This episode covers some of the dramatic changes in the field of medical research as a result of COVID19 making it unsafe for people to visit medical research facilities, and medical professional's time and efforts being redirected to fighting the new virus. The guests on the podcast are Paul Wicks, a digital health consultant and scientific advisor to Sano Genetics as well as several other digital health companies. Paul was previously the VP of Innovation at PatientsLikeMe, one of the worlds largest patient social networks and one of the first large-scale platforms for patients to share knowledge and connect with one another, and a pioneer in digital medical research. Paul was previously on the podcast on episode 22 in October 2019 "Behind every data point is a patient". The second guest is Liam Eves, who is also part of the Sano team and has worked in medical research and life sciences for about 15 years working in a number of different parts of the clinical trial ecosystem including at CROs, site management companies, and startup companies innovating in remote clinical trials. Liam is experienced in virology clinical trials, and explains how a typical trial is conducted and some of the challenges with COVID19.