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Your Mind Is Being Fracked

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The Ezra Klein Show

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D. Graham Burnett
Ezra Klein
一位深受欢迎的美国记者、政治分析师和《纽约时报》专栏作家,通过其《The Ezra Klein Show》podcast 探讨各种社会和政治问题。
Ezra Klein:我们对注意力的讨论方式决定了我们思考注意力的方式,现有的说法不够严谨,未能很好地反映注意力的体验。注意力并非我们总能掌控的东西,它更像遛狗,有时能控制,有时不能。注意力容易受到操纵,数字世界充斥着各种干扰。我们对注意力的讨论过于强调自主控制,忽略了开放式意识和更深层次的感知。对注意力的良好引导,在于让孩子们体验不同类型的注意力,并培养对不同注意力的感知能力。新自由主义的市场逻辑占据主导地位,使得难以跳出市场逻辑思考问题。我们需要在非强制性引导和价值观引导之间找到平衡,对注意力的积极愿景还不够清晰。 D. Graham Burnett:当代注意力经济如同“人类压裂”,公司为了获取注意力资源,不遗余力地向我们灌输大量信息。自19世纪80年代以来,科学界通过实验对注意力进行了研究,这种研究使得对注意力的定价成为可能。早期注意力实验与广告业密切相关,为如今的注意力经济奠定了基础。二战期间的“追踪测试”实验和雷达实验,体现了对注意力的工具化研究。注意力包含两种不同的概念:工具化注意力和开放式意识。19世纪后期,人们对注意力的关注与对自我认知的转变有关,注意力成为衡量个体在面对世界时保持一致性的方式。宗教传统中也存在对注意力的关注,但其表达方式与现代科学研究有所不同。西蒙娜·薇依认为纯粹的注意力就是祈祷,这是一种非目的性的、开放式的注意力。对注意力的担忧可能只是周期性的道德恐慌,但新技术确实带来了新的剥削形式,我们需要新的抵抗形式。金钱价值的支配地位导致了人与人之间的隔阂,我们需要警惕这种趋势。资本主义逻辑与人类繁荣相悖,企业并非站在我们一边。宗教、教育和艺术等领域拥有非工具化的注意力传统。我们需要提高对注意力重要性的认识,这将改变教育和社会交往方式。斯特罗瑟激进注意力学校旨在通过各种活动,培养人们对注意力的感知和实践能力。深度聆听练习旨在帮助人们体验不同类型的注意力,并提升对注意力的感知。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

The steady dings of notifications. The 40 tabs that greet you when you open your computer in the morning. The hundreds of unread emails, most of them spam, with subject lines pleading or screaming for you to click. Our attention is under assault these days, and most of us are familiar with the feeling that gives us — fractured, irritated, overwhelmed.

D. Graham Burnett calls the attention economy an example of “human fracking”: With our attention in shorter and shorter supply, companies are going to even greater lengths to extract this precious resource from us. And he argues that it’s now reached a point that calls for a kind of revolution. “This is creating conditions that are at odds with human flourishing. We know this,” he tells me. “And we need to mount new forms of resistance.”

Burnett is a professor of the history of science at Princeton University and is working on a book about the laboratory study of attention. He’s also a co-founder of the Strother School of Radical Attention), which is a kind of grass roots, artistic effort to create a curriculum for studying attention.

In this conversation, we talk about how the 20th-century study of attention laid the groundwork for today’s attention economy, the connection between changing ideas of attention and changing ideas of the self, how we even define attention (this episode is worth listening to for Burnett’s collection of beautiful metaphors alone), whether the concern over our shrinking attention spans is simply a moral panic, what it means to teach attention and more.


Friends of Attention)

The Battle for Attention)” by Nathan Heller

Powerful Forces Are Fracking Our Attention. We Can Fight Back.)” by D. Graham Burnett, Alyssa Loh and Peter Schmidt

Scenes of Attention) edited by D. Graham Burnett and Justin E. H. Smith

Book Recommendations:

Addiction by Design) by Natasha Dow Schüll

Objectivity) by Lorraine Daston and Peter L. Galison

The Confidence-Man) by Herman Melville

Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at [email protected].

You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at

This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Mary Marge Locker and Kate Sinclair. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld, with additional mixing by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Annie Galvin and Elias Isquith. Original music by Isaac Jones and Aman Sahota. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. Special thanks to Sonia Herrero.