cover of episode They Were WRONG About The Debate (Ep. 2328)

They Were WRONG About The Debate (Ep. 2328)

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The Dan Bongino Show

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Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino认为,主流媒体对总统辩论的报道失实,特朗普实际上赢得了辩论。他指出,多家媒体的民调结果显示,特朗普在辩论后支持率上升。他还批评卡马拉·哈里斯在辩论中的表现,认为她要么没有回答问题,要么就是撒谎,导致媒体无法利用她的言论进行宣传。此外,他还指出,卡马拉·哈里斯的一些言论被事实证明是错误的,例如她声称特朗普的减税政策只惠及富人,以及她支持为囚犯和非法移民进行变性手术。Bongino认为,卡马拉·哈里斯在辩论中的糟糕表现,以及媒体对她的偏袒报道,导致选民感到困惑,最终使特朗普在辩论中获胜。他强调,自己能够准确判断辩论结果,是因为自己有过竞选和辩论的经验,能够根据现场观众的反应和媒体的报道来判断谁输谁赢。

Deep Dive

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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I can't. I had a totally different intro to the show, and I'm sorry, I can't get this out of my head. Have you guys heard the eating the dogs, eating the cats remix? I cannot believe how stupid the dumbass liberals are to fall in this trap again.

The conservative MAGA movement out there absolutely dominates the meme internet space. And these dumbass libs keep falling in the trap. They're like, let's do a song about Donald Trump saying, or eating the dogs and eating the cats. And let's make it go viral on TikTok. Have you ever thought that people who have no idea what that's about, are then going to go and look up the story and find out that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are

flew 20,000 plus illegal immigrants, Haitians and others into a community.

And it's being taken over? Why would you think this is a W? What is wrong with you idiots? Didn't you realize the Trump MAGA team are just better at this than you guys? And we're going to steal it? And we're going to just make it our own thing? How dumb do you have to be? They get owned every single time. And they fall in the trap because these dumbasses think they're too clever by half.

Holy Moses, you guys are stupid on the left. It's hilarious. We're eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the cats, eating the cats. We're eating the dogs, eating the cats. How did you think this worked for you? Do you realize people are going to look that up?

The hell is wrong? I saw Vida covered it this morning on her show. Hey, you've heard me rave about Beam's Dream Powder every day. Get it now. Stop delaying. This stuff changed my life. Get better sleep. They're offering their largest discount at slash Bongino. Use code Bongino. Big show today.

Folks in the chat, some of you early birds caught my comments earlier. I was in the chat about 9.30 today. What'd you think of my appearance with Tucker today? Listen, self-praise stinks, but I'm going to tell you something. Me and him kind of fed off each other there. It was an absolute banger. Sold that place out in Tulsa yesterday.

and I had a couple segments. I'm just going to play one short thing for you from it. You can check it out in his podcast. But, man, we had a really good time, and thank you, Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Ambassador Hotel, everyone out there. You guys were amazing. And I met Danny Boy O'Connor from House of Pain. My man, there he is right there.

He's like, you ever going to read this? I will. He even signed my House of Pain cassette tape from like 1940. Look at him. All the best, brother. Danny boy. Danny boy. He has a song on there too. Well, I heard one, but you get the point.

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Try America's only Christian conservative mobile provider. Go today to Patriot Mobile. It's slash Dan or call 972-PATRIOT for your free month of service today. All right, fellas, let's go. That was so delayed. I think they were like, is we even doing a bell? I just had, I came out, I missed you yesterday. I missed you. I'm not used to being off in the middle of the week, right? We rarely do that on a Thursday where we bounce back in. It was just, but I had to fly back. So I was out there with Tucker and,

And place was packed. Tulsa's a great, what a wonderful place, man. Stayed at this place, Ambassador Hotel, really nice. An old kind of historic place.

Had a great time. Met a lot of wonderful people. My sister was there. I met Danny boy and I was on stage and Tucker asked me like, what's my philosophy with dealing with the libs? They try to cancel everyone and all this other stuff. And this is one of the clips they put out. This was my answer. Guy thinks the camera work he, he wanted to do, but check this out. I think you're going to like this. This is my philosophy on dealing with the libs. Check this out. Whatever they tell you, can't do you go do it.

And then you start your own company. And then you get your own advertisers. That's how you do it. You pull the Leo DiCaprio from Wolf of Wall Street, just don't defraud anyone. I'm not leaving.

not leaving. You tell these liberals I will haunt you sons of bitches for the rest of your lives on this planet. YouTube decided to cancel me. YouTube sends me a letter, an email, we're canceling you. You said masks don't work. They said you got to pull this video down. I said I got a better idea. I'm going to cancel you idiots and I'm going to go advocate for a platform and then run

went and sued them later for like screwing them up. I'm like, screw these people. Don't ever let them beat you down. Ever. Ever. Whatever they tell you not to do, you do times ten. What does the HR department at your company say when you talk like this?

It was a great time. He asked me another question too, and I encourage you to listen to the whole interview. I've been getting a really nice group of texts from friends of mine who really enjoyed it. It's about an hour plus, me and him. He asked me at one point about happiness. Folks, I really strongly encourage you to listen to my answer. I'll give you a quick, just a quick summation here. He asked me, the gist of the question was, you know, like kind of how are you so happy? I said, I'm not happy.

I want you to remember this. I'm not happy. I'm happy on Friday and Saturday nights, but you have to earn your happiness. Everything you do is to earn your happiness. You better do things that suck. You understand? Do them every day. Get up in the morning, hit the gym, get your workouts in. I hit that damn cold plunge. I sit in that sauna heat at night for about 30 minutes, bacon, sweating my ass off.

Get to those kids' games even though you got to work hard. Make those phone calls. Out-hustle everyone else because you know what? A lot of people out there are lazy and you are not. And you're going to get out there and you're going to beat them. You're not only fighting the world, you're fighting yourself. Get up every single morning and do things that absolutely suck and you'll earn your happiness and your happiness will mean that much more. Don't take cheap paths to happiness. Drugs, booze, all that other stuff. You want to have a drink on the weekend? Fine, you earn it. You earn it. You don't take a sip during the week.

You drink your water and you eat your clean food and you bust your ass and you get to work. And then in a week you'll enjoy it and it'll mean that much more. Happiness isn't cheap. Cheap happiness is depression. Look at all the people on drugs and booze and cheap emotional outlets that they take. Sitting there in their basements watching porn all day. Not working. The most miserable people in the world. Earn your happiness. Suffer. Real happiness isn't suffering. Read The Natural by Malamud.

We all live two lives, the one we learn from and the one we live after that. The real path to happiness is suffering. Listen to that one. You'll enjoy it. All right, getting back to the show. Folks, I talked a lot in that clip about Rumble and the parallel economy. Rumble had a huge night, by the way. Thank you for supporting us during the debate. Rumble dominates debate night as alternative media streaming platform surges. Yeah, baby! That was us right here. We did that.

Now, I'm never going to waste your time ever. Your boy Dan was way ahead of the debate coverage. Was he not? I told everyone, please apply the Bongino rule about the debate. What were the idiot talking head morons who've been wrong about everything ever?

In the history of things, what were they telling you? Oh, my gosh. Catastrophic loss for Donald Trump. The judges ruled. Election's over. Kamala's for real. And we woke up the next day, and I joined you all in the chat on the show and on the radio show for the first hour. And what did I tell you? Folks in the chat, what did I tell you? The karate man was back. What did I tell you?

I said, why would you believe these idiots? They've been wrong about every single thing about Donald Trump. What the hell did Kamala Harris do last night that changed your mind? And what did Donald Trump do that changed your mind last night? Because campaigns are what, kids? What are they?

Even he knows now the guy never responds to anything. Soundbites and snapshots, folks. That's all campaigns are period. Anyone telling you otherwise is a freaking moron. The pictures were bad for Kamala Harris and the soundbites were all lies. So the media was afraid to parrot them. Kamala Harris did not win that debate. She, in fact, lost it.

She didn't lose it by a lot because the media covered for a lot of the bad optics. She lost the debate. And of course, all the chuckleheads who've been the swampy Republicans and the media types were like, that's funny. Caballeros. Really? I said, do you guys have any actual evidence of that?

Because I can point out a series of polls, Rasmussen and others, where Trump's lead got better. And I can put out a series of economic polls where after the debate, a lot of people whose number one issue is the economy, which is most people, actually trusted Trump more. So it sounds like Dan Bongino was right again. That's because he is.

New York Times, Guy, if you would, my friend, why are we putting up New York Times headlines? Because DB always brings the receipts. Other asshole chuckleheads give you nothing but their opinions, which are always wrong. New York Times, pundits said Harris won the debate. Undecided voters, where is so sure? Let's do some Aikido. Can we throw some Aikido in the mix? You know, Steven Seagal, like the neck chop? It's your boy. That's your boy right there.

Bongino Army, are we ever wrong? Put it in the chat. Hell, we're never wrong. You think so? He thinks I had a lot of blackout coffee as well. We're always right. We're always right. We're right because of things like this. Show that photo of Kamala Harris. This was the snapshot the whole night. What does that remind you of? Kamala Harris, the faces she was making the whole night.

The chin in the air, the fake inquisitive look. What does it remind you of? Word of the people.

Thank you. Oh, my gosh, Michael. I don't want to use. I never used the Lord's name. Michael, you just nailed it. I swear verbatim at that. That high school teacher, you could not stand that. Look at the picture. If you are listening on Apple and Spotify, I demand you go 13 minutes into the show. I'm sorry. I'm not into me. I'm not a tyrant. But and look at this picture. That was the entire night.

You're telling me if a campaign is snapshots and soundbites, it is anyone telling you otherwise is a moron. These are the snapshots. I want it. Listen, I'm not going to tell you that Trump couldn't have smiled once in a while either. I'm not. I'm trying to be objective. The snapshots for him could have been a little better, too. This was in no way a win. That was her the entire night.

Your boy told you the next day when all the chuckleheads were like, oh my gosh, he lost. It's over. You know why your boy knows and they don't? Because I actually ran for office and debated people a lot, like a lot, a lot.

And you realize right away when you're done by the response of the crowd, I shouldn't have smirked so much. I came off like a smart ass. I shouldn't have laughed. That was a bad joke. I shouldn't have looked angry at that. It looked like I wasn't paying attention. That's why.

Yeah, look. Perfect. Guy just put up a picture. Who's the last woman who lost against Donald Trump who ran for president and came off snooty with deplorables and all that other stuff? You don't have to like it. It's true. This one, same exact pose. Hillary Clinton. Thank you. Good point.

Folks, again, you don't have to believe me. I'm just telling you, believe the New York Times. If you're a crazy liberal in my chat, Dan's nuts. Really? I'll read the headline again. Pundits said Harris won the debate. Undecided voters weren't so sure. That's the New York Times. Now let's go to another center-right, sometimes left-leaning outlet, sometimes, the Wall Street Journal, but pretty much center-right most of the time. Definitely not MAGA or a conservative. Like, that's out.

Here's Kim Strassel. I like Kim's work a lot. Here she is again talking about a Reuters interview after the debate. Reuters, folks. Reuters. They're to the left of Lenin. You're talking about commies here.

Reuters interviewed 10 swing voters after the debate and gave the story an intriguing headline. Some undecided voters not convinced by Harris after debate with Trump. She notes that's one way to put it. Six said afterward, they would now either, six out of 10 folks, that's six out of 100. Six out of 10 said afterwards, they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning towards backing Trump. The piece explains one remained undecided and only three backed Harris.

Here, here's another one. A New York Times interview, Times interview of eight undecided voters after the debate found two leaning towards Mr. Trump, one towards Ms. Harris, the rest extremely confused. Like your boy said. She notes other outlets produced similar mixed results.

Guys, ladies, I will never screw you over, okay? I'm not here to bullshit you. I want to see Trump win. If Trump did something catastrophically stupid and lost the debate, it does me no favors. The one thing their team respects about me is I always tell them the truth, okay? I don't bother them. They don't need my advice. They're doing just fine without me. However, it's helpful that we're the number one podcast in the world with a huge audience every day and we can crowdsource. I'm telling you, he did not lose that debate.

People were left confused because snapshots were terrible for Kamala Harris. The pictures were awful, but the sound bites were worse. She did two things. She either didn't answer the question asked. So if you go back to that Wall Street Journal thing, voters were left extremely confused because she didn't answer the question. Or when she did answer the question, she just lied and the media got nailed. There it is.

The rest left extremely confused. It's exactly what I said before these articles came out. I just don't want you wasting your time with these other shows, man. I'm really sorry. The soundbites were all lies. Here, I want to play this video. Kamala Harris on it. So this came out, right? Remember I said they are not going to put the soundbites out there and make anything viral because the minute they do, they're going to get fact-checked.

Remember Kamala Harris? Trump said, hey, listen, she supports sex changes for prisoners and illegals. And the media was like, oh, my gosh, this is crazy. Fact check. That's all bullshit. Really? Played a video. That they were standing in the way of surgery. For prisoners. For prisoners. And there was a specific case. And when I learned about the case, I worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving.

So it wasn't only about that case. I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need. Am I making the point without being a tool here or am I overdoing it?

The reason she had no sound bites is the media can't keep putting the sound bites out because she lied. And every time they put the sound bites out, someone airs something like this. And then people go, holy shit, she really did support sex changes for prisoners and illegals. Or the cat thing. Trump said they're eating the cats. Let's do a TikTok video. And then people go look it up and they're like, damn, there's a really bad immigration problem in Springfield, Ohio.

If the soundbites were real and authentic and they caught Trump in a lie, the media would be putting them all over. Look at Kamala wrecked Trump. But they're not doing it. Why? This is why. Susan Glasser getting wrecked on Twitter at SBG1.

She knows Trump made history last night for sure, insinuating he's lying about the dogs and cat story. And then she writes, or Trump insisting that the VP wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in jail. Like what an idiot Trump is. Off the top robes, macho man style, right? The top robes. Can we get a top robes? Off the top robes, folks, like this. Community notes, off the top robes again.

Kamala Harris told the ACLU she supports this policy. Quote, I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained. Susan Glasser, you got wrecked. You got wrecked again. Was I right or was I right? You don't have to watch other shows. You don't have to watch other shows. Just watch here. You're way ahead. Guy, tell me I wasn't right. Come on. I know you like a skeptic. Tell me I wasn't right.

Thank you. I know some of you doubted me the next day. I know you did. I could sense it and I could sense it. And I know Guy better than anyone. I know Guy better than anyone outside of his wife and his parents. Guy was skeptical that he thought, ah, Dan's just trying to cover for Trump. I never provide cover for anyone. I was right. I was absolutely right. The soundbites were shit and the snapshots were even worse. Tell me how she won.

I'll show you here. I'll show you another one. Here's another tweet from Tim Murtaugh. This has to be the greatest correction of all time. Community notes from the top rope again. Tim Murtaugh put this at the Time article. They had to correct their story.

Quote, the original version of the story mischaracterized as false. Trump's statement accusing Harris of supporting transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison. As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer funded gender transition for detained immigrants. The top row, the top row. You know what? Yeah.

This is a Hall of Fame level correction, ladies and gentlemen. This is the big leg from Hogan, WWE days. Remember the big leg? This is the leg drop right on the head. This is it. I told you, man.

I'll show you another one coming up next. Remember she said during the debate too, my economic plan, Goldman Sachs, or why you're citing Goldman Sachs, by the way, I have no idea. I thought you hated Wall Street and all that stuff. Goldman Sachs and a lot of these economists who've been wrong and everything. She cites Goldman Sachs. She gets wrecked again. You chuckleheads out there in the mainstream media. If you just listen to my show, you'd be way ahead. You wouldn't have to embarrass yourself. Let's give it a shot. Join the crew. We're taking over.

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Sorry to keep repeating myself, but some people just don't listen. I told you the sound bites were bad. That's why there are no memorable moments for Kamala. She brought up the fact that Goldman Sachs says her inflation producing economic plan, which we've witnessed for the last four years, is somehow going to be different in the next four years.

The Goldman Sachs CEO had an entirely different take. Turns out it wasn't even their thing. It was some independent analyst, and the guy's like, that's not what we said at all. Check this out. Let's talk some politics. Debate was last night. Not sure if you had a chance to see it or not. Your own economic team, of course, has made news of late, suggesting that the bigger boost to growth would come from the Harris economic plan, at least over the first couple of years. She mentioned it last night. You feel the same? So...

That report, which was mentioned last night in the debate, came from an independent analyst. And it's interesting, Scott. I think a lot more has been made of this than should be. Nothing she told you was true, bro. Nothing. Everything Trump said that he was fact-checked on was correct.

Now people are finding this out because of stupid dunces on TikTok who think it's funny eating the dogs, eating the cats, eating the cats, eating the cats. They think this is funny. They don't realize people are going to go look this up.

And they're going to be like, oh my gosh, there's an invasion going on in Springfield, Ohio? And Kamala Harris is the border czar? You really thought this was a W, man? You're dumber than you look, dumbasses. That's why Trump's numbers are getting better, not worse after the debate. As we said, folks, even CNN got in on the action. Don't even ask me about this. I think here's what happened here. CNN and Tapper, who they did the last debate,

They must realize that ABC did themselves no favors and did the media no favors at all because there'll probably never be another mainstream left-wing media debate without a conservative moderator on the panel. There just won't. ABC was disgusting. David Muir and sorority sister Lindsay humiliated the entire country by running cover for Kamala Harris. I know a lot of you are going to ask me in the chat, what are you going to ask me?

Fire away. You're going to say, damn, why aren't you talking about the story that ABC leaked the questions? Because, folks, I can't say this enough.

I do not want to be first and wrong. I can't confirm the story yet. The allegations out there, I wouldn't be surprised. But when I'm sure it's true, I'll put it out there until then. But the story is out there that they got the questions in advance or sample questions. I don't know that yet. I'd rather be last than right. And I encourage you to do the same thing. Because if you go out there and we run with it and the story turns out to be fake, it

It's a big face plan for us. However, if we just wait a few more days and get confirmation, the story pretty much ends the mainstream media debate thing for good and will almost likely end Kamala Harris' campaign. It'll be over. There's no harm in waiting. So let's just make sure we're not getting set up. Some of the people putting out the story have ties to the different folks, if you know what I mean. I think Tapper got in on the action here because he understands the damage done

that the media just disgraced themselves with this last debate. Here's CNN getting in on the action, doing their own fact-checking. I'm going to ask you a question again, the same one I asked the next morning when everyone was telling me Kamala won. Does this look like a win to you? Check this out. Vice President Harris began the debate by punting the first question on the economy. Do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago? So I was raised as a middle-class kid.

And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America.

It went on from there. Despite the economy being the number one issue facing the country, the sitting vice president generally reverted to talking points about a few of her policy proposals. Even Harris allies today are saying that she needs to talk more about what she will do for Americans if elected. Senator Bernie Sanders will be here in a second to talk about more about the need for her to fill in some of those blanks. On the border, another vulnerable issue for Harris, she also dodged.

Would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this? So I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs and human beings. OK, that wasn't the question. Folks, that's CNN. Tell me again how this was a big, as Guy calls it, dub, a big W, a big win.

How did you not see this the next day? I'm not talking to you. I know you guys all believed me. I appreciate it. My loyal audience, you guys are the best in the business. I mean it. We're in even a close second. I told you this the next day. How is this a win? What did she say? What did she say that changed your mind?

How are you going to fix the border crisis you guys created? I'm the only one who prosecuted. You did nothing. No one believes you. You were in charge of San Francisco and California, and they're in crime decay. Yeah, you know what? That's a good point. They probably, because of the framing and having Biden blow it so bad, thought because they didn't lose $1,000, they only lost $500, that it was a win. That's actually a good point. I mean it. He's right.

It was so bad last time the foil effect took over and they were like, we must have won because she wasn't Biden. I want to show you another one. I'm going to take a quick break, but let's get to the hat tip. The great maze more on X. Some of the best clips out there, by the way, it gets even worse. Can you imagine boasting about an endorsement from Dick Cheney?

Dick Cheney. I'm telling you, I think Donald Trump should be promoting the Dick Cheney endorsement of Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is two big endorsements or who? Dick Cheney and Vladimir Putin. That's a conspiracy. Look it up. Please, please, liberals on my show, don't take my word for it. I'm actually begging you on bended knee. Don't take my word for it. Just look it up. The guy you called Satan,

And a guy getting ready to start World War III endorsed your gal. Oh, yeah. Hat tip, Mace, for putting this together. They're really proud of this endorsement, by the way. Huge W, folks. This win was a huge W, this debate. Check this out.

I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney and Satan. That's next. The Sith Lord is back. Like a demon, it rises again. Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. Thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration.

On how to play this role. We don't need Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney was dangerous. The only thing you got to do is just be better than Dick Cheney. I like to see Dick Cheney exposed. He's a liar. I actually have the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney. They're proud of this. This was the high point of their debate.

Getting an endorsement from a guy they refer to as Satan, who is equally disliked by MAGA, conservatives, and people on the left and in the media. This is the bad. Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney.

By the way, I just get an email from some dipshit, Ned Parker at Reuters. Ned, I hope you're watching the show. Ned, first off, you are obviously looking to play media traps, but you're too stupid because you're a journalist. Hey, Dan, I'm a reporter with Reuters and I'm seeking comment with you. Basically, some guy who's threatening public officials. Fellas, how many times have we told people political violence is absolutely an unacceptable red line we shouldn't cross? Any guesses?

Six million, maybe. I think you're underestimating. I think we're in the trillions by now. We've done a series of interviews with this man. So basically, here's what they do. Ned, you can go fuck yourself because you obviously are an embarrassment to your parents who probably tell people that they have no living kids. I know what you're trying to do. You found some crazy guy doing something I tell people not to do. And what you're trying to do is you're trying to take us down by insinuating that somehow we had something to do with this.

I will give you no comments. You can listen to my show. And my comment to you is to go fuck yourself because you're a lying sack of shit who won't acknowledge that if you just did some research on my show, you could pull probably honestly close to 100 to 150 clips in the last two years of me telling people you're not welcome on my show if you believe in political violence. There's my comment, fuckstick.

You piece of shit. And by the way, here, let me read some of these. Ned, here's some from some of your supporters in the left-wing media. Hey, Dan, what's wrong with the world? You're a shit-filled cunt spedding bullshit for personal gain. I hope you die soon, you stupid bastard. Here's another one.

I wonder what, yeah, this is from your supporters, Ned, and the left-wing media telling people that people like me are Nazis and stuff. You inciting violence. Here's another one. If one of your followers shoots and kills someone that you have bagged on your show, would you feel responsible after they find out it was false what you said? Here's another one. Where are you located? Let's go, little bitch. What's new, fucktard? Did your cancer come back yet? Ned, did you interview this guy?

Fuck stick and ask him why you keep writing bad stuff about me. Here, here's another one. Ready to take me up on my offer to F your wife so she can actually achieve orgasm. That's Tyler H. Here's another one. Mark P. I live down the street from you, asshole. Fuck you, traitor. How about that, Ned? Have you interviewed any of these people? Have you told those people political violence is no good? So, Ned, you can go fuck yourself. And I encourage you to listen to my, you want, we should respond to him on the air.

Hold on. Should we? Let's give him the link to the show. How do you guys feel? Hold on. I'll read this in a second. Let's just... We'll pin his comment. Yes, okay. Dear Ned. I'm writing this right now. Ned Parker, folks. Dear Ned, watch my show here. We're currently... We're currently... Sorry. Discussing your bullshit. Okay. I thought Ned's article was here.

Here, Ned, do we have it? We have it from Ned? Here, here's Ned Parker, who's, again, parents tell people they have no living children.

Trump's attacks on his trial judges trigger widespread calls for violence. Judges in Trump-related cases face unprecedented wave of threats. Threat to U.S. federal judges doubled since 2021. Does Ned have any articles about Antifa burning down cities? What about BLM? What about the Skif-Skalise shooting? What about Donald Trump getting attacked in the head? What about Donald Trump getting shot in the head? Has he written an article yet? Ned, fuck you.

That's my comment. Go fuck yourself. And if I'm telling you right now, I'm going to tell you, I am not a litigious guy at all.

But I swear to you, motherfucker, you write some shit out of line and you don't cite the fact that this show has repeatedly, repeatedly called out political violence over and over, stating it's a red line we should never cross. And also repeating that I'm the only guy in this interaction that's actually put his life on the line for both Democrat and Republican presidents. I will absolutely bury you in

In fucking litigation, you will never get out of you, piece of shit. Fuck you, Ned Parker. You fucked with the wrong guy. You dare try to pin this on me. I don't know these people. And if they listen to my show and don't hear political violence is a no-go and do something crazy, and while I'm getting threats, you won't take responsibility for it, go fuck yourself. I hope you're listening now, you piece of shit.

And by the way, my audience is thousands of times larger than yours. I will never let this go. You'll be a laughingstock forever like that other asshole at NBC, Dan Arkin, who when I warned people Trump was going to get shot or killed because of Secret Service lapses, said I was a conspiracy theorist. You're next. I'll make you a laughingstock forever. You dare, dare. If you do not quote my show, me repeatedly calling this out,

I will make sure that your reputation is finished. That's a good point, King.

I should probably take a quick break right now. I just hate these. However much you hate these media people, it's not enough, folks. They're such scum. Hey, listen, the number one question I get from listeners, how can I get in a conservative fight? It's critical to know where your dollars are going. Many credit card companies are funneling money to left-wing causes and candidates, hoping you don't notice. But now you have a choice. Coin, C-O-I-G-N, is America's conservative credit card. Find them at, C-O-I-G-N.

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G-E-N-U-C-E-L, slash Dan, slash Dan. I want to say one more time to Ned Parker from Reuters.

Actual malice. Pay very close attention to the Sarah Palin New York Times case right now. If you do not quote the fact that I have repeatedly called out political violence and insist on writing an article falsely in a defamatory way, blaming me for someone I've never met's psychopathological problems, I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life. I will never stop legally pursuing you. I'm just warning you right now. You've been warned in advance. I

I've told you that the material's out there for you to do your journalistic work on about my condemnations of political violence. If you refuse to do it and still insist I incite political violence when I've done the opposite, I will play this clip in a courtroom and you will rue the day you tied me to this bullshit trying to shred, trying to shred your own dignity. You've been warned. When this clip's playing in the courtroom, I'm going to laugh in your face. You dare, dare try to pin that on me. I hate these people.

I absolutely hate them. They are the worst. These are the same idiots who told you, again, Kamala Harris won this debate.

Folks, what about our tax cut BS, right? You know what? Let me play the Rand clip first. Rand Paul was on CNBC the other day. Kamala Harris has a tax plan so disastrous that Rand Paul summed it up the only way you can sum it up. To tax unrealized gains is like going in the store to buy a bag of Doritos, like Kamala Harris says she loves, and then being asked to pay a sales tax even though you changed your mind and didn't buy it. Say you go in and you go, ah, I'm on a diet. I don't need them. Folks,

That's 32 cents in sales tax. I didn't buy the Doritos. It doesn't matter. You were gonna. Do you understand that's what an unrealized tax hike is? It's a hike in a tax rate for a stock and a house you didn't sell.

Wait, what do you mean I got to pay taxes on my house every year and stocks I didn't sell? Yes. Here's Rand Paul on it. And then she also said that the Trump tax cuts benefited the rich. This is so easy to discredit if you do a second of research. Play the Rand Paul thing first.

You know, I'm supportive of Donald Trump. I think there's no question that Donald Trump is better than Kamala Harris on this. And, you know, one is basically an argument for socialism. I think the idea of taxing unrealized gains is not only moronic, it's so destructive that it should be disqualified. She should be disqualified from any thoughtful person considering the fact that they would consider taxing unrealized gains. Are we going to tax my house?

How am I going to pay taxes since my house is worth twice as much as it used to be worth? Where am I going to cover the money? I mean, that's just crazy. But the same would happen to stocks as well. Listen to me. If you want to pay taxes, not talking about local property taxes used to fund local things, that's real property. I'm talking about a tax on the economic gain of your home that hasn't materialized because you haven't sold it. Then definitely vote for Kamala Harris. It's a real plan.

Her waiver saying it's only for rich people is the exact same thing they said about the income tax when it first started. You're paying that, aren't you? It always filters down to the middle class. It would destroy the stock market. Kamala Harris also said one of the dumbest things possible, that even if you're a dumbass liberal, eating the dogs, eating the cats, putting out a dopey TikTok song, making a bunch of Americans go look at the illegal immigration problem in Springfield, and you think it's a W,

You could look this up too. Kamala Harris said the Trump tax cuts were only for the rich.

This took about maybe 10 seconds. Again, I'm using the New York Times. Why? Because unlike dumbasses like Ned Parker from Reuters, too fucking stupid to get their heads into a cranial rectotomy out of their asses and engaging in consistent defamatory behavior. Don't even send me your stupid emails anymore. I have no comment for media people at all. I hate you all. You're all losers and dipshits. I don't want anything to do with you.

This is the New York Times, so don't accuse me of bias. Headline, face it, you probably got a tax cut. Studies consistently find that the Trump tax cuts basically cut taxes for most Americans. This is the headline, the 2017 tax law. They note, quote, New York Times, if you're an American taxpayer, you probably got a tax cut last year, and there's a good chance you don't believe it.

Again, they frame the story as if this is like you getting a tax cut is a bad thing. But Kamala Harris told you that's a lie, that you didn't get a tax cut. But you did. I don't know how many times I got up. Can you just save this in like an evergreen file? Folks, here's Investopedia. Notice I've used no right-wing sources yet. Investopedia is not a political site at all. It's Investopedia. It's about investments. It has nothing to do with politics.

What is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, i.e. the Trump tax cuts? Here's how your rates fell. There are seven individual tax brackets. The richest rate was the rich, the top 1% plus. They paid 39.6%. They got a cut to 37%. So they got a 2.6% cut. The next, the really wealthy people below them, they basically got a one-point cut from 33% to 32%.

I thought the common list of the middle class didn't get anything. Well, it turns out the upper middle class got a cut from 28% tax rate to 24. That's the biggest cut of all. The middle class got a three-point break from 25 to 22. The 15% bracket, which is the lower middle class, went from 15 to 12. The lowest bracket remained at 10. The 35% bracket was unchanged.

You can look this up yourself, dude. The middle class got the biggest tax cuts of all, three and four percentage points of their income. Nothing she told you was true. Nothing she told you was true. Nothing. Zero. Just like Ned Parker. Ned Parker. Why do they always name Ned? These guys like Ned. These D-bags.

Ned, seriously, do you have anyone who acknowledges knowing you? Well, they all pretend when they see you that it was just some random interaction. Like if you're in the supermarket and you're there getting like an order of bologna or something for your bologna sandwiches, and you say, hey, you want to take a selfie? Does that person go, ah, I'm good? Do they say that? Because they don't want to be in a picture with you? I'm just asking, Ned. Look at our bad side, Holmes, especially if you're going to defame us. Our audience is far bigger than yours. I know that bothers you that nobody reads your shit and the most famous day of your life is right now.

Don't toy with us. You defame us. We're going to make sure that we take all proper protections. You understand? As predicted, by the way, Trump had the soundbites. That's why Trump won the debate. You can laugh all you want. The data's on our side. Trump won the debate because all the soundbites worked in his favor. Here's the Seattle Times getting wrecked from the top ropes. Community notes again.

Do we have an emoji for that in the chat? Whenever community notes wreck someone from the top ropes, we need a macho man. Remember Macho Man Savage from the top ropes? Trump, oh, that's the rock, isn't it? Is that the people's elbow? The people's elbow. Look at it, the Brahma Bull, the people's elbow. I'm a macho man guy myself, but whatever, I'll take it for now. Here's the Seattle Times on Twitter getting wrecked by community notes.

Trump falsely claimed during the presidential debate Tuesday, the protesters took over a big portion of Seattle during the CHOP protest. Oh, he falsely claimed that? Community notes from the top ropes. The Seattle Times themselves have reported on the very real incident in June of 2020 where violent protesters forcefully took control of a portion of Seattle's Capitol Hill area, dubbed the CHAZ or the CHOP. From the top ropes again. That didn't work out.

Didn't work out so good for the Seattle Slimes, did it? Here's Banshee on Twitter from Red State. They made fun of him, the press, about talking about Abdul. Remember Abdul from the Taliban, who he showed him the picture of his house, which I told you was the soundbite of the night. And a bunch of Swampies left.

Sound bite of the night. Trump now talking about some guy, Abdul. The press was like, we don't know any Abdul. How is he talking about Abdul? So Banshee, of course, brought the receipts. And you'll see that Abdul is, in fact, a real person and was, in fact, a negotiator for the Taliban. Here's Forbes. It's unclear who Trump was referring to. And then they go on to tell you who he was referring to.

It's unclear who he's referring to, but he was likely referring to one of the Taliban's negotiators, Abdul Ghani Baradar. Sorry, was that the hell? Here we go. Here's another one. It's not clear who he's referring to, and then they tell you who he was referring to. Again, folks, Trump had the soundbites. Trump had the soundbites. There he is right there. There's a Google search.

Google, a communist company, Taliban founders, Abdul Ghani Baradar, right? Who could he have possibly been talking to? Tell me again how Trump lost. By the way, the average voter saw through the bullshit. The moderators, have they agreed to another debate with Trump? I mean, I know...

I know Kamala Harris is trying to like do this whole, I need another one to rescue myself from the other bad debate. But is David Muir and Lindsay Davis, maybe they should debate him again. Here we find out in this clip that was recently unearthed that one of the debaters, not moderators, debaters, Lindsay Davis, who was debating Trump and got wrecked with ridiculous fact checks that turned out to be wrong, making herself look like the Candy Crowley of our time. Some of you get that.

Here's Lindsay Davis admitting she was a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. That's a perfect choice. Perfect choice for someone to moderate the debate right here. Listen to yourself. Lindsay Davis, Robin Roberts is right. It's a sorority thing. I don't understand it all. So you have to explain it to everybody. You're a sorority sister of Kamala Harris. Right. Well, you know, pearls are a symbol of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, which she pledged while she was at Howard University.

Oh my gosh, sorority sisters. I'm sure you're going to get an independent moderator there. I'm absolutely positive. I got to tell you what, I got a best friend of mine. He's a really good guy. He's a local orthodontist. He's a cool cat. If I ever run for office again, I suggest we go ask him. Arvin, you want to debate? You want to be the debate moderator? I'm sure ABC would have no problem with that. Here's the LA Times trying to run cover for her, of course, because they know this is going to come out. Lindsay Davis held Trump's feet to the fire. How she became a rising star. You don't

think the public sees through this ned and all you other dipshits in the mainstream media why is it that nobody's listening to you your audience is going down as our audience keeps exploding why are we the number one news stream in the world on any given day and in the united states just about every day why is that have you asked yourself that ned why nobody respects you but everybody's here watching the answer is because we're right and you've been consistently wrong

We're going to watch this again. We heard J.D. Vance, too, by the way. What did we hear? J.D. Vance. Oh, my gosh. He's so weird, right? What a terrible VP candidate, which is really strange because all his clips keep going viral. And everybody I talk to on the road is like, man, I love J.D. Vance. The way he exposes his media communists all day. It's freaking amazing. It's so strange. It's like the liberal media.

Goons live in this entirely different Truman show where they kind of like are suspicious something's wrong. Everyone's around them though is lying and telling them everything's okay. Despite all the information, polls, trust in the media going down. Here's JD Vance with our, was he the bronze medal winner? With our bronze medal winner in the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics,

The absolutely hapless, whiny, male Karen, John Carl, a total life loser, getting annihilated again by a much smarter individual with actual life experience who isn't a fake news journalist, J.D. Vance. I want you to watch him get absolutely wrecked in the spin room. Check this out. Let me ask you about this just very quickly. I heard Donald Trump before this debate describe Kamala Harris as, I'll just read a few of them, a low IQ individual, somebody who doesn't have the mental capacity

to be president, really dumb, unable to put two sentences together. Is that what you saw on the stage tonight? John, what I saw was a lot of slogans. I think the American people are smart and Kamala Harris talks to them like they're children. She repeats these ridiculous platitudes where if you actually think about what she said, you realize that it doesn't make any sense. She talks a lot about her plans, but then her plans

when you analyze the substance don't make any sense and more importantly John the American people don't get fed on plans she's been the vice president for three and a half years what she can't do refuses to do it has no ability to do is to say okay I accomplished lower prices because she didn't or I accomplished lower housing prices because she didn't or I secured the southern border cuz she didn't do that she is all I'll does vice president and the fundamental question is do we want to give her promotion I think the answer has to be no John

Elbows in the chat again. Elbows in the chat. Elbows in the chat. I know we usually reserve it for community notes. This is the best VP pick we have had in two, three, four decades. The guy's incredible. The guy can't lose in a debate because he's got asymmetrical advantages and that he's smart and media people are generally morons, almost overwhelmingly morons. They've never had real jobs like Ned.

You think Ned should be our token media moron from now on, guys? What do you think? I think so, right? Don't even ask me that question. He should have known better, emailing me disinformation like that. Listen, I want to get this kind of a serious segment, but it is a Friday. And I want to leave you with kind of a little bit of a PSA. Folks, the world is changing. And if a world war, I'm not saying World War III, but if a

World War or some semblance of it, where even a few large countries get engaged in a war and it were to hit our home soil, war is going to look a lot different, a lot different. I have been writing about this threat in my books for decades now and talking about it on the air. The threat of drone warfare right now is here. It's not coming. It's here. And the problem with drone warfare is

is drone warfare is cheap. It's not million-dollar missiles. Some of these things you could do for 500 bucks or less. And the problem with drone warfare is they're airborne, and human beings can't fly. Wow, Dan, you're oversimplifying it. No, I'm not. You can engage a target on the ground because it's on the ground. When you're aerial and you have no obstructions because there's no obstructions in the sky, unlike the ground, trees, and buildings, and you have the high ground, you have almost no chance of surviving.

I want to show you a couple of these videos. These are taken from war zones and places. These are two quick ones. Here's one of a drone chasing two guys in a combat zone who are trying to shoot the drone down with Kalashnikov rifles. And they keep me play that video if you can.

They eventually wind up throwing the rifle at the drone. Folks, this is what, look at this thing. That's like probably a $100, $200 drone or something like that. And they're wasting all this ammo. And what winds up happening, they barely survive because the guy winds up throwing his weapon, his rifle, at the drone, which you'll see at the end. This is what warfare is going to look like when it comes to our soil because it's what it looks there. It's what it looks like right now. This is scary stuff. I want to show you another one here.

You know what thermite is? It's a highly, highly flammable compound. You dump on whatever you dump it on, it's going to melt right through and start fires.

They have drones now that are dumping thermite on enemy positions and setting basically forest fires. Imagine doing this in a neighborhood on people's roofs and in their houses. Again, this isn't the kind of stuff you're watching the video right now. If you're listening on Apple and Spotify, go to the show and skip to the end. This is happening right now. This is what war is going to look like if it were to come here because it's what war looks like right now.

Another reason to be very cautious about what goes on in the future and tactical decisions we make. I know there's mitigation strategies for this stuff, but they're not going to be. If you don't have birdshot and you're not a really good aim and that drone isn't fast, you're not going to stand a chance, man.

All right, I had a couple more. I had a jujitsu video too. I'll play it for you hopefully next week. Got a bunch of stuff I didn't even get to. But folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it. And Ned, you don't play our clips talking about the warnings about political violence. I'm going to play this cut for you in court someday. So I'm just, you've been warned, buddy. You're going to be our token media guy from now on. I hope you're happy. Picked the wrong audience, dude. We don't take that shit.

Folks, thanks again for everything. If you want to check out my Tucker interview, please go to his podcast and take a listen. I think you'll enjoy it. Also, favor, please, for the weekend,

I'm just asking this. I really need this. Please download the Rumble app. We have been blowing up. We took over debate night coverage. It is absolutely free. Download the app, follow the Dan Bongino show, or go to slash Bongino. Click that green follow button. It is absolutely free. Rumble premium. If you don't want ads, you can pay and you'll see no ads. However, watching the show is free. Also give us a follow on Apple and Spotify. We just consistently keep finishing at the top of the charts. Thanks to you, Apple podcasts and Spotify.

Thanks so much. See you on the radio show here on Rumble in a little bit and back here on Monday at 11 a.m.