cover of episode S4 Ep45: Quick Reaction: Tim Walz Edition

S4 Ep45: Quick Reaction: Tim Walz Edition

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The Focus Group Podcast

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Sarah Longwell
焦点小组成员:对沃尔兹的评价褒贬不一。一些人认为他实际上是中间派,他的政策,例如免费午餐计划和税收盈余分配方式,受到一些人的批评。另一些人则认为他在应对乔治·弗洛伊德事件和疫情方面的领导能力存在不足。 焦点小组成员:沃尔兹的免费午餐政策是一项巨大的成功。 焦点小组成员:沃尔兹并非像人们认为的那样极左,而是一个温和的自由派,他的领导能力存在争议。 Sarah Longwell:选择蒂姆·沃尔兹为副总统候选人是一个改进,尽管她更喜欢乔什·夏皮罗。几乎没有人认识蒂姆·沃尔兹,但共和党会花费大量资金来将他定义为激进的进步主义者。对沃尔兹的评价将来自明尼苏达州的选民以及其他摇摆州的选民。

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The episode discusses the initial reactions from swing voters, including those from Minnesota, to the selection of Tim Walz as the Democratic VP pick. The focus is on how voters perceive Walz and his potential impact on the presidential race.

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Sarah is on vacation this week, but we didn't want to leave you without some focus group reactions to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz joining the Democratic ticket. Listen to how swing voters from around the country AND Minnesota voters who know Walz best are thinking about him and the presidential race more broadly. We'll see you next week.