Are you a leader who loves to read fiction but rarely finds time to do so?In this bonus episode, guest host Sara Deschamps) talks to Melanie Bell) about the intersection between reading fiction and heightened creativity, how fiction can help broaden your openness to and awareness of different points of views, and how impactful creating a community over shared literary experiences has been for the leaders who come together every month.
Enjoy this short bonus episode of The Evolving Leader podcast.Leaders Who Fiction)**Other reading from Jean Gomes and Scott Allender:**Leading In A Non-Linear World (J Gomes, 2023))
The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence (S Allender, 2023))**Social:**Instagram @evolvingleaderLinkedIn The Evolving Leader PodcastTwitter @Evolving_LeaderYouTube @evolvingleader
The Evolving Leader is researched, written and presented by Jean Gomes) and Scott Allender) with production by Phil Kerby). It is an Outside) production.
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