He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Joi
Obamacare is a scam. This article describes how they play with the numbers to deceive you. Another e
This piece highlights some great training tips for your workouts. Is this the strength vitamin? A gr
The truth about “trickle down” economics and why democrats love to lie about it. Did you hear the la
The Democrats want you to believe that this a “tax cut for the rich.” That’s total nonsense, and thi
This is the most disturbing article I’ve read in a long time about the destructive effects of liber
Here are the final numbers on the tax bill. Here’s a simple-to-read chart of historical tax revenu
Liberals keep repeating these debunked talking points about tax reform. http://www.washingtonexami
Why isn’t Trump ordering the release of the FISA court warrants? Read this complete takedown of si
Liberals are blaming “climate change” for the California fires. But, was it liberal policies to blam
Are we living through a serious constitutional crisis? https://legalinsurrection.com/2017/12/democra
Why the rush to get the NY City bomber in the civilian courts? http://www.nationalreview.com/article
Another terror attack in New York City. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/nypd-identifies-bombing-su
Is this Democrat Senator really resigning or is this another cynical Democrat scheme? https://www.co
The Constitution won in Congress yesterday yet Democrats declared now “we’re all going to shoot e
The entire Trump investigation is falling apart. Here’s what the media isn’t telling you. http://w
Tax cuts do not “cost the government” money, they only cost you money. https://t.co/ZKxNf1NoJT
As things get better for America, they get worse for the Democrats. This piece explains this wel
The Kate Steinle verdict is a disgusting travesty of justice. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2017/1
More terrific economic news to get excited about. https://t.co/FQyUZKFTPz The bull run continues.
These articles thoroughly debunk the Democrats’ latest disingenuous talking points about the GOP