In this episode of The Evolving Leader podcast, hosts Jean Gomes) and Scott Allender) talk to Ashley Reichheld). Ashley is co-author of ‘The Four Factors of Trust’ and since 2015 has been principal at Deloitte Consulting. She is passionate about making the experiences people have with companies feel more human and believes that building trust is the single greatest opportunity to create a competitive advantage. Ashley’s work and ideas have been featured in many publications and conferences, such as HBR, Bloomberg TV, SMR, The Wall Street Journal, AdWeek, Dreamforce, CES, and Fortune's Most Powerful Women, amongst others.
Referenced during this episode:
The Four Factors of Trust (Wiley-WSJ #2 Bestseller))“4 Questions to Measure — and Boost — Customer Trust”) (HBR)“Research: Why Women Trust Their Employers Less Than Men Do” )(HBR)“How to Build a High-Trust Workplace”) (SMR)“Trust, The Glue That Holds Digital Worlds Together, Quantified At Last”) (Forbes)
Other reading from Jean Gomes and Scott Allender: Leading In A Non-Linear World (J Gomes, 2023))The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence (S Allender, 2023))**Social:**Instagram @evolvingleaderLinkedIn The Evolving Leader PodcastTwitter @Evolving_LeaderYouTube @evolvingleader
The Evolving Leader is researched, written and presented by Jean Gomes) and Scott Allender) with production by Phil Kerby). It is an Outside) production.
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