As 2018 winds down, Danielle and Ani engage in a timely and powerful conversation around the topic of consistency. Where are you being inconsistent across all four areas of your life? What is that inconsistency costing you? What can you do about creating more consistency as you head into 2019?
Big Money Stylist, we go over the following formula each month:
Week #1: Power
Week #2: Production
Week #3: Profit
Week #4: Protection
In This Week’s Episode…..Power
Point #1: Self Care
- Both Danielle and Ani agree that hairdressers tend to have the most awful eating habits, oftentimes relying on Starbucks to get them through their long days.
- It’s imperative as hairdressers to take care of ourselves precisely because we are on our feet all day long. As we practice self-care, we not only feel better, but we also deliver better results to our clients.
What small, sustainable action are you committed to begin implementing today that will lead to a healthier you in 2019?
Point #2: Arm Yourself With the Facts
- Danielle and Ani have seen many students in their program know what they need to do that would lead them to the success they are desiring, but end up cheering others from the sidelines instead of stepping into the game themselves.
- Getting down to the facts and nitty-gritty details takes artists out of the overwhelm mode and puts everything into perspective. Doing this is difficult for many artists because they don’t want to see where they really are.
What are the facts telling you? What are you going to do about it?
Point #3: Progress or Regress
- You can be in a good place in your life and know there’s another level; there’s always another level. You don’t have to be unhappy where you are in order for you to want to achieve more.
- Sometimes you will go into maintenance mode, but if you’re not progressing, you’re regressing. It’s not like you have to take huge leaps and bounds every single day, just do the tiny little things that will consistently move you forward.
Where inside your world are things going well? What would the next level look like for you?
Point #4: I Don’t Have Time
You have to be willing to make a change at some point and not be so stubborn. At the end of the day, it all comes down to prioritizing.
You get to create whatever you want. Oftentimes, it’s a matter of looking at your life through a different lens and being willing to invest the time into the things you say you want.
What are you telling yourself you don’t have time for?
Point #5: Reps Lead to Success
- When you start anything that is new to you, you’re going to feel uncomfortable in the beginning. Think back to how you felt when you first started doing hair, or when you recorded your first video for marketing.
- When you see where you are today in any area of your life, you realize that the more you do something, the better you become and the more you like what you’re doing. It’s a natural progression.
What area of your business are you currently experiencing discomfort?
“Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. Dream Big! Be willing to do the work by creating new patterns and behaviors that actually move you forward to your desired targets.”
— Danielle White
“Grab your journal and start writing: What are the facts about where I currently am? What do I want my life to look like by the end of 2019?”