cover of episode Best of the Program |  Guest: Lara Trump | 10/9/24

Best of the Program | Guest: Lara Trump | 10/9/24

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The Glenn Beck Program

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Glenn Beck
Lara Trump
Glenn Beck呼吁所有基督徒选民积极参与11月大选投票。他认为,鉴于当前美国社会面临的诸多严峻挑战,例如经济衰退、犯罪率上升、教育体系的政治化、言论自由受限、移民问题、国际冲突、企业腐败以及信仰的冲击,基督徒选民的投票至关重要。他详细分析了这些问题对美国社会和家庭生活造成的负面影响,并强调了基督徒选民在维护美国传统价值观和宪法原则方面的责任。他认为,不投票实际上等同于默认现状,是对社会和未来世代的不负责任。他敦促基督徒选民认真思考这些问题,并做出明智的抉择。他同时指出,即使对两党候选人都感到不满,也不能成为放弃投票的理由,因为他们的缺席本身就是一种政治表态。他相信,如果足够多的基督徒选民参与投票,就能扭转当前的政治局面。

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And there's a new poll out that says 41% of people who claim to be Christians, 38% who go to church every Sunday, say they're not going to vote. You need to listen to this podcast because everything is at stake and take this podcast message seriously. Also, Lara Trump talks about how North Carolina is trying to get the voters involved.

Both sides have been impacted by Hurricane Helene. How are they going to be able to cast their vote? We have that with Lara Trump. Also, on the full podcast, you'll hear the CEO of Sticker Mule and how he fought for the ability to have a sign in New York that says, Vote for Trump. Plus, Jaco Bullions is here as well. All that and more on today's program. But this is the best of the Glenn Beck Podcast.

Worst kind of mistake you can make in life is the type that can never be taken back. Maybe on the top of that list is taking another person's life. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is necessary. Sometimes it's the right thing to do in a situation, but either way, you don't get to take it back. Once you pull that trigger, you cannot take that back. That's why, in addition to the guns that I own...

that I lost in a very tragic lake accident. Man, those boats! Well, I talked to the guy of the Cajun Navy. I don't know if he's lost all of his guns, you know, down at the bottom of a swamp, but...

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Millions of Christians, this is the latest from John Solomon at Just the News. Millions of Christians not planning to vote this November could shape the election. The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that approximately 104 million people under the people of faith umbrella are not expected to vote this election.

including 41 million Americans and 32 million whom regularly go to church. I want to talk to you, if you are one of those 41 million Christians or 32 million who go to church on Sunday. Can we have a conversation? Let's start here. Are the conditions for your family, your job, your neighborhood, your town...

better or worse than they were four years ago. Take a minute, think about it. Are things more secure or more chaotic? Whether you're concerned about what's going on at your child's school, the state of the economy, what you're seeing in our cities, the issues that shape our daily lives are right in front of us. The border now affects all of us. And we are left to ask, is this problem bigger or smaller than it was four years ago?

So let's begin with the state of the economy. And again, please listen if you are one that says, I don't think I'm going to vote. Inflation is something that all of us feel, whether it's at the gas pump, in the grocery store, when we pay our energy bills. Four years ago, what were you paying for a gallon of gas? What was your last electric bill? And what was it? Look it up. What was it before this administration?

How much has your weekly grocery run changed? Some say inflation has cooled. Well, that's true. We're now at 3, 3.5% inflation rate, but that's on top of the 20% that has already been added. So our inflation from four years ago is 23%. That's why your dollar's not going as far. How secure do you feel in your job?

How secure do you feel in your retirement funds? Are you making enough to make ends meet? Or are you thinking, I might have to get a second job? Or have you already gotten a second job and you are still struggling? Energy prices. Energy prices affect everything. Everything. All the way to prescription drugs because the little capsules, that's made from petroleum.

Energy prices have seen dramatic shifts. We hear a lot about the transition to cleaner energy, but many of us are still dependent on traditional sources of power to heat our homes and fuel our cars. Now, the administration says that they want you to get rid of your gas stove, your gas heater, and go to electric. But electric is made mainly by coal in America.

Is your energy bill manageable? Or are these shifts in the global market affecting your bottom line? What was your energy bill four years ago? Is it better or worse? Then there's the issue of crime and safety on our streets. Crime rates fluctuate. Depending on where you live, your sense of security may have improved or worsened.

I don't know where your sense of security might have improved, except maybe very small towns. Do you feel safer walking in your neighborhood now than you did four years ago? Are you comfortable with your wife or your daughter going out of the house and going to get gas at night? I'm not. Have you noticed changes in how law enforcement operates in your town?

These are not abstract ideas. They directly impact whether you feel safe in your own home, whether your children feel secure when they walk to school. Speaking of schools, education. Significant debate on education. What is being taught in your child's school?

How does it compare four years ago when we weren't teaching DEI? We weren't teaching CRT. We were not teaching gender ideology. Four years ago, we were not teaching it. Remember, that came as a surprise. And then you were called a terrorist if you spoke out against it by our government.

From concerns about curricula to the growing conversation around transgender affirmative care for young people, parents across the country are asking questions about what kind of education their children are receiving. Are they getting a better education of reading, writing, and arithmetic? Or worse, what is it our schools are focused on?

And do you feel empowered as a parent to shape your child's learning environment, or do you feel increasingly sidelined? That is a question you must ask and answer. We've also seen robust debates around freedom of speech, from social media censorship to the limits of free expression in public and corporate spaces. Many feel the boundaries of what can and cannot be said have shifted for the first time in my lifetime.

I'm not sure about my future in broadcast. For the first time in my lifetime, I have friends outside of broadcast that are afraid to say anything at work for fear that they'll be fired because they have a politically incorrect opinion.

Has your ability to speak freely, whether online or in your community, become easier or more difficult over the last four years? Do you feel that public discourse is more open or more constrained? Is it more Christ-like or less Christ-like? Are more lies being told or truths being told? And does this administration accept the truth?

That one you'll have to go back to gender on. That one you'll have to go back to a lot of them on. Immigration is another issue. This shapes your world. This shapes our country.

Whether you live near the border or far from it, it doesn't matter anymore. Our immigration policies of an open border influences you, your security, our economy, the social fabric of our nation. Are you more confident today in our nation's ability to manage immigration? Or are you concerned, more concerned than you were four years ago? Our security...

You know, they just caught somebody from Afghanistan, and it's someone this administration let in. They knew who they were. They let them in, and they were planning on a massive terror strike on Election Day. They've just been arrested. Do you feel better or worse? What about war and peace? International conflicts have a way of reaching our doorstep.

Whether it's ongoing tensions in various parts of the world or new conflicts that are emerging, the effects trickle down into our lives through just higher prices and economic uncertainty. Or worse, the fear of further escalation. We're now for the first time since the 1980s. I had forgotten all about this threat because I never thought it would be reasonable to use. I thought we had already learned this lesson.

But we're now seriously talking about facing a nuclear war. We were not four years ago. Do you feel the specter of war? We're a draft of your son. And now, because of what Democrats want, possibly your daughter into war. Is that more likely or less likely than it was four years ago? Corporate corruption.

Something that often flies under the radar, but it impacts all of us, whether it's through rising prices, monopolies, to stifle competition, scandals that shake the public trust, corruption at the highest levels of business. It trickles down to our everyday life. Do you feel this administration is more likely to bail those corporations out that play ball or less likely? Do you think this administration is more likely to continue to bail out the banks or less likely?

Do you feel that the corporations are being held accountable for doing things that are absolutely un-American? Or does it seem like the same pattern of being in bed with the government keeps playing out? And how does that affect your business? In a better way or a worse way? Finally, I want to talk to you about faith. For those who consider themselves people of faith, people who go to church,

that are now thinking, I'm not going to vote. Let me ask you about how these issues affect your spiritual and moral life. Do they affect your spiritual and moral life of you or your family or your children? Now, this is deeply personal.

But when we're having gender-affirming care and your children are being taught that God makes mistakes and puts people in the wrong bodies, is that good for your children's spiritual health and future or bad? Do you feel that your values are being upheld in the public sphere more or less than you did four years ago? When we experienced Afghanistan and the withdrawal, was that honorable behavior?

or not? What's happening in Appalachia, is that honorable or not? Has there been a shift in the way our society views the role of right and wrong? Has right become wrong and wrong become right? Woe unto them. Is it different how our society views religion now? These are on, should be on the minds of millions of Americans.

Whether you're satisfied with the answers or not, you must consider them carefully. Now, here's why your vote does matter. You can live in Texas. I'm voting. Now, I think the Ted Cruz race is actually, Ted is in jeopardy. So I'm voting because of that. But I'm also voting for president. And I think it's really clear on what happens in Texas. Maybe not. But I'm voting because it matters more.

Not just at the ballot box. You might argue that one vote doesn't make a difference or that both sides are so similar it doesn't matter. First of all, that's not true. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, not to act is to act. Not to speak is to speak. So by staying at home, you are voting right.

Not just here in America, but in the eternities you are voting. Even when you think your voice won't be counted, it is. Even if you think it's all corrupt, your voice matters. If you are a Christian, when you abstain from voting because you're frustrated with both sides or you just can't make a choice, your absence is the vote. It is action through inaction.

Now, let me ask you, do you like what your schools are now trying to do? Become the parent and cut you out of your child's life and critical decisions. Do you feel this is healthy for your children or our society? Do you feel right now that your child is going to have the opportunities that you had to better your life or not? Most do not. Well, has that gotten better or worse in the last four years?

And let me ask you, why would you let strangers, people you do not know, that don't hold your values, dictate the future for your child and your grandchildren? You must be in the fight. You know, over 70% of all atheists vote for Democrats. Now, I know some very nice atheists, but do they hold your values? In the midst of moral darkness, is this the time to be neutral?

I've told you before, there's not going to be anyone in the stands in the end. All of us are on the field whether we like it or not, one way or another.

If this is the time of fulfilled prophecy, which it might be, the time that all men will be tracked and monitored, that money will be worthless and you'll be tracked and have to buy or sell and participate because you'll have to accept something placed under the skin, hand or forehead. Is this really the time to remain neutral on central bank digital currency?

When one world government is in the wings openly and is almost ready to take the stage, that's prophecy. Is it now the time for Christians not to speak up? One side is very clear on those two things in the implementation of and the other sides against it. Well, I don't like Donald Trump. Well, you know what? Have you read about Martin Luther King? He was not a good guy.

But he wasn't the first to be asked. He was the first to accept the challenge. Others were asked. They said no. They didn't want to die. They didn't want to stick their neck out. Martin Luther King was just obedient enough on that call or dumb enough to say yes. So you don't get perfect leaders. And if the people of God do not stand now, you may lose your right to stand and speak in an American fashion that we're all used to.

It not only can happen here, it is happening here. And the Constitution is hanging by a thread. I don't know any other way to describe it. What sign are you waiting for? What do you expect your pastor, priest, or bishop to tell you? By the way, your relationship with God is personal. Stop waiting for man. Ask him personally.

Should I vote and who should I vote for after you've done your homework and answered those questions?

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This is the best of the Glenn Beck Program. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. I want to talk to you about change. We have, as a society, wanted change for a very long time. Under George W. Bush, I wanted change to transparency and accountability.

But when Barack Obama was offering change, no one would describe what change. We asked over and over again, what does he mean by change? Well, what he meant was, quote, the fundamental transformation of the United States of America. So people still wanted change after that. And change came in the form of Donald Trump, a less than perfect messenger, quote,

But the only one that could break through the system that had been so corrupt, well, because...

because people didn't like the way he, you know, spoke, because of, honestly, the lies that the media told us, that he was a Russian agent, that he was doing all kinds of things, because they persecuted him and continue to, people were tired of, oh, all of this back and forth arguing. And so who stepped in? Joe Biden, a guy who said, look, you know me. I've

I've been around forever. I don't represent radical change. What I represent is a return to normalcy. Remember, I'm going to return us back to normalcy. So we did get change. But did we go back to normalcy? We did get change with Obama. But did we get transparency, which he promised?

Biden, we did get change, but did we get a return to normalcy? Under Donald Trump, we did get change. We got a change in the way everybody behaved in Washington and in the media.

But we also had an end to wars. We also had a change in our economy. We also had a change in African-American and Hispanic job numbers being higher than they've ever been before. Then COVID hit and we got change again. Is our moral compass truer today, truer towards north or truer towards south, the opposite direction?

Are we back to the America that we all understand and really want? Most of us, even Democrats, want a return to the Constitution and common sense. We all grew up under it. We saw that it was flawed. That's why we wanted the change of transparency. Now, Kamala promises change. But again, I ask, to what?

See, Kamala Harris is now being seen as, by many, the candidate of change, representing a shift in leadership and direction. Now, I can't figure this out.

Because I want to take her in her own words. You want to change. What do you want to change from? You want to change from some of these insane ideas like what's happened on our border, the Afghanistan thing, the way we're decimating ourselves and our military on the world stage.

the way we're spending out of control on things that you don't want, the way our children are being treated in school and gender-affirming care. You do want change. So she offers that. Or does she? Listen to her own words from The View two days ago. Well, if anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?

There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of, and I've been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact. Aha, okay. Well, this raises an important question. I mean, if you're satisfied with the status quo, with the policies of the last four years that she was part of and didn't have a problem with any of the major policies, how can you be an agent of change?

If you're fine with it, then I understand your vote. But if you are not fine with it, if you want to change, she's not the change candidate. Let's look at what this means. If you feel that the economic challenges we face today, rising inflation, increased energy prices, growing government control over certain sectors, are acceptable, then perhaps you don't seek change. But if you believe that the approaches in immigration, crime, education, foreign policy...

monetary policy over the last four years have made your life better, then keep things the way they are. And, you know, you feel like this is the right path forward, so keep it as you are. However, for many Americans, the last four years have brought up more hardship than hope. One side of this election clearly disagrees with the direction we're heading.

They believe true change involves reducing the federal government's size and power, allowing more freedom and flexibility at the state and local levels, and stop just ceding so much power to the federal government.

This view, a constitutional view, seeks to empower you and your community, not by expanding federal oversight, but by dialing it back to encourage self-governance and personal responsibility. Who is doing a better job? The state government in Florida?

The local people in Asheville and the neighbors that are just kind of getting together and doing it or FEMA, the federal government, which one is doing it better?

Donald Trump believes that you will do things better, that the state would make better decisions, and the federal government should be there to help assist, perhaps in money, but give the money to the local people. Let them do it. Right? Now, the change they are talking about, she is a dramatic agent of change.

Because they're now talking about changing our constitutional system and capitalism. One proposal is to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court to 15. Now, historically, adding seats to a court has been a move seen in countries just before they slide into authoritarianism. But don't look at that, right? Just they're going to increase fairness by changing something that we have had from the beginning.

This was done by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Viktor Orban in Hungary, where expanding the judiciary allowed those regimes to consolidate power and silence dissent. Changing the makeup of the court would weaken its independence and politicize one of our most vital institutions. Another idea on the table.

is setting price controls to address inflation, a strategy that has repeatedly failed throughout history in every country it has been tried in.

For instance, price controls were tried in the 1970s during the Nixon administration. And rather than curbing inflation, they led to shortages, a stagnant economy, and a worsening of the economic crisis. Government interference in market pricing has never resulted in any kind of stability or growth. Then there's a talk of eliminating the filibuster. And potentially now, according to Tim Walz two days ago, dismantling the Electoral College.

Both of these are long-standing pillars of American governance that are rooted in the principles of balance and fairness. The filibuster allows for extended debate and ensures that major legislation has a broad support before moving it forward. Removing it could lead to more extreme swings in policy based on which party holds power at the moment. Democrats, do you want the Republicans to have more power?

Meanwhile, the Electoral College, which protects the interest of smaller states and areas and prevents a few populous regions from dominating the nation's leadership, ensures that every part of America has a voice that matters. When you go in to vote, do you vote correctly?

Because you think your voice counts? Or do you stay at home because you think your voice doesn't count? The Electoral College gives small states and small regions with scarce populations a chance to have their vote count. Removing it would fundamentally alter how we elect our leaders, concentrating all of the power in a few urban centers and marginalizing rural America.

That's what that means. Now, these are not changes that return us to normalcy or even address the current issues facing our families and communities. Instead, they represent a shift towards something fundamentally different, something that Americans will not recognize in the end. Do you believe our founding documents were inspired by God? Yes or no?

If you are a Christian, that's what's at stake. Our founding documents. Do you think God will hold you blameless for blowing this election off? Do you think it matters to your children and their future? Do you want your children to live under a system where justice returns to what real equal justice means? Or do you want this to continue and grow?

So as you think about what kind of change you want, consider what change actually means. Is it a continuation of the policies from the last four years and a doubling down? Or is it a shift towards smaller government, more freedom, a return to the values, the traditions, and the Constitution that has truly made America unique? That is what's at stake.

Share this hour from the podcast with everyone, every Christian you know. They need to ask themselves these questions. If 41 million Christians sit this election out, it is on the head of the Christians whether we remain a Judeo-Christian-led country or not.

Do you believe your children would be better off in Europe today, which no longer holds to the Judeo-Christian values? Would they be better off in a system like that? Because that's what's coming here on a global scale. It is very, very simple. And if you think, I can't vote because the election's going to be stolen, not if 41 million Christians vote.

Go out to vote. If 10% of those Christians who say I'm not voting for one reason or another would go out and vote, this would end in a landslide. And that is exactly what this election needs to be. You can fake, but only so far. I ask you in humility, Christians, get off your ass and vote.

This is not just about your voice in Washington. This is the basic hurdle that says, this is where I stand. Lord, I'm signing up to stand for these principles. And if the guys I voted for violate those principles, I'm on record voting for these principles and I'll stand against them. Sign up. Vote.

You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program. The co-chair of the Republican National Committee, also the daughter-in-law of the number 45, President Donald J. Trump, and somebody who is originally from North Carolina, Lara Trump. Lara, how are you?

Hey, good morning, Glenn. I'm well. I'm obviously very focused on North Carolina and now we're focused on Florida. I know. You're exactly right. We need to make sure every single person, no matter if you're voting for a Republican, Democrat or a third party candidate, has an opportunity to vote in this election. It is absolutely vital. So before we get to the other things that are going on, what, if anything, is anyone doing to make sure those votes can be cast?

- Yeah, well, the state legislature actually meets today. So we're gonna get a lot of information on that. Here's the thing though, I think that we need to make sure that everybody, like I said, has an opportunity to vote. And what we did from the RNC is we sent a 10 point bulletin to Governor Roy Cooper and to the state assembly to say, listen, we wanna make sure with these 10 items that everybody has an opportunity to vote. And these are things, Glen, like,

making sure that if you're a person who's been displaced by this hurricane and you're in another county, you're allowed to vote in that county or maybe take your absentee ballot in and turn it in in that county, that there are temporary structures maybe in place for people to go vote in those counties that were really destroyed, or they can use alternative locations. Common sense approach, making sure that we are leaving nothing to chance. And then we're also asking for people who want to volunteer to come out and volunteer. We've set up

a website, slash hurricane is where people can go. If you want to come, make sure that people are able to reach these voting locations. Make sure we get the word out because some of these people still do not have access to understand that this is an option for them. So we're asking for volunteers to come help us in North Carolina, and I assume it'll probably be the same situation in Florida. So we'll report back on what ultimately happens, but we are certainly moving on our end from Lawrence.

All right. So what is it's Donald J. Trump dot com slash hurricane. What is the address? Donald J. Trump dot com slash hurricane. It's exactly right. So everybody came there. You you are originally from North Carolina. You went to college there as well. How do you think things are going on the ground outside of the election?

Where you get your information will really determine what you're saying about that. The media would have you believe that everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows on the ground there. But I'll tell you, Glenn, I talk to people every single day who actually live in these parts of North Carolina.

who have been, I mean, it's a devastating situation there. They have lost everything, some people, and they do not feel like the response has been adequate on the ground. There are still folks who say, no one has even come to my part of North Carolina, my neighborhood, my town. And it really has seemed like the response has been

terrible, quite frankly, at this point. And there's a lot of argument out there from folks on the left who will say, the $750 loan that we're giving people is exactly what they need right now. And no one should be worried about the fact that we've spent a billion dollars on resettling and rehoming migrants.

That is very upsetting to the folks in Western North Carolina right now because $750 is not going to go very far. And it is a loan. I think they're supposed to pay that back at some point. It's crazy. It's crazy and it's infuriating. And if you don't pay it back, they can take possession of your home for $750 alone. That's nuts.

and and let's just let's call a spade a spade if we are giving even one dollar to re-home and resettle people who broke our laws to come here who the first act they did coming into the united states is to break the law and you have americans who are struggling who have lost their homes lost all their possessions and don't know how they are going to live the next couple days of their life let alone the rest of their life it is a slap in the face that we have given

over a billion dollars to that cause, and it's $750 in a loan to these people. It is disgraceful. But I can tell you, I think what Donald Trump did was actually very important. You heard him talk about it in his Butler rally on Saturday, and Elon Musk was there. But when he found out that communications were down in many places in North Carolina, emergency services were not accessible for people, he called up Elon Musk.

said, hey, can we Starlink satellites? And can we get people set up in North Carolina? And Elon sent Starlink to Western North Carolina. It was a miracle, quite frankly, for a lot of people. All of these emergency services were back online and able to communicate with people and get help to people who needed it. Guess who did that? Donald Trump, the guy who's not even actually the president of the United States right now. And so here he is yet in another opportunity at

as a leader when he is not technically the leader yet. But I believe, Glenn, he ultimately will be come November 5th. Yeah, I think so, too. I can't imagine how it doesn't go his way. Yesterday, we found out that a terrorist from Afghanistan that this government let in, we've been tracking, and he was plotting a terrorist attack on Election Day.

I mean, the country is completely out of control. And other than hypnosis, I just don't know how America says, I want more of this. Well, and let's talk about that, too, that this has been highly underreported as far as I'm concerned. This guy is an ISIS terrorist. Do you remember what happened with ISIS with Donald Trump in the White House? ISIS was eliminated. He tells the famous story about how when he got in there, he talked.

to his top brass in the military and he said, "Hey, how long is it going to take for us to get rid of ISIS? What do we need to do?" And they said, "Sir, it could take years. We don't know how long it'll take because we have all of these handcuffs on what we're able to do." And he said, "If I take those off and I allow you to do the job that needs to be done, how long will it take?" And then you know how long it took?

Four weeks and ISIS was eliminated when Donald Trump was in the White House. They are back now and we have a fully open southern border. We know that we've had hundreds of people on the terror watch list, Glenn, that we know of. Think about the ones we don't even know about who have been able to cross our border. No doubt they are planning an attack on America. No doubt they want to cause harm here to American citizens. And the fact that this hasn't gotten more interest

from our mainstream media is quite frankly, a disgrace. I cannot believe that. You're right. We cannot operate in this fashion going forward. And I think that's what the American people are starting to understand. Joe Biden himself came out the other day, stepped all over Kamala Harris and her plan to distance herself from Joe and said, that's right. She's been right there beside me every step of the way, every decision I made. And yeah, we've been a team the whole way. Nobody believes that Kamala Harris would be any different

than what we've seen in the past four years because she has been there for the past four years. And that's why I believe that people are voting for Donald Trump. She said on The View two days ago, I wouldn't change a thing that we did. I mean, I couldn't believe that. How are you the agent of change? I think she got caught off guard. I think she got caught off guard in that question. And she didn't expect such a tough question from the ladies of The View. Yes.

Exactly. And when you look at the right track, wrong track polling right now in this country, nearly three quarters of Americans feel like we are on the wrong track in America. If you're on the wrong track, you need a real change agent. And they know that's Donald Trump. He always rates that way. And so Kamala Harris is more of the same. It's not going worse because we know she actually believes in these radical ideas. Oh, I know. I know. She's behind a lot of it. Let me ask you, why...

Maybe it's just us, but we were just talking about it off the air that it looks like the Democrats are changing strategy. She was not going to answer anything. And now all of a sudden she's popping up everywhere and not doing well, I might add. But why did they change strategy? Do you have any idea? Yeah.

Well, yeah, when you're chugging a beer on TV with Stephen Colbert, a category five hurricane about to smash into the United States, that's probably not a great look. When you're on, you know, call her daddy or whatever that discussing podcast, probably not a great look right now. I think it's because the American people realize that they cannot trust someone.

who cannot be in front of their TV screen, cannot be asked a simple question, who's hiding in the basement. We see what the basement strategy gets you 'cause we've got it in the White House right now with Joe and Kamala. And I guess they thought that they could pull another fast one on the American people. But I think the American people are smart. And I think they said, wait a minute, we saw this four years ago and they tried to sell it to us as COVID. That's why they couldn't have Joe Biden out in front of people.

Now we see it again, and this is not COVID times. This is a person who, by all accounts, should be able to answer basic questions on basic ideas, principles, and policies that she's running on. And I guess that they've estimated that that's a good strategy, but to your point, it doesn't seem like it's gone very well so far for them. So good luck to them. But the problem is when you're trying to sell people something they don't want to buy, it doesn't matter how you package it up.

No one is going to want to buy it. And so I think they're starting to run into an issue with that as well. Please feel free to say no to this. It's a personal question. But I'd like to ask you, as a family member, what is it like to...

Watch your father-in-law shot, perhaps live TV. I don't know if you were there. And then to see that he's on the golf course. How is the family dealing with this?

- Yeah, I wasn't there July 13th, but Eric and I were watching live and we were watching actually with our two young children. - Oh my gosh. - And we saw it, yeah, we saw it happen. You know, it's one of those things that's always been in the back of all of our minds, I think, for a long time, because honestly you get to a point and you say,

well, gosh, they've gone after him all of these different ways. Things seem that they have gotten so extreme when it comes to Donald Trump, the lawfare, the way that they've tried to take him off ballots across the country, all the attempts to smear him, the lies, et cetera. You know, at some point after you call someone a threat to democracy and, and,

essentially equate him with Hitler, somebody, something has to happen and maybe somebody takes it a step too far. And so, of course, in the back of our minds, we always thought about this. And I'm still worried about him to this day and I will always worry about him. So will Eric. So the rest of the entire family. And I think the hardest thing has been trying to explain to our two kids who are five and seven, why somebody is trying to hurt grandpa.

You know, they don't understand what's going on and they don't understand why anyone would want to do that. And it actually takes you back to like the baseline of all of this, which is that we're Americans at the end of the day. And we should never, no matter your politics, ever want to see somebody fall.

something like this happened to anybody, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, whoever it might be, any former president, this is unacceptable in America. And yeah, it's something that we probably, Glenn, will always carry in the back of our minds. I believe, like I said, he'll be back in that White House and I'll worry about him every single day that he's there, that somebody's going to try and do something else like this. I would love to when the time is right for the family, if it ever is.

I know that my family and I have had conversations, serious conversations, but not like the ones you guys have had to have had. And I know my family would be mixed. My kids would say, Dad, you have to do what you believe is right. But they would also say,

Dad, you don't have to do this. They would be really conflicted, I think. And I can't imagine what those you've had those conversations, I'm sure. And I can't imagine what they were like.

Yeah, well, and here's what I'll say is that I have my respect and admiration for my father-in-law has only grown. He's handled things in the face of this because honestly, pretty much any other human being would say, I'm not going to continue to risk my life. And he honestly, he really is for this. I'm not going to go through all of this.

He is so determined. And honestly, I believe he thinks, and especially after July 13th, that this is really, this is so much bigger than him. And I think he knows he's got God behind him in this fight. And I think he believes that he is the right person for this job and the only person for the job to save this country and by all accounts, save the world at this point. And so he's undeterred. And I just, again, my respect for him is, it's,

it's incredible. I, I am so impressed with this man every single day. Yeah. You don't, um, you don't do this lightly. You don't get up and, and a measure of a man is how they respond when they're under the most amount of pressure. And I, uh, I hope America sees that. Laura, thank you so much. I appreciate it. In any way we can help out, you just let us know. Thank you, Laura Trump. Thank you so much. You bet. Republican national committee co-chair. Oh,

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