Hello! Welcome to The Determined People Podcast, hosted by John Harrell, bestselling author, inspira
In this episode, we examine some of the questions that effective leaders must answer before expectin
Facing our demons head on, not backing down frees us from the challenge presented. We might get knoc
We spend way too much time worrying about what others think of us. Take care of yourself, and you wi
I'm different. So are you. Accept and embrace your unique and rare abilities as your own.
When you are given a task at work, or if you are doing something for your family, are you giving it
Rain is rare in Texas, which makes me appreciate rainy days even more. They are special, just like p
Our society has devolved into deciding who we are going to be friends with by politics. Here's
The past year has been rough. But people have risen to the challenges that uncertainty brings. We ar
We are allowing our differences to divide us. But all of us are different. Even our own family membe
Loneliness is pervasive in today's culture. The incidence of loneliness has reached epidemic pr
At wedding receptions, almost every toast to the bride and groom wishes them a life of happiness. Bu
We build walls around us to keep others from getting too close. We perceive that if they knew the re
People talk about "back in the day" like their best days are behind them. This just isn&ap
God made each of us exactly how He wanted us to be. And...He doesn't make mistakes.
Nobody wins every time. Here is a different perspective on failure.
Have you ever been to a concert and thought about who the people are around you?
Looking at myself and all my flaws wasn't easy. I knew I had work to do or things would never c
Life is fast-paced, and there is always something to get your attention.
Expect the best from yourself, and give life everything you have. Do not fall into the trap of compa
Liesl Hays was living on a razor's edge in 2016. Working 60 hours per week in her stressful cor