DC Rainmaker and DesFit talk about all the latest sports tech news and product releases along with i
Three's company! For our third revival episode we dive into the not so secret backstory behind Polar
Two in a row baby, we're officially on a roll! This week we tackle the least expensive new Fitbit, t
Yup folks - Ray is back, this time with Shane Miller of GPLama as we embark on a new podcast adventu
Ben and Ray catch up after a long spring break. They discussed tiny drones, a new trainer, bike comp
This is a replay of Ray's recent Facebook Live session. Links: Ray's Amazon Link. Visit Ray's websi
In this episode, Ray and Ben get right to the listener questions. Among other things, they talked ab
In this episode, Ray and Ben discuss the death of Computrainer, Mobile World Congress and why it mak
In this episode, Ray and Ben discuss his Apple Watch review, his new Analyzer software and they answ
In this episode, Ray and Ben continue to catch up on past listener questions that accumulated over t
In this episode Ray and Ben catch up after a long break. Ray talks about spending time in Australia,
In this episode, Ray talks about the best holiday deals, great deals still available and other news
In this episode Ray and Ben discuss the collapse of Brim Brothers, the annual DCR open house in Pari
In this episode Ben and Ray discuss the ANT+ Symposium, trainers and drones. Then they answered ques
In this episode, Ben and Ray take questions from Canadiens ONLY!! But first, they talked about drone
In this episode, Ray talks about his trip to Interbike where an amazing number of product launches D
In this episode, Ray talks about his RV trip to Eurobike where an amazing number of product launches
In this episode Ray fills us in on the new $1500 Garmin fashion GPS watch, a new trainer from Cyclop
In this episode, Ray talks to Ben from an outdoor cafe in Ibiza. Because of some excess wind, we had
After a month long hiatus, Ray and Ben explain why they've been absent before answering all of your
Here’s a unique Facebook Live Q&A with DCR, covering a million and one questions. View the video he