Unfiltered, uncompromising, unexpected—The Focus Group is a look into what the average voter thinks
The Bulwark is ON LOCATION at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and we've got quite a l
JD Vance's evolution on Trump over the years has left voters wondering what he really believes. But
Sarah is on vacation this week, but we didn't want to leave you without some focus group reactions t
Kamala Harris is closing in on a vice presidential pick, and her shortlist looks...a LOT different t
At the 11th hour, Kamala Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee. Longtime listeners will k
The Republican National Convention took place with the backdrop of an assassination attempt, and Don
Democrats' spin holds that the calls for Joe Biden to drop out are driven by the media, while base D
Joe Biden's debate performance was a disaster...and voters noticed. Sarah Longwell and Tim Miller br
We taped this show before Joe Biden's disastrous first debate, but its thesis still holds true: he's
Utah has been something of a bulwark (pun intended) against Trumpism, but even they haven't been imm
One of the Republican Party's biggest long-term problems is that their base is demanding behavior th
When Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions were handed down, we had focus groups ready to talk about
We have five months to go until Election Day, and nobody's happy. So we're bringing you some cathars
North Carolina Republicans have nominated a candidate for governor who might be crazier than all of
2024's college graduates started their college careers with COVID, and ended them with encampments o
One of Sarah's favorite Republicans, former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, is running for the U.S. Senat
Donald Trump said that Nikki Haley's supporters would be "permanently barred" from the MAGA camp...a
Abortion has become a defining feature of the 2024 election in Arizona, and Arizona women know it. Y
Voters have gotten long looks at both Donald Trump and Joe Biden representing America on the world s
Some voters in recent Democratic primaries have been upset with Joe Biden's handling of the Israel-H