Hello! Welcome to The Determined People Podcast, hosted by John Harrell, bestselling author, inspira
Nowadays people are drawing their lines in the sand over whatever the "crisis of the day"
You can communicate with the Creator of the universe when you are at peace.
Memories can be pleasant or they can be painful. Don't live in your memories. Live today and ev
The word "consider" is one of the best, yet most underused words in the English language.
Here is some advice for when life piles up on you.
Fear can hold people back from living the life they have dreamed of. The "what if" way of
Cheryl Williams is a survivor and a fighter. She was abused emotionally, physically, sexually and sp
When we were children, we were going to make our mark on the world. We were unstoppable. Then...life
Some people feel like they are trapped in a prison and there is no freedom. The key to the cell door
We become what we think about.
Everyone wants to feel important. Let them.
Are you a bridge builder, or are you burning bridges?
All of us have certain gifts. Are we using them to our fullest?
Zetti Carnell is a professional musician, chef and an ordained pastor. Her life story is one that Ho
Let go of your past. Your destiny is waiting for you to live your purpose, and live it with confiden
What do you say when you don't know what to say. I believe most of us have found ourselves in t
You are not a victim in life, nor are you bound by poor decisions you have made. Your future is wha
Do you realize how many times during the day we apply faith to situations. It might surprise you.
Everyone has a story. Take time to learn them.
Be judicious about who you allow in your inner circle. Make sure they bring out the best in you, and