The Deliberative Podcast

Your premier podcast all about Exalted


Total: 46

The one where we talk about creating 2-dot artifacts.

Episode 21: Dragon-Kings!


The one where we talk about the mysterious and ancient Dragon-Kings.

The one where we talk about building something akin to Adventure Paths from Pathfinder in Exalted.

Episode 19: Outcastes!


The one where we talk about Dragon-Blooded outcastes.

Episode 18: Warstriders!


The one where we talk all about the awesomeness of warstriders!

The one where we talk to Onyx Path Editor in Chief, Dixie Cochran.

The one where we talk all about the new Liminal Exalted - or at least what we know so far.

The one where we talk about the prehistorical lore of the Exalted game world and how important it is

The one where we talk to Exalted developer Eric Minton.

The one where we continue to do our deep dive into the Lunars playtest.

Episode 12: Lunars Playtest!


The one where we get our hands on the playtest document for Lunars and just spill the beans on all t

Episode 11: Forest Witches!


The one where we talk about the awesome Forest Witches and how they have developed across the variou

The one where we interview the incomparable James Bell.

The one where we talk about the amazing new location of the Caul.

Episode 8: Exalted Combat!


The one where we talk about how to decide when to use battle groups to simulate combat versus the wi

Episode 7: Make Exalted EPIC!


The one where we talk about how to make your stories epic.

The one where we talk about the Stunt system in Exalted and compare and contrast editions.

Episode 5: Telling Stories!


The one where we talk all about how to craft your story, your setting, and your antagonists.

The one where we talk with the developers of the Onyx Path Dice App - Tyler and Jamie.

Episode 3: We Never Lose!


The one where we discuss if it is a problem that Solars can never lose.