The FOX News Rundown is the place to find in-depth reporting on the news that impacts you. Each morn
The 119th Congress began on Friday, with their first order of business being to elect a House Speake
Rep. Mike Johnson has been re-elected as Speaker of the House in a first round vote. Rep. Thomas Mas
After a year of Japan’s grand plan to enter our nation’s steel market by acquiring American company
On Wednesday, two violent events unfolded that are now being investigated by the FBI as acts of terr
At least fourteen people were killed and dozens injured after a driver plowed a car into a large cro
A shocking attack took place on New Year’s Eve in New Orleans, Louisiana, as a terror suspect plowed
For many Americans, a new year means a new set of resolutions, and a recent study found that over tw
This past year alone, six states: Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas and Utah have either banned
The House of Representatives starts its new term on January 3rd, and it kicks off with the vote for
China launched a new amphibious naval ship with the ability to launch drones, helicopters and fighte
Financial wellness has been a big focus this year, and with the New Year around the corner, many fol
America’s longest-living commander in chief, President Jimmy Carter, has passed away at the age of 1
This past week, President Biden granted clemency to 37 of the 40 federal inmates facing death senten
President-elect Donald Trump became the first Republican to clinch the popular vote in two decades.
2024 was another year of politics and, marked by the ongoing conflicts in Israel and Ukraine - and o
President-elect Donald Trump came within millimeters of losing his life to an assassin's bullet on J
The new rebel coalition that wrested control over Syria from longtime despot ruler Bashar al-Assad i
As we round down 2024 into the New Year, we’re looking back at a fascinating story from the business
The 119th Congress begins next week with a new Republican majority in both the House and the Senate.
President-elect Donald Trump raised eyebrows internationally this week when he said Panama should re