cover of episode Change Your Story Change Your Life | Episode 182

Change Your Story Change Your Life | Episode 182

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The Danielle K. White Show

Shownotes Transcript

Money is not just success. 


Sure, success can be measured in making good money, but it’s also about not burning out. 


You can do ALL the things you want to do. 

You just have to break through certain mindsets in order to achieve that level of success. 


The crazy thing is, once you get there, there is always more. 

Just when you think you made it, there is always more. 


There is always going to be more to life, but you HAVE to break through your own stories & thought processes. 


I want you to ask yourself... Why can’t you do that? 


If your only two choices are sink or swim, what happens when it becomes less about what you “can and cannot do” and more about if you give yourself permission to DO?


Make that LEAP in your mind. 


You HAVE to believe in yourself. You HAVE to have confidence in yourself. 


Your stories in your own mind dictate what you will & will not do. 


They affect EVERYTHING. 


Life, god, work, marriage, your bank account, what you eat, working out, etc.

You tell yourself a story & that dictates your actions. 


Your whole world is run by narratives & stories. 


What you want to do is get the right stories, so the actions follow the right stories so that the right actions lead to the right results.


If you can’t change the stories, it doesn’t matter what you do, you’ll still get stuck & struggle. 


Are you holding yourself hostage? 

As much as you don’t want to accept the story, you don’t want to feel uncomfortable... 

You have to start to recognize when you’re stuck & ask yourself WHAT would be possible if…. That wasn’t your story? 


Instead of telling yourself all the reasons why you can’t do something, ask yourself why can’t you. What have you got to lose? 


What would you have to do if you changed that story? How can you create, and what can you create once you give yourself permission? 


Your rules are linked to your stories, & you can never outrun YOUR rules. 


So, once you start making these choices, you will start to see MASSIVE shifts in your life. 


YOU are the gateway to all of it. 

If you don’t learn how to adjust & change YOU. You are going to believe what everybody around you says. 


This is critical. 


You get to determine the outcome. 


Where do you want to go? 


We don’t determine where you want to go, your stories drive your results. YOU DECIDE


What do you want the outcome to be? What story do you have to shatter to get the life you want? 


In life, you are given the opportunity and your results are a direct reflection of the work you did & choices you made. 


The choice is up to you. 


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