cover of episode Warning Signs Everywhere For Comrade Kamala (Ep. 2339)

Warning Signs Everywhere For Comrade Kamala (Ep. 2339)

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The Dan Bongino Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino: 本期节目讨论了多个重要议题,包括白宫可卡因丑闻中存在的掩盖证据行为,秘密服务处内部人士爆料了高层施压下属销毁证据以避免特朗普上任后丑闻曝光的内幕;飓风哈林给田纳西州、北卡罗来纳州和部分佐治亚州带来灾难性破坏,灾后出现抢劫和破坏行为;中期选举已经开始,选民已经开始投票,竞选的关键在于"快照"和"声音片段",特朗普在阿拉巴马州-佐治亚州比赛中获得热烈欢迎,而沃尔兹州长在密歇根州-明尼苏达州比赛中受到嘘声,这反映了他们在竞选中的形象差异;拜登政府对边境问题的处理不力,导致大量罪犯进入美国,媒体对此进行掩盖,哈里斯曾将ICE与三K党相提并论,这表明她对移民问题的态度是危险的;作者将于10月9日对特朗普进行直播采访,并就一些个人问题进行访谈,包括秘密服务部门的相关事件;万斯竞选团队在普里曼蒂兄弟餐厅的活动被取消,这可能与秘密服务部门的介入有关;特朗普的秘密服务部门细节存在问题,这影响了他的竞选活动;关于特朗普纳苏县炸弹威胁事件,存在疑问,可能存在掩盖真相的情况。

Deep Dive

A whistleblower reveals pressure from the Biden administration and DHS to make evidence in the White House cocaine scandal disappear, with promotions offered for silence. The forensic services division, possessing a baggie with potentially incriminating evidence, is central to the alleged cover-up.
  • Promotions are being handed out to silence Secret Service members about the cocaine scandal.
  • The baggie of cocaine has identifying evidence.
  • The Biden administration wants the evidence destroyed before Trump potentially takes office.

Shownotes Transcript


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. All right, this is an absolutely crazy News Monday. We've got a bunch of really tragic stories. We've got some political stories. We're obviously in the middle of the most heated, important campaign of our lifetime.

I have a major update from you on another ongoing massive scandal at the White House. A whistleblower reached out to me this morning about the cocaine story at the White House. There's a lot to talk about.

Let me get right to it. Please don't miss a minute of the show. I want you to share today's show. If you wouldn't mind, I really appreciate it. Hey, you all know I can't sleep without my beam dream powder. They have an exclusive discount for my listeners up to 45% off. Visit shop slash Bongino. Use code Bongino. I've got that folks. And I want you to remember the most critical component of any campaign is two things. You already know the answer.

Snapshots and sound bites, folks. That is it. They are the only two things. I'm going to show you these two, and you tell me who won the weekend. You tell me. I just want you to be objective for a minute. Put aside your support of President Trump and just pretend you're a neutral observer. Watch this. You tell me who won the weekend. Hey, the Federal Reserve has dropped interest rates.

So call my friends at American Financing today. With mortgage rates in the fours, now is the perfect time to consolidate debt and reduce your monthly expenses. A lot of us have been forced to use credit cards because of the ridiculous prices at the grocery store power and even for childcare. The debt is really expensive with credit card rates being insanely high. But with mortgage rates dropping, now is the time to wipe the debt out.

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Let's go. Let me get to this story first because it came in hot off the presses this morning. You're not going to hear it anywhere else. It is breaking on the Dan Bongino show at 11 a.m. where our stream goes live every day. Thank you for joining us. We already got close to 60,000 people. We're only two minutes in. Thank you for joining us. You'll be the first ones to hear it. It is this. This won't surprise anyone, but I've got this from a very, very deep inside source with the Secret Service.

So apparently, folks, there are so many people in the forensic services division of the Secret Service, relative to the size of the detail, that know about the cocaine scandal and the pressure that's been put by the Biden White House and Mayorkas to make the evidence go away. And I'll get to that part in a second. That now, according to my source, who is about as unpeachable on the matter as you could possibly imagine,

There are now being promotions handed out to a number of people to silence them about what they know about the efforts to make the cocaine evidence go away. Now, my source is pretty clear that these promotions are likely tied to what they know about the cocaine scandal at the White House. He is just not sure. Producer Justin asked me this morning, well, what's happening? Are people

Are subordinates saying to their bosses, hey, either promote me or I'm going to go to the press about the cocaine and the White House scandal and the pressure and what we know about it? Or are supervisors promoting people who know to kind of lock them in to say, hey, man, you know, you took the promotion and you knew about it and you didn't say anything. So now you're part of the scandal. So you need to shut up, too. He's not sure about what direction they're going in.

But he's absolutely sure that there is a tie between what they know about the cocaine scandal and promotions. New promotions are coming out. It has a lot to do with the forensic services division. Now, why? Because the forensic services division that does, obviously, forensic services and analysis in the Secret Service are the ones who have custody over the cocaine baggie.

And apparently that cocaine baggie has identifying evidence, which would implicate someone. There it is. Thank you, fellas. That's a picture of the baggie. If you're watching on Rumble right now, found in the locker. Apparently the Secret Service has evidence that that may be linked to someone, the Biden family and the DHS. They want to make that evidence go away. You can surmise who that may be. And I wouldn't automatically jump to Hunter Biden either.

I'm not saying no. I'm just saying it is someone that is going to be a major scandal that Biden and the DHS want to make that baggie go away. So I said I'd get back to it. According to the source, there is massive pressure

by Ron Rowe, the acting director, and former director Kim Cheadle, who resigned. There was massive pressure to make this. I'm going to give you some quotes from the whistleblower, just so you, exact quotes, so I don't want to be accused of misconstruing what he said. There is, they are, quote, under a lot of pressure to, quote, tie up loose ends on the cocaine scandal and, quote, to destroy the cocaine evidence before Trump takes the White House.

Which, at this point, looks like there's a pretty good shot. Nothing definitive. No red wave talk. However, they're getting really worried they may lose now.

And that if this comes out, it's going to make the Biden administration look even worse than they look now when they find out whose cocaine this really was. So again, they're under a lot of pressure from Secret Service management, Roe and former director Cheadle, who pressured, according to my whistleblower, people in FSD to destroy the baggie

Roe and Cheadle would apparently under pressure from Mayorkas, who's under pressure from the Biden White House to tie up loose ends and destroy the cocaine evidence before Trump gets in there. He's going to blow the doors off this whole thing.

Folks, just when you thought the corruption in the Biden White House between Ukraine gate, the Moscow mayor story, that Rosemont went Seneca, the Privat Bank story, the pressuring of Ukrainians to fire people to hide evidence of Hunter Biden, Biden family malfeasance, the Chinese Communist Party connections, the Kamala Harris scandals that have happened over and over and over again. Ladies and gentlemen, it only gets worse. You heard it here first.

I'm telling you the source is unimpeachable. Of course, the media people, let me just prep you. The media folks, what's going to happen, guys? In a week or a month, they'll report this story and they'll say, breaking news. The truth is, honestly, I really don't care. I just care that you get the story out there. I just want you guys to be happy about the fact that you got the story first. You heard it here. All right, getting back to some other news because a lot happened this weekend.

Folks, I live in a hurricane zone. I've never been through anything like what's happening right now in Tennessee and North Carolina and parts of Georgia. It's not just one state. This Hurricane Halim is a massive, massive storm. I've heard it compared to a tornado over the course of like three states or so. They say with hurricanes, when you deal with them a lot like we do in Florida, you know, you run from the water and you basically hide from the wind.

The water is going to do most of the damage. I mean, listen, if you get hit by a tornado, the wind, but most of the time hurricanes, if you can get inside a solid structure built, it's hurricane resistant. You'll, you should be okay. Sometimes from the wind, the water, you got to get away. There's just no way. And the folks in these areas were given very little warning. Unfortunately, the forecasting on this thing was generally pretty terrible.

Florida got more warning than anywhere else. And because they're in areas not typically hit by hurricanes, they were just destroyed. Entire places are going to be wiped off the map. You've seen what happened in Asheville. You see Georgia portions of Tennessee. It has been really ugly. I want you to listen to this quick TikTok video. I don't know this guy. I'm not sure if he's a creator or just a citizen on TikTok, but this one viral this weekend, he's talking about how things are apocalyptic over there. It's about 50 seconds or so. He's talking about how there was people in there who are just,

Unfortunately, folks, it's always a small segment of society that are just evil demons. That aid trucks are coming in. They're slashing the tires on some of the aid trucks. Some people, they just want to see the world burn, as they said in that Batman movie about Bane. I mean, they wrote about Joker. They just want to see the world burn. Apparently, we got some of those down there. Check this out. So update right now. The biggest problem after Hurricane Helena is the

Just, you're not able to move. Some of my friends just tried to go to Tennessee. The roads are completely blocked off. You're not getting out. We're trapped in. There's a lot of looters. Please stay safe. Stay inside. If you have a weapon, keep it on you because there are people intentionally sabotaging stuff. So over on I-40, there were some truckers coming in with supplies and medical stuff trying to help us. They started a truck stop to get some rest. When they woke up, their tires were slashed.

Nothing was stolen, just tires were slashed. The same thing is happening all over the place. People are intentionally just vandalizing stuff, not stealing, just vandalizing. And then there's looting happening in all the stores. I'll come back with an update in about five or six hours. Everyone stay safe. Folks, listen, this is a tragedy. And obviously the power of prayer is real. These people are going to need it right now for the strength. This is not just an obstacle in their life. This is a life-changing event for them. They've lost their homes. They've lost their businesses.

Now, unfortunately, folks, I'm in no way putting myself in their shoes, but having lost a home in a house fire that burned everything down, I don't have anything before the age of when it happened when I was 18, 19. I don't own anything except a pair of Doc Martin boots. It all burned. All the pictures I have, everything I have are from other people in my family.

Unfortunately, although I've never been in a devastating event like this, it was our house and obviously it wasn't the whole town. It's when I lived in Wontore with my aunt and uncle. Imagine losing your house, but then having no neighbors, like the neighbors helped us. The neighbors came by with clothes and food and they put a trailer on our lawn and we were generally fine for a while. You live, you get through it. Imagine that and then the whole town is wiped out.

You need insulin. You need antibiotics. Your father's sick and needs oxygen. Can you imagine this? The level of tragedy here is hard for everyone to grasp. It's one more reason. Please be prepared. You never know when disaster can strike. Keep emergency food safe.

Keep your firearms. Make sure you have ammunition, food, water, water purification. It's just a disaster. So really, the power of prayer is real. Pray for them. Pray for them to have the strength to get through this.

Folks, like I said, it's a busy news weekend. And my apologies in advance from transitioning around all these stories. But I've got a lot to get to. And we're in the middle of an intense campaign. The election is here. It's not coming. It's here. People are voting. A lot of people are voting. I would suspect at this point millions of people have probably already voted in early voting. It's going on right now. We have to analyze this campaign because if we lose,

The failed Biden administration that can't handle a natural disaster, can't handle the Israel of what's going on in the Middle East crisis, can't handle Ukraine, can't handle the economy, can't handle the border. This devastating human being, his vice president is even more incompetent and dumber than he is, is is running for president.

The weekend was awful for them. Campaigns are pictures and sound bites. That's it, folks. That's it. You think it's anything else, you were wrong. There was a quote I saw on Fox this morning. I was watching the 9 o'clock show. And some guy said in the newspaper, he's one hike in gas prices away from changing his vote. If you think there aren't people out there that are still impressionable, you're crazy.

They are the people seeing the snapshots and the soundbites. So this happened this weekend. Donald Trump goes to the Alabama-Georgia game. They put him up on the screen in Bama, and you can hear for yourself what happened. Fist in the air. That's his fight, fight, fight pose. Waving everyone to raucous applause in front of tens and tens and tens and tens and tens and thousands of people. Really excited crowd. Alabama and Georgia fans right there.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's a snapshot for you. That's a soundbite for you. That's what people see. People are busy. People are not reading white papers every single day. They're going to freaking work. We're not liberals who don't have jobs and are in the basement while, you know, playing silly putty and watching reruns of Teletubbies.

conservatives freaking go to work. Okay. We're not bums like liberals. Okay. Now contrast that with tampon, Tim walls, who has got to be the single weirdest guy who has ever run for office. I'll show you the gesticulations coming up in a minute. Well, I don't know what this guy's doing. I don't know what he's doing. Well, is there, it was, he'd be injected with some kind of drug before he got off the plane. But here he is at,

This is the weirdest thing. He's at the Michigan-Minnesota game. And someone told me he was cheering for Michigan. He's the governor of Minnesota. Someone said he was cheering for Michigan because Michigan's a swing state. He's taking Minnesota in the bag. If that isn't the cheesiest thing I've ever heard, here he is here getting booed by Michigan fans at a state he's supposed to be winning. Take it over. Get out of here!

There he is, Tampon T, big celebrity, big celebrity in the Michigan-Minnesota game. There he is, holding up the almighty tampon like Zeus with a lightning bolt. There he is right there, Tampon T, who I'm hearing, by the way,

Not from it, just from reading press outlets, but multiple press outlets on the left, that Tim Walz is freaking out over the debate with J.D. Vance tomorrow. Now, I want you to keep in mind, where am I going with this? And you guys know, be careful. Just be careful. When the left is reporting on, Tim Walz is freaking out. There he is. There he is, the almighty holder of the tampon. Tampon Tim.

He is back. Does he got a big T like Superman's got an S on his chest? I wonder that. Be careful with the don't spread these rumors around. Oh, tampon. Tim is so afraid of JD Vance. If it's in the left wing media, what is it? Yes. Yes. Some of you have pointed out. This is probably an op. Tim Walls will likely be fine in the debate. The VP debates very rarely change anything. I don't want anyone to freak out. JD Vance is a great debater.

Just don't get ahead of yourself.

And set the standard so low that if Walls even shows up again, this is the left wing media reporting it. I'm just asking you to be careful. Now I said to you, snapshots and soundbites, you've seen the snapshots. So Tim Wall's given people to middle finger at the Michigan, Minnesota game, the crowd erupting for president Trump at the Bama Georgia game. By the way, the kids love president Trump. I have, I know a lot about Auburn, the campus at Auburn rough weekend for us, college football, man, we got to get it together. But that being said,

I'm on that campus a good amount of time. The kids there, especially the men, Justin, can you vouch for me?

There's like the young male college kids in any SEC school are like, what would you say, 75% Trump and not more. It's unbelievable. I never seen anything like it. He used to go on a college campus when I was a kid and everybody was all for Bill Clinton. He was like the cool cat. Now it's like Trump's the cool cat and everything has changed. But it's not just the snapshots, the pictures, man. That's one portion of my campaign theory. It's snapshots and it's soundbites.

Here's Donald Trump again, winning the weekend. Of course, the left jumped all over him when he said this, but he's absolutely right. And this may be the quote of the campaign so far. I'm pretty sure this was extemporaneous and off the cuff. Check this out. She let in and that's not even mentioning the rapists, the gang members, the drug dealers, the child predators and the traffickers in women.

And women, mostly women. Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way. You know, that was totally off the cuff. So we got the story on Friday. Unfortunately, it broke after after I got off the air with the podcast. Of course, it would have been the big story. Folks, the biggest story of the campaign so far is that there are 13000 convicted murderers in the country. That's a fact.

Where they are, if they're in local custody, running around, not detained. It matters, but what matters more is they're in the country. The Biden team's like, well, they've been here, some of them, for more than 10 years. That's not the point, jackass. You and Kamala Harris, the border czar, have been in charge for four years. There's 13,000 convicted murderers in the country, and you haven't rid the country of them yet? That's the freaking point.

15,000 convicted sex offenders, 400,000 convicted criminals. And what is the Biden-Harris administration doing? They're expanding the non-detained docket. In other words, the number of people who have convicted crimes that aren't detained.

This is a monster story. So what does Kamala Harris do? Can you imagine the cojones on her? She goes down to the border to celebrate murderers being in the country, crossing the borders. And by the way, they won't tell us how many of them crossed under the Biden-Harris administration. Why? Because I guarantee you it's a whole lot. Here was Trump again winning the weekend in the snapshots and soundbite wars. Listen to this. Anybody that wants to come.

So we have travel warnings. Don't go here. Don't go there. Don't go to the various countries. And yet she's taken in the worst of those people, the killers, the jailbirds, all of the worst of the people. She's taken them in. And then I have to sit there and listen to her bullshit last night.

Folks, I'm sorry, but this is how you win campaigns. This is how you win campaigns. I get it. Someone's going to be like, oh, we don't need the hostile language. That's fine. I understand. I get it. You know, I try. It's hard for me. I try sometimes to control it. Sometimes it just comes out. It's the queens in me, whatever. He's from Queens, too. I think that's what we have. This was bullshit. What she said at the border was total bullshit. They have.

opened up the border, a historic, that's a fact, a historic number of people have entered here illegally. There is a damn good chance that of those 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 convicted sex offenders, that a huge chunk of them entered under the Biden-Harris regime while she was the border czar. It is the biggest story right now in the campaign. Think about it.

Can you imagine 13,000? How many counties are even in the United States? Can you look that up, Justin? I mean, think about what is this, the murderer per how many counties in the United States? I mean, can someone do the math on that? I mean, you understand how devastating of a figure this is? Convicted criminals, 400,000. How many are we allocating per county? Is there a ratio?

And what is she doing? Nothing. She's doing jack and shit. Did you see the numbers? Here, this ran on Fox. Put that picture up that was on Fox News. Oh, how many? 3,143 counties in the United States. Wow. Wow. So we have actually more than one, far more than one convicted murderers per county in the United States.

Look at this, 13,099 convicted of homicide. Not accused, but non-detained, non-citizen convicted criminals. 15,000 of sexual assault. 425,000 total convicted criminals for 3,000 plus counties.

Holy Moses, like four murderers per county? Where are we? Are we splitting them up? North, south, west, east? How are we doing this exactly? Murderers. Murderers. Folks, this is freaking insane. This is insane. But at least one more thing, I'm sorry. And here's a running mate, Tim Walls, this weekend. Again, tell me who won the weekend. What is he doing getting off the plane here? Did someone inject this guy with some kind of narcotic? What is he doing here? What is that?

What is he throwing tampons to the audience? Donald Trump was throwing chicken tenders. Is he throwing tampons? What is with this guy? What is with the gesticulations? Is he okay? Did he take that? You ever see that movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper, the actor? When he takes that drug that gets him going. Did he take one? What is he doing? What the hell is he doing? Here, here's a smile. What is this? What is he clapping for himself?

What is this guy doing? What a clown. What a joker. Look at Tampon T. Throw in the tampons. Tampon for you. Tampon for him. Tampons everywhere. Right? Don't. Wife's like, oh my gosh, don't turn around. Don't turn. Don't look. Don't look. Oh, look. She waits. Get down the stairs fast. Get away. She's trying to create distance. She breaks through the line. She's five yards. Ten yards. She's a few lights. Touchdown.

Tap on Tim. Tap on Tim. Left in the dust. You know what that reminds me of? Bo Jackson dragging Brian Bosworth into the end zone during that Monday Night Football game. The wife dragging him down the stairs there trying to get away from him. Yeah, I know, man. That's a good point. Justin's like, at least he didn't fall. We don't want to see anybody hurt. And between him and Biden, with all that gesticulating, it's like, how do you pay attention to where the next step was going to be, you know? Crazy.

It's Monday. It's Monday. I know there's a lot going on, but folks, I got to laugh a little bit or I'll cry at the state of our country. This guy is actually could be the next vice president. Believe me, there's a chance they could win. Don't take this election for granted at all. Quick break. We get back. I got another just.

How the media is covered for this just grotesque story about convicted murderers in the United States is an example of why the media are not just, it's not misfeasance, it's malfeasance. They are actively trying to destroy the country. I'll tell you what I mean in a minute. Hey, with the tax hikes proposed by Harris, a stunning 40% top income tax rate proposal, 7% increase to the corporate tax, a capital gains tax on untaxed

on unrealized gains and some studies showing that she's proposing policies that could add almost $2 trillion to a current $2 trillion deficit over the next 10 years. You might be thinking it's time to make more of my savings tax sheltered and inflation sheltered too. That's why I trust the good people at Birch Gold Group to help you. They help me. Birch Gold will assist you in converting an existing IRA or 401k into an IRA in gold. And the best news, you don't pay a penny out of pocket.

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That has over 13,000 convicted murderers and 15,000 sex offenders in the country illegally. And the Biden-Harris administration is apparently doing nothing about it. Matter of fact, even worse, Kamala Harris and Biden have run for office on shutting down immigration detention centers.

That's a freaking fact. The judge has ruled. Look it up. So if you're saying, oh, no, they want these people detained. Bullshit. They have run on letting more people out and shutting detention centers down. That is an absolute fact. The media are full-blown accomplices. I'm telling you right now, if your family...

is God forbid a victim to one of these people in this country, convicted murderers, criminals, and sex offenders. The corporate left-wing communist media are 100% accomplices in this. They have done everything they can to cover this scandal up. Not only that, they've turned it into another opportunity to attack you. Here is the gold medal winner.

In our dopey media talking head Olympics, the absolute worst media commentator out there with not a single shred of morality, decency or brains. We're still looking for the person who she says hacked her homophobic blog. She says it wasn't her. She says she's got the FBI on it. The disgusting Joy Reid, a moron of absolutely epic proportions.

A woman so stupid she could only have a show on MSNBC. Here is Joy Reid actually blaming you after they found out about this devastating immigration crisis. Check this out. Most of us here today, unless you are indigenous American, come from a family of immigrants. And yet there's always been resistance by the old immigrants to the new people.

There was the Know Nothing Party of the 1850s, the America First Nazi Curious Movement in the 1930s. And now we have Donald Trump, who has decided to make fear mongering about immigration the center of his entire campaign with fascistic rhetoric like promising the largest mass deportation operation in history and promising it would be a bloody story. And just to remind you, as we talk about this,

Border crossings are actually down to the lowest levels in four years. Violent crimes also way down across the country. And everything you hear on right wing media to suggest otherwise is a lie. I love how she does this, this absolutely hapless imbecile, how she throws out things she really doesn't understand because she's too freaking stupid and then says whatever you hear from people who know what they're talking about, you're lying.

The border numbers are down for a reason. Do you know why? By the way, that's after they let in 8 million people, double, more than double, who came in under Donald Trump. And by the way, probably another 4 to 10 million we don't know about. Why are the numbers down?

Moron Joy Reid won't tell you this, and yet here are the facts which this dumbass will never tell you. It's because the Biden team is now flying people into the country through the CBP One app. Flying, yes, flying people like airlifts into the country of illegals who are not vetted. The vetting process is a joke. That's why. Why are they not crossing the border? Because they're flying over it, you dumbass.

And this is after they let in $8 million and probably another $4 to $10 million more. This is why she will always be, thank you guys, the gold medal winner in the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics. Again, you have murderers and you have...

You have potential right now. Serious, hardcore killers, rapists, home invaders in your community right now. And by the way, the Republican Party, oh, you guys are here. Yeah, no shit. My grandparents were immigrants. No kidding. So was my wife. There's a difference, Joy, you freaking moron, with your homophobic blog that you got the FBI looking into. You ever have any answers? Here's the difference, moron. They came in legally.

My wife and my grandparents, they came in legally. My wife had to go through an entire vetting process. We had to hire a lawyer. She had to study for an exam. She had to learn about American history. You don't know shit about that, you and your dumbass commentary. You're an embarrassment. MSNBC would fire you in a second if they could. Trust me. Even that crazy network knows you're a moron. These are accomplices.

You've got the border czar running for office. And instead of Joy Reid going, hey, we should ask the border czar. We should like, hey, there are 13,000 murders in the country. Are we doing anything about it? She's still the border czar, folks. She hasn't been replaced. No, her response is to attack you because she's an imbecile and a piece of garbage. And she always has been. And she's an accomplice to all of this because she's hiding it. By the way, you won't see these clips on Joy Reid's show, but I'm going to play them for you.

Remember when Kamala Harris had the ice director when she was a senator up on Capitol Hill? Remember when she had him up there and she had her turn to question him? And she thought it was a good idea to compare ice to the Ku Klux Klan? Ku Klux Klan. You don't believe me? I wonder if Joy's going to play this on her show. She probably doesn't even know it's out there because she's really dumb.

But we'll give it a shot. I'll play for it. Hold on. I got more coming up. Stand by. Last break. Hey, the number one question I get from listeners, how do I get in a conservative fight? Well, it's critical to know where your dollars are going. A lot of these credit card companies are funneling millions to left-wing causes and candidates, just hoping you don't notice. But now you have a choice. Coin, C-O-I-G-N. They're America's conservative credit card. You can find them at, C-O-I-G-N. With every transaction, you help coin advance conservative causes and charities at no cost to you.

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the sex offenders, the rapists, and the criminals in the country because they want to pretend you guys are bigots. You guys are bigots. We don't have any beef with legal immigrants who come here, bring value added to the country, and work with everyone. I'm married to one, so I don't know how I would get past that. Of course, these people are morons. They just want to make it about something different. Here's Kamala Harris in one of the most disgusting moments you'll ever see. Keep in mind, this woman could be your next president. Make no mistake, folks, we could lose this. You better get out there and execute.

Execute and bring 10 people with you. Vote, vote, vote, vote, and bring 10 people with you to vote, vote, vote, and have the 10 people bring 10 more people. Here she is comparing the ICE, our heroic people in ICE, trying to keep illegals out of country to the Ku Klux Klan. Check this out. Ku Klux Klan, the KKK. Well, the Klan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. Why? Why?

Why would we call them domestic terrorist group? Because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment. And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force? It was based on race and ethnicity. Right. Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws?

And do you see any parallels? I do not see any parallels between sworn officers and agents. I'm talking about perception. I'm talking about perception. I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. Are you aware that there's a perception? I see no perception that puts ICE in the same category as the KKK. Is that what you're asking me? No, I'm very specific about what I'm asking you. Are you aware of a perception that...

that the way that the discretion... I see no peril. I'm not finished. I see none. I'm not finished. This could be your next president if you don't go out and execute, vote, and bring 10 people with you. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no objective, objective, objective observer. Forget the liberal communist lunatics. They want this crazy person in the White House. There is no objective observer who can watch that and tell you that this woman isn't crazy.

She is insane that she had the gall to say that in front of the entire country.

comparing ICE, trying to keep people breaking the law, who we now know 13,000 murderers have done so. If ICE was allowed to do their job, maybe we wouldn't have those 13,000 murderers in the country. But Kamala Harris blames ICE for trying to keep the murderers out. And it implies here that they're like the Ku Klux Klan. This is who these people are, folks. You want more of this?

Martha's Vineyard. Remember the residents of Martha's Vineyard waving to the girls. It was nice to see you. Don't use our bathrooms, eat our food, drink from our water fountains or anything. But I hope you enjoy the military. Oh, it was so lovely to have you here for a cup of coffee, but only in paper cups. You're not allowed to use our fine china. Remember that?

Remember that? You want more of that? Is she Ku Klux Klan lady? Here's the other guy who made her the border czar. Here's Joe Biden of the Biden-Harris administration. What's the Harris part? You guys know who that is?

Oh, Kamala Harris. I didn't know. I thought it was Joe Harris. I thought it was Kamala Harris. Here is Biden bragging, bragging to a reporter. He's like, hey, you guys stopped all these Trump policies at the border. The ones that were actually working that shut the border down. And here's Biden bragging about it. Like, yeah, I don't regret any of that. This is all pretty awesome. Here, check this out.

-You bear responsibility for everything that's happening at the border now. I hear you talking a lot about the past administration. You decided to roll back some of those policies. Did you move too quickly to roll back -- -To roll back what? I'm sorry? -Policies. Did you move too quickly to roll back some of the executive orders of your predecessor?

Rolling back the policies of separating children from their mothers, I make no apology for that. Rolling back the policies of remaining in Mexico, sitting on the edge of the Rio Grande in a muddy circumstance with not enough to eat, I make no apologies for that.

You know, the easiest part about putting this show together is there's no need to do what Joy Reid does and make things up and accuse the left of lying about it. Like she accuses the right of lying about actual facts she's incapable of understanding. The easiest part about putting this show together is you just have to go to clips of Joe Biden. You don't have to do anything else.

How, Dan, how do you know Joe Biden stopped the policies of Donald Trump at the border that were so effective? They had cut illegal border crossings to near historicals because he freaking said it and bragged about it. Here's the cut. Dan, it's not like Kamala Harris ever compared ICE to a terror group like the Ku Klux Klan. Let's play the video. Yeah, there it is. There it is. There it is right there. There it is.

It's not like Kamala Harris has ever called the border disaster. Terrorists, killers, fentanyl, child traffickers, rapists, murderers coming across the border. It's not like she's ever called it a fiction. Damn, what? She did? She called it a fiction? Holy shit, do we actually have that? Yes, we do. Look at this. Check this out. We have a president of the United States who has created a fiction about a crisis at the border, and he is at its workers on the wall.

I want to remind you of something. Listen to me. Zone in, okay? Everyone, stop what you're doing. Unless you're driving, holding small children, sharp objects, or nasty chemicals. I saw a tweet last week, and it really impacted me deeply. I see a lot. I do a lot of show prep, so I read a lot. It's my job. It's part of the business. But this one really hit me. I think, I don't know if it was a Fisher King guy or whoever it was, but I was reading it, and it said, if we lose this election to Kamala Harris, that your kids...

will be writing memoirs about what it was like to live in the United States in the halcyon days before it collapsed. Because they'll watch the collapse in a lifetime. Hit me hard, man, because it's absolutely true. You have a really serious problem here with Kamala Harris. You have a Barack Obama level of communist ideology combined with a Joe Biden level of stupidity combined with a

venal, mercenary, overly ambitious human being that will do anything to self-aggrandize and will acquiesce to any kind of demand as long as she thinks it will enhance her personal stature. Kamala Harris is a unique collection of horribles. We have not seen in a presidential candidate ever, ever,

Biden was bad, folks. Biden, I would argue, was worse than Obama. Obama was worse, way worse than Clinton. And Clinton was way worse than JFK. They have been getting progressively worse. Kamala Harris is the worst of all of them.

Think about what I just told you. You're combining a Barack Obama level of anti-liberty, anti-US, destructive communist ideology with an intellect lesser than that of Joe Biden, who's probably the dumbest human being to ever sit in the White House. You have no idea the horribles coming our way. Election night is either going to be the best night we've had in a really, really long time,

Where all of us, it's not going to be able to take a reprieve because then we got to go get stuff done. We could celebrate for a day or two, but then we got to go get stuff done. I'm just telling you, if we lose that night, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not giving up. I'm not some wuss. I'm not like these wuss bag chump. Oh man, I want to Hollywood rhymes with they're like,

I'm leaving the United States. I'm going to leave in the United States. My country. It's like yours. What are you crazy? Leaving the United States. What are you nuts? If we lose, I'm here. And you wussies will call them. You can say that all you want. Go ahead. Beat it. We're better off without you. But I'm just telling you, if we lose, I'm honestly not sure we can fix this.

Folks, this immigration story sums up everything. The left, the left, the radical left, that's about 80% of the Democrat Party now, would rather have murderers and rapists and drug dealers and burglars and home invaders preying on them and their families. They would rather have that than elect someone who would actually do something about it. That's where we, if you're like, no, we haven't reached that level of, no, we're here now.

This is a segment from Gutfeld on The Five. You missed it last week. He absolutely nailed this story. At that angle specifically, that this is the problem in the United States right now. It's not that they're voting against their self-interest. It's that they're voting for things where these people could be actually killed. And they are still in this Kool-Aid-like cult where they can't break themselves of their allegiance to the D.

Check this out. In the real world, she would be toast. And I don't like getting riled up for no reason because this story is so unbelievable. I wanted to see if it was reported elsewhere. You know, I couldn't find it on MSNBC, CNN, Drudge. You have the release of hundreds of thousands of foreign criminals, like they emptied the jails. Rape thousands of rapists, thousands of murderers.

And on the pages of all of these networks, The Death of Maggie Smith, which is sad, great actress, Lana Del Rey's marriage, P. Diddy rumors, but nothing about what is easily one of the most big, probably the biggest crime story I've ever seen.

So we know that Democrats watch this show. Some of them hate watching. But if you're watching this, the media doesn't want you to know this information. They don't want it to reach you. They would rather you die or be raped than Trump be right or find out the truth. So you can hate Fox all you want. You can hate Trump all you want. You could hate me. But you

You can't hate yourself and your family so much that you're going to ignore a story that puts them in danger. Unfortunately, you can. You can. I mean, you're in actual danger. Do you understand that? You're in actual danger voting for this woman who has compared the ICE to KKK, Ku Klux Klan, terrorists, wants to shut ICE down. She's already on tape, on video.

She says the border crisis is a fiction. She's been the border czar. We got 13,000 murderers in the country. You understand you're in actual danger because of this woman. Actual danger. Not to mention world leaders are absolutely laughing at this cackling goofball. All day. Van diagram, school buses, all day. Moron.

Then you got this other guy. I just wanted to show you this. This is what, it's unbelievable the country's come to this. Thank the Lord. Thank you, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that I meet, that we have an opportunity, and I hope you help us, to save the country in just, what, 30-something days? We're right, the election's going on right now. Because look at this guy. So a reporter asks Biden, did you guys see this, about the strikes in Yemen?

Israel struck some strategic targets in Yemen for liberals out there. That's a country. You may have heard the hooties, the Red Sea, whatever. It's too much for you guys. It's not the point. Biden, whose brain, of course, is total mush and comrade Kamala Harris is covered for him, has no idea what they're talking about. Comes back and answers the question about the port strike may be happening on the East Coast because he can't hear anything and he doesn't know anything. Listen to this embarrassing mess.

Mr. President, will you deploy more U.S. troops to the Middle East? Mr. President, have Netanyahu gone too far? Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President? Both sides have got several strikes. Support the collective bargaining effort. I think they'll settle the strike. There's a collective bargaining agreement between the Israelis and the Houthis? What the f*** is this guy talking about?

Folks, the country's being run by a cackling buffoon and a guy so cognitively impaired, he doesn't know the difference between a missile strike and a collective bargaining disagreement. By the way, I said I had an announcement barring any, you know, catastrophes or schedule changes, which can happen. But I'm really excited about this, folks. I promised I would tell you on Monday. I didn't want to tease it unnecessarily.

The team has been working very hard. I want to thank Michael, Justin, Guy, Jim, Mike, and my entire team for putting this together. So on, what is it, October 9th, Guy? We have a special. We're going to be interviewing President Trump. Now, folks, we've never done this before. Where'd you find that picture of me? Is that the same? No, a different red shirt. I got a logo on this one. Is that from the book? I thought I had a black shirt on in the book. So,

I will be live streaming on October 9th. Time is still TBD. It will likely not be at the standard podcast time. So 9.30, there you go. 9.30 Eastern time. So yeah, it could change. So we'll do a little bit of an intro. It will be live. I have never done a live stream interview on my podcast. This is the first time ever. We've done some tape stuff. We've obviously done some radio. We will be Mar-a-Lago, correct? We'll be at Mar-a-Lago. We got a whole crew. I'm bringing out all the stops for this.

is President Trump's idea. This guy is really super loyal to the podcasting digital space. He understands him and his team, new media, better than anyone. So big announcement, October 9th, 9.30 Eastern time. Again,

In the morning. Yeah. Oh, of course. Yeah. In the morning. Oh, sorry. 930 a.m. We better put an A in there. 930 in the morning because he's got some stuff later in the day. 930 a.m. Eastern Time, October 9th. McGroin crew spread the word around. Bongino Army spread the word around. Be there. Let's set the Internet on fire. Let's make it the biggest live stream of the year for politics. I would love to do it. I've never done it. It's a big risk, folks. But we're to say, you know what? Go big or go home. Right, Keith? Didn't I tell you that?

Some of the guys were like, ah, we should tape it. I said, we'll do it live. We'll do it. We'll do it live. I have to footnote, that's a Bill O'Reilly quote. He's my buddy. We love each other. He's the best, right? So we'll do it live. All right? Because that's how we do things here. We go big or we go home. That's it.

It's going to be, I've already got some questions and it's not going to be your standard interview, by the way. All right. I'm going to tell you, I'm going to get some to some personal stuff. Okay. Cause I'm tired of like the same questions you want to hear about what he thinks about the economy and stuff. Great. We've already asked him all that. We can play it for you. We've already heard those answers. We need to some different stuff and especially the secret service stuff in light of what I just told you, because it directly impacts his life in the actual non-figurative sense.

I want to give you, speaking of that, I want to give you some, that was an unintentional segue, but worked out perfectly. I want to give you some inside baseball about another little mini scandal that happened this weekend. So there's this food joint called Primanti Brothers. If you heard about them,

So apparently his place in Pennsylvania, J.D. Vance, who is Trump's VP pick, you know who he is, of course, was out campaigning, doing what J.D. does, shaking hands, saying hello to people. The guy's one of the best retail politicians you're ever going to see. Why? This is one of the reasons I supported J.D. Vance. We don't actually agree on everything economically, but I always thought J.D. Vance was the best candidate for us and for the party going forward because unlike most people who talk about the middle class,

J.D. Vance actually was like the middle class, like the real middle class that worked for a living. And having been through, let me get all soupy on you. I don't want to do that. But having been through a bad family drug crisis that resembled J.D. Vance's story in his autobiography, Hillbilly Elegy, I feel a kinship with him. And I feel like he really gets our problems. And I feel like he feels them. He doesn't just talk about them.

So he was doing what they call retail politicking. He was going to go to the Primanti brothers and say hello to some people. So post-millennials reporting that J.D. Vance campaign had approval for this Primanti brothers visit before it was shut down by corporate headquarters. Folks, listen, I'm just going to say this.

I worked with the Secret Service for a long time. Obviously, you know that. No need to relitigate that. There is absolutely zero chance that they just randomly showed up at Primanti Brothers, okay? When I say zero, I mean zero. Somebody there 100% made contact.

What happened there? I don't know. But I would be really skeptical of Primanti Brothers and patronizing this business. I spend my money wisely. And unless they make this thing right, like really right, right away, I'm just telling you from a personal perspective, I wouldn't be spending a dime there because there is absolutely zero chance. Even on what they call in the Secret Service an OTR, which it's likely was,

an off-the-record movement. In other words, it's not on their official schedule. I already told you with my Obama lemonade stand campaign, campaign stop, I tell you about that. Even a kid's lemonade stand, we sent an agent out in advance. There is no chance nobody knew anything, and it was just like it randomly caught them off guard. Somebody freaked out and didn't want him in there, and they should be really embarrassed. By the way, while we're on this topic of the Secret Service, Donald Trump finally said

I'm going to say he's been very, very gracious to the Secret Service guys around him because these detail guys are good guys. And I know the people over there are trying their best to keep him alive. Believe me, folks, the DTD, Donald Trump detail, it was called in the Secret Service. The DTD agents are in danger, too. These guys were on the stage while bullets were flying past heads. OK, they were right there. They have zero interest in not keeping this guy alive because they'll be dead, too. I promise you.

It is basically the corporate component of the Secret Service and headquarters that is messing this entire agency up. Donald Trump's been very, very hands-off with it until now. They're now interfering in his campaign.

According to Trump, they told him he couldn't do this Wisconsin stop because they couldn't secure it. Folks, I never seen anything like this. Here he was on the stage just ripping into him. We're securing the life of the Iranian vice president and of the president at the U.N., but they can't. He's not allowed to do a campaign stop in Wisconsin. This is bullshit. Check this out. Thousands and thousands of people and they all could have had a lot of fun. Instead, now they're probably leaving and walking back home.

because we have a nice little room that probably holds 1,500, 2,000, maybe less. And outside you have 40,000, 50,000 people because the administration couldn't give us the Secret Service necessary because they're guarding the Iranian president who's looking to kill Trump. Can you believe it?

Folks, have you ever heard of something so ludicrous in your life? A multi-billion dollar federal agency that's main job is to keep Trump, Biden, Harris and Vance alive and their family safe. That's their main freaking job. Have you ever heard of anything so crazy in your lives that

that the agency had the balls to say to him, hey, we're securing a bunch of foreign heads of state, including people that want to kill us and chant death to America, that they're up in New York and we don't have enough assets to give to you. Have you ever heard of something so ludicrous? Only

Only in the United States government is this kind of shit tolerated. If this was a private company, I want you to think about this for a second. If this was a private company tasked with securing President Trump's life that said, hey, I'm sorry, we just got another contract for the Iranian terrorist mullah death to American people, so we're going to pull some resources from you, how long do you think that company would last? The answer is they wouldn't. They would be fired instantaneously.

But because it's the U.S. government and the Secret Service, it's all tolerated. And I don't want to hear their bullshit. Oh, we didn't know. You've known about the U.N. General Assembly every year. You've known about the campaign. You're just incompetent managers. Everybody needs to step down or the Secret Service needs to be disbanded. And the protection enterprise has to be given to someone else, period. I'm done with it.

I'm done with it, and I'm telling you right now, if Donald Trump wins, I'm going to use every ounce of my influence with him to make sure that that agency's reformed or he ain't going to last long, and I'm not letting it happen. I wanted to give you a quick update on this last story, too, because, folks, my sources have not changed their story at all, contrary to what some people wrote in the chat. The Trump-Nassau County bomb threat that happened just a couple weeks ago, my source hasn't changed their story at all.

And a lot of people are starting to ask a lot of questions. The story now is that there was some guy training a dog to do bomb explosive hits right near a Trump site. And we're all just believing this story. Who in the chat actually believes this? Here's Darren Beattie, one of the few honest reporters out there, Revolver. He's on a hit with Chanel Rionne.

talking about exactly this story do you know how many people are just nobody's asking any questions oh yeah guy just showed up training his bomb dog oh we are training exercise sounds like the pipe bomb thing on january 6th check this out pointed out in other contexts that you know one possibility is you know the feds typically use the pretext of a training exercise as kind of


Again, we had a lot of commentary, chat and stuff, and it's fine. I appreciate your commentary. But I told you what the Bongino Rule is. The Bongino Rule is very clearly, I want you to listen because people misconstrue this all the time. You have to report on stuff that's breaking. If someone's saying, hey, there's a bomb or some explosive material found near a Trump site, that's a story you're damn right we're going to get out or you're going to go somewhere else to hear it. All I'm asking you to do is follow the Bongino Rule and please don't draw any conclusions.

until we have facts and you don't have all the facts on this to just gaff it off and go oh it was just a big hoax or some guy we don't know that was it really a guy with a training exercise why don't we know who he is so a guy was training his dog how to hit on explosives outside of a trump event and nobody's curious as to why nobody knows who this person is folks i'm sorry if you're falling for this um

Again, you're going to find out during the January 6th pipe bomb thing that I can almost guarantee you the training exercise excuse is going to be exactly where they go with it. Mark my words. Again, October 9th, throw that chyron up again, 9.30 a.m. 09.30 for military time, folks. 9 to Eastern time.

Eastern time live stream with president Trump from Mar-a-Lago. It's the first time we're doing it. We're really good. This is going to be a good one. Don't miss it. October 9th, 9 30 AM Eastern time live stream right here at slash Bongino. That's a place you can see it live folks. Thanks again. Please support rumble. It is free to watch the show on rumble and you can watch every day live. You can watch video on demand anytime you'd like. It's alive at 11 AM slash Bongino or download the rumble app.

or if you don't like ads, you can subscribe to Rumble Premium. It's very cost-effective, and you don't have to watch any ads. I'm actually a Rumble Premium member. Really appreciate it. Also, give us a follow on Apple Podcasts. Search for The Dan Bongino Show, and Spotify means a lot to us. Keep us on the top charts. We really appreciate it. Thanks again for tuning in, folks. Spread that cocaine story around. You're not going to hear it anywhere else. I'll see you on a radio show here on Rumble in a few minutes, and back here tomorrow at 11 a.m. See you then.

You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.