cover of episode E390: Lessons on Being an Exitpreneur with Joe Valley

E390: Lessons on Being an Exitpreneur with Joe Valley

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The Ecomcrew Ecommerce Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Just like most other sellers, you probably got into ecommerce for the freedom and the money, but the biggest money you’re ever gonna make comes on the day you sell your business.


Would you know what to do when that day comes? Do you think you’ll be selling your business for top dollar when it does? Have you planned in advance for a 7-figure exit? 


If not, this episode is for you.


Today, I’ll be talking to serial entrepreneur and Quiet Light Partner Joe Valley about his new book, The EXITpreneur’s Playbook).


In this book, Joe uses his expertise and real life experiences to help you get that exit right without leaving any money on the table—from setting up a game plan, to knowing the actual value of your business, all the way to negotiating and structuring a deal. 



An overview of The EXITpreneur Playbook - 6:33 A sneak peek into the chapters and sections of the book - 15:27  How far in advance you should be planning that exit event - 20:25 Developing healthy habits and how planning little by little can help you get that exit right - 24:31


I wanna thank Joe for coming onto the show and writing this invaluable book for the ecommerce community. If you want to learn more about The EXITpreneur’s Playbook or grab your own copy, head over to


Plus, you’ll want to tune in to future episodes, as we’ll be announcing the mechanics of the autographed book giveaway. We’ll also be announcing the winners shortly thereafter.


On the topic of books, free copies of our Amazon Domination) are still up for grabs! This is the definitive guide to launching your product to #1 Best Seller on Amazon—it’s yours for free, just pay for shipping.


Also, if you enjoyed this episode as much as I did, don’t forget to head over to iTunes and leave us a review).


Until the next one, happy selling and we’ll talk to you soon!