cover of episode Best of the Program | Guests: Dave McCormick & Jeffrey Tucker | 11/4/24

Best of the Program | Guests: Dave McCormick & Jeffrey Tucker | 11/4/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Dave McCormick
Glenn Beck
Jeffrey Tucker
Mark Longo
Mark Longo:纽约州环境保护部以莫须有的理由突袭了他的家,没收并处死了他的宠物松鼠Peanut和浣熊Fred。这不仅摧毁了他的家庭,也损害了他的非营利动物救援组织。他被当作罪犯一样对待,甚至不允许喂养他的救援马匹。执法部门获取搜查令的过程也令人费解,因为Peanut是一只室内松鼠,从未有过任何投诉。Peanut在TikTok上拥有百万粉丝,在全球范围内广为人知,并被用于为动物救援组织筹款。 Glenn Beck:政府杀害宠物松鼠事件是政府权力武器化的表现。一些匿名人士的投诉导致了这一事件,这表明政府权力可能被滥用。他认为这是一个荒谬的事件,也是当前政治气候的缩影。他指出,那些希望政府拥有这种权力的人是左派,而那些反对政府拥有这种权力的人是保守派。这使得一个原本简单的宠物事件变成了一个政治问题。他认为,人们对政府权力的盲目信任可能导致极权主义的出现,并以纳粹德国为例进行了说明。 Jen Rubin:华盛顿邮报专栏作家Jen Rubin对政府杀害宠物松鼠事件发表了评论,认为这只松鼠应该死。这进一步加剧了事件的政治化,并突显了当前政治环境的极端化。 Glenn Beck:他认为政府杀害宠物松鼠事件是政府权力滥用的极端案例,类似于女运动员中的跨性别议题。虽然跨性别议题有很多重要方面,但女运动员问题并非最重要的。然而,它却能引起人们的共鸣,让人们意识到政府权力滥用的严重性。他认为,如果政府可以随意杀害宠物,那么它也可能对其他事情采取同样的行动。他怀疑事件背后存在政治动机,并指出,那些希望政府拥有这种权力的人是左派,而那些反对政府拥有这种权力的人是保守派。他认为,这是一个极其自私的论点,因为那些支持政府拥有这种权力的人并不认为这种事情会发生在自己身上。 Dave McCormick:宾夕法尼亚州的参议员选举是一个关于变革与现状之争。他认为,卡玛拉·哈里斯的政治纲领与宾夕法尼亚州民众的意愿相悖,而他本人则代表着变革。他认为,卡玛拉·哈里斯和鲍勃·凯西关于压裂法的言论具有欺骗性和破坏性,并强调了压裂法对宾夕法尼亚州经济和国家安全的重要性。他主张取消增量主义,对能源产业、经济和财政支出进行彻底的变革,并对边境问题采取强硬措施。他认为,芬太尼危机对美国的危害比越南战争还要严重,需要采取强硬措施打击贩毒集团。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the New York Department of Environmental Conservation raid Mark Longo's house and euthanize his pet squirrel and raccoon?

The raid was conducted based on a search warrant signed by four departments and a judge, but the reason for the complaint leading to the warrant remains unknown. The animals, Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon, were euthanized despite no prior complaints and their widespread public presence.

Why is the Peanut the squirrel case considered a microcosm of the political climate?

The case highlights the weaponization of government power and the politicization of issues, with some on the Left advocating for government control over personal choices, even to the extent of euthanizing pets without clear justification.

Why is the Internet Archive's recent downtime concerning for preserving historical records?

The Internet Archive, which mirrors websites and provides access to historical records, experienced a catastrophic failure just before a significant election, leading to a three-week gap in archived data. This raises concerns about the integrity and availability of historical records, especially if certain sites are selectively not being mirrored.

Why might the Biden-Harris administration's agenda for the internet be concerning?

Their agenda includes a shift towards a stakeholder model that excludes traditional free speech protections, potentially leading to censorship and control over internet content by major NGOs, nonprofits, universities, large companies, and government entities.

Why is Dave McCormick running for Senate in Pennsylvania?

McCormick is running to bring about significant change in Pennsylvania, advocating for policies that support energy dominance, economic recovery, border security, and addressing the fentanyl crisis. He positions himself as a candidate for change against the status quo represented by his opponent, Bob Casey.

The story of Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon being euthanized by the government sparks outrage and discussion about government overreach and politicization.
  • DEC officers raided Mark Longo's house and euthanized his pet squirrel Peanut and a raccoon named Fred.
  • The raid was based on a search warrant signed by multiple departments and a judge.
  • The incident highlights the politicization of government actions and the Left's advocacy for increased government power.

Shownotes Transcript


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Be warranty. Go to slash Beck and save 20%. That's slash Beck and get 20% off any plan. See slash contracts for coverage details, including limit amounts, fees, limitations, and exclusions. With American Home Shield, don't worry. Be warranty. Day before the election, we have everything you need to keep up to date on today's program, including the death of our first patriot in the fight to save our republic.

Peanut the squirrel. Also, Dave McCormick joins the program running to unseat Bob Casey for Pennsylvania's Senate seat. We talk also to in the full version of the program, Selena Zito, who puts a

puts her money where her mouth is on today's program. How's this election going to turn out? And Jeffrey Tucker is on to talk about the real-time censorship patent on the Internet Archive and how trustworthy the lost info might be if it's ever able to be recovered. You don't want to miss it. Oh, Roseanne Barr is also on the full show. Worth the download, too. Go and get out and vote tomorrow if you haven't already. Here is the best of the program in 60.

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You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program. We just learned that they have euthanized peanut and the raccoon as well. And the raccoon as well. Um,

I am so sorry. This must be really difficult for you. It not only tears my family apart, but Peanut was the cornerstone of our nonprofit animal rescue. And 10 to 12 DEC officers raided my house as if I was a drug dealer. I was sat outside my house for five hours. I had to get a police escort to my bathroom.

I wasn't even allowed to feed my rescue horses breakfast or lunch. I was sitting, sat there like a criminal after they interrogated my wife to check out her immigration status, then proceeded to ask me if I had cameras in my house, then proceeded to go through every cabinet nook and cranny of my house for a squirrel and a raccoon. They got a search warrant. They got a search warrant.

Four departments and a judge signed off on a search warrant for a squirrel and a raccoon. And then they took them and killed them. - Why did they go through all that to get a search warrant for an animal that had been with you very safely and the world witnessed this for seven years? Why now suddenly did they show up with a search warrant and take these animals? - We haven't a clue.

We don't know who made the complaints. Again, Peanut was an indoor squirrel, not harming anybody. He's been with us for seven years. Not a single complaint was ever filed for this animal. We had him for seven and a half years. He became the world's most famous squirrel. We weren't hiding him by any means. He was all over TikTok. He became the first squirrel on TikTok to ever hit a million followers. He did every news station around the world. He's helped people everywhere.

He's helped kids gather joy. And then we started a non-profit animal rescue called Peanuts Freedom Farm to help animals like Peanut fight a good fight when they're in a neglected case or they're sitting in a slaughter auction. And he was the cornerstone of our life and our organization. We used his platform to help raise money for the 300 animals we have at our sanctuary. Chapter 1, Propaganda Wars, by Glenn Beck. Welcome to Clown World.

I rest my case, Your Honor. What the hell is that? Now, do I feel bad for them? Yes, I really feel bad for them. Do I think this is the weaponization of government? Yes. Some anonymous person made a complaint, apparently said he might have rabies.

The person came in without the permission of the people and grabbed him and he bit him. Of course he did. My dog might bite you, too, if you are aggressive to my family. What the hell is this? Now, I don't know about you, but I suspect Karen. That's who I suspect. All Karens should be investigated today. And let me make this promise.

If Donald Trump is elected. Oh, all the Karens will be investigated and probably, probably put in a camp someplace. They're already building it. You know, they are. This is an insane story. Insane. And it is so bizarre when you're talking about the actual content of what occurred here. You're talking about a squirrel and a raccoon living as a pet, all of that. It is also one of the most egregious stories.

abuses of government power I can ever remember. It's like one of those things similar to like women's sports where we talk about the transgender issue. There's a million different things that are really important about the transgender issue. Women's sports is not probably number one. The fact that, you know, a lot of medals get taken away. It's dramatic. I have kids. I have a girl who this might happen to. So it's concerning, but it's not the most serious part. It's the part though that brings it home.

Like the most. Right. Moms and dads are like, wait a minute, my daughter's going to get hit in the face with a volleyball at 120 miles an hour? What are we talking about here? Right. Right? This is kind of, in a weird way, sort of the same. It is. You don't think about it. It's a squirrel being killed. Like, they get run over nine trillion times a day. Can you stop?

Just holding up the squirrel while you forget Fred the raccoon. I know. He's getting the shaft on this one. He's getting the shaft. Poor Fred. Poor Fred. But I mean, like, if they will do this to a family that is, has documented all of this, millions and millions of people follow this, they see the squirrel as this most little adorable thing, like jumping around on its owners and like it's,

It's crazy. The fact they would do this knowing how visible it was just shows that they don't care. You think they care about you? These people have millions and millions of people watching their daily life with this. They took the squirrel and murdered it for no reason at all. In the most visible way possible. They will not care about what your little complaint is. Let me just point out.

For no reason possible? No reason. Okay. Let me just quote Jen, early voter, Rubin from the Washington Post. Oh, God. Quote, the MAGA squirrel deserved to die. Now, I think this is both an absolutely ridiculous clown world story.

But I also think it is a microcosm of everything this election is about. Everything. You know, they call Donald Trump vengeful. They're going to get the MAGA squirrel and kill him.

These people with peace in their hearts, these animal lovers, the ones who just love the planet, take an innocent squirrel that if he had a MAGA hat on, I can guarantee you he didn't know what the hat was. Not that he didn't know it was a MAGA hat. He didn't even know it was a hat! And they kill him. This is nuts. Is that a squirrel joke? You got a squirrel joke? You just said it. Is it nuts?

You said this is nuts, eh? That's the ultimate squirrel joke. You made it and didn't even realize it. I really am shocked by this, though. Like, I don't know. Do you get... I don't know. It's funny because I don't... Were the... Did the people who... The parents. Did the parents of the squirrel... Are their politics known at all? Like, are they? I don't know. I have no idea. Apparently, she deleted this...

Post because she started to get hammered for it. Okay. But Jen Rubin, Washington Post, she seems to know it was a MAGA squirrel. I haven't asked the squirrels in my area who they're for. So there's no little teeny squirrel signs that I've seen for Trump around any of the trees that I have in my house. I have heard that particular squirrel peanut supports lower corporate income taxes. So I am concerned.

But like it became a political issue. Everything is political. But not because as far as I know, these were like big MAGA people who had a squirrel. It's because the people who want your squirrel to live are conservatives. The people who don't want the government to have the power to invade your home and take your pets and murder them for no reason whatsoever.

That's now a political issue because the left wants the government to have that power.

They do. They want them to be able to do that. And they might say, well, I love my pet. What are you talking about? I'm voting for Kamala Harris and I love my pet. It doesn't matter. What you're advocating for is the power of the government to be able to do this stuff to you. And you believe that it will never do it to you. Mm-hmm. I got news for you. Which is selfish, by the way. Incredibly selfish. Incredibly selfish. And you don't care about anybody else because you don't think it might happen to you. That's not, that is an incredibly selfish argument.

Instinct, you know, like you have that already. Who did I see over the weekend? Talk about, you know, people wonder how people just in Germany just went full fledged Nazi. And he said, look, look what happened with COVID. He's like, I'll bet you at least 30% of our population couldn't wait to turn a neighbor in.

Because it signaled their virtue. First among them, Tim Walls, by the way. Yeah. Put a hotline up. Put a hotline up. Report your neighbors. If they're not handling an illness the way you want them to.

That's unbelievable. This man might be vice president of the United States after he did that. Just that. Forget the fact that he allowed cities to burn to the ground and all the other crap he's been doing. Well, this time, this time they're not taking any chances. They have put the National Guard on standby in Seattle, Washington.

Portland and Washington, D.C. You know, all those deeply red areas. A lot of tiki tortures, parades going on. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, they're worried about all the Trump supporters there, you know. Well, Jesse Smollett was one of the first that let us know that MAGA country isn't exactly where we think it is. Sometimes it's downtown Chicago. Sometimes it's Portland, Oregon. Right. That's MAGA country for you. Well...

We have infiltrated all those areas with the squirrels. So, and they are pissed. All right. No matter what it is to get you out of bed in the morning. Who would have thought the day before the election, we'd be talking about a squirrel story. We're talking about a squirrel. And like, it's so perfect to like the meme of like, what's distracting you squirrel. Like it's actually coming true. Yeah.

Oh, man, it's going to be a tough couple of days, couple of weeks, couple of months. Chapter one. Chapter one in Propaganda Wars. Available everywhere. You buy books now. Chapter one. Welcome to Clown World. This is just incredible. Debate has raged on for decades when it comes to the Thanksgiving meal, which is better turkey or ham?

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Tomorrow, all eyes are on Pennsylvania. That's our first sign of how things are going to be going. And Dave McCormick is running for the Senate in Pennsylvania. He is running against...

Casey, who is he's a dream come true. Dave is a Bronze Star, I guess, recipient. He's he went to West Point. He was the CEO of Free Markets, a successful tech startup. And he's now running for Senate. God only knows why. But, you know, he's been to war, so it won't be much different now.

And Dave is joining us now. Hi, Dave. Hey, Glenn. How are you? I'm really good. I'm really good. How are you feeling today? You know, I feel great. I mean, at home stretch, this was always going to be a super...

race, but what's happening is it feels like there's a momentum shift. And, you know, in my race, it's really a choice between change and the status quo. And a guy who is me, in my case, a seventh generation Pennsylvanian, as you said, grew up in rural Pennsylvania, went to West Point, Ranger School, 82nd Airborne Division, combat tour in Iraq, and then ran a business in Pennsylvania against a guy that's been in elected office 30 years.

uh, has, you know, comes from a famous political family. It's been a weak leader. When the bullets start flying, he ducks and he votes 98.6% of the time with Biden Harris. And so if people want the status quo, I tell them on the campaign trail, vote Casey. If you want change,

That's what I'm running for, to bring about change and hopefully work with President Trump and the White House to put forward a common sense agenda to get our economy back on track and make ourselves energy dominant, which will be because of Pennsylvania's natural gas and secure the border and stop this scourge of fentanyl. And so I think three-quarters of Pennsylvanians think that we're heading in the wrong direction, which is why I think

President Trump will prevail, and I think I will too. You know, because your slogan is time for a change, and I really think that

Dave, that this is that is coming, you know, one way or another. Deep change is coming. If she wins, I think we are no longer the constitutional Republican for years that we are now. And Donald Trump made some mistakes in his first term, but he's learned from them and he has gotten uber sharp on everything. He knows what he's doing and he's talking about profound change.

What I, what I don't understand is how people see Kamala as an agent of change. You know, I think it's, um, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's wearing off here in Pennsylvania. I think Pennsylvania may be the one place where the Democrats would have been wiser to put Joe Biden forward because, because Biden had a claim to Pennsylvania. He had campaigned here. He knew every union leader, every County commissioner, but Kamala Harris in her own words, uh,

wants to enter on words in the last three or four years, wants to ban fracking, transition energy workers, mandatory buybacks of your guns, legalization of illegal immigrants, federal benefits for them, defund the police, eliminate private health care insurance. I mean, this is a radical agenda that's completely out of touch with Pennsylvania. And the more Pennsylvanians see that, the

the more that they're coming to the conclusion that we need the strength and common sense policies of President Trump. But it's also a Bob Casey thing, because if, God forbid, Kamala Harris is in there, Bob Casey is a sure vote. And somebody said this to me the other day, Glenn, which really struck a negative chord with me. But somebody said, are you running for the Bob Casey seat? And

And I said, I'm not running for the Bob Casey seat. This isn't an entitlement because his name's Casey. You know, you get to earn this seat every single day, every election. And he's failed people across our great Commonwealth. And that's why I think you're seeing the movement in the polls. What everybody would say is that there's a huge push for

in my direction, in my race, but also President Trump's picked up some steam here as well. And I think we're going to see that tomorrow. How do you feel about the security of the election?

You know, I feel two things at the same time. I feel like there's been an enormous effort. Thousands of people will be at election sites, 7,000 observers, 500 lawyers. I think there's a lot of vigilance, but we have to be vigilant because we've already seen cases where they're trying to suppress the voting in Bucks County by, you know, ending early voting early. We've seen

what looks to be fraudulent registrations in Lancaster County, which the district attorney there is prosecuting. So I think we've got a lot of focus, a lot of resources on it, which should give us some comfort. But I also think that we've got to play whack-a-mole and be extremely vigilant to make sure any indication of cheating or fraud is dealt with

immediately and uh... as on paranoid about it but uh... but i also feel like we're very focused and yet this is one of the years were trumps president campaign in mind have very been very coordinated uh... michael lottley who's the chairman of the r_n_c_ has made pennsylvania ground zero for his efforts so uh... listen uh... let's talk about tomorrow or wednesday but i feel like or perot pretty focused on it we're talking to david karmic he's running for senate in the state of pennsylvania

Dave, Kamala Harris has said that she is not now against banning fracking. She's turned that around, apparently. Although she made a big speech over the weekend outlining the most expansive green energy, you know, global warming agenda. And she's bragging about that to her supporters. Yeah.

Where is Casey on all of this, and do you believe either of them? Yeah, listen, I think it's both deceptive and disgraceful. And I've talked a lot about this on the campaign trail. You know, for your listeners, if they went to my website,, they'll see I've laid out all my positions on energy and what we need to do and everything else. But two points. Number one, we should...

We should not trust them on this because Kamala Harris has had a long history of being for eliminating fossil fuel consumption in general. And Bob Casey has voted time and again for the Frack Act, which essentially puts a huge burden on fracking companies. He's supported the closing down of the Keystone Pipeline. He's been...

absolutely in favor of all these restrictions on natural gas, the EPA mandate, which is going to create much more demand for electric vehicles at the expense of combustion engines. But the most important thing to take away here is you don't actually have to ban fracking

to ban fracking. What you do is you put all sorts of red tape and regulations. You increase the liabilities. You make it harder and harder for private sector to invest. That's what they're doing. And so, you know, this whole conversation about ban or not ban, what we should be talking about is how we not just have fracking, but we double, triple, quadruple

the amount of fracking taking place in Pennsylvania because it's critical to our economic well-being. It's critical to our national security. And here's the irony, Glenn. It's critical to the environment. That natural clean gas exported around the world will be the best thing we could ever do to reduce carbon emissions. So sorry to go on so long, but that is really an area where I think...

the Democrats are completely out to lunch and Bob Casey is a rubber stamp vote for all this extreme green agenda. So we have one candidate, you know, talking about green agenda, which will change everything.

The other candidate has now floated. Donald Trump has floated even no taxes, no income tax. The things that he is advocating for are massive, just massive change. And in my view, pretty good. Are you prepared to fight those fights in the Senate? Yeah.

yeah i really am i'm prepared i mean i think and i say this all the time i think we can't have incrementalism we can't have incrementalism in terms of dealing with uh our energy industry or in terms of uh our economy and the spending cuts we need to do to bring this uh terrible inflation in place so the economy of biden harrison casey has been devastating for working families in pennsylvania 60

and the families of Pennsylvania live paycheck to paycheck, and prices have gone up by more than 20%, and wages haven't kept up. So we've got to get rid of all incrementalism in terms of getting our country back on track, and I'm going to fight those battles for a number of reasons. I deeply believe we need to do this to save our country, but I'm not doing this to become a career politician. I've term-limited myself, which...

Many people said I should not do, but I'm going to do this for two terms if I'm honored enough to get the opportunity. I'm not going there to make small changes. I'm going there to shake things up. I agree with...

A lot of the things President Trump has said in his agenda that he's laid out very specifically, Kamala Harris has not laid out an agenda at all. Donald Trump has done so. And the place where I think we need the most dramatic change is the border.

And I'm going to say something here, Glenn, which has got me into some trouble, but I really believe it. We not only need to secure the border, you know, finish the wall, go through the process of getting the illegal immigrants back across the border to their home countries. I think we need to designate the cartels

as terrorist organizations, day one, and go across the border with our drones, with our military, destroy the manufacturing facilities, destroy the distribution facilities. This scourge of fentanyl has killed 116,000 Americans last year.

And to put that in perspective, as a guy who has served in the military, we lost 58,000 men and women in Vietnam killed in action in eight years. So last year in America, we had two Vietnams be killed.

because of the cartels invading our country with fentanyl, killing our innocent young people who don't even know they're taking fentanyl. So that's the kind of tough, dramatic leadership I think we need, and I think President Trump's going to bring that. And I'll be with him when he does. Dave, thank you very much. This is Dave McCormick. He is running...

for Senate in Pennsylvania. You can find him at You can also follow him on Twitter. Best of luck to you tomorrow, Dave. Thank you. Hey, thanks. Thanks for having me. Have a great day. You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program. What would the world be like if all of a sudden you went into the library? We were a

country based in books. Try to think back with me, old timer. And all the books were suddenly gone. And then a month later, they're put back on the shelf and they open the library. But you're not sure they put all the books back. You're not sure what happened to any of those books. You're not sure if any of those books were changed. How could you trust history?

Well, we're in a digital age now, and there is something that I don't really understand that's been going on for the last few weeks. It's On October 8th, the servers were hit with a denial of service attack, and it took down the service but also led to catastrophic failure. This is the way people go back and say, okay, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Is that what they really said?

Wait, they believe that now, but what did they say back in, you know, 2016, 2020, last week? Remember how everything was changed on Kamala Harris overnight? They just started changing. You've lost now the ability to go back and see what does the original story say. Now, is this just a, I don't know, a coincidence? A really, really bad coincidence?

Because there's some other things that have changed that look like if it is, it's a pretty big and bad coincidence. Jeffrey Tucker is with us. He's the founder and president Brownstone Institute. Jeffrey, how are you?

Good. And Glenn, thank you for describing this problem so well. You have a way with metaphors. You know, I don't think I understand the depth, and I've read up on it a bit this weekend, and it seems like some people are saying it's no big deal, it's going to be fixed. Other people are saying, no, no, no, this is a really big deal. Well, I got a communication from the company itself that said,

There's no big deal. We have been from the 8th of October, we've been mirroring the entire Internet just so we can't make it live yet because we're not quite stable. And my initial feeling was, oh, good, okay. But

But, you know, we've all lost trust in basically everything. So I decided to respond to the guy and I said, I said, well, I guess I'm a little confused. If you have been mirroring since mirroring all the interest since the age. But why can't you make that at least alive in a read only mode?

And I didn't get an answer. So I feel like I might be onto something. And I still smell a rat here. First of all, there is the issue of timing. I mean, they have been involved in mirroring websites since the browser was invented in 1995. And I can see on now websites that I built in 1995, 1996. Right.

They're there. And this has been consistently mirroring the Internet since that time until, of all things, 30 days before what many people consider to be the most momentous election in modern times. And suddenly, a DDoS attack hits the site and they stop. And here we are.

Now, and people kept thinking it's all a temporary glitch, it'll come out, but the company kept saying, no, well, it was worse than we thought, and we're working really hard. Oh, now here's a read-only version, so it's not real-time, but you can read all the archives.

Well, I went to the site. I'm not sure if I was the first one to notice this, but I think I was the first one to really sound the alarm that nothing is available since October 1st.

AIDS and so we don't know and Just keep in mind so they mirror Prominent websites several times a day sometimes four or five times a day so that you can tell the difference between the morning headline the afternoon have I and I've used this tool quite frequently to discover for example all the cockamamie edicts issued by the CDC

from 2020 that they deleted a year later. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to... I found it was the CDC that imposed the rent moratorium, push for all the filtration systems that later turned out to be a huge waste of time, all the crazy plexiglass stuff that just doomed the world. Another thing, Glenn, that they did, and I think this was on March 12, 2020, was

urge the entire country to, in the language of a mandate, you know, you can never tell in those days what was required and what wasn't, but in the language of a mandate, mail in ballots, okay? So, in other words, sending our election systems, you know, the very core of what it means to be a democratic society, into dramatic upheaval in ways that everyone,

new would lead to massive fraud. So that, that happened on March 12th. Was it with the permission of the Trump administration? I doubt it. But in any case, after the election that November, that, that instruction went away. So it was only thanks to that we know this. Another example is the world health organization for a period of, um,

I would say a fortnight completely changed this definition of herd immunity to exclude natural immunity. Right. They said that you can only obtain herd immunity through pharmaceutical products. Right. So then they changed back again. So we can, we only, and I've discovered this discovered a lot of these things, but only by using So this is extremely important.

As we speak, there are three weeks, three full weeks of the internet missing. Now,

I have a little bit of a coda here. Before this interview was about to take place, I decided to check on the status of the real-time mirroring and where we stood and what was available in real time. And I looked at, our website, and I found that it's still not being mirrored. The latest copy they have is from October 8th. But then I went to the New York Times and

And boom, two instances of mirroring the site yesterday. Now, I have not had time to research how many other sites are being mirrored and which ones are not being mirrored. But let me just put it this way. How can you not smell a rat? You know, it's looking pretty bad. So I can understand a longer term problem there.

that we're just taking pages out of books in a library. What are you talking about? That page never was there. I can understand that longer term. What do you think their short term, if they are turning it back on, what would you think the short-term advantage, what did they do? Well, based on the evidence that I'm seeing now, it's only...

the sort of massively popular sort of regime-friendly publications that are being mirrored and others are not. And that would be consistent with the Biden-Harris administration's agenda for the internet, generally speaking, because in, I think it was about two years ago, they issued a thing

called the Declaration on the Future of the Internet. Yes. That excluded the traditional injunction that it should be

a place of free expression and that there should be free speech on the internet. That's every declaration on the internet. Future always had that. They deleted that and changed it into what they called a stakeholder model. And they, and they mentioned, and, and, and by the way, they put all this in, you know, fake, fake,

calligraphy, you know, with a fancy-pants border, you know, as if to codify it into all of the human mind and all this gibberish. But the stakeholders I mentioned are the usual suspects. So major NGOs and nonprofits, universities, large companies, and government.

Okay, so those are the stakeholders that are going to control the content. Now, you read the Declaration on the Future of the Internet, it's clear that what they want is to turn the entire internet into some version of 1970s television, replacing 800 numbers with credit card fields. That's it. So everything...

else is slated for some kind of termination. And that includes rumble and access sub stack and probably your, your side of the mind and everybody else. And that's the longterm vision getting from here to there is, is not going to be easy because the first amendment stands in their way.

So as a result of that, you have to find surreptitious methods of obtaining the same results incrementally. So one of those, and here again, call me a conspiracy terrorist if you want, one incremental part of the method would be to

eliminate the mirroring of sites, the sites slated for termination in real time, so that in effect you don't exist. Nothing I've posted since October 8th exists in the official Internet Archive. And that's probably true for you too. So our activities day to day, our writings are not being recorded by the Internet's big

And incidentally, yes, there are other alternatives to, but nothing that mirrors the entire World Wide Web in real time. All the other engines require sort of manual operation by users and are not in any sense comprehensive. So this is the only one, which is tragic. There should be

there should be hundreds and thousands of these, but there's not. Google can do it, but they stopped their services of running real-time caching of websites last year, I think. So things are tightening up. And in my article with Debbie Lehrman, we also chronicled

The fascinating way in which Internet search has changed, you've undoubtedly noticed this, I think. Yes. You go to Google now and you don't get crowdsourced community curated content of credible sources. Right. As said, the old algorithms used to look at how much a site is linked into. And if people found it useful.

That was the driving force. It wasn't perfect, but at least it was democratic. And you could cross-check that with a website called

Alexa, which has been around since 1995. It was acquired by Amazon in 2000. And the idea of Alexa was that it had public rankings of web traffic. And a practical example of this, if there's a website that says Glenn Beck is a bad guy and you should have nothing to do with him, you...

might be a site but by that but then you could look up at alexa and notice that this website is hardly ever seen by anybody earlier right is by the pack therefore it would be unlikely to be in the house they are likely to get your interest so that they would not have any kind of impact on the public right as you dismiss it now a good going black going back as a jerk website uh... just started last week can be gained to be the second

second, uh, uh, research, the second, the second link on, on Google under your name. And you don't know if this is a big website, a small website, you know, something, some troll website started last week or something read by, by 10 million people a day. You know, you wouldn't know it because Amazon, uh, shut it down after buying it.

They had it for a few years, and then they just shut it down. They didn't sell it. They just went dark, which is unusual. Jeffrey, I'm out of time, but I would love to further this conversation with you and stay in touch with what is going on with the mirroring of all of the sites. I hope you're wrong, but I don't dismiss very much anymore because it's crazy.

Jeffrey, thank you so much. You got it. Thank you. That is Jeffrey Tucker. This episode is brought to you by Shopify.

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