be there. We're coming out to visit you soon. Uh-huh.

We should also point out that it's just the initial thing they needed were the $100 billion in Ukraine. Yeah. That was just the initial stuff they needed, too. No, no. Because we're doing that for as long as it takes, no matter what it costs. Yeah. But here, well, cupboards are bare. Right. I mean, it does not seem like 2024 is one of the highest cost hurricane seasons. No, uh-uh.

About $40 billion of damages is what I'm seeing listed. I think there's been three major hurricanes. You have three states.

That have held had whole sections wiped out. Yeah, this is amazing. You have people trapped in the mountains without any food, water, electricity, phone service. God only knows how many people are dying still today. Thank God they just got the National Guard in. But how many? How many National Guard? You know what? You know what the response was at first? We've sent the National Guard overseas.

Okay, I don't know if you know this, but there are other states that also have National Guard. You know what? And if I'm a state, I want to send my National Guard, but I'd be afraid to send my National Guard because I can't have my National Guard someplace else when I don't trust that I'm not going to have a crisis. This, I'm telling you, pray. In fact, may I ask, may I ask, next Friday, next Friday, week from tomorrow,

If you would talk to everybody you know and anybody who is religious at all, will you just ask them next Friday, October 11th, is it 11th? Yeah, October 11th, that we would all just fast and pray for our nation. I think if the people of America will turn back to God and

Please, will you join me on a national fast and prayer day and a call to beseech his help? But when you're fasting and praying, I think maybe the first 23 hours of that should be maybe, hey, we're really, really sorry. We're here to, what's the word, repent.

Please, we're sorry. And then maybe the last 20 minutes we can say, and can you help us? Because I'm pretty sure he's pretty sick of just being called every time we need help. You know, you have kids and the phone rings every time they need help and then the phone doesn't ring when they don't need help. You're kind of like when they call, you're like, oh, you again, you need help, huh? Yeah, I got it. Hey, thanks for checking in on Father's Day or whatever. You know, his Father's Day is once a week in his world.

Thanks for checking in on Father's Day. I appreciate that. Join me and please spread the word. The Constitution is truly hanging by a thread. We need to repent, fast, and pray and ask for the blessings of good people to stand up and vote to save the nation. And we certainly need...

His grace to be with us so we don't get angry because I am really pretty angry. But thank God. Thank God for Mercury One. Honestly, thank God for Mercury One. Last time I felt like this, it was Afghanistan. Now, now, now what our government is doing, what they did to people over in Afghanistan was bad enough. Now what they're doing to the people here in America is,

who they're supposed to work for and serve, is so offensive. So offensive. But please, you can donate to anybody who is helping. But our efforts are being run through Mercury One. We have been on the ground. We were one of the first people there. And we will be guaranteed the last people there. I mean, we're just...

By January, our goal is to be out of Hawaii. We're still in Hawaii helping them on their recovery. So we're always the first in and the last out. And this one's going to be a long one.

So please, anything you can do, please go and donate at right now. I'll be there in a couple of hours in Asheville. I'm going to try to survey some things, talk to people. I'll come back tomorrow and report on what's really going on as we deliver this

Another plane load of supplies today to North Carolina. And by the way, Tennessee and Georgia, we haven't forgotten about you either. There are people down on the ground in those states for Mercury One as well.

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Welcome to the program. Yeah, this has been quite the day. You know, I think it's one of those situations where there's so much going around and so many things that are hard to understand. There's chaos everywhere.

Under, you know, in giant chunks of the country right now, chaotic chaos, just people trying to survive. Yeah. You I mean, look at what's happening. You have the you have all of these refugees. I don't know where they're refugees from. I don't know where where's the war that 20 million people needed to come to America.

Where is the great persecution where 20 million people needed to come to America? Okay, where is that? So can we stop calling them refugees? These people who have come across our border illegally, think of the chaos that that is causing. Think of the money that you didn't know was in the, what was it, American Recovery Act.

This is one of the first bills they passed, Joe Biden. All of this was planned. All of this money to help, quote, refugees that may be coming. It was all in that bill. $3.8 billion to Colorado alone. You want to know how those migrants got in and are now from Venezuela shooting everything up?

You should watch last night's TV show. Last night's TV show is astounding. It's something that you will watch and say, why the hell is this not the lead story everywhere? Did you know that Hezbollah has a little training base right there in Venezuela and they've been training people? They then train them there and then they're sent over to Iran to train and then they're sent here. Have you ever heard that?

Documents from the federal government show this to be true. My guess is that's why Barack Obama deported so many people, like 3.8 million. OK, 3.8. You know how many people that Donald Trump kicked out of the country? 900,000. 3.8. He's...

Barack Obama is number two of all-time deporters. Do you know who is number one with a number like 13 million people? Bill Clinton. Donald Trump is talking about mass deportation of anywhere from 10 to 18 million people. Bill Clinton did 13 million and nobody said boo.

Wasn't a big problem, was it? 13 million people deported by Bill Clinton. Why can't it be done today, Kamala? Glenn Beck. All right, American Giant wasn't created just to make some clothing in America. American Giant was created to make clothing here and to make it exceptional. American Giant wanted to show that when Americans put their minds to it, no other country can produce better products than we can.

I tell you, this is what I love about what's happening with the hurricane. This is people just saying enough, enough. We'll do it ourselves. We don't need you, federal government. That's the healthiest thing you can say. Started 13 years ago with a hoodie that is the best, honestly, that you will ever own. Sturdy, comfortable. If you are about my age, you remember what hoodies and what sweatshirts were like. You go buy Champion now and it's crap.

In comparison to what they used to be like? Well, that's because we stopped making them here in America. We sold all of the... I mean, we made the best sweatshirts and the best hoodies in the world. We sold everything. We got rid of it all. Nobody makes it like that anymore. Except American Giant. They bought those old machines...

from Japan and brought them back to America and taught Americans how to do it. Buy the best damn clothing you can at slash Glenn. slash Glenn. Get 20% off your first order.

Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. You know, our job is getting harder and harder. I just gave permission to hire yet another researcher this morning because we are just overwhelmed in stories that

We don't know what the truth is. You should see my email, my private messages, and even my text messages from friends that I trust that are like, Glenn, I don't know if this is true. I don't know either. I don't know either. And I know you're in that situation, and we are going to go off the cliff if we can't verify some things.

That's one reason I'm going to Asheville, North Carolina today. I need to know, is this stuff happening? Are there bodies in Chimney Rock that are still there?

You know, what is happening on the ground? And we're bringing, you know, a plane full of supplies for them through Mercury One. But we have to, this is what I said in the meeting today, we have got to come, and even if we don't talk about them, we have to find out, are these things true? So you know if they're true or not. And we'll do our best, but it takes so much time. We have so much going on.

I think it was like a week ago or so. Do you remember the story that Arizona added 98,000 illegals? I remember that being, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I remember that headline. And I think we talked about it, right? Yeah, I think we did at the time, you know, and tried to give perspective. But, I mean, people don't understand. I mean, there's so much stuff for people to sort through right now. If I remember the story right, it was hard to decipher anything.

And so I think why we didn't follow up on it at all, because we were like, I don't know what's right in this story. Let's let's lock it down. Well, good news. The the head guy of the Arizona Supreme Court wrote to us. He's Justice Bolick. He joined the court in 2016.

He previously co-founded the Institute for Justice and served as litigation director for the Goldwater Institute. So he's one of us. He litigated constitutional cases from coast to coast, including the U.S. Supreme Court. He is not the Supreme or he's not the Supreme Court. He's a Supreme Court justice, but he's not the chief justice now in Arizona. But he says that story is wrong. And he'd be the guy that knows, uh,

Clint, welcome to the program. Oh, thank you so much for having me, Glenn. And thanks for making the correction. My boss, the chief justice, would have drawn and quartered me.

You know, this story was everywhere. And I don't remember what we said. We might have said that. Yep, that's crazy. And the Supreme Court's out of control. I don't know what we said. But if we got it wrong, A, I apologize. So let's correct it and correct all of the stories that were out there.

What happened? Thank you so much for that. And, you know, usually when a court issues a controversial decision, they know it. And so for a couple of days after we did not consider this controversial.

to be a controversial decision at all. But all of a sudden, we were hearing from people and I was encountering people who were saying we were letting illegal immigrants vote. And I looked at the headlines that had come out and just I've got one on my

screen in front of me from Newsweek that says Arizona court says nearly 100,000 people with unconfirmed citizenship can vote. And so I can well understand why people got that impression. But the headline should have read

Court, Arizona court prevents disenfranchisement of 100,000 people over computer error. And that's exactly what happened. So Arizona is one of the few states that requires proof of citizenship before someone votes.

And when the law was passed, they assumed that people who had registered by 2005 were legal citizens. So they didn't require you to show proof of citizenship

Unless you moved to a different county or applied for a duplicate license and due to a department of motor vehicles glitch. And I know that's hard to believe. Oh, no, it's hard to believe the government would do anything that had glitches in it.

So, yes. So in any event, apparently a large number of people who are registered to to vote and who had driver's licenses before 1996 voted.

and who moved or got duplicate licenses were never asked to prove their citizenship. Now, most of these people have been voting for decades. And so there's no indication that

any of them are illegal immigrants. But once this problem was discovered, the county recorder of Maricopa County went to court and said, all of these people should be removed and required to prove their citizenship

between now and the election. And of course, the same people who made the mistake would have been in charge of making sure that those papers were shown by the election. And just imagine if we had gone to election day and thousands, possibly over 100,000 people who had been voting for decades

were told, oh no, we don't know whether you're a citizen or not. And this is not, you know, so in any event, it was a very easy legal issue for us. And it was the only election case, Glenn, that I can remember where the Arizona Republican Party and the ACLU were on the same side. They both said, please don't throw these people off the ballot.

We determined that we had no authority to take that many people off the ballot. You can challenge individual voters if you think that they are not...

citizens. And after the election, though, there will be an effort to verify citizenship. But but most of these people would have had no idea what was going on, you know, given that they voted without a problem for four decades.

And so it just it was one of those stories that the headlines, one of those cases that the headlines turned into a controversy. But it really wasn't a controversy at all. So with an election coming up and you guys, are you guys voted on a Supreme Court?

So, yes, we are subject to retention every six years. And yours truly is one of those justices up for election up for retention this year with a very spirited campaign against me from self-described progressive groups. Great. Well, I mean, all you had to say you had me at Goldwater Institute. Right.

So I, you know, I'm I'm for you, Clint. How how confident are you that we can have a fair election this time in Arizona?

Well, you know, I'm not on the ground. I'm not involved, you know, in the day to day. And, you know, one of the things that I've been doing is encouraging people to volunteer as poll workers, you know, and other jobs that take place on Election Day. The best the best place to be on Election Day, if you have concerns about election integrity, is on the inside. And I've been very heartened

that both political parties, both major political parties have really been encouraging volunteers to do that. And when I hear that sort of thing, it gives me confidence that, you know, that... At least that step has been taken. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, thanks for clearing this up. I appreciate it. And, you know, if there's anybody who is on the right that has misunderstood this, which I think are probably a lot of people because it was everywhere,

And I apologize. Again, I don't know exactly what we said, but let's just assume we were one of those who believe the headlines. Apology to our audience and to everybody in Arizona. I'm glad you reached out to us so we could set the record straight.

Thank you. Glenn, I am so glad that you gave me the opportunity. I'm sure it's not every day that a judge contacts you and says, hey, this is not correct. I invite anyone, if we get something wrong, I am not afraid of correcting it and saying we were wrong. So I appreciate that you reached out to us.

Because we will correct it. We will correct it. Thanks, Clint. Well, I am so grateful for that. If everyone did that, we'd be in a much better place in our society right now. Yeah, yeah, we would. We would. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Clint Bullock, he is Arizona Supreme Court Justice and apparently running for reaffirmant. And let me just say,

Goldwater Institute. I don't think I need to say any more. Let me go on to pre-born. Make no mistake, the left is on the attack when it comes to the issue of abortion. They're doing their best to take away even the right to protest. Protest the evil things they're standing up for. They're lying to you about the ninth month abortions and the

do not resuscitate or do not save parts of the bills in places like Minnesota. They're lying to you about it. They are as extreme as it comes. And gosh, we just can't... I want to be stronger on the life of the baby. I'm still hung up at times on the...

You know, life of the mother, which I don't think ever happens. But more importantly, the rape and incest thing is but it's an innocent child. But I understand we all have we struggle with this. This is something we all struggle with. And we're being told now we can't struggle with that. I'm telling you, if they win, they'll shut this down. You will lose your freedom of speech. That's what this election is really about.

Well, the Ministry of Preborn is out there, and what they do to change moms' minds is give them an ultrasound. When a mom sees her unborn child on that monitor, when she hears the heartbeat, she's twice as likely to consider choosing life for her baby, twice as likely. That's why Planned Parenthood has fought any law that says, hey, you have to have an ultrasound first. Preborn is saving 200 babies a day with people like you and me.

If you have the means, would you please consider a leadership gift to save babies in a big way? A tax-deductible donation of $5,000 will sponsor Preborn's entire network for 24 hours, and that will rescue 200 babies. Tanya and I have done this several times. I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying that because I want to encourage you. We believe in this. I believe in this. My wife believes in this.

Full, full speed to donate. Dial pound 250. I mean, if even if you have just twenty eight dollars, that could save one baby's life. Pound 250. Say the keyword baby pound 250 keyword baby or go to preborn dot com slash back preborn dot com slash back sponsored by preborn. Dial pound 250 keyword baby. The previous content identified as conservative. Oh, my.

The Glenn Beck Program. We'll be right back.

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Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

So glad that you're here. We have Dom on the phone. So another thing we want to clear up, I just heard from Dom. He has found out for sure that Goshen is not coming after him and his wife. He has been very instrumental in helping fight this communist plant in Michigan. But do you have the transcripts about...

where one of the city managers was doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party and looking up dirt on people.

Yeah, this was crazy. And first of all, you know, the false alarm, you know, that's good news. But, you know, it's a shame that we even have to think that way, right? I know. I know. Lawfare is a thing right now. I know. And this was actually shocking in their current lawfare against the Green Charter Township.

uh... you know go shouldn't suing this little township in michigan and you know discovery goes both ways in a lawsuit well it turns out that uh... you know in the discovery process text messages showed up revealing that the former township supervisor and the doshan executive were attempting to dig up dirt on one of the most vocal opponents

Lori Brock, who's the horse farmer that lives across from where the proposed plant would be. And, you know, she's been all over television. I think you had her on at one point. Yeah, I did. And she obviously is, you know, kind of the face of the fight. Right. And

They, um, there's a text exchange between the former township supervisor where he encourages the Goshen executive to, uh, talk to her ex-husband about their, their divorce. And the response is from the Goshen executive. He said, I stopped at the County. The divorce papers are 2000 pages long going back Tuesday with some helpers to sort through it. Oh,

which they did, by the way, we found that out. And they were trying to dig up personal dirt on a private citizen. When this shocks the conscience. I mean, when, when do you hear of an elected official and an executive of a company saying,

with all kinds of conflicts that they're trying to force into this community that doesn't want it. And this elected, if I remember right, this elected official wrote in those text messages that she was, quote, a skank, right? Well, this was, yeah, later on, another text message said it was from the Goshen executives.

They were commenting to each other during a meeting where Lori was speaking, and Chapman, the former supervisor, shut her off, and he texted Chapman, the Goshen executive, and said, smart man to bail out on that skank.

Now, this is the same guy who was writing letters to the editor in our local paper admonishing us, telling us we need to love our neighbors and that he's just trying to do something good to the community. He's culturally knocked about loving thy neighbor while calling our neighbors skanks. Well, I tell you, Dom, loving your neighbor when you're dealing with the Chinese Communist Party...

sometimes mean you love them to death, literally. So thanks, Dom, for that. We'll keep you up to speed on what's happening in this little Michigan town against the Communist Party. So let me talk to you about Good Ranchers. Good Ranchers is a solution to a very real problem that most people are not even aware of. We are putting our ranchers, our meat producers, out of business. We're coming down hard on our farmers right now.

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And enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck Program. Hello, America. There is a lot going on. First of all, we want to thank Uncle Sam for being so generous yesterday. He reached deep into his pocket. And, well, I mean, first he had to give all of the illegals that are coming in $2,500 and a free phone and free food and some housing. But then...

He reached even deeper in his pocket. And anybody who's affected by this hurricane, you know, and I know the people of Asheville really appreciate this. He's giving them $750. Okay. I mean, they got to do some paperwork and prove that they really need it. You know, just like the illegals did. They had to prove. Okay. Well, forget that. But Uncle Sam is a giving guy because they're out of money. You know, really? Yeah.

Why not turn on the printing presses? Or are they running 24 hours a day? You just can't get more money out of it. You have to build a new press. I'm not sure.

We'll go into that later on this hour. Also, Jack Carr is with us. He's the best-selling author of the Terminal List series. He's also the executive producer of the Terminal List and co-author now with James Scott on Targeted Beirut. This is so timely. This is the beginning of the war on terror, and most people don't know the story.

We have Jack and James on in just a second. Stand by first. American Financing. You and I think an awful lot alike. You take your financial house seriously. I've talked to the people at American Financing here recently, and they said your audience is one of the healthiest audiences in the country. They said, you know, we do advertising all around, and when your guys call in,

It's a different thing. Somehow or another, all your audience is prepared. And I'm like, well, I've been working hard on that one. But thank you. Thank you for being fiscally responsible. And you're going to be a leader when things go to heck instead of being somebody who's waiting for the government to show up, which I don't think they're going to.

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The man, Jack Carr. Hello, Jack. How are you? Great to hear your voice, and thank you so much for Salt Lake. It was great seeing you down there. It was great to see you. Where do you live? Do you live in that area?

In Park City, so just about 35, 40 minutes up the road. Wow, wow, okay. Well, we have to get together sometime. I loved meeting your family. They're just great. Thank you. So let's say hi to your co-author here, James Scott. Hi, James.

Hey, Glenn, how are you? Thanks so much for having us on this morning. Oh, you bet. You bet. So I got your book about Beirut, targeted Beirut. Thank you for telling this story. This is a story that most people don't know. I mean, this is I've been talking about this for years. This is where Osama bin Laden went. Wait a minute. I can move the giant. Correct. Correct.

Exactly. And a host of other countries, proxy groups, terrorist organizations around the world, because it was really an operation that would set the rules for the next 40 plus years, set the paradigm, set the model that the United States has been interacting with Iran, with its proxies with ever since, and to a lesser extent, Israel. I'd say they have...

They have been shifting those rules over the past couple of months. But the United States is still playing by those rules that were established by Iran in 1983 with the bombing of the Marine headquarters and barracks bombing on October 23rd, 1983, that killed 241 U.S. servicemen. So when I pitched Simon & Schuster on this,

idea when I thought I'd built up enough political capital to be able to talk to them about it in a nonfiction series. Unfortunately, there are a lot of terrorist events to choose from, and my idea was trying to capture the strategic, the operational, and the tactical lessons learned while also humanizing these different events. And I kept coming back to Beirut 1983 because it was such a pivotal

point in our relationship with the Middle East. And we've been really playing by those rules and by that model ever since. Okay, so James, maybe you can tell us what exactly happened that moved the world's terrorists? Yeah, so what you got to remember is like 1983 in Lebanon, it was just absolute chaos. I mean, you had a

a civil war going on between the Christians, the Sunnis, the Shias. You had the PLO was in the process of leaving. The Israelis had been at war against the PLO. And of course, in this chaos, Iran saw an opportunity. And in 1982, they sent in about 800 Iranian Revolutionary Guardsmen into this remote sort of lawless region in the corner of Lebanon up near Syria, basically to start building a terrorism infrastructure.

And they capitalized on the discontent of the downtrodden Shias and started training them. And so they built a couple of homegrown terror groups during that time period. And those groups would eventually merge and become Hezbollah.

And, of course, Hezbollah was behind the attack on the Marines on that Sunday morning in October and an earlier attack, 188 days earlier, against the United States embassy there that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans. So this is really the birth of Hezbollah, which, of course, is a key Iranian proxy, in which during that one year, 1983, they killed and injured hundreds of Americans. Right.

So it wasn't just that they killed hundreds of Americans. And it's strange because you would think when you think of Ronald Reagan, you think of, you know, this guy doesn't screw around. He's going to take care of it. But what did he do?

Yeah, that's the whole thing that taught Iran that terrorism works. More specifically, terrorism works through its proxies because there was never a U.S. retaliation. There was never a U.S. response. There was a lot of tough talk out of the administration in the direct aftermath of the event. But then we leave very quietly in early 1984. And, of course, Iran took that lesson, which allowed them to then set the rules.

Why did Reagan do that? Why didn't we react the way a superpower would? Yeah, I'll jump on that one. Yeah. I mean, what happened is there was an internal dynamic that was playing out inside the White House. And you had on one side of it, you had the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Department, Casper Weinberger, who really never wanted to be in Lebanon to begin with. They saw Lebanon as a

a sideshow from the larger Cold War struggle against the Soviet Union. And they also feared that Lebanon would open up America to the exact kind of attacks and entanglement that happened there. And they didn't want to see U.S. forces siphoned off into this smaller conflict. And so they were very much advocating, we got to get out. They never wanted to be there all along. They were pushing for us to get out, etc.,

The opposite side of that was Secretary of State George Shultz and National Security Advisor Bud McFarland, who really saw an opportunity for nation building here and to sort of prop up a stable, peaceful ally on Israel's northern border. And so this internal clash between these two parties sort of led to the stalemate and basically the paralysis of the decision making process in Washington. In the end, the reason we didn't retaliate, it came down to Weinberger.

he's the one who literally killed the operation and there was an operation that had been planned by the National Security Council. Everything was a go. We were going to do it with the French and in the end it's Weinberger personally who kills that. And I think his rationale for that, he kept arguing at the time, we needed more concrete proof exactly who did it. You know, the kind of legal standard you have at the US court that's often not there in terrorism. But I think really the reality is,

He didn't want us to go up that escalation ladder any further. It was better to cut our losses and get out rather than risk, you know, a retaliation that leads to another bombing that leads to another attack somewhere in the world on U.S. forces. So I know this is pretty impossible to, you know, to come up with the right answer. But what do you think would have happened if we if we wouldn't have listened to Weinberger?

Well, it's quite possible things could have escalated into a regional war or it could have sent the message that the price of attacking U.S. forces is so high that it is not worth it for you, Iran, for your proxies or for other terrorist organizations around the world, especially if we kept them on their heels with some of the things that Israel has been doing lately, like

with the Pager attack, with the handheld communication device attack, with special operations missions targeting key leaders and targeting mid-level fighters. If we had done that and not allowed things to escalate but kept them on their heels, it would have sent a much different message. And what would have happened then compared to now?

I mean, now we attack Iran or we go after the proxies with Iran hard like that. And now it's probably a much different story than it would have been in the 80s.

It's a little different now because of the nuclear question, of course. So that's a factor in there as well. But that is probably the biggest one. They've been allowed to continue developing that nuclear capability up to a point where they're on the cusp. But they've been on the cusp for a long time. Can you explain that, Jack? Because I have to tell you, I've been covering Iran for 25 years and I always...

always here. They're just weeks away. They're just weeks away. 20 years they've been weeks away. Right. I know. I mean... That's what makes it very hard to trust when intelligence agencies or an administration official says that. So you don't know how you're being manipulated or if you're being manipulated. But at the same time, you think, well, if they were saying this 20 years ago, well...

even though they were saying it's weeks away, now Iran has had 20 years of being able to do this and develop it. So there's that side of it as well. So I don't have a good answer on that one. But I'm very aware that these devices we carry around in our pockets and administration officials telling us things are certainly acts of manipulation in many cases. I would think that if Iran has a bomb, I mean, I believe them when they say Israel will burn in the fiery furnaces of the Islamic fury, right?

I believe them. You know, that's the the the nut jobs at the top, the real the real religious nut jobs. If they actually have control enough, they will burn it in the Islamic fury. They will use a nuke because they think they'll hasten the return of the promised one. Is that is that your guys's read on this or not?

Oh sure, you might want to believe that neighbor that says he's eventually going to kill you. Because he eventually might. But we talked a little bit about the lessons that Iran learned. In writing this book and from my time in the military, at the same time, I've always struggled with why we fail to learn lessons from the past and apply those lessons going forward as wisdom or the current problem sets as wisdom. So there's parallels there as well.

with these Marines in Beirut, 1982, 1983 timeframe, we put them in a tactically disadvantageous, untenable position. And we did that same thing to U.S. service members in Afghanistan, August 2021, when it was unnecessary, when we had Bagram, a tactically advantageous position, and yet,

people in air-conditioned offices thousands of miles away from the battlefield still put our U.S. servicemen and women in the case of Abbey Gate in these tactically disadvantageous positions. In Beirut, same thing at Abbey Gate. We have an explosion. Bomb goes off, kills U.S. service members. In the case of Abbey Gate, kills innocent Afghan civilians as well. But

interesting thing happens in the aftermath of both events is that people blown off their feet across the compound or airfield or hear the explosion they run to the sound of that explosion they run to the sound of the guns to try to save as many of their fellow brothers in arms and the case of abby gate brothers and sisters in arms as they possibly can while holding security because they didn't know in both cases if there were going to be follow-on attacks so that same u.s service member who's out there in beirut 1983 is the same one that was abby gate and

Abbey Gage is the same one who's out there right now standing close around the world. So let me ask both of you, because James, you're a historian, you're a Pulitzer Prize finalist, and you've really done your homework on this. Jack, I'm sure you've done your homework on this as well. But the combination of the two makes the book special.

a really good thriller kind of read that's really heavy on fact. But let me ask both of you, speaking of lessons to be learned, what are the lessons that you think we need to learn here quickly? I feel we are a hair's trigger away from World War III, and I think there's just people that want it to happen. What should we be doing right now that maybe we're not doing?

as it comes to learning from history, James. Yeah, no, I mean, Jack and I've actually had this discussion a lot in the last week because, I mean, there's always been sort of this acceptable level of violence that has been allowed in the Middle East, you know, I mean, this sort of tit for tat that goes on between Israel and its neighbors and its proxies and, and the U S even allows, uh, attacks on us. I mean, because at the end of the day, you know,

we're the ones who have to protect, you know, the Straits of Hormuz and make sure that the global economy doesn't go off the rails and things like that. So this acceptable level of violence is sort of, has been the backdrop ever since 1983. And of course, October 7th was a total game changer. I mean, that was just a, a masterful operation by the terrorists, you know, using, you know, gliders to get over walls, tunnels and things like that. And of course the, the,

The body count on that was so extraordinary that Israel has really gone in and cleaned house in Gaza. And it has escalated now to the point where it's becoming this, you know, they've wiped out much of Hamas's infrastructure there. You know, they've done the exact same thing with these just brilliant attacks recently against Hezbollah. Now Iran is feeling the pressure from its proxies. Hey, you know, we're the ones taking it on the chin here. You need to rise up. Now they're sending in missiles against Israel. So, I mean, this sort of acceptable level of violence is suddenly escalating.

no longer what we're playing with here. I mean, it's on this total escalation ladder. And the fear is, you know, where does it go at that point? I mean, does it explode into a larger regional war? And quite frankly, in a lot of ways, we're kind of off the map at this point. So, I mean, every day is kind of a new addition to what's going on. I mean, I wake up and look at the news every morning thinking, all right, where are we today? You know, so I think it's we're a bit off the map here. Yeah.

Jack, I'd like to get your take on it. Give me 60 seconds. We'll come back with Jack Carr and James Scott. First, let me tell you about the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Every Jewish person living in Israel right now is going through a time of crisis to one level or another. I just called a friend of mine the other night and said, how are you when the missiles are coming down? I said, Glenn, I was in the car with my...

with my daughter and I'm driving and I'm seeing, you know, these missiles fall from the sky. And I'm just thinking, what, what, what, what world do I live in? Imagine living in that country where you will got war coming at you in all directions.

That's a time of crisis. And what they really need, nobody needs to fight their war for them. They just need some help. They need to know that Christians stand behind them, that we haven't forgotten who they are. We're not going to turn our back on them again like we have in the past for thousands of years. Thousands of Israelis took refuge in Israel.

Thank you.

Please, if you can, make a generous donation to IFCJ. Go to That's one word, Or call 888-488-IFCJ. 888-488-IFCJ. 10 seconds, station ID.

The name of the book is Targeted Beirut, the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing and the Untold Origin Story of the War on Terror. So glad you guys wrote this book. We have Jack Carr and James Scott on. Jack, final word on what should we learn from history? Seeing what's going on, what do you expect is coming and what should we be doing?

Unfortunately, it's something I think we failed to learn and that's the main responsibility of our senior level executives, mainly in the Oval Office, is to understand the nature of the conflict about which they're going to commit U.S. forces. The decisions made at that executive level are going to have real world tactical level implications that are multi-generational for that 18, 19, 20 year old kid that you send downrange.

So if you're going to commit U.S. forces and put U.S. boots on the ground somewhere, you better surround yourself with people who know what they're doing and be damn sure you are certain that you are putting these troops in a tactically advantageous position, not tying a hand or two behind their back and giving them everything they possibly need to execute that mission. Because at the end of the day right now, there are 18, 19, 20-year-old kids out there holding

holding rifles off state, finger on trigger, and watching a truck approach a checkpoint somewhere around the world, wondering if it's laden with explosives or if it just has bad suspension. And that 18, 19, 20-year-old kid is the final decision maker in a chain of decision makers that starts with the president of the United States. And they're out there today.

Jack, thank you. My best to your family. James, nice to meet you. Thanks for being on. Targeted Beirut is the name of the book by Jack Carr and James Scott. How the 1983 Marine barracks bombing continues to influence our U.S. policy to this day. It is it's a fascinating story. Thank you so much, guys. Appreciate it. Thank you. Take care. You bet. Take care.

I love Jack. It's just a great common sense guy. Just great. Um, all right. Coming up in a minute, we're going to come back to what's happening in the aftermath of Helene. I don't know about used to, but I was so thrilled. I was tickled pink and I haven't been pink for a long time. Well, actually I'm always pink, but, uh, just tickled pink that, uh,

We were so generous that Kamala came out and said, we're just doing it. You know, damn the torpedoes. We're doing it. $750 for those who need that. You know, lost their house, lost their clothing, their furniture, some of their loved ones. But they're going to do it. I mean, wow. Seems like it's too much.

Yeah, it does, doesn't it? You know what I mean? We're overpaying it again. I mean, if they are... Look, if you lost your house and you're an illegal alien, you get the $2,500, the free phone and the free loans, but you'll also get the $750. Oh, good. Yeah. Berna, in a situation where you have to protect yourself and your family from someone dangerous, your first thought is probably, I need a gun.

That is the right thought in a lot of cases. And every American should own a gun and be responsible with it. But when you shoot a gun, you unless you're at a sporting range, you shoot to kill. You never point a gun or pull a gun unless you're willing to kill the other person. That is I mean, man, lethal force is lethal. I mean, it's over. One decision can change your life and take a life.

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Asheville, North Carolina. We're taking a plane load of stuff from Mercury One, and we're going to Greer, which is close, as close as we can get, and then we have to take a couple of huge rescue helicopters and fill those up with food and supplies and then fly in. So I'm going to be on the ground. I'm also taking a couple of journalists with me

Just to go and try to track down here in the next 12 or 15 hours some of the things that we're hearing. Is what we're hearing true? First of all, FEMA, not on the ground. National Guard I heard today was on the ground, but I'm also hearing stories. I mean, we are going in with like a SWAT team because we have been told there are gangs involved.

And there's law enforcement is overwhelmed. And there's not, you know, the National Guard's not everywhere that they should be. But the good news is, here's what Kamala Harris was willing to hand out yesterday. Listen to this.

And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now for anyone who's watching this who has been affected. $750. Now, I have many, many problems with everything that I just heard. Yes, yes, yes.

And I think centrally to that is that the response has been pretty terrible generally, right? No, almost nonexistent. Almost nonexistent. That's another way of stating, I would say, a poor response. And of course, I have issues with the way FEMA is constructed, that the idea that every time there's a natural disaster, like we're going to the federal government, you know, there are certain things you go to the government for, right?

I think FEMA has a, a scope that is not correct at this point, but that that's as longer term conversation focusing on just this part of it. If you are FEMA and you've decided you're going to be the one that's supposed to come in and rescue everybody and, and, and do this. I mean, isn't there, isn't it sensible to have a sort of short term and long-term approach where the short term approach would be, Hey, people need the hotel rooms tonight. People need, um,

you know, rental cars right now. So let's just give them $750, let them go spend it on what they wanted to spend it on to get them through the next few days and stuff like all their, you know, furniture being destroyed and their, you know, homes being destroyed. That's a much longer process, right? Those are applications being filed for that. There's a long process

That's not something you're just going to, okay, well, your home is $500,000. The government's not going to give you $500,000 in your house. That is your insurance that is going to do that. Well, it's flood insurance. It would be flood insurance, right? If they live in a theory, if they live in a flood zone, a lot of them don't have flood insurance. If they're not in one of those zones, I know, but if you live in a, if you live in one of those areas, uh,

I believe that a natural disaster is covered. When you're not living in a place that's... It should be if it's not. And if it isn't, then that's where the government comes in and leans on those insurance companies and says, excuse me, these people have been paying in for their insurance for a very long time. I know it's going to cost you a lot of money. But it's not... My...

My problem on this whole thing is that the federal government is a claiming the cupboards are bare, that they're out of money, that FEMA is out of money.

You print money all the day, all day long, all night long, and you just hand it out like it's Pez to every country in the world. You just gave another $100 billion to Ukraine. What the hell? Yeah. You can't. You're $750. No, please. No, slow down. No, I've had too much. Thank you. $750. Okay. Okay.

Here's why that's such an insult. That's an insult because they didn't send in helicopters to rescue people. Do you remember, Katrina, when the military helicopters were flying over and they were airlifting people out? Our government didn't do that. This is Appalachia. This is because of what this is. There are places where fixed wing cannot go in. All right.

you are, you are dealing with a war zone in many ways and a war zone that is hard to navigate in. The roads are gone. It's mountainous. Even when the roads were there, it, they're windy and everything else. People are trapped in these mountains yesterday. Uh,

Corey Mills was taking one of the helicopters that we're using, that we're paying for at Mercury One, and he was out doing rescue missions. So he's doing rescue missions. He went and flew into a place where they've been waiting for help since Saturday. Now, how is that possible that Congressman Corey Mills said,

The people who own the helicopter and Mercury One paying for the discounted price because the helicopter guys are being so gracious. How is it that we're doing that in the federal government who has a lot of helicopters is not all over that. If the federal government would have come in and they were there and they were rescuing people.

and they were pulling these people out and they were taking them to safety and then going back and pulling more people out and bringing them to safety then giving them a 750 check okay where are these people going to spend 750 a lot of these people cannot even get out of their town their cars are in mud they have they have nothing left

Where is the government helping these people get to safety first? And you know all the people who are actually in trouble will not be able to get the $750. And we'll find out that tens of thousands of people who were not in trouble applied got the $750 and spent it on like, you know, alcohol. That's why Mercury One does not work with any of the Red Cross or anything like that.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You don't have a good track record. Well, I mean, what's the you always use that same phrase for Mercury One. If you want the government to do less, we have to do more. Correct. And what we do is we go in and we find a national partners that are always the first in. They have an unbelievable track record and they they take when we give them money. We know that's going for food. You

You know what I mean? We know where that money is going and it's going to help because most of them, you know, are some, you know, some religious zealot that's running it. That is like, no, I I'm here. Cause I'm to serve people. You know, I'm not here to get rich or famous or anything else. Corey Mills is that guy. Can we talk about Corey Mills for a second? I don't know that I even was aware of Corey Mills before Afghanistan. I feel like, and yeah,

He's been incredible in every one of these situations. And he's a very rare breed, at least my impression is. You know him better than I do. You know, we've had him on the show. But he is one of those people that, like, is doing all this stuff. And every once in a while, we find somebody who's doing a lot of things for a lot of people, which is great. But you also know about it because they're constantly telling you about it. Like, they're constantly, hey, can I come on the air to talk about this?

That's not a Corey Mills at all. In fact, he was, we were trying to get him scheduled for this hour. He said, basically, no, I've got to go deliver generators. Like he does not seem to have any media interest in this whatsoever. I mean, he's on media when he can do it when he can, but he does not seem to be as interesting. Here's what you need to know about Corey Mills. This guy is running a campaign in Florida right now. He's not in Florida. He's helping the people in North Carolina that need it the most.

I mean, and his staff is like, Corey, we could lose the election. You've got to be on the campaign trail. And he's like, I'd rather lose an election than my soul. I can help these people that can't help themselves. Who says that? That's awesome. He was on Fox News yesterday. But listen to what he said. Listen to this. We had conducted rescues as well as for evacuations and also just continuations and drops and also just health and welfare checks.

So going in for people who haven't heard from their families in two days, three days, four days, looking at that critical 96 hour where it stops becoming so much of a rescue and unfortunately starts becoming a recovery. And so we've been going into all these areas. We're going to continue to stay here to help Western North Carolina. I've got another plane coming in tomorrow and look,

I would be remiss if I didn't thank Glenn Beck, Mercury One for all that they've done to help get supplies here that we can get in. Universal Air, who is a friend of mine who I've known for many years, who's flying these helos at his operational cost. We've continued and even Benny Johnson, who donated water, pallets of water. So this has been an American issue that Americans have come to. But where is FEMA and where is the federal government? Stop. So he's on television not

tooting his own horn. He's saying, look at what these other people are doing. Yeah. This guy is, I mean, I think he is the closest to an action hero we have in Congress. Yeah. This guy, the real deal. Yeah. He's the real deal. He's the real deal. And we've seen this multiple times. This is not just a, this week event. He goes without any

knowing he's just going to Afghanistan and just rescuing people. You're like, yeah, there's a congressman over there flying missions and I'm like, wait, what? What are you talking about? He just went in and just was like, we're getting these people out. Incredible. Incredible. Can I ask you something about the policies? You mentioned the election in Florida that's obviously potentially being affected here.

How does this affect North Carolina? If I may just engage my political brain on this. Yeah, so I'm very concerned about it. Very close state. Oh, yeah. However, the reaction by Kamala and Biden is turning things. This is working against them in North Carolina. I would think it would. Big time, yeah. These days, who knows? Yeah, I know. You don't know. But I'm very concerned. How do you know that?

Because I've talked to some people in North Carolina. Okay. Okay. Wow. That's very, very general. How vague of you, Glenn. Yes, thank you. So anyway, I don't want to say who people are unless I've talked to them and said, hey, do you mind if I quote you? Of course. But so it looks like it's turning against them. However...

I'm very concerned that how are you going to get all of these people to their voting stations? Yeah. When there are no voting stations, there are no cars, there are no roads in four weeks.

these people are going to go vote how is that going to happen you think lots of people are going to be leaving their home that was washed down the river and instead going to a relative's house in another state yeah are they even set up for absentee voting i mean who knows what's going on can you turn that around fast enough and that that this is three states this is appalachia i know we're we keep saying just north carolina there's a lot more people affected by

by it than that. But I remember- It's actually four, if you count Florida. But Florida, you know, you've got Ron DeSantis. Yeah, which is that, again- He was like, we're done. What else can we do? I remember doing the show with you back in, what was it, 2005, when Katrina happened. I'm remembering the year right. And it was basically the only story-

I guess it was, it must've been 2004 because it was right up to an election, right? Or no, no, it was right after the election. That's right. Um, because this was right back, Bush one came back in and it was like trying to get started on like these new initiatives. And then Katrina happened and it was, uh, uh,

Harriet Myers, Supreme Court potential appointment kind of shook him and never really recovered. I mean, people look at like, oh, well, the Iraq war turned down and that's why he. No, Katrina. It was really Katrina that was a big part of that, along with the Harriet Myers appointment. But going back to that, it was the only thing people talked about for months. This is now the second most devastating as far as death count storm. You know, it's since Katrina's the most. Oh, yeah.

And I just feel like this is like it's getting covered in a generalized way, but doesn't seem to be tied to the response. You know what? They killed Bush over this. But here's the thing that I think you need to remember. Remember, the government nor the media really wanted to cover what was happening in Afghanistan and nobody covered the recovery efforts.

But the people knew the people knew. And I think that's exactly what's happening again. All right. If you want to donate, give to Mercury one dot org. I'm going to leave after this commercial. Stu's going to give you an update on all the polls here in just a second. First, let me tell you about Jace Medical. Thousands of dock workers from New England to Texas just went on strike. And the result was.

Cost of the economy, $3.8 billion. The cost of consumer goods is going to go up. People who are shipping things, you know, the people who are selling, farmers here that are selling things overseas, it's not going anywhere. This is massive impact. We also rely on about 80% of our drugs come in from overseas. What happens when that doesn't come in? Please do your family a solid favor.

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You're listening to the swinging sounds of Glenn Beck. Sit tight, boys and girls. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. The Pulsecast is a summary of a mainstream media election modelers, polling averages and prediction markets, over a dozen of them. And right now shows 43.84% chance for Donald Trump to win the election. Kamala Harris, 56.16%.

This has been pretty stable as far as these measures go for about two weeks, right around this level. This level is basically a toss-up. In case you're wondering, you know, the numbers sound like it doesn't mean Donald Trump's going to lose by 13 points. They're not saying that. They're just saying there's a slightly higher chance for Kamala Harris at this very moment. We will see if this hurricane winds up playing into the election prospects of all of these people. I will say tonight...

Something we haven't looked at as much so far. We start on Stu Does America tonight, looking at the Senate. We're going to the Senate chalkboard. We're going to tell you exactly where the Senate stands, who is ahead, who is behind, what states matter, what races are close. We're going to go through all of that tonight on Stu Does America, slash Stu Does America. Go there, subscribe, click the bell for notifications, do all the things.

And we will see you there tonight. By the way, the New York Times has a question for you. If Trump wins, could he really use the Justice Department to jail his rivals? Can you imagine such a thing? We'll get into that and so much more. See you tomorrow. The Glenn Beck Program.