Doctor Asa is America's Trusted Voice on Longevity and Human Potential. Join Our Health Club Commun
Have a Question? Call me at 888-283-7272 Send me a DM on instagram @AsaRxTV I will answer these
Have a Question? Call me at 888-283-7272 Send me a DM on instagram @AsaRxTV I will answer these d
Have a Question? Call me at 1-888-283-7272 Send me a DM on instagram @AsaRxTV I will answer these
Have a Question? Send me a DM on instagram @AsaRxTV I will answer these daily and tweet the answer
Have a Question? Send me a DM on instagram @AsaRxTV I will answer these daily and tweet the answe
In this episode of The Asa Rx Experience, Asa discusses with about having difficult challenges with
On this episode of The Asa Rx Experience we learn about the best overall omega 3 food. It has been
Food is Medicine today on The Asa Rx Experience. Asa helps us see how powerful these superfoods are
Today on The Asa Rx Experience, Asa discusses about the power of a new type of power seeds. These se
Today on The Asa Rx Experience, Asa helps us understand how certain wonder foods can be the most pow
Today on The Asa Rx Experience you will hear Asa discuss how one protein in our food stands aside fr
Asa is discussing the powerful effects of this iconic drink on The Asa Rx Experience today. This sup