Hello! Welcome to The Determined People Podcast, hosted by John Harrell, bestselling author, inspira
Opinions are everywhere, just ask anyone for theirs and they will willingly share it. But is their o
Every day we wake up, we are presented with another opportunity to make a difference in the lives of
Giving someone our time is the greatest gift we can offer them.
You have been robbed! Don't worry. Everything that was stolen can be retrieved. Listen to today
Audacity is not a bad word, although sometimes people use it that way. Today, I encourage you to liv
Tonight my life could have ended because I had a horrible auto accident. Even worse, the five young
I see people chasing status and stuff. There is so much more to life...experiences, memories along w
What do you believe about yourself? Are you telling yourself the truth, or are you living under a fa
People don't like change. I get that. But we cannot predict our futures. We can't even tel
Why does Monday always seem to get a bad rap? In today's episode, I give you a new perspective
We are empowered to accomplish all of our dreams and desires. Our minds unlock the doors.
If you are exhibiting a behavior in life that doesn't serve you well, you must get to the root
Life is hard, no doubt. Life is never predictable, no matter how much we try to control our lives. W
People have difficulty establishing boundaries in their lives. The key to doing it is this: work on
This approach is usually thought of when it comes to a project. Beginning with the end in mind appli
Faith is a verb...an action word. Today we examine the courage it takes to embrace faith...
What we say to ourselves matters.
We beat ourselves up because we think we haven't gotten as far in life as we thought we would.
In today's episode, we revisit a common theme of the podcast: Purpose.
All of us live with some things we regret. It's never too late to change the course of your lif