Hi, it’s Dave here. Mike is taking some much-needed time off at the moment so I’m taking the reins. Coincidentally, today’s podcast topic is something that I’m in the best position to talk about - selling on Amazon Canada). If the accent isn’t a giveaway already, I am Canadian myself and currently running my business out of Vancouver.
So, let’s start off with a question. Should you be selling in Canada? The answer to this is of course relative. But, if you are living in the United States, then Canada would technically be the “lowest hanging fruit” when it comes to expanding your business.
I’ve added some more advantages below.
Depending on your circumstances, these disadvantages may be relevant.
The Taxation Thing In America, there is no federal tax. In Canada, you have to pay the equivalent of a federal tax called the GST/HST. This is typically 5%. While you can get this amount back at the end of the year, that’s an upfront cost you have to deal with right out of the gate. And this can be tricky since we mostly run cash flow dependent businesses. You should also register for GST/HST in order to send your goods to Canada. There’s no getting around that. The good thing is it’s quite easy to do this. If you use a larger customs broker that handles shipments going into Canada, they can register the number for you. Most of them will do it for free or charge a small fee to get this done. Mike and I both use Pacific Customs Brokers, Ltd).
Here are my tips for starting to sell in Amazon.ca.
The last thing I’ll leave you with is this: have a plan to sell internationally in order to sustain growth and profitability for your business. Some of the insights above can also be applied in another marketplace so you already have a point of reference.
Other Useful Resources:
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If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy selling!