Every NFL season, Action Network Chief Content Officer Chad Millman and professional sports gambler
In advance of eating preposterous amounts of food, this Thursday, Geoff, Paul, and no, not Chad--Bla
What do you get when you mix multiple wrestling promos, chocolate martinis in paper cups, and the li
No, no, the crowd isn't saying boo, they're yelling SCOOOOOOOCH, because it's time for America's boo
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of the Parlay Show, the lead beast of our three-hea
Put on your finest cowboy hat and grab the amaretto, it's time for Chad and Blackjack to battle thei
The Millimonster and bookmaker to the stars, Scooch, are back, dissecting the lines for all of the N
It's another Monday and another Parlay Show, where Chad, Geoff, and Paul pick nine games they like f
This episode of The Favorites has everything sports betting fans are looking for: sincere reunions,
On this week's Parlay edition of the Favorites, we start with Paul LoDuca's (former Dodger, no big d
Chad & Blackjack with their week 8 picks alongside a slightly under-the-weather Georgina to pick
Chad and Scooch tackle the lines for each and every NFL Week 8 game, and there are so many line chan
Chad, Paul, and Geoff are back again with a nine-team parlay, using some of the best early, Monday m
Chad "Millimonster" Millman & Blackjack have to make their week seven picks that will take them
Chad & Scooch go through all the lines for week seven in the NFL game and Chad regales us with a
Chad, Paul, and Geoff pick a nine-game parlay for the upcoming week in sports. Learn more about you
Blackjack is drinking alone this week as Chad and him pick the week six NFL games together while phy
It's early out in Vegas, and Scooch has to catch a flight, so we get rolling quick, analyzing the NF
Today's show was, as the kids say, lit. This past weekend, Paul spent most of Sunday screaming at hi
A recording time at dawn and an awful coffee-based liqueur have Chad & Blackjack at odds over th