Are you the train wreck that people can’t stop watching? Do you spread gossip and negativity on social media? Or do you use Social Media as a tool to share and connect with others and to find inspiration? These are some of the questions addressed inside this week’s episode of the Big Money Stylist with your co-hosts Danielle White and Ani Rivera.
In Big Money Stylist, we go over the following formula each month:
Week #1: Power
Week #2: Production
Week #3: Profit
Week #4: Protection
In This Week’s Episode…..Power
Point #1: Social Media Trolls
- People who troll others on social media get a sense of purpose and validation from doing that. This attracts more haters and sparks even more negative conversations and energy.
- Danielle believes that “people who troll don’t give themselves permission to have success in life. They get stuck in their stories and patterns and don’t realize this puts a cap on what they can make and what they can do, literally preventing them from breaking through that threshold.”
Where in your world do you know that you are the one creating negative energy?
Point #2: Rebuild & Move Forward
- Ani: “Everyone goes through shit in life. Some shit will break you, and then you rebuild yourself. Some stuff dings you, while other things crack you. It’s a matter of rebuilding yourself and moving forward.”
- “But some people are so stuck in the story of being a victim that they’re not even willing to go outside of it and see what’s on the other side because* it’s all they know*. They only know how to be mean and nasty; they only know how to spread vile and shit everywhere.”
Where in your world have you made a comeback and re-built your life?
Point #3: Take a Stand
- The more you take a stand on anything, the more kick-back you’re going to receive. If you don’t have the guts to put yourself out there, how do you expect to make it further in life and in business?
- Danielle: “We teach our students to put out their content and then “put your blinders on.” Learn to take a stand, and then be prepared for the punches that roll in.”
Where in your life or inside your business do you know it’s time to take a stand, come what may?
Point #4: Are You the Train Wreck?
- Ani: “Do you see yourself as a train wreck? Everywhere you post, are you just talking shit on other people and bringing out the negativity? You don’t have to be “Positive Polly” but you *can *say, “Today was a shitty day, and here’s what I did to turn it around.” Or, “Here’s how I felt. Has anyone ever felt like this?”
- “At this point, I’m pretty much an open book and have nothing to hide. I’m not embarrassed about any decision I have ever made or anything I’ve ever said, nor am I embarrassed about where I am in my life right now. I LOVE my life both professionally and personally, and am grateful for everything in it.”
Are you the train wreck that people just can’t stop watching?
Point #5: Being OK With Letting Go
- Having been raised inside the strict bubble of Mormonism, Danielle and Garrett began questioning everything they believed. Danielle felt like she was shrinking from the voices all around her telling her what to do, and in that space, there came a point where they had to be ok with letting go of certain relationships for a time.
- “From my own experience, I know if you have tunnel vision, even with your family and friends, and you just focus on you and do what you know you need to do, you WILL see results. Remember, results speak louder than words.”
Where in your world have you experienced this?
Quote of the Week:
“As I scroll through social media, sometimes I’ll get triggered, so I ask myself, “Why is that triggering me? Is there a piece of truth in what I’m reading?”
—Danielle K White
“There’s a purpose behind what we do. We stay here because we love it, because it’s important, and because this is what we’re supposed to do. There’s something inside of us that fuels it.”
–Anianne RiveraDocument