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The Race For Senate Majority Leader

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The Fox News Rundown

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Byron Donalds
Dave McCormick
Dean Phillips
Drew Forsberg
Gerri Willis
Mike Emanuel
Rick Scott
Mike Emanuel:报道了参议院共和党人即将投票选出新的多数党领袖,接替即将卸任的麦康奈尔,并介绍了三位主要候选人。 Rick Scott:阐述了他竞选参议院多数党领袖的原因,强调了他与特朗普和众议院议长的良好关系,以及他作为商人的成功经验,并表示他将致力于推动特朗普的经济议程,解决国家面临的债务、失业、毒品泛滥和国际冲突等问题。他还批评了哈里斯的竞选,并表达了他对特朗普支持者的看法。 Dave McCormick: 强调参议院多数党领袖竞选的关键在于支持特朗普总统的议程。 Byron Donalds: 赞扬特朗普能够与少数族裔选民建立联系。 Dean Phillips: 指出民主党需要调整策略,改进信息传递和品牌形象。 Jerome Powell & David Batts: 讨论了美联储在控制通货膨胀和避免劳动力市场过度疲软之间取得平衡的努力,以及美联储政策决策的独立性。 Gerri Willis: 分析了特朗普的经济计划,包括增加国内能源供应、减税和关税政策,并讨论了这些政策对通货膨胀和经济增长的潜在影响。她还谈到了住房市场和10年期国债收益率的问题。 Drew Forsberg: 呼吁在退伍军人节及以后,通过祈祷和行动来支持退伍军人。

Deep Dive

Senate Republicans are set to vote for a new leader, with Rick Scott, John Thune, and John Cornyn in contention. Scott discusses his qualifications and plans to support Trump's agenda.
  • Rick Scott highlights his business background and relationship with Trump.
  • Scott emphasizes the need to address debt, job losses, and global conflicts.
  • He plans to work closely with Trump to implement his policies.

Shownotes Transcript


Ryan Reynolds here from Int Mobile. With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down.

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Monday, November 11th, 2024. I'm Mike Emanuel. Senate Republicans will vote Wednesday to determine their leader, replacing Mitch McConnell, who is stepping down from leadership.

It is a three-person race. John Thune of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, and Rick Scott of Florida. They know I have a great relationship with Donald Trump, a great relationship with the Speaker of the House. They know I'm a business guy that has gotten things done. We're joined by Florida Senator Rick Scott. And Lisa Brady. The president-elect has big plans for the U.S. economy, which isn't all up to him.

The presidency is just a slice in time, right? So you pick it up at a certain time and whatever is at work in the economy, that's what you have to deal with. So I'm glad to hear him say he wants to cut prices. He wants to get inflation under control, but it's difficult. We speak with Fox Business' Jerry Willis. And I'm Drew Forsberg. I've got the final word on Fox News Rundown. ♪

The race for the White House is over, but Senate Republicans still have to sort out who will be the next majority leader. Pennsylvania Senator-elect Dave McCormick didn't reveal who he is backing. I'm still just now spending time with each of the candidates, and I'll have an opportunity to vote this week. But I think the most important thing is President Trump laid out very specifically what he wanted to do.

And I laid out my agenda as well, which was very much in line with his. So I want to support that agenda. It's clear President-elect Trump wants to hit the ground running when he takes office in January. We're going to be paying down debt. We're going to be reducing taxes. We can do things that nobody else can do. Nobody else is going to be able to do it. Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds, who is African-American, talked about Trump's ability to connect.


Democrats must make adjustments going forward. You look around the country, a lot of red states were favoring Democratic policy. So I would argue, yes, our product is not the real problem. Our packaging, our messengers and our distribution is a real problem. And I think it's fair to say if you ask people what the Democratic brand stands for right now, it's real complicated.

And that's a real important problem right now, that we have to articulate what we stand for. A key ally of President-elect Trump says his formula for success was not surprising. He clearly has a mandate because he has an agenda for the country. Florida Senator Rick Scott. You know, the way I think about, you know, he, the working man knows that you're better off if Donald Trump's president. It's almost as simple as that.

So to take Florida as an example, Trump and I won Miami-Dade, Miami-Dade by 10 points. We won every metropolitan area, I think, but two. And we won the Tampa area, we won Pennsylvania County, where Jacksonville is, where Miami is, two.

So, and I think part of it is, you know, I've been focused on the Hispanic vote. Trump focused on the Hispanic vote. I stayed focused on since I got started running 2010. And I think it's as simple as that. I believe, and I think President Trump believes, we need to create an opportunity for every kid to live the dream. I think now what we've got to do is we've got to help do everything we can to help Donald Trump get his mandate accomplished through both the House and the Senate.

That's why I'm running to be the Republican leader, which will be the majority leader, because we have got to get something done here. We can't – look at where we are. We've got almost $36 trillion in debt. We're losing full-time jobs. We've got 100,000 people dying of drugs. We've got the world at war.

We're dependent on our adversary for drugs and household goods. This is crazy what we've done. Trump is going to change all this, but he needs a partner. I've known the president since before we both ran for office, and I'm a business guy. I know how you get things done. You have a purpose.

You build a team, you create a plan, you measure the living daylights out of everything, and you get stuff done. So we've got to get his nominees done. We've got to get his agenda done. We can't happen what happened to him the first time he was president, where the Republican leadership at that point stalled, didn't get his people done. Oh, they couldn't get it done, didn't get his bills passed. I'm going to do everything I can.

to be successful because I know it's exactly what the American public wants. There was some talk heading into Election Day that Vice President Harris was going to have this late surge, and that did not come to fruition. What did you make of her campaign? Well, I've known her. I served with her for two years. She had no message.

There's no energy for her in Florida. If you think about it, we're the working people. Think about it. Most people grew up like I did. They were rich or poor. They had a mom. In my case, I didn't grow up poor, but I had a mom that said, get your butt to work. Get an education.

Nobody is going to fix your problems. You've got to go do it yourself. Thank God you live in America. And that's the people that supported Donald Trump, people like that, that said, I want to have my shot at the dream. I don't want a government handout. I know that doesn't work. I want somebody that's going to control inflation. I want somebody that's going to get us out of all these conflicts all around the world. I want somebody that's going to secure the border. I don't like drugs, criminals, terrorists coming across the border. What they were doing, allowing men to play in women's sports, this stuff is crazy.

And people believe in this stuff. And for the media to go sell this idea that, oh, yeah, we think it's OK for men to win all the women's sports or we think it's OK to have a wide open border or we think it's OK that we have a woke military. I don't know what America thinks. They never thought that way. And I think they were just maybe they, you know, they're just talking to themselves to that. I can tell you, I traveled the state. I went to every county.

We won big in Florida. We won by both Donald Trump and I won by over 1.4 million votes. We won because working people like us, because that's who we represent. We know that's the heartbreak. That's who we are as Americans. We're workers. My understanding is you and the other gentleman running for Senate Majority Leader John Thune and John Cornyn will make a presentation to your colleagues on Tuesday, Wednesday,

One factor will be there are new members of the Senate Republican Conference. What are your relationships like with the new guys, and how confident are you with the existing colleagues that you have? I've talked to pretty much every one of my colleagues, and here's what they say. We want change. They want to have an agenda. They want to be part of a team. They want to work with the House. They know I have a great relationship with Donald Trump.

a great relationship with the Speaker of the House. They know I'm a business guy that has gotten things done. I built the seventh biggest U.S. employer. By the time I was 40, when I was 41, over 400 people in America had a job, worked at my company and built manufacturing companies. So they know I can get things done, and that's why I think I'm going to be the leader. It's a secret ballot, so we'll see what happens. But I am absolutely committed to getting Donald Trump's agenda done.

President-elect Trump has laid out a laundry list of items he'd like to get accomplished through Congress and his presidency, including immigration reform, tax cuts, tax reforms, and, of course, cutting regulations on businesses. Those of us who cover Capitol Hill on a daily basis know sometimes watching the sausage be made is not pretty, but how confident are you that you could get these things across the finish line and to his desk for a signature?

Everything is doable. So think about what I've, I walked in the same sort of problems when I became governor in January, 2011. I got 20% of regulatory environment, permanent environment. I

I cut taxes and fees 100 times. We had eight straight years of a balanced budget. Florida had not balanced the budget even once in the 20 years before I became governor. Everything – I fixed the pension plan. Everything, all these types of problems I dealt with before. I dealt with it as a business guy. How do you do it? You talk to people. You say, hey, how – what's everybody saying?

Who doesn't think we ought to have a secure border? Who doesn't think we ought to balance the budget? Who doesn't think we ought to have a strong military that people are scared of? So you just – what you have to do is you have to talk to everybody, and you find common ground in bringing them together. All that is doable, but you have to have a plan and work a plan. We can balance the budget, but guess what? If we don't even try to have a budget meeting, which I've been on the budget committee for six years, we have never –

Never, ever tried to pass a budget since I've been there. So if we keep going down the same path, we're going to get the same result. We've got $36 trillion worth of debt. We've got the highest inflation since the 1970s. It's not going to change. So we can't have a little bit of change. We have to have a dramatic change in how the Senate is operated.

President-elect Trump has made it pretty clear he'd like to get it into the war in Ukraine, into the war in Gaza. Do you think Republicans in the new Senate will be on board with these plans? And how do you get it done? Well, first off, I think all of us would like to make sure the world's not at war. So what you have to do is you have to have an American military.

that all of our enemies are scared to death of. We didn't have these problems when Trump was president before, but we had under Biden and Harris, we had a weak vice president. We have now a way more woke military. That's all going to change under Donald Trump. So we're going

We're going to have to, with regard to the Middle East, we're going to have to go back to Trump's agenda on Iran. They should not have a dime. And if you do anything to harm an American citizen, you will die. And with regard to Ukraine and Russia, I'm very comfortable that with Donald Trump's negotiating ability, he will be able to come up with something that ends that war.

Some of your colleagues in the Senate have been giving you some glowing endorsements for the next majority leader, touting your conservative record in support of Trump policies. What do you think sets you apart from Senators Thune and Cornyn? I'm a business guy. It's true. I'm a business guy. I was governor of Florida for eight years.

So that I know you have to have a plan to get anything done. So, you know, I think people feel comfortable that that I'm going to come up with a plan. They know I have a personal relationship with Donald Trump and the Speaker of the House. So and many House members. So I think the reason why is they want to get something done.

I've been up here six years. I want to balance the budget. I want to protect Medicare. I want to protect Social Security. I want to have a strong, scare the death out of our enemies military. I want to downsize this ridiculous federal government. I want an accountable federal government. Nobody gets fired in the federal government. Nobody gets fired.

It's crazy. Nobody wants to fire somebody. But guess what? Do your job. So we need to hold people accountable. But we – our federal government is completely out of whack as far as size. We are spending 40 percent more than we take in in revenues. Our taxes are too high already. We need to reduce the tax burden on the American public, and we need to downsize the federal government. I did it when I was governor.

I'll do it again. Senator Rick Scott of the great state of Florida, we will follow the leadership election this week. Thanks so much for your time today. Bye-bye.

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I'm Benjamin Hall, Fox News senior correspondent and New York Times bestselling author. Join me every Monday on my podcast as I speak with silent but noteworthy heroes. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Searching for Heroes with Benjamin Hall, wherever you download podcasts and leave a rating and a review. This is retired Chief Warrant Officer Drew Forsberg with your Fox News commentary. Coming up.

The Federal Reserve is walking a line. With one meeting left this year, they have made two interest rate cuts, a half-point cut in September and another quarter-point last week, shifting gears from a string of rate hikes made to fight inflation. DAVID BATTS, Federal Reserve Chairman: We're trying to steer between the risk of moving too quickly and perhaps undermining our progress on inflation, or moving too slowly and allowing the labor market to weaken too much. We're trying to

to be on a middle path. The latest cut comes after much weaker than expected hiring in October. Just 12,000 jobs created, though back-to-back hurricanes and a Boeing strike were part of that. But consumer spending has helped keep the economy growing, and inflation has largely continued to cool. With the election over, the central bank now faces the potential impacts of a new administration in Washington.

But Fed Chair Jerome Powell says in the near term, election results have no effect on the Fed's policy decisions. And going forward, they don't know the timing or substance of any policy changes. JEROME POWELL, Federal Reserve Chairman: We therefore don't know what the effects on the economy would be, specifically whether and to what extent those policies would matter for the achievement of our goal variables, maximum employment and price stability.

We don't guess, we don't speculate, and we don't assume. Powell has emphasized the central bank's independence from any politician. In the first Trump administration, he faced criticism from the president over interest rate hikes. During this year's campaign, now president-elect Trump suggested he should have a say in Fed policy decisions. I believe it was in mid-October, Trump started walking that back.

back. He's already walking that back and saying, well, I feel like I should be able to add my voice in, but I shouldn't be able to call it. Fox Business's Jerry Willis. So I think he's, you know, he's read the room and he realizes that this is not something that a lot of people would be in favor of, you know.

We heard the Democrats say we want to change how the Supreme Court chooses justices. We heard the Democrats say that there are many things, structural things, things that require a change in the Constitution to do. So the fact that he did this is small peanuts by comparison, but even he is walking away from this.

The Trump campaign proposals now have a chance to become Trump policies when it comes to his economic agenda. Let's start with drill, baby drill, because not only does he say it a lot, but it's really a cornerstone of his vision. He's saying that, you know, boosting domestic energy supply can help lower costs on many, many things.

How much can that actually help, though, when, you know, grocery prices, for instance, are what, about 20 percent higher than when he left office? So it's just bringing down the energy component of that.

going to be enough to really impact. I think this is the every little bit helps school of economic management. And I know he wants to increase oil production in this country for other reasons as well, because it makes us more independent, which is something we desperately need right now with half the world rallying against us, including China and Russia, etc.,

So I think they're, you know, with many of his objectives, they serve many masters, which could ultimately be complicated. But I think this is one of those that is like that. But bringing down oil and gas prices, I don't, my first thought isn't an impact on food prices. My first thought is impact at the gas pump. You know, you'll pay less, which is awesome. He is perfect.

Pitching overall, his vision being able to lower prices, but they've been pretty sticky even as the rate of inflation has come down. Prices on many things have remained high compared to where they were at the end of his term.

Well, this is absolutely true. The Biden administration, Kamala Harris, they were unable to bring down prices and prices actually hit their peak under Biden. And here's the thing that a lot of people don't understand. But this is cumulative. So, you know, we had prices go up 9 percent at their height yesterday.

and then another two, and then another one, and then another three. Well, that just adds on to that number. We haven't had negative inflation. That hasn't happened. It's all adding on to what we've already seen. So the compounding effect is what people are feeling right now, even though those numbers have ostensibly come down. And I think you're right. This is a tough problem to solve. This is going to be difficult. Inflation is...

sticky. And typically the only way we get rid of it is a big fat recession. And I certainly wouldn't rule that out in the next four years. It's just the way the world works. It's one of those things that's hard to get away from. And I would encourage people listening to your podcast. Hey, look.

You really might want to plan for that in the back of your head. You might want to save a little bit of extra money. You know, we've seen the jobs market pull back a little bit here. You know, we certainly saw it last month. And a lot of people said, oh, hey, it's just the effect of the hurricanes and Boeing. But even if you take those issues out, it was still wildly unimpressive. And I think we could be in for more of that. Irrelevant.

Irregardless of policies that the new administration is able. It's legacy. It's legacy of what Trump is inheriting at this point. And this is the way it always works, right? I mean, the economy is an organism that's growing and shrinking and expanding and getting smaller.

And, you know, the presidency is just a slice in time, right? So you pick it up at a certain time and whatever is at work in the economy, that's what you have to deal with. So I'm glad to hear him say he wants to cut prices. He wants to get inflation under control. But it's difficult. And one of the hardest nuts to crack will be housing.

Yes. Certainly an area where costs have gone up the most in recent years, depending on the type of housing. For home buyers at the moment, mortgage rates seem sticky, even as the Fed begins to make rate cuts. Is there any relief coming in the housing market? So they're up even this week.

is what I've found. Mortgage rates continue to climb higher, and of course, that's just extra money you've got to pay, right? I mean, it's just an added cost onto whatever the actual price of the house is.

So the thing most people don't understand, so the Fed could cut its heart out forever. It may not matter to mortgage rates because mortgage rates track the 10-year Treasury yield. And the yield has been higher. Why? Because our debt is so high. Why? Because the federal government in Washington keep handing out money to people like Trump.

I mean, the checks that have gone out to people, whether it was after COVID, forgiveness of debt, college student loans, all of this has made it worse. And now we see financial markets are really starting to worry about it. And that's why they're demanding more return on the 10-year Treasury. They're saying, I'm not buying that government debt, which should be the safest thing in the world, until you give me more money for it. Let's talk about tax policy for a minute. Yes, please. Because...

President-elect Trump, another part of his economic agenda is tax cuts and also tax breaks. Which of those have the potential to really help the middle class the most, let's say? So he's been talking about a lot of things lately.

So he's talked about no tax on tips, no tax on overtime pay, no tax on Social Security. Hallelujah. Why should these people pay tax on their Social Security? And all of those are important. But also remember that his tax cuts, Jobs Act of 2017 is expiring. Those are big time tax cuts for individuals and also corporations. He wants to bring the corporate tax rate down to 15 percent. Now, I think all of this is sort of fascinating because at the end of the day,

This is going to add to debt. And that's one of the confounding situations here. He knows that if he grows the economy, he can grow it out of any potential looming recession. He can maybe potentially, you know, help Americans, right?

another job, a job that pays better because the economy is expanding. But in reality, we're going to see inflation go higher, too, if everything he wants and loves and prays for becomes law. And that's what a lot of people are worried about. And that's also playing into the 10-year Treasury yield. Now, my guess is he's not going to get everything he wants. And I think it's going to be hard to get everything through.

But at the end of the day, it's that kind of policy actually trying to grow the economy that's going to work better than just giving money away. And part of that is because he's talked about lowering the corporate tax rate, he's trying to kind of zero in on U.S.-based manufacturers, right? Essentially rewarding manufacturers who do their business, make their products here, whether...

While at the same time using tariffs on foreign goods to also try to help U.S. businesses. Which is also inflationary. That's seen as a double-edged sword, right? Because it could lead to other companies raising prices to make up for higher tariffs. Is that even a riskier strategy now while prices are still elevated? So...

This is a really controversial idea, the tariffs. And when I hear Trump talk about it, I'm like, oh, that's the best idea in the world. And then when I talk to smart economists, I'm like, that's not a good idea. It's really difficult to understand how he would implement it and the details of it. And the details here matter and matter a lot. Tariffs were a big part of the country's tax policy in the 1800s. OK, you got to go back.

It's never since that time been a huge part of the nation's tax policy, and he wants to bring it back. And what I favor about what he's saying is I think he's absolutely right about getting manufacturing back on shore here. And one of the reasons for that is in the world of work and development of products and ideas, you don't get new ideas when you don't make the goods yourself. Right.

You know Apple phones, cell phones are designed here in the United States of America. If they were also produced here, people producing them would learn things that would feed into the design process in a way that would be very shorthanded because it would be onshore here with the designers. But because they're mostly made in China, you don't get that feedback loop. And it's cost.

It sets us back, in my opinion. So I would love to find a way for manufacturing to grow and grow substantially, not the least because it would provide jobs to the middle of America, which has been suffering in the wake of NAFTA. This is a group of people, you know, they just got slammed by the hurricane in Appalachia, slammed by the hurricane. The opioid crisis was devastating.

killer for that region, and NAFTA took away jobs. There has to be a policy to help this region to get these people reemployed and contributing to the country. They deserve it, and they're asking for it with this election. These people, these blue-collar workers are saying, put me to work. I'm ready to go. Let's find a way to do it. Fox Business' Jerry Willis, thank you very much for your time. Thank you. A pleasure.

Here's a look at the week ahead. Monday is Veterans Day, originally stemming from Armistice Day, which ended World War I. The federal holiday honors military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

Tuesday, the newest members of Congress descend upon our nation's capital for a 10-day orientation. The congressional members-elect will use the time to meet their future colleagues, select their official locations, attend meetings and retreats, as well as begin to select staff. And speaking of Congress... Wednesday, House and Senate Republicans will hold their leadership elections.

Friday, former undisputed world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson steps into the ring once more, this time to fight YouTuber turned boxer Jake Paul. The sanctioned bout was originally scheduled to take place over the summer, but was postponed after Tyson suffered an ulcer flare-up. The fight will stream live on Netflix. And that's a look at your week ahead. I'm Tom Graham, Fox News.

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Rate and review the Fox News Rundown on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. It's time for your Fox News Commentary. Drew Forsberg. What's on your mind? Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight. Psalm 144, verse 1. Honoring our heroes. Why we stand with veterans on Veterans Day and beyond. We're reminded of the fierce commitment and courage displayed by men and women who have served in our armed forces.

These individuals answered a call to defend freedom, face adversity, and fight with unwavering resolve. But beyond parades and ceremonies lies a deeper responsibility, to stand with them in both gratitude and action in prayer.

Why lift up our veterans? Veterans don't just carry the weight of their service, they embody it, bringing the same discipline, resilience, and dedication to every challenge they face after service. They are warriors who have endured battles, some seen and others unseen, and have emerged with stories and strength that continue to inspire.

In the Bible, warriors like David, Gideon, and Joshua faced incredible odds, yet they never stood alone. They grew strength from God, equipped not just with physical power, but with the courage and resilience of their calling. Our veterans too deserve to know that they are supported, not out of pity, but out of respect for their sacrifice and recognition of their ongoing mission. How prayer empowers our veterans.

Prayer isn't an act of sympathy. It's a force of solidarity. Through prayer, we acknowledge the grit, determination, and resilience of these warriors, offering strength and clarity as they pursue new battles and opportunities. Strength for new challenges. Veterans are called to face a life after service with the same courage they had in uniform. Through prayer, we ask that they receive renewed strength for the path ahead. Peace of mind in all things. The battles may be over, but echoes can linger.

Prayer provides a source of inner peace and focus, reinforcing that they are never alone on their journey. Resilience and purpose. Each veteran carries a unique story, a mission worth pursuing. In prayer, we uplift their pursuit of purpose, affirming that they are equipped for greatness and growth. Prayers for veterans. Here are ways to lift up our veterans in prayer, celebrating their strength and resilience.

For strength and transition. Lord, we lift up the warriors who have served with courage. Give them strength and clarity as they transition to new missions. May they continue to impact those around them with the same dedication. Amen. For peace in all circumstances. Heavenly Father, we pray for peace over those who have faced the intensity of battle. Let your presence provide comfort and assurance as they move forward. Amen.

For resilience and purpose, God, we ask that each veteran finds renewed purpose and resilience. May they know that they are called for greatness beyond their service and are equipped with the strength to achieve it. Amen. Beyond November 11th, prayer is not the only way to stand with our veterans. It is simply one way. This Veterans Day, as we honor our heroes, let's also commit to supporting them throughout the year.

Engage with veteran organizations. Connect with groups dedicated to empowering veterans, advocating for their rights, and supporting their missions. Support veteran-owned businesses. Learn and advocate. Educate yourself about veterans' issues and advocate for policies that honor their service and support their ongoing missions.

Let us not only honor them for one day, but commit to uplifting our veterans as warriors they are. Strong, disciplined, and ready to continue making an impact. Through prayer, action, and community, we can stand with those who have given so much and encourage them as they step into their next great purpose. I am Drew Forsberg, retired Chief Warrant Officer. ♪♪

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