cover of episode Ex-Pentagon Official: The U.S Isn't Telling The Truth! Top-Secret UFO Encounters Finally Uncovered! They're Trying To Silence Us!

Ex-Pentagon Official: The U.S Isn't Telling The Truth! Top-Secret UFO Encounters Finally Uncovered! They're Trying To Silence Us!

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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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Luis Elizondo
Luis Elizondo: 我知道这些东西是真实的,因为我被要求调查不明飞行物,并被要求控制这些视频的用户空间。有很多不想让我们谈论这件事的人。我的生活受到了很多威胁,我冒着巨大的风险,但我认为我们应该知道真相。美国政府没有说实话,关于不明飞行物事件的真相被掩盖。美国政府曾遭遇不明飞行物,这些飞行物拥有超越现有技术的性能,对国家安全构成潜在威胁。不明飞行物曾干扰俄罗斯的核设施。政府拥有看起来并非人类制造的材料。我因抗议政府对不明飞行物事件的处理方式而辞职,因为我们无法将信息和所需的帮助传递到合适的级别。人们被告知不要报告不明飞行物目击事件,因为这被认为是疯狂的,这是危险的。我接触到的证据确凿地证明了不明飞行物的存在,这些不明飞行物拥有五种独特的可观察特征:瞬间加速、超音速速度、低可观测性、跨介质/多域飞行以及缺乏性能和设计上的权衡。政府内部对是否公开不明飞行物信息存在分歧。政府隐瞒不明飞行物信息是违法的,因为国会和总统有权知道这些信息。政府确实拥有非人类制造的材料。公开谈论不明飞行物存在风险,但我愿意承担这些风险。并非所有美国总统都了解不明飞行物项目。普通民众对政府的运作知之甚少。不明飞行物并非一定来自外太空,可能存在其他可能性。不明飞行物对核设施构成威胁,这使得不明飞行物问题成为国家安全问题。人们不应害怕不明飞行物,而应关注其潜在影响。即使要反驳自己的观点,我也无法否认不明飞行物的存在。我的孩子对我的工作持开放态度,但他们有自己的想法。人类并非宇宙中唯一的生命形式。我的书名“迫在眉睫”并非暗示即将到来的入侵,而是指不明飞行物问题的重要性。 Steven: 对谈话内容进行引导和提问

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Luis Elizondo resign from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)?

Elizondo resigned in protest because he felt the leadership was not taking the issue seriously and was not informing higher authorities about the potential national security risks posed by UAPs.

Why does the U.S. government not want the public to know about UFO/UAP encounters?

The government faces a stigma associated with the term 'UFO' and concerns about public readiness to handle the truth, potential civil discord, and economic impacts. There are also legal issues regarding informing Congress and the president, and concerns about the military-industrial complex.

What evidence does Luis Elizondo have to support his belief in UAPs?

Elizondo cites multiple pieces of evidence, including witness testimony, gun camera footage, radar data, and other sensor systems that corroborate UAP encounters, suggesting a high level of credibility and a need for serious investigation.

What are the observable characteristics that distinguish UAPs from conventional aircraft?

UAPs exhibit instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocity, low observability, and the ability to operate in multiple environments without performance compromises, all of which are beyond current human technology.

What is the process for declassifying and sharing highly classified information about UAPs with the public?

The process involves going through the Department of Defense's Office of Prepublication and Security Review, which ensures that no classified information is disclosed. This process can be lengthy and involves redactions to protect sensitive data.

What are the potential motives for UAPs visiting Earth?

Motives could range from simple observation and monitoring to more complex interactions based on technological advancements or concerns about humanity's potential for violence. Elizondo suggests keeping all options open due to the vastness and complexity of the universe.

How does Luis Elizondo feel about being a small part of the vast universe?

Elizondo feels both insignificant and special, acknowledging the vastness of the universe while recognizing the unique and special nature of life on Earth.

What impact has working on UAPs had on Luis Elizondo's personal life?

Elizondo's work has made him more cautious and aware of potential threats, but it has also reinforced his sense of duty and loyalty to his country, despite the risks involved.

What does Luis Elizondo believe about the existence of life beyond Earth?

Elizondo believes that life exists beyond Earth, given the abundance of life on our own planet and the vastness of the universe. He emphasizes the importance of remaining open-minded and data-driven in exploring this possibility.

What is the significance of the 'Gimbal' incident in the context of UAP research?

The 'Gimbal' incident is significant because it showcases UAPs exhibiting behaviors that defy current aviation technology, such as maintaining a 90-degree angle without losing altitude, which is not possible with known aircraft.

Luis Elizondo details his background in microbiology, military intelligence, and work with various three-letter agencies, leading up to his involvement in a Pentagon program investigating UAPs.
  • Elizondo has a diverse background in science and intelligence.
  • He worked with the US Army, NCIS, and the Director of National Intelligence.
  • He was invited to join a special program at the Pentagon.

Shownotes Transcript

Are we alone in the universe? If we aren't, are we among friends or enemies? A former top U.S. official reveals the classified UFO secrets that the Pentagon has hidden for years

 Luis Elizondo is the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that operated within the Pentagon. He is also the bestselling author of the book, ‘Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs’. 

In this conversation, Luis and Steven discuss topics such as, how to spot a UFO, the dangers of getting too close to a UFO, why Luis resigned from the AATIP, and how UFO's have interfered with nuclear weapons. 

(00:00) Intro 

(01:35) Who Is Luis? 

(02:24) Luis's Professional Resume 

(04:38) What Pentagon's Project Did You Work On In 2008-2009? 

(10:30) Joining AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) 

(12:12) AATIP's Mission 

(13:46) What's A UAP? 

(14:21) Stigma Associated With The Term 'UFO' 

(15:45) Luis's Beliefs On UFO/UAP 

(20:21) Leaving The Program And The Role At Pentagon 

(23:28) Why Don’t They Want The Public To Know? 

(29:23) What Type Of Information Do You Have Access To In This Role? 

(30:08) The Area 51 Conspiracy Theories 

(31:00) Bob Lazar's Claims 

(31:45) The Process Of Clearing Highly Classified Information To Share With The Public 

(33:42) Evidence On UFO/UAP 

(34:09) The 'Gimbal' Incident 

(35:24) The Reason Why There's No More Declassified UFO Videos 

(36:36) Why US Government Doesn't Tell People About UFO's 

(41:52) Have There Ever Been Recovered UFO/UAP Materials? 

(42:28) People Going To Jail Or Even Harder Punishment For Speaking Out 

(43:40) Who's In Charge Of Preventing Information Leakage? 

(43:57) US Killed US Citizens With Drones 

(46:09) Danger Of Publishing "Imminent" 

(47:51) Do American Presidents Know About UFO/UAP? 

(48:17) Which Presidents Were Aware Of UFO/UAP? 

(50:53) How Much Does An Average Citizen Know About What's Going On In The Government? 

(52:04) What Is The Legacy Program & Why Is It Not Well Funded? 

(53:17) How Do People In Pentagon Perceive Aliens? 

(01:01:18) UFO's Motives To Visit Earth 

(01:03:30) What Is A UAP Encounter? 

(01:06:11) UAP Sightings At Nuclear Technology Facilities 

(01:06:49) Interference With A Nuclear Facility In Russia 

(01:07:33) The Colares Incident 

(01:10:27) Should We Be Worried? 

(01:12:15) Case Against UFO 

(01:15:43) Is Witness Testimony Enough To Prove UFO's Existence? Probability And Statistics 

(01:18:11) The 'Tic Tac' Incident 

(01:21:44) What's A Day In The Life Of Someone Working For AATIP? 

(01:23:30) How Has Luis's Work Changed The Way He Lives? 

(01:24:11) How Do You Feel Being Such A Small Part Of The Vast Universe? 

(01:26:56) What Do Luis's Kids Think Of His Work And UFO? 

(01:28:27) Are We Alone In The Universe? 

(01:28:58) Why Is The Book Called 'Imminent'? 

(01:29:45) Last Guest's Question: What Is Something You Were Once Deeply Afraid Of That You're No Longer Afraid Of? 

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