cover of episode Ep 233 | You Have a TRACKER in Your Pocket Sending Data to the Deep State | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Ep 233 | You Have a TRACKER in Your Pocket Sending Data to the Deep State | The Glenn Beck Podcast

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Erik Prince
Ryan Patterson
Glenn Beck: 本期节目讨论了美国总统选举、俄乌战争、伊朗核问题以及科技公司对个人隐私的侵犯等问题,并采访了 Erik Prince 和 Ryan Patterson。Beck 质疑政府是否真正维护民众利益,并表达了对政府和科技公司监控公民的担忧。他还讨论了特朗普和拜登在处理国际冲突方面的能力,以及对中国和伊朗的看法。 Erik Prince: Prince 分享了他的人生经历,包括在海军陆战队服役、创立 Blackwater 公司以及对政府效率低下的看法。他认为政府缺乏对价格的重视,导致效率低下,并建议将一些军事任务外包。他还讨论了俄乌战争、以色列在加沙的行动以及伊朗核问题。他批评了拜登政府处理这些问题的策略,并认为特朗普更有能力与这些国家的领导人谈判。Prince 还介绍了他的新公司 Unplugged,该公司致力于解决个人数据安全问题。 Ryan Patterson: Patterson 讨论了科技公司对个人隐私的侵犯,以及政府如何利用这些数据来监视公民。他认为,政府对数据的获取能力已经超过了奥威尔所设想的程度。他介绍了 Unplugged 手机,这款手机旨在保护用户数据,防止政府和科技公司对数据的滥用。 Glenn Beck: 就美国当前面临的挑战,特别是来自中国和伊朗的威胁,以及国内政治分歧,表达了强烈的担忧。他认为,政府的效率低下、缺乏问责制以及对个人隐私的侵犯,都对美国的未来构成严重威胁。他赞扬了特朗普总统的强硬立场,并批评了拜登政府的软弱政策。Beck 还表达了对核战争的担忧,并认为美国需要采取更强硬的立场来应对来自中国的挑战。 Erik Prince: Prince 强调了政府效率低下和缺乏问责制的问题,并主张将一些军事任务外包给私营公司,以提高效率和降低成本。他认为,政府对价格的漠视是导致其效率低下的根本原因。他还对美国在乌克兰战争中的参与表示批评,并认为这是一种战略失误。他认为,以色列在加沙的行动也是一个错误,并建议使用更有效的方法来解决冲突。Prince 还表达了对伊朗核武器计划的担忧,并认为以色列错失了利用2022年伊朗民众抗议活动推翻伊朗政权的机会。 Ryan Patterson: Patterson 详细阐述了科技公司和政府如何利用数据来监视公民,并认为这已经超过了奥威尔小说的想象。他强调了个人数据安全的重要性,并介绍了 Unplugged 手机,这款手机旨在保护用户数据,防止被滥用。他认为,政府可以利用商业数据来进行政治迫害,并呼吁加强对个人数据的保护。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Erik Prince become a Navy SEAL and start Blackwater?

He wanted to stay connected to the SEAL teams and provide efficient training facilities.

Why did Erik Prince leave the Naval Academy?

He found the Academy too woke and politically correct.

What was Erik Prince's experience like as a White House intern?

He found it to be a pit of snakes rather than a collection of altruistic patriots.

Why did Erik Prince start Blackwater?

To provide efficient training facilities for SEAL teams and maintain a work-life balance.

What does Erik Prince think about privatizing the military?

He believes many support roles can be outsourced competitively to bring pricing reality.

Why does Erik Prince think the U.S. is stumbling into a bad war in Ukraine?

He believes it's a loser situation and only grinding up Ukrainian youth.

What does Erik Prince think about Iran's nuclear capabilities?

He believes they have the technology but is unsure if they have a functional nuke.

Why does Erik Prince think the Chinese Communist Party is a significant threat?

They have a powerful economy, large manufacturing base, and are imposing strict controls.

What does Ryan Patterson say about the data collected by smartphones?

Smartphones collect extensive data on users, including routines and personal habits.

Why did Ryan Patterson and Erik Prince create the Unplugged phone?

To provide a secure alternative to smartphones that prevent data harvesting and surveillance.

What does Ryan Patterson say about the dangers of data collection for identity theft?

Criminal organizations can use collected data to voice verify into bank accounts.

Why does Ryan Patterson think the FISA expansion is problematic?

It allows government agents to demand commercial data without a warrant, violating privacy.

The episode introduces Erik Prince, a retired Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater, focusing on his role in global security and his new venture, Unplugged, aimed at securing personal data.
  • Erik Prince's background as a Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater
  • Introduction to Unplugged, a venture focused on personal data security
  • Discussion on the government and corporate surveillance of personal data

Shownotes Transcript

Our cell phones are collecting way more data on us than we think, and it’s shockingly easy for Big Tech, government agencies, and a wide array of bad actors to access it. Glenn speaks with Erik Prince, retired Navy SEAL and the founder of the private military contractor Blackwater, and Ryan Paterson, retired Marine and Big Tech insider, about their new venture, Unplugged, which aims to solve this massive personal security breach. Erik and Ryan explain how anyone who buys our data can learn our routines, discover who we are, and even know which side of the bed we sleep on: “It’s worse than George Orwell even imagined.” Erik and Ryan also address excuses like, “They already have all my data,” or, “I have nothing to hide.” But first, Glenn speaks with Erik about his incredible backstory: Why did he, the son of a successful entrepreneur, become a Navy SEAL and start Blackwater? Erik also provides insight on the conflicts around the world: Can Trump stop the war between Russia and Ukraine? Can Israel free Iran from Islamist tyranny? Was America’s war in Iraq for nothing? Is the Chinese Communist Party our greatest adversary? What did Trump’s comments about “the enemy within” really mean? Plus, he shares his plan for how to make the U.S. military both less expensive and more efficient at the same time.


Disclaimer: Unplugged is a sponsor of "The Glenn Beck Program."



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