cover of episode Moment 187: The Pregnancy Doctor REVEALS 3 Ways To INCREASE Your Chances Of Pregnancy NATURALLY

Moment 187: The Pregnancy Doctor REVEALS 3 Ways To INCREASE Your Chances Of Pregnancy NATURALLY

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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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Dr. Natalie Crawford
Natalie Crawford 博士是一位世界知名的生育专家,她分享了三个自然提高怀孕几率的方法: 1. 了解你的受孕窗口期:受孕窗口期是指排卵前5天到排卵当天。精子可以在女性体内存活长达五天,而卵子只能存活24小时。因此,在排卵前后进行性生活可以增加受孕几率。 2. 保持规律的性生活:规律的性生活比为了保存精子而减少性行为更有利于受孕。建议每隔一天或每天进行性生活,以确保精子有机会与卵子相遇。 3. 了解你的月经周期:月经周期是反映女性整体健康状况的指标。了解你的月经周期可以帮助你更好地预测排卵期,从而更有针对性地安排性生活时间。 此外,Natalie Crawford 博士还澄清了一些关于怀孕的常见误区,例如性交后抬高腿部或采取特定姿势并不会提高受孕几率,阴茎大小也不会影响受孕。对于那些难以自然受孕的夫妇,她建议考虑宫腔内人工授精(IUI)等辅助生殖技术。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is timing crucial for increasing the chances of pregnancy?

The optimal window for conceiving occurs around the ovulation phase, when an egg is viable for 24 hours and sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for up to five days.

How does regular sex affect fertility?

Regular sex increases the likelihood of conception by ensuring a consistent supply of healthy sperm, contrary to the misconception that less frequent sex preserves sperm quality.

What alternative is recommended for those who struggle with natural conception?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is recommended, where sperm is processed and placed directly into the uterus to bypass potential barriers in the reproductive tract.

Why is understanding menstrual cycles important for women?

Understanding menstrual cycles helps in identifying the fertile window, supporting conception, and serves as an indicator of overall health, revealing potential issues if cycles are irregular.

How does age affect the chances of getting pregnant?

Fertility declines with age; at 30, there's a 20% chance per month, at 35, it drops to 10-15%, and at 40, it's 3-5%. This decline is due to the reduction in the number and quality of eggs.

Are there any specific sex positions that improve pregnancy chances?

No specific position is proven to be better; the key is ensuring ejaculation occurs, and variety can help maintain the relationship's intimacy during the conception process.

Does the female orgasm impact the likelihood of conception?

Female orgasm may slightly increase the chances as contractions help propel sperm toward the egg, though studies are limited and inconclusive.

What role does penis size play in fertility?

Penis size does not impact fertility; what matters is the ability to ejaculate, as sperm needs to reach the cervix, not necessarily the depth of penetration.

Dr. Natalie Crawford explains the optimal window for conceiving, which occurs around the ovulation phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • The optimal window for conceiving is 5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.
  • Eggs are viable for fertilization for 24 hours, while sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days.

Shownotes Transcript


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What the feral window is is going to be to five days before, and then the day you populate so an eggers for twenty four hours.

the five days before you over.

so the five days before you ever late, and then the day that you evil ate the eglise for twenty four hours, IT has to be fertilize, while IT is in the Philippine tube. In those first twenty four hours, sperm can live in the female we pret a track for five days.

So that is why we will tell people to have sex before and then during ogula's, put some of that sperm from the Walker there are a little bit earlier, and then get some there right, right at the time when you're obvious ating to see if you can fertilize that egg. If we think about understanding when your photo window is based on your cycle link, so we say your cycle is the the entire process, and then your period is just the bleeding days, the entire process. If your cycles are on average twenty eight days, the corporation of lives fourteen days, so twenty eight minus fourteen, you on average would obviates on day fourteen.

So the five days before and then day fourteen are gonna a be your most verd days to try to target in our course or avoid if you don't want to be pregnant. And if you're cycles are thirty five days, that was very different, right? Because now thirty five days minus fourteen is going to be one go twenty one.

So your photo window or for that person is going na be cycled twenty one another five days before and date twenty once. Those are very different. Purple windows days they should be having set.

It's a lot isn't do we have sex every day if we can?

So absolutely like if you can have sex every day or every other day and you don't have to track your cycles if they are coming regularly and you're putting sperm in the presence of the egg by every day, every other day, sex? absolutely. And that's one of the things that I see people do wrong the most is have less sex in the idea that they should save IT up to put more sperm present when the eggs arriving. I have to say.

I mean, there's a few things I wanted to say about this. So I think what's the first thing I want to to say the first thing I wanted to ask is how long, on average, do different age groups need to try before they hit the bulls? Sie, if you're eight thirty and you're .

trying to get pregnant of a twenty percent chance of pregNancy per month. O this means that the majority people should be pregnant within six months. Infertility is defined as trying for a year and not getting pregnant that year.

Kind of going off the curve of that scene deviation. Importantly, trying to get pregnant means that you're having and of course, you're ejaculating inside and you're having regular periods. If you're not able to complete the active in our course and you're not having regular periods, people should not wait x amount of time to comes see a doctor, you should go be seen right away.

When my friends tell me that they've started trying, I would think, god, that doesn't doesn't not just ruin the fun, you know. I mean, because I have this one friend who was telling me that because they're trying now sex is becomes such a like a chore and he's away when she's most photo then SHE gets annoying at him and I just think, got it's so crazy what's happening with sex in that regard. That is when now because we're having kids later later and where leaving things a little bit later than ever before, we're now having to treat making kids almost like, as you say, like a chore. It's becoming like, I don't know that something about that goes like.

well, it's a good point because if you're waiting later and you still want to have more than one child, there's a lot of pressure on IT. If you're starting at thirty five and you have that ten fifteen percent chance per month. If you're starting at thirty eight and now it's five to eight percent per months, if you're forty, it's three to five percent.

Isn't pressure like the .

opposite of sex, right? IT doesn't not very fun. I think that one having realistic goals is helpful because if you're trying to start your family at thirty seven and you want four kids, IT is very unlikely to happen without like ibf saving embrace for the future, which we can absolutely do.

And we do that for people sometimes so that they can go have fun with their sex life again too. You feel like you have to track your cycles and time and of course, appropriately when you're older because there's so much that you can't do right. You only have so many eggs, you only have so much time, and you're trying to do what you can.

Understanding your cycle tracking for a woman is a reflection of our full health. How is your brain pret your entire body? So IT is helpful because if you have irregularity, IT is a sign that things are not working Normally, sabian said.

Regular assets is good for so many reasons, and in a relationship that if you can establish sex more frequently as just in part of your relationship, IT becomes less burden sum that you're here recording a podcast at this time or somebody y's out of town this one given month. If we remember that sex, if we remember that sperm live in the female, we product track rip to five days. Most of sparse is going to live there for two to three days.

So five kind of go longest. I can. What we have is that, okay? Half sex, two or three times a week .

about couples that can't. Because i've set here, interviewed so many sex. There are pests and sexologists, if that's even thing.

And we often speak about sexlessness ss people having sex less than less than ever before because they are busy and they so stressed in their lives. And you must meet so many couples in your practice that you, you, you look at the mango. Well, really the problem here is you're just .

not having sex with each other percent. And sometimes it's situation truck drivers, pilots, they're just a job where IT is too hard to have that in our course during the photo window. But then also yeah high performing people or who just don't prioritize or don't enjoy that part of the relationship.

We certainly do what we call are you are your intrauterine insemination. And this is where you take this firm and you're putting IT inside the uterus. So instead of inner course, we are taking an event later example and then processing IT .

and putting IT in the us. wait. So yes, I could just ejaculate in a petree dish, get a little per pet. And I mean.

you can't do IT yourself. But why? Well, because most of the adjective of your sperm is actually meant to protect the sperm from the acidity of the vagina, so most of that is not ever going to see the inside of the uterus.

S, and if we put the whole sample up in the uterus, IT would cause a huge inflammatory or infectious process. But if we clean that sample and we pulled out interfusion and get just the sperm, we can then put the sperm into the U. S. And avoid having all that protective eject ate sample with them.

If we talk about doing IT the old fashion way, yeah, you know, sex, there's a lot of misconceptions around how to increase our odds of getting pregnant. You hear about women putting their legs in the air after sex or what things like people think if you get for a way and you're gonna way out all the firm and that's not going to make you pregnant um all of these things true.

There are so many mess when IT comes to trying to get pregnant, the gool fashion way with in our course. So certainly we can go through a few of them. One of them we ready touch on, which is, oh, you should save up sperm for when you're obsoleting.

So we see that sometimes men will evaluate less, or couples will actually not have sex, trying to save up for the exact day of violation. But there is no need to do that as we know, we want to clear the pipes to keep the film m coming out healthy and alive and not have dead firm. And that you can have sperm survived in the reproduction truck rup to five days.

So you want to to be having intercourse up until that obvious tory day. So every other day, sex, every day sex. Every three day, sex.

Those are all fine. Nobody ever needed several less sex. So if you and your partner have sex every day, please don't have a less sex because you're trying to get pregnant.

Number two, the firm are inside the philopena tubes within. They have gone from the vagina, gotten through that similar fluid in the ejaculates, through the survey, through the uros, into the Philippine tube within minutes, under five minutes. So there is no need to proper hibs up on a pillow for thirty minutes, or put your feet in the air.

Truly, the farmer, into the service within two minutes. And the services is where they then sit for up to the five days. So the two minutes time that is gna take you to withdraw, get up, go to the bathroom, the firmer fine, you're gonna pee out any spam, you don't need to put any device.

And to keep experiment place, keep your feed up, lay in bed, you can go and do whatever you want to do. And in fact, we know that you n after inner course for women decreases the risk of A R N tract infection. So we try to encourage people to get up and be Normal. I also tell people all the time, embryos and plant x vertie zed, when you are up and living in your life, so you don't need to just b horizon onal to have fertilization a car.

So what about sex positions? Are there any sex positions that are .

more consider with the whatever position allows for ejaculate? So this is where variety is the spice of life because as you eluted to earlier, sex can feel a little bit more about chore when you're trying to get pregnant or you're struggling. So making sure that evacuation can happen, there is not any position that is going to Better or worse or going to have higher chance of a boy or a girl or any of that kind of knowledge.

If the female orgasm, does that increase the chance of fatlings?

We do know that orgasm does help you. Don't contractions help get this firm to the eggs faster? So we do know that. So we would have how do know there have been studies looking at they're been studies looking at orgasm and in the speed of which spring IT to the flower on tubes. But maybe it's .

bigger. No, yeah.

just that those contractions are helping kind of propelled this firm up there.

What about penis?

So penises really doesn't matter. What's interesting is that penis does into coral with different race and ethnicity, also with vaginal links. So we tend to see different vaginal ings in correlation with. What tends to be a similar penis links based on that ethnicity or where that person originate to from, which is super .


Do you know a smaller penis or a bigger penis? As long firm does not need to get closer to .

the survey, a lot .

people believe that, like if he goes, he gets right where he needs to go.

OK crazy is .

super .

interesting. I've learned so much about all of this stuff today.