Whether it’s cars, boob jobs, or hair extensions, trust is HUGE when it comes to both consumers and professionals. Join Danielle & Ani as they have a spicy conversation on this hot topic in this week’s episode of the Big Money Stylist.
For Big Money Stylist, we go over the following formula each month:
Week #1: Power
Week #2: Production
Week #3: Profit
Week #4: Protection
In This Week’s Episode…..POWER
Point #1: Pretty Little Liars
- No matter what you are purchasing, as a consumer, you put your trust in the professionals to provide what they say they will be providing.
- There are artists playing the game of bait & switch, luring clients under the guise of providing NBR, yet providing anything but that.
What has been your experience with this, either as one who was baited or the one setting the bait?
Point #2: “Oh, I Just Do Hair”
- Many artists come to BMS because they’re sick and tired of being looked at like a fucking joke, a common problem in the hair industry.
- If you want to be taken seriously, though, you have to take yourself seriously. That comes through constant practice and proper education.
What can you do to improve the way you view yourself?
Point #3: Tracking the Right Numbers
- When it comes to marketing and social media, you might have a huge following, but what are your actual numbers when it comes to income?
- Ani: I had less than 1500 followers and was making $20k per month. Anything can be done with proper marketing and advertising.
Are you running the same shit show and just gaining popularity without filling up your bank account?
Point #4: Stay In Integrity
- Whatever service or product you’re offering, you must stay in integrity.
- Danielle: Sadly, we’re at that point where people will say anything to get people in the door.
What are you doing & saying to get people in the door and in your chair?
Point #5: Consistency
- Danielle & Ani hold the vision of the brand going international, and with that, the integrity of the brand *must *remain intact.
- Because NBR is a very specific niche inside of the hair extension world, they are currently creating a manual with very specific verbiage and how-to’s for their trainers, thus assuring consistency within the brand internationally.
Where inside your world as an artist would consistency benefit you or your salon?
Quote of the Week:
“If you find yourself being triggered by a client or experience, ask yourself what part you played in feeling this way. What could you do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?”
— Danielle K White
“I’m going to have you consider that one crazy client every rare moment… you met a crazy client. But, if you feel like you have crazy clients all the time, *you *might be the crazy one!
—Anianne Rivera