cover of episode This Video Should Sink Kamala Harris (Ep 2335)

This Video Should Sink Kamala Harris (Ep 2335)

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The Dan Bongino Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino: 本期节目揭露了媒体对卡马拉·哈里斯的积极宣传是一场骗局,掩盖了她作为副总统的不称职和低支持率。他指出,犯罪率上升是影响选举的关键因素,而媒体歪曲了犯罪数据。他还讨论了卡马拉·哈里斯竞选活动的内部民调结果很糟糕,以及她试图通过寻求更多辩论、发布经济计划和计划访问边境来扭转局势。此外,他还指出了一个可能会严重损害卡马拉·哈里斯竞选活动的视频,以及卡马拉·哈里斯竞选活动中存在的第三方支付问题,导致政府在宽带建设等问题上的支出效率低下。最后,他还谈到了对唐纳德·特朗普的暗杀威胁,以及伊朗可能参与其中。 其他发言人:其他发言人,例如Tim Walz, Ken Delanian, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Jesse Waters, Matt Gaetz, Russell Fry, Al Sharpton和Jessica Tarloff,他们的观点在节目中被Dan Bongino引用或反驳,以支持他的论点。这些观点涵盖了犯罪率数据、控枪法、经济政策以及对唐纳德·特朗普的威胁等方面。

Deep Dive

Dan Bongino discusses the media's portrayal of Kamala Harris, questioning the sudden increase in her approval ratings and highlighting her previous low approval as Vice President. He criticizes the media's attempts to reinvent her image and encourages listeners to share information about the Biden-Harris administration.
  • Kamala Harris had a 28% approval rating as vice president.
  • Her current approval rating is portrayed as 40+%.
  • The Biden-Harris administration is being misrepresented by the media.

Shownotes Transcript


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, you are witnessing one of the greatest media scams in modern American history. And believe me, dude, that's saying a lot. After Spygate, the collusion hoax, the pee-pee hoax, the 51 former intelligence officials laptop hoax, the quid pro quo hoax, after the litany of hoaxes we've seen, after the

The reinvention of Kamala Harris, despite not having actually reinvented anything, is one of the most incredible, and I don't mean that in a good way, media scams we have ever seen. This is the same incompetent buffoon who had a 28% approval rating as vice president, the worst by far.

In the history of polling, and now all of a sudden they're like, oh, her approval rating is 40 plus percent. It's the same person. Matter of fact, the person is worse than the other person.

I got that, and I've got a ton of material to get out to you that you, I need you, I'm deputizing you to go push out to your friends. We only got 40 days left. Early voting's already started. You heard me rave about Beam every week. Go get it now. We're offering their largest discount at slash Bongino. Use code Bongino. And a quick thank you in the beginning to the McGroin crew. They had their McGroin stock. They sent me a few pictures. I'll flip through those. You guys are awesome. We love you. You're the best.

Hey, you don't need me to tell you life is precious to go be taken away in an instant. That's why I keep not just one, but many four-week emergency food kits for my Patriot supply in my house.

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Go to Save $50 on your four-week emergency food kit. My Patriot Supply will send it over as fast as possible. Listen, I know my order showed up in one day. It ships free. Get your four-week emergency food kit. Go today. All right, fellas, let's go.

Show them pics. I just want to thank my McGroin crew. You guys are the best. I love my P1s. Here's some pictures from the event. Some of them I can put up. Some of them, but you guys are awesome. Is that Sean? That looks like Sean. That is Sean, right? My eyesight is not that great. Cutesy time is over. You're damn right. So thank you, McGroin crew. You guys are awesome. We love you guys. Double barrel just for you. I love you guys. Thanks a lot. You guys are hardcore. So,

Folks, the media reinvention of Kamala Harris is one of the biggest scams ever. And it's summed up by the shortest clip I think I'm ever going to play, but it's worth it. Here is tampon Tim Walls, right? The vice presidential candidate under comrade Kamala, right? Here he is saying something so obvious to persons with even a 90 plus IQ that it's stunning the media has been able to pull this bullshit. Check this out. We can't afford, we can't afford...

Four more years of this. No, we can't. We can't afford four more years of this. The four more years of what? Does he not realize the administration's called the Biden-Harris administration? Folks, listen.

I'm going to level with you, okay? I'm always incredibly honored you guys found this show to be your home. We were number one again yesterday on live stream by far, 164,000. Number two was 88,000. So you guys rock, man. Love you guys. But I'm going to level with you. There is a darn good chance we could still lose this thing.

The media is feverishly engaged in a bullshit propaganda campaign on every issue that matters to make sure you don't see the real Biden-Harris administration. Listen to me. Everything the media tells you is bullshit. Everything.

I'm going to go through and start with this one here. This is something you need to know because it directly impacts you. Folks, if the issue isn't discussed at a kitchen table somewhere, it's not going to impact the election. I'm sorry. People in Texas probably aren't worried about the Lake Okeechobee water issue in Florida unless they got a house here. If it's not being discussed at a kitchen table, it probably doesn't matter.

One issue that's discussed at every kitchen table is crime. Because if you're getting your ass kicked, you're getting mugged, God forbid, raped, assaulted, robbed on a subway, that matters to you, okay?

Here is Fusion Kandalanian, one of the most disgraceful figures in media. A guy so embarrassing and humiliating on MSNBC that how this guy still has a job after the endless promotion of the Russia hoax. A debunked fairy tale liberals tell themselves when they get out the lotion and do a little jerk in the basement, okay?

This is like a fairy tale. Ken Delaney and was one of the lead proponents of the PP hoax and all this other stuff, a disgusting human being here. He is again, trying to save Kamala Harris. It's just one example of what I'm talking about. Everything they're telling you right now is bullshit on crime numbers. Everybody knows crime isn't down, but if you listen to the Ken Delaney and

Freaking Joe Biden's like the Lone Ranger. Check this out. We're also following breaking news this morning. Just moments ago, the FBI released a new report showing the national crime rate decreased in 2023. NBC's Ken Delaney is with us this morning. Ken, good morning. Break down what this report says.


aggravated assault down 2.8%. And here's what's also important to know about this, Jose, because there's been a lot of criticism of FBI crime data. This data covered 94% of the US population. And while it's true that not all crimes are reported, all murders are counted.

Okay, folks, this is bullshit. Your boy Dan Bongino is here to give you an election guide. I need you to spread this to your friends, okay? Everyone who lives in a big liberal city...

knows crime is not down. There are videos out there, there are anecdotes, there's data. Now, if you live in a suburban area run by a conservative sheriff like I do, yes, crime is not exploding around here because the sheriff's not going to let it happen. However, if you live in a liberal city run by Biden-Harris type prosecutors, crime is not down.

Let me tell you where Fusion Ken Delanian, one of the biggest fraudsters and hoaxsters in the media, a clown. Let me tell you why he's telling you this and the little scam he's pulling. And unlike Delanian, we have receipts to back it up. There's a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by Jeffrey Anderson. Contrary to media myth, U.S. urban crime rates are up. So, folks, the FBI statistics are bullshit. Why?

Because they don't account for people who don't report crimes. But when you go and ask people in the National Crime Victim Survey, the NCVS, are you a victim of a crime? They note that there is no statistically significant evidence that violent crime or property crime is dropping in America. Let me read that again, D-bag Ken. There is no statistically significant evidence that violent crime or property crime is dropping in America.

Excluding simple assault, the type of violent crime at least likely to be charged as a felony, the violent crime rate in 2023 was 19% higher than in 2019, the last year before the defund the police movement. But crime hasn't risen equally across the nation. The recent crime spike has been concentrated in urban areas. Run by who? Run by who? Yes, that's right, Libby's.

Is it bad enough yet, folks? It's the new t-shirt before the election. Is it bad enough in urban areas that some of them start to flip in the direction of Republicans? I guess we'll see in 40 days, won't we? There's another part to this, why these numbers are absolute bullshit. He goes to a number of points. You can read them all. This is the fifth one. I'm just going to give you two, the first one and the fifth one. The Crime Victim Survey captures crimes whether reported to police or not.

In 2023, the Crime Victims Survey, crime victims conveyed that a majority, 55% of violent victimizations weren't even reported to the police, while 70% of property crime victimizations weren't reported. The FBI publishes data only on crimes reported to the police, which means it doesn't capture most crimes. And the LAPD and a number of other police departments don't even report the numbers to the FBI under the new system.

Folks, it's all bullshit. This is all starting to add up. And the good news is the media astroturfing and gaslighting of Kamala Harris is finally starting to come around as people realize and see through the bullshit. I want you to watch this quick. This is CNN.

Excuse me, this is Kamala Harris. She now wants another debate. Now, she doesn't want the Fox News debate. She wants the CNN debate. People who win debates, ladies and gentlemen, and want to ride the wave 40 days to the election aren't begging for another debate. And if they, listen, if she was serious, she would have accepted the Fox debate. Why do you think now there are three things happening I want you to pay attention to? She's saying she's about to release an economic plan.

Well, that's strange. Her issues page was blank forever. She's now demanding another debate on CNN with friendly debaters. And she's saying she may go to Arizona to visit the border. Ladies and gentlemen in the chat, why do you think that's happening? Because she's winning bullshit. She is losing and she knows it. No red wave talk. We could still lose this thing.

I'm telling you, it is catching up to her. People who are getting mugged and their stuff's being stolen and their store's being looted, these people don't want to hear bullshit stories from Fusion Ken about how crime is down. Here's Kamala saying how, oh, now it's time. I think I want another debate. She knows she's getting smoked. Check this out.

We have breaking news tonight from Vice President Kamala Harris. Moments ago, when she arrived back at Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington, she issued another call for Donald Trump to debate her in October. Join me on the debate stage. Let's have another debate. There's more to talk about. And the voters of America deserve to hear the conversations that I think we should be having on substance, on issues, on policies. What's your plan? What's my plan? And we should have another one before Election Day.

Harris also said she would deliver another speech on her economic policy this week. The podcast is my favorite thing to do. You know that, right? This is like fun time for me during the day. I'm telling you as your friend, again, don't get cocky here. I'm just saying there are a number of really positive green shoots going on right now. If the polls are accurate, which I strongly doubt,

If the polls are accurate right now, Donald Trump is in play and within the margin of error in every swing state. If the polls are off by even half of what they were in 2020 and a quarter of what they were in 2016, Donald Trump wins the swing states in a rout. Okay. If that's a big if member factor in the cheating and the media bullshit and an inevitable another October surprise.

The fact that she's releasing an economic plan, which is probably going to be some communist manifesto, says that she knows, she knows she's having real problems breaking through, even though the media is trying to redefine her. People don't understand what she's for. They just understand the suffering they're undergoing now that she's responsible for.

and the Arizona border visit she's talking about. What's behind that is very simple. When you ask voters, triage for me what matters to you issues-wise, it's typically one and two, the economy and the border. None of this is by accident. I'm here to sift through the fog like the dreadful Stephen King mist.

I'm here to sift through it and tell you what's really going on. She wants to debate because her numbers are collapsing. She's proposing an economic plan because she realizes voters hate the economy now. And she's pretending she wants to go to the border. She may or she may not because she understands she's the border czar. And now with new videos emerging that could sink her campaign, she realizes she's in real trouble. Here, Trump's right. This is Donald Trump. Put this on true social.

When a prizefighter loses a match, the first words out of their mouth are, I want a rematch. I told you Donald Trump at best was a push in the debate I thought came out mildly ahead. Everybody laughed. Oh, Dan, you don't know what you're talking about. Now, okay. Now, you know, now do I know what I'm talking about? Trust your boy, Dan. I'm not going to steer you wrong. I'm not here to bullshit you. I don't have any time. This is how bad it is behind the scenes of the Kamala campaign. Folks, I'm not going to lie to you. I had better contacts.

with people who knew people inside different Democrat administrations. I obviously don't have great contacts inside the Kamala Harris campaign, but I still know some people who understand the swamp really well. The internal polling for the Kamala Harris campaign has got to be dreadful right now.

Because if this leaked onto CNN and Jim Acosta, who is up there with Ken Delaney as one of the most hapless buffoons on television, if Jim Acosta and CNN are reporting on the dreadful performance of Kamala Harris with a group she absolutely needs, Hispanic voters in swing states like Nevada and Arizona, if Jim Acosta is reporting on this, can you imagine what the internal numbers are?

where Kamala Harris probably wants a legitimate picture of where she is so they don't wait the polls and push the polls.

Her numbers are probably abysmal. Watch the shock on Acosta's face as he realizes she's running 11 points behind with Hispanic voters. She's doing worse than Hillary. Check this out. Things that we should note, and I don't know if we can show this number. I want to put this up on screen. Latino voters have moved away from Harris in Arizona. If you believe this New York Times poll, her lead has shrunk by 11 points in that voting block. She was at 60% in August, now 49% now.

Now, I titled my show today a video that should go look at the title. Okay, just making sure the title is right. Should, I wouldn't be, that's not what you're, should sink the Kamala Harris campaign. I didn't say would, I said should. Because in any normal election cycle, ladies and gentlemen, where the number one or number two issue, depending on what survey you look at, is say X.

and you got a candidate on video and say X is a bad thing. It makes sense in a second. And you've got a candidate on video laughing, smiling, and singing about how much she loves X, whatever X may be, that'd be the end. That would be the end. Imagine a candidate, I'm concerned about street crime, and then you got the candidate on video going...

Up, up with street crime. Down, down with police. Imagine them singing, dancing, thinking it's a freaking party. They're getting out the fireball. They're ready to go. Maybe tequila shots. Who knows? It would be the end. Now, I say a video that should sink the campaign because outside of Fox and Newsmax, I have not seen this video anywhere. I'm not saying it's not out there. I don't watch CNN all day. I'm just saying this would be the end.

A candidate for office is supposed to be your best weapon in a campaign.

When you go to a fundraiser, I can prove it to you. Do you want to see the surrogates? No. You want to see the candidate. People show up at a Donald Trump fundraiser to meet Donald Trump because they like him. He's got an electric personality. Goes in a supermarket, gives the lady $100 for groceries, looks totally comfortable doing it. Trump is the campaign's best asset. What's the worst asset for the Kamala Harris campaign?

Thank you, Justin. Kamala Harris, folks, every time a video comes out, it gets worse. This thing surfaced yesterday. I don't know how this isn't getting more play. The number one or number two issue is the border. Here's Kamala Harris joking, laughing, smoking and joking about it like this is hilarious, dancing like a goofball, smiling with Snoop Doggy Doug, singing up on

up with education, down, down with deportation. This is the left summed up in one stupid video that should really be the end of this woman's campaign. Watch this. Up, up with education, down, down with deportation. Up, up with education, down, down with deportation. Up, up with education, down, down with deportation. Up, up with education, down, down with deportation.

Folks, any normal campaign cycle, this is the end.

This is not a normal campaign cycle. Again, the media is phantom zoning this thing. Remember the Superman 2 where Zod gets sent into the glass and it just floats around the galaxy? That's the story, floating around in the glass. Someone's going to have to break the glass. And this show is going to do it because we've already got how many people? I'm sorry, I was reading this thing quick during the break. How much? We've got 145,000 people, probably the largest stream in the world right now.

There's a couple of things about that video I want to point out. Number one, notice the joy in this. Down, down with deportation, which is effectively saying illegals, there's no penalty. Come into the country. It's open season. Our country is your country. Don't worry about the legal immigration process. You just give everyone the double-barreled middle finger and walk right in.

She's dancing. She thinks it's funny. But one of the other reasons this sums up the left is, folks, I have been studying the left for most of my adult life for the past, say, 20-plus years.

This is the left. I said filling in for Mark Levin probably 10 years ago on radio, and it's still stuck. People still email me about it to stay. It's how a lot of people found my podcast. They love the show. I said the left is a bumper sticker party. That's all they are. Tolerance, coexist, up-up with education, down-down with deportation. If you ask them even the simplest of questions about their stupid bullshit sloganeering, they immediately collapse.

Up, up with education? For who? For who? The whole world? Anybody comes in. Terrorists? What about criminals? Are we vetting them? We're dumping the illegal process? So local, where are they going? Are they going to Martha's Vineyard to get educated? Or is it just you sending them to conservative cities? How's this working? What about down, down with deportation? What does that mean? Down with deportation. We're not deporting terrorists. We're not criminals. Fentanyl traffickers? Child sex traffickers? Anyone? Anyone?

Anyway, say you went through the country illegally five or six times, still down, down with deportation. This is Kamala Harris. Her entire campaign is a mother bumper sticker. That is it. That is her entire campaign. Voting for Kamala Harris is voting for a stupid bumper sticker at the expense of your own prosperity. Fact. She is pushing the government. She's

She's pushing government further into your life with no explanation whatsoever about the downsides of this, folks. I got more. I'm going to show you some more coming up next. Some of the stuff she's pushing that's already failed. She wants more of it. We got 40 days to clean this mess up.

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All right, back to the show. I want to show you right here in this clip. This is important. Why the Kamala Harris campaign is a bumper sticker. It will never be anything more than a bumper sticker because everything going on behind the bumper sticker that creates the adhesive that sticks it to the actual bumper is gross and poisonous to the skin. And that's why she doesn't want to show you the backside of the bumper sticker.

So the Kamala Harris campaign was pushing this broadband initiative where they were going to steal a bunch of your tax dollars to connect a whole bunch of people to the internet. I'm asking you again, is it bad enough yet? I want you to look at this video here from all in one pod, the all in pod. This is a bunch of really smart tech guys. They're talking about, again, another bullshit program.

They steal a bunch of taxpayer dollars, expand broadband across the country. They spent billions of dollars on a problem the private sector already fixed. This is about a minute from this and did absolutely nothing. She wants more of this. Check this out. Zero people have been connected, according to FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr. And eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight EV chargers have been built as of May, according to Auto Week magazine. What's even crazier?

Private industry already solved these problems. United Airlines just announced they're putting Starlink on a thousand of their planes and they're going to offer it for free. And Starlink now has 2,500 planes under contract.

with a bunch of other airlines. And in the second half of 2023 alone, the private sector built over a thousand charging stations in the U.S. These are two problems that have already been solved, Sax. Why are we burning $50 billion in the future with

On things that have already been solved. We've solved for this. I own electric cars. I have Starlink. You know the answer. You know the answer. Say the answer, Jason. Corruption. No, come on, Jason. Incompetence. Really? Graft. Keep going. I mean, you tell me. Corruption, graft, buying votes from your constituents? They haven't delivered any of it. Incompetence, yes. Yes.

Folks, I'm going to tell you something. The reason I put this clip in, these guys know their stuff. A lot of these guys are really sophisticated investors. Some of them were, I think, prior liberals who have now kind of come over to the more moderate side. This is an important clip because it describes the entire Kamala Harris bumper sticker regime. On the bumper sticker is this. Tell me if I'm wrong, Justin. It'll say something like this on the bumper sticker. America deserves connection to the Internet.

America deserves high speed. And everybody's like, yes. And then you go, well, what the hell does the government know about cable? Cable companies can't even figure out how to run the damn broadband. Sometimes the answer is they don't know shit because they're Kamala Harris and they're stupid. They don't mean what I had a real job. That's why the government spends billions of dollars and can't connect in person to freaking internet.

Because they're stupid. And let me answer the question in a little bit more sophisticated terms than government stupidity. The government has a problem called the third party payer problem. The government takes money from people and spends it on other people. Milton Friedman described this problem and this dilemma perfectly. The government has absolutely no incentive to control the cost of what they're spending money on because it's not their money.

And the government doesn't even care about the quality of the service they're spending other people's money on because they're not even buying anything for themselves half the time. They're connecting other people to the internet. So if it doesn't work, they still don't give a shit. That's why. The third-party payer problem. Those guys get it. They were saying it in different terms. Corruption, ignorance. Yes, it's because of the third-party payer problem.

Folks, and I'm going to ask again, now that I got the shirt going. You like the white, by the way? Is it bad enough yet? Is it bad enough yet in inner cities that Hispanic, black, white voters who live in inner cities, struggling urban areas, are going to start seeing bumper sticker bullshit for what it is? The answer is no.

It may be turning around, folks. I don't want to get ahead of myself. I'm not saying we're going to win New York. But I'm telling you, there's a lot of aggravated people out there. Did you see this video out of Philadelphia? Folks, this is not a scene from Escape from New York with Snake Plissken. This is not a scene from The Purge. This is an actual scene from Philadelphia. Put that up there. This is a scene from Philadelphia. Is that not playing? No.

This is a scene from Philadelphia. A police officer rolls up on one of these street riots that's going on, and they decide it's a good idea to jump all over the police car. This is not a scene from The Purge. And it looks like, you don't have to be a cinematographer to figure out that someone had a drone going recording all this. Was this the cops, or was this just some people so confident they were going to double-barrel, middle-finger the cops that they decided to video their own crimes?

Is it bad enough yet? Folks, it's certainly getting there. And I think a lot of urban leaders who have been traditionally Democrats are starting to figure out that their constituents are getting really, really pissed off.

I'm going to take my last break. I'm going to come back. I got a video from Sharpton. Al Sharpton, who is an absolute clown. I've been around this guy my whole life when I was in New York City. Guy is a goofball. He was on MSNBC the other day, and this is why they're getting worried about things like hand-counting ballots.

in areas with large black populations because they know black voters are starting to open their eyes in some of these urban areas, a lot of them, and to see the Republican Party differently since Donald Trump took over. So they're really terrified that they're not going to be able to scam there and cheat anymore. So they're worried about hand-counting ballots. Everything has a reason. You just got to learn to kind of see through it and sift through the BS.

Quick break. I'll play for you that video. I got a lot more, and including some more on the Secret Service scandal, another pretty explosive appearance by Matt Gaetz. Hey, one of the number one questions I get from listeners is, how do I get in the conservative fight and support the parallel economy? Well, it's critical to know where your dollars are going. A lot of these credit card companies are funneling millions to left-wing causes and candidates, hoping you don't notice. But now you have a choice. COIN, C-O-I-G-N. It's America's conservative credit card. Find them at, C-O-I-G-N.

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Helix slash dancer. Best offer yet. It won't last long with Helix. Better sleep starts tonight. Pick one up. Thanks. Okay. Back to the show folks. Sharpton's freaking out. So we're all the lefties that in Georgia, there's going to be a hand counting of ballots. Now they don't want that.

They want to do anything they can to cheat because they're panicking right now that in large urban areas where the Democrat machine is running, where they're used to cheating, where they probably pull off some degree of cheating in nearly every election cycle, they're really freaked out that there are now backup mechanisms in this election to at least detect some of it. They're not perfect systems,

But they're OK. Watch Sharpton and MSNBC. They don't want to hear about this stuff at all. They will do anything to make the hand counting of ballots and any voter integrity measures go away. Check this out. State Election Board voted this week to require ballots to be hand counted in November. It's a move that could drastically lengthen the amount of time needed to tally results in.

in the critical battleground state of Georgia. People have been warning of possible trouble from this panel. Is this the opening salvo of mischief from them in this make-or-break-it state?

This is freaking hilarious. So Democrats who have no problem whatsoever with vote counting for six months as well. Right guys. Like in the last election, like the vote counting went on for like, it was like Haley's comment. Like every 72 years they got an election result. The Democrats didn't give a shit as long as the number, right? Am I kidding? As long as they came out on top. Now Al Sharpton's worried that a hand recount to make sure the results are genuine and authentic. Now Sharpton's worried that,

He's worried that it may take a little bit to make sure the veracity of the data, the voting election data is accurate. Folks, these people are full of shit. Rewind to the beginning of the show, please. It's like we can't. It's a live show. Beginning of the show. What did I tell you? Everything they're telling you is bullshit, folks. Everything.

I heard Jessica Tarloff yesterday on The Five. Child poverty is down under Biden-Harris. Where does it? There is no one who promotes more nonsense misinformation on TV than Tarloff. She's had to retract stuff. It's just nonsense. Everything she says to you is crap. These people just make stuff up. I got a clip for you I'm going to play tomorrow because I got a lot more to get to today.

This other Democrat on Fox with Sandra Smith, who's like, I can't believe you're cutting me off because I'm a woman. She didn't say anything. Everything they tell you is bullshit. Everything. They are lying to you. This is a bumper sticker campaign. Whenever they're asked to produce even a small bit of verifiable data about their claims, they collapse.

Here's a simple one. I saw this on X yesterday. Here is a chart. By the way, these are government statistics, the BLS. So unless the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics, Biden and Harris, are lying to you, I want you to look at this chart. I want you to notice the top of the chart, the top states for job growth. Did you notice all but basically one of them are pretty solid red states outside of maybe Nevada and Colorado, which are...

slightly blue and one purple state. Then go to the bottom. You scroll all the way to the bottom. And you notice the job growth sucks and all the states at the bottom, all the, oh, look, it's New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Illinois, Vermont,

West Virginia, Maryland, Louisiana, Hawaii, District of Columbia, Connecticut. Look at this. Most of the states at the bottom are all blue with a couple of exceptions. That's it. Ladies and gentlemen, in the sane world, we would call that a trend. But we don't live in a sane world. We live in an insane world. Look at the top 20. It's overwhelmingly red. Overwhelmingly.

The only blue state even close is Washington, and are they barely in the top 20? Everything they tell you, man, is total bullshit. I'm getting a lot of questions, by the way, in the chat. I want to just address this quick before I move on to the Secret Service story because I got an update on that too. I started a little different today because, you know, the Secret Service story is very important, but there's a lot more to get to. So I did a shorter segment on it today. I hope you all understand. Covered it at length yesterday.

Folks, the Soros acquisition, George Soros of a number of radio stations. I'm going to cover it in a little more detail tomorrow, but I sense a lot of you in the chat are obviously very concerned about this. You know, they say, Dan, how does it affect you? Well, it doesn't. I work for Westwood One. I don't work for the company that he purchased. If we're on some of those stations, I don't know. I'm going to have to check into that.

But I'm just telling you now, I want you all to write this down. I'll sign this thing with my own fingerprint right now. Nobody tells me what to say on radio or my podcast. I comprende, like everybody understand. Anybody thinking about telling me what to say, either now or in the future, anyone. You can cancel my show immediately. There is zero chance it's going to happen.

I backed that up in the past and I'll do it. I don't give a shit who it is. George Soros can plant his lips on my ass. If him or his company tried to tell me anything at any station I'm on anywhere, I will say, hey, George, here's my ass. OK, right here. The gluteus maximus. You can take your head off.

and plant it on my ass because I have absolutely no intention of changing my show one bit. Ass right on the end because that's what's going to happen. And I will tell you that on your own station if you bought any of the stations I'm on. I will use your station to tell you to kiss my ass just like I'm doing right now.

And this is all recorded. This will be VOD, video on demand later. So it's my message to George. You can kiss my ass, okay? Big, big wet one. Kisso LSO. Because that's what you can do. I will be changing absolutely nothing. Everybody clear? Anyone on the crew have any questions? Nope. Michael, we all good? All good. Anyone in the chat? Anyone have any questions? Are we clear enough? Okay, thanks.

I'll cover it in a little more detail tomorrow about what happened is purchasing the company. But I have a funny feeling my friends in the business are going to tell him the same thing too. There you go. I love you guys in the chat. You're the best. All right. Back to some, that is serious stuff, but this is like, this is like life or death, legitimate life or death stuff.

Folks, I said something yesterday and it went kind of viral. And I'm going to double down on it today because it's true. And I'm getting this from some very serious people who are very concerned. Donald Trump is being hunted. I don't use that word in an inflammatory, dramatic fashion. I use it in the technical sense that there are people out there, very serious, credible cells that are real and active of people who will not stop unless Donald Trump is dead.

Now, these people can be defeated, but they cannot be defeated with a second-rate security system. And right now, unfortunately, that's what we have. Folks, the guy who is currently in jail, this guy, Ralph, who was the suspect in the second assassination attempt in West Palm Beach,

The story is getting stranger now by the day. Folks, the money trail. You know, I wrote this book called Follow the Money. I wrote the title that way intentionally. Because when you follow the money and you see how money influences people, you will understand why people act the way they do. Nobody can seem to dissect the money trail where this guy got his money from to finance this operation. They're saying he was living on $3,000 a month. How is he taking trips to Ukraine? Ukraine?

Ukraine? Oh, yeah. Pay very close attention to this Waters hit. This is really important. And I want you to listen to the countries he was going to at the end and ask yourself, how the hell did he get there? Who paid for it? Who authorized it? Check this out.

Why has Ruth never served a day in jail when he has 100 different counts to his name? Why was Ruth's fiancé, who just lost her job at Victoria's Secret, okay with him flying to Ukraine for months at a time? How was he able to feed himself in Ukraine when he only had $68 in his bank account?

And everywhere he goes, he gets press from the local papers to the New York Times to Newsweek. Let's take a listen to Jesse Waters breaking it down. So how the citizen of the year with a nice house and a good family turned into an assassin living in a barn with more felonies than money in his bank account. Ruth couldn't even afford child support. Primetime looked into it and he was always behind on payments to his ex, always.

She even agreed to terminate the support due to his financial situation. Ruth sold his house in North Carolina for $174,000 and then was also living in an $800,000 bungalow in Hawaii? How does a man with no money for child support suddenly start living in a pricey house in Hawaii and afford flights to Taiwan, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine? Big hat tip to Vigilant News there as well. Sorry, that was that voice you heard in the beginning.

That is a really, really puzzling kind of a question, isn't it? How is it some loner appears to be kind of like a life loser type guy flying around the world, hot zones and everywhere else? Where is he getting the money to do this? You know, this is not to get off track here, but I've got a family member wants to come with me to a concert in a few weeks. It's got a great job and he's

calls me the other day. He's like, man, I just can't afford it. I'm sorry. Between the hotel and all this other stuff. He's like, I don't have the money. How the hell is a guy on $3,000 a month flying around the world into the world's hot zones and nobody notices? The answer is they did notice. DHS and others noticed. How's he doing this, folks?

Now, hold that hit right there, that clip. Sorry, don't want to use jargon. That media clip in your head, right in the front of your cerebral cortex. Now I want you to listen to this clip. This is Matt Gaetz talking about a Ukraine connection with some of these squads and cells here in the United States. So the question's quickly becoming, who the hell was this guy working for? And is the answer a complicated one?

Remember, if you go back to things like whatever from Iran-Contra on, a lot of these things that break with these overseas affairs, the person you think you're dealing with is not always the person you're dealing with.

Listen to this. You'll see what I mean. Check this out. I don't want you to think there are only five. There are five teams that were known by our government to have been hunting Trump pre Butler. That may be a very different number today. Matter of fact, that number could have could have increased or shrunk. Right. For all we know by today, they've neutralized one of the teams or one of the individuals involved in these efforts. But to hear that one of them is Ukrainian.

And then you see this guy show up, who, by the way, was on the radar of Homeland Security investigations. Because when he enters the country, the very smart and astute folks at Customs and Border Patrol – think about that. You're Customs and Border Patrol. Your agency has been totally overrun. You're exhausted. And yet they have the wherewithal to say, this doesn't make sense. This guy's been all over the world.

And now he's saying he's a freedom fighter recruiting people. And when we ask him a reasonable question, who's funding your efforts to like recruit people from Taiwan and Afghanistan to go fight in Ukraine? Iran. Who's funding that? And the answer is, oh, my wife's paying for it. Like that story didn't exactly check out. You and I both have very successful wives that we're very proud of, but I don't think they'd pay for a hobby quite like this. And so when that goes to HSI,

No activity, no action, no review. And now it emerges that one of the teams we knew about, Hunting Trump, had a Ukraine connection. Folks, I promise you, you have not even heard a tenth, a tenth of the details in this, what's going to be an enormous scandal.

There is something going on behind the scenes right now that connects these foreign entities that have business with the United States, either good or bad, and an operation to kill Donald Trump. And the key question right now is how many of these cells are real and active and how much interaction has happened between the Biden-Harris administration and their campaigns and these Iranians who were trying to feed them information. How much of that has yet to be disclosed?

People like Ken Delaney, who is supposed to be deep state specialist, you'd think they'd be interested in this stuff. Folks, they are hiding something big here. If these two would-be assassins are connected to a foreign government and people in our government knew about it, not only knew about it, but if people in our government facilitated this and that comes out, it's going to be, again, the biggest scandal of our time.

Get ready for more on this, folks. This thing is ugly. And I told you yesterday, their communication systems in the Secret Service have likely been compromised. This story is going to get worse. Let me get back to Kamala and the campaign, too.

Because, folks, we can't lose this election. This is not optional. It's not one of those elections like, you know, we lose it like it was a JFK-type thing. You know, you get John F. Kennedy in there who's more of a moderate Democrat, and you're going to suffer through four years of Democrat policies, but it's recoverable. Maybe second-term Bill Clinton. Maybe it's like the era of big governments over. That's not this. The lady is a bumper sticker, and what's behind this bumper sticker is nasty.

It's toxic to your skin. There is nothing she's promoting that is going to even remotely enhance your prosperity. Now, I will say again, the argument about the Second Amendment to Democrats has nothing to do with guns. Oh my gosh, Dan, sure it does. No, it doesn't. The gun for them is a proxy for a bigger argument. The Democrats hate anything that enables you to live your life independently of government. The gun is a vehicle for your own self-protection. The Democrats hate

The idea that you can protect yourself using a firearm. That's why they always want to take your guns. If the Democrats truly hated guns and thought they were so inherently dangerous, I'll prove it to you. I'll prove it to you. The Democrats wouldn't surround themselves with guns. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong. I'm not wrong. The Democrats want to take your guns because they want you vulnerable. And they want you like little desperate sheep. That's why.

Kamala Harris will be the biggest gun-grabbing president we've seen in U.S. history. This woman has even less backbone than the hapless Joe Biden. Here she is in another video that surfaced the other day, celebrating Australia's gun laws. You know, the gun confiscation laws in Australia? She doesn't even know the data, folks. There are more guns in Australia now. I'll get to that in a second. But here she is again, the worst asset to any campaign ever.

I've ever seen in modern Democrat presidential politics is Kamala Harris running the Kamala Harris campaign. Here she is celebrating Australia's gun confiscation. In her own words, check this out. Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country. And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.

As our friends in Australia have demonstrated, folks, does this woman know anything? I told you she's a bumper sticker. Here's her bumper sticker. Guns kill. They do? Really? I've had guns for a long time. They haven't killed anyone. That's really weird. Yeah, maybe guns kill bad guys trying to kill you. Australia's gun laws are as a model of success? Really? I was on 60 Minutes once with 60 Minutes Australia. Do you guys ever see this clip?

Here I am on 60 Minutes Australia debating the host of the show has no idea that there are more guns now in Australia after their failed gun confiscation laws than there are now. So if you're going to say Australian gun laws worked by creating less guns, you've got it all backwards. There are now more guns. Check this out. Why do I carry a gun? Because if someone confronts me in a gun in an incident, God forbid, given the extremely low likelihood, you're dead. It's over.

Now, the only question I have for you is you want to defend yourself? What are you going to do if a bad guy shows up with a gun and sticks it in your face? What, are you going to curse at him? I'm going to give him my wallet and say, there you go. Good luck to you. What if that's not enough? You can't give me a good answer as to what you would do if a guy confronts you with a gun. Oh, here's my wallet. What, are you going to beg? Are you going to get on your knees? I'm not getting on my knees. You can get on yours. I ain't getting on mine.

I got one more I want to play for you, too, from that clip. Because, folks, this guy, he was a nice enough guy. Again, he was in my house. That was my old house in Palm City. I don't live there anymore. But they came to my house. They flew all the way over from Australia. I was stunned at how little this guy knew. Then he starts citing his own country as an example of success for gun laws. Check this out. Marjory Stoneman School is just down the road from here. What do you say to the students there that say that gun control is necessary?

Well, gun control is a myth. I mean, we've never controlled guns. I don't even... Is now the time. Well, how? I mean, what evidence does anybody have that gun controls worked anywhere? Australia. You have no evidence that gun controls worked in Australia. There has not been a single mass shooting since the gun buyback. Okay, so, and I encourage everyone to do all your own homework. There are more guns now in Australia than before the gun confiscation. It doesn't work.

Folks, please look that up. Please look that up. Go online right now and look that up and you'll see I'm right. Because I looked it up for him when the cameras stopped rolling and the guy couldn't believe it. Do you understand the argument he's trying to make?

There has not been a single mass shooting in Australia because we took everybody's guns. You did. You realize there are more guns in Australia now, correct? So you're actually making the opposite argument that more guns lead to less crime and especially less gun crime. You understand you're making the opposite argument. The guy was stunned.

This is what Kamala Harris, this is the Democrats. Again, please go back to the beginning of the show. Everything they're telling you folks is bullshit. Everything.

The states with constitutional carry and the areas run by conservative sheriffs with liberal firearms laws where people can protect themselves, right, have lower crime rates. The highest crime rates in the country are in urban areas run by liberal Democrat goofballs who have strict gun laws where people can't protect themselves. This is not hard. Everything they're telling you is bullshit. Everything.

It doesn't stand up to even the mildest of scrutiny. I will never forget. The interview was over. Again, the guy wasn't rude or anything like that. And you didn't see a lot of it on camera. But when that's over, I look it up for him. I go to my counter.

We had a little counter by this kitchen island we had in the old house. I put my phone down and I pulled up this, whatever, Australian dispatch article or something. More guns now in Australia than before. And the guy couldn't believe it. He's like, wow, mate, I think you're right. Yes, I am right. You just don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. What's that?

Yes, think of a guy with the sports coat. I just I wish I would have had my own camera rolling to show you the look on this guy's face. This is the entire Democrat Party summed up. All right. I want to go back to the beginning of the show, too. I want to talk about something here, folks. This is really important. The Iranian threat here, folks, the Iranian threat to Donald Trump and to this country is very real.

Is there something going on with an Iran-Ukraine nexus? Are they using people to a third-party country? I don't know. I'm just telling you, what did the Kamala Harris campaign know? Because we now know conclusively that Iranian operators were reaching out to the Biden campaign for president and the Harris campaign for president and trying to collude. Oh, there's that

word again, collusion and magically there's no FISA investigation and appears the FBI is nowhere to be found as far as we know. Here's Congressman Russell Fry talking about exactly this in a really important clip because folks, there's a huge scandal going on right now and you haven't heard anything about it and it's collusion between the Iranians and the Harris campaign and everybody is really quiet about it as they're trying to shoot Donald Trump and pop him in the head.

Check this out. The interest of protecting our democracy, shouldn't politicians show more interest in this Iranian hack? Oh, 100%. And quite frankly, the mainstream media should be too. I mean, four years ago, we pursued a Russia collusion hoax for years and years. And no one seems to bat an eye that our biggest adversary in the Middle East is trying to interfere in our elections. And there's no question about who they support as president. So, Congressman, do you see an October surprise then coming from a foreign actor?

Well, I think they're certainly trying. And so I'm hopeful that law enforcement agencies are equipped to deal with this. But it is deeply troubling that you have a foreign government that is trying to pre-engineer who's going to win. And what's in it for the Iranians, right? I mean, President Trump put

tremendous sanctions on them. He withdrew from the disastrous Iran deal. He took out Qasem Soleimani. He continues to put pressure on the Iranians even now. And this administration has given them $6 billion. They've turned a blind eye to the sanctions, which has allowed Iran to fund Hezbollah and Hamas. So there's no question in my mind, and I think most Americans' minds, about who they support. We just need to stop it.

This sounds like kind of a big deal. And don't let this get lost up in people's little personal, get crossed up in people's personal politics. And if you see me X traffic on this, you know what I mean. Folks, the Iran threat is real.

This issue we have with Ukraine and interference in the United States and our politics is very real. I wrote a whole book about it. Soros' influence in Ukraine and elsewhere to tie all these stories together is very real. My book, Follow the Money, there's a whole chapter on it called Insane in Ukraine. It ties Ukraine, Soros, all of it together.

This is very real. The only question right now, which I brought up for the last few days, not the only, but the most important question, is how much did the Kamala Harris campaign know about what's going on with Iran and how deep was the collusion between them? Because there's absolutely zero doubt that there are teams of people out there right now hunting Donald Trump.

And they're going to do anything to stop him from swearing in if he wins this election. And as these polls get uglier for the Democrats, you're going to see them freak out even more. And I'm genuinely worried like these two, those two in that last piece, the congressman and the Fox reporter about an October surprise. And it's not going to be a pleasant one. Stay tuned tomorrow, by the way. We've got some pretty explosive stuff on the radio show, an interview coming up about the Secret Service folks. The story is going to get even worse.

So don't go anywhere. Hey, thank you for tuning in again. If you want these up with education down with deeper, there's the bumper sticker. There it is. Kamal Harris flowers and everything. Ask no questions. Give no answers. There you go. Thank you guys. Is it bad enough yet? Available at If you want to pick them up again, our proceeds go to charity for it. So it's a good cause, but they're all for you. Is it bad enough yet? I think we're getting there.

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