cover of episode The Bongino Brief: Why Americans Are Quitting Kamala

The Bongino Brief: Why Americans Are Quitting Kamala

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The Dan Bongino Show

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Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino: 卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选活动是一场灾难,她无法回答任何关于她政治立场的直接问题,这导致了美国民众对她的强烈不满。她的团队绝对不会在选举中认输,他们会不惜一切代价试图窃取选举,即使特朗普赢得压倒性胜利。他们会利用缓慢的计票速度来质疑选举结果,引发抗议,并瘫痪政府运作,甚至会将选举结果的争议诉诸法律。媒体也对此心知肚明,并通过试探性的报道来为选举结果延迟做铺垫。卡马拉·哈里斯试图通过声称自己学习太多来回应她准备不足的批评,但这并不能解决她能力不足的问题。她的助手甚至称她为无知的恶霸,拒绝做作业。总而言之,Dan Bongino 认为卡马拉·哈里斯的竞选活动是一场彻底的失败,她无法自救,也无法赢得选举。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are Americans losing confidence in Kamala Harris?

She consistently fails to provide clear answers, appears unprepared, and has a reputation for being lazy and uninformed.

Why might Kamala Harris's team refuse to concede an election?

They are preparing to litigate and potentially steal the election, regardless of the outcome.

Why does the media dislike Kamala Harris?

They find her to be a poor candidate who fails to effectively communicate their left-wing ideology.

Why is Kamala Harris struggling in her campaign?

She lacks the ability to effectively communicate her policies and is often seen as unprepared and incoherent.

Why might the media decide not to support Kamala Harris in a potential election loss?

They may view her as a liability who could embarrass the party and lead to further losses in court.

Kamala Harris and her team are preparing to challenge the election results, even if she loses by a significant margin. They are planting seeds to justify not conceding, potentially leading to prolonged court battles.
  • Kamala Harris' team will not concede the election under any circumstances.
  • They are planning to litigate the results to death.
  • The media is floating trial balloons to prepare the public for a delayed election outcome.

Shownotes Transcript


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Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino.

Here's a couple of things I want you to watch. I hope you're going to spend election night with us here at Rumble. We'll be starting at 7 p.m. Eastern time. There won't be a day podcast that day. Obviously, there'll be a radio show, but we'll be in basically all night. Folks, if you see a state like, say, in New Jersey, that Donald Trump's not going to win, that'd be highly, highly. I'm not telling you it's impossible. I'm just telling you I doubt it.

But if you see a state like New Jersey, and it looks like Donald Trump is only down about six, and it's five or six points, and then you see, say, a Virginia where he's maybe winning or down one or two, and then you see Georgia called early. Say Donald Trump is up five points. And you might say, well, Dan, they're already saying...

They're going to delay the voting count or whatever. Folks, they have exit polls. I've explained this for the last three days. Every media outlet on planet Earth will be sitting outside select poll locations in swing counties asking anyone they can get their hold of who leaves. Who'd you vote for? Trust me, if it's a four or five point win in Pennsylvania or Georgia, some media outlets going to call it early. If you see a Virginia close,

A New Jersey five or six points. If you see a big Georgia win, if you see a huge Florida win, say Florida closes, say he's up six, seven in Florida. You see Michigan's looking tight.

Folks, the race is going. They know it's going to be over. The Democrats, they know it. They know there's not enough electoral college ground to be made up, especially if in swing states and blue leaning states, Donald Trump is overperforming 2020 and 2016. There are very, very.

accurate spreadsheets they can put together, these media outlets, where they'll generally have a good idea, if it's a blowout, not if it's close, that this is going to be an early night. I'm telling you right now, Kamala Harris' team will absolutely not concede this thing. There is zero chance. Folks, they are going to go to court, and they are going to try to steal this thing again. She's already planting the seeds. I'm going to...

Folks, why are we the supermarket? Why El Supermercado? Because we bring receipts. What's receipts in Spanish? Recibos? Do you speak Spanish? I think it's receipts. Receipts, babes. Receipts.

Listen to Kamala Harris already planting the seeds that they are not going to concede this thing, ladies and gentlemen, no matter what. Trump could win 49 states and they're going to make up some bizarre reason. And here's what they're going to say. Hey, Jim, flag this right. Flags in the chat right now. Flags. Flags. I want to see flags everywhere. Every single person flags in the chat. They're going to say, we got to count every vote. We got to count every vote. No.

No, you don't. I mean, you will count every vote because you have to count every vote. But counting every vote means nothing for the election outcome. If you need 100,000 votes to win and it's only 25,000 outstanding votes. Yes, count them. Of course, everybody's voice should be heard, but it is no relation to the outcome whatsoever.

More in a minute, but first... You know, seeing my father last Christmas was so special. We were all gathered around the table, you know, sharing stories, talking about the past, but I couldn't help but notice they were struggling to keep up with the conversation.

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They are. Did we break it already? Nice. Good. We wanted to break the chat. That was actually we were going to write you at 1150. I'm sorry, but we're testing everything before election night. So Chris, remember, wanted me to break the chat. So you did it early. Good job. All right. Here we go. Listen to Kamala Harris watering the chia pet right now that they are not going to concede this thing. Check this out. What do you expect on Election Day to get the results on the same night? Maybe twice?

Two days later, a week later, what are your expectations? Well, I hope to get the results that night, but that may or may not happen. And last time it took more than obviously one night. Folks, she is not saying this by accident, ladies and gentlemen. Fascists, socialists, and tyrants never slip up. Sometimes they say the quiet part out loud, but everything they say, they say on purpose.

They may wish they can change the wording, but the fact that they said it is not an accident. They are planting the seed right here. The media floats trial balloons for them, and they want to see with these trial balloons what kind of feedback they're going to get back from their own side. If their own side would do the right thing and say, hey, listen, we just criticized Republicans for being election deniers. We're going to look like hypocrites, even though we had a legitimate case.

If we just fabricate a case that the election was stolen, do you think they care? The answer is no. Double-barreled middle finger to you. They don't care.

Here's the media trial balloon. Receipts incoming yet again. Kamala says it. Oh, look, all of a sudden in Axios this morning, a communist politico playbook knockoff, right? Do you think this is an accident that the exact same message is in Axios this morning? I'm sure it's just a little bit of an accidente. It is not. Axios AM, post-election zen.

They note it's likely the election winner won't be known the night of November 5th. Oh, really? How do they know that? Because I'm telling you right now, if these polls are even close to accurate, oh, we'll know the night of November 5th. They note it may not even be clear the morning after or the day after. Here, look at this.

But that doesn't mean the eventual results were rigged, manipulated, or wrong. Vander High and Allen right behind the curtain column. You see what they're getting at here? They're getting at that. Leave this up. I want to read the rest of it. This is super important. They're getting at if Kamala Harris challenges this thing and says, hey, listen, there are still votes outstanding. And Republicans go, hey, man, you're trying to rig this thing. You're saying there are votes outstanding. There's only 25 outstanding votes, 25,000. She's down by 100,000. It doesn't matter what's outstanding.

You see what they're doing? No, no, no. Every vote's got to be counted. They know why it matters. Sluggish vote counts could fuel distrust in the election, spark protests and paralyze governance. Both parties are preparing to challenge the ballots. You talk about raising the possibility of prolonged court fights. Yes, that is absolutely going to happen. Is there more to that? I think I could put in one more sentence on that. Oh, no, it wasn't. That's all right.

Folks, they are going to litigate this thing to death. I'm telling you, if she loses 49 states, they are preparing right now, right now to steal this thing. Now, I got the bad news out of the way. The good news is this. I don't even know if I should say the good news because I don't want to. This is an unlikely outcome, but I'd be remiss if I didn't put it out there.

Folks, the media dislikes Kamala Harris so much. They do. They piled on her when she was vice president. It's not because they don't...

They love her left-wing ideology. They just think she's a terrible candidate. They don't like her the way we don't like Mitt Romney. I mean, we're conservatives. Just because Mitt Romney ran as a Republican doesn't mean we like him, correct? The media has the same problem. They're communists. It doesn't mean they like every communist. You get it? They don't like Kamala the same way we don't like Romney. We just think they suck, and they're just not good at getting our values across the finish line. They don't like Kamala.

So the good news is this. If it is bad, say the exit polling is brutal. Say we're up in Georgia three, four points. Outstanding votes don't really matter. Say in Pennsylvania it goes downhill quick. In Virginia, like I said, it's one, two points. In Jersey, it's five, six, even like seven points. Closer than it should have been in a state that's gone blue like for eons since what? George H.W. Bush or something like that, right?

The media may decide this isn't worth the fight. And I'm not telling you it's because of don't pile on me in the chat. What do you say in the media is going to do? No, I love you guys in the chat. I'm just saying they may realize it's a fait accompli and they may say to themselves, listen, we got to move on and save the house and the Senate. We got to get rid of this. She's just going to embarrass the party and we're going to wind up losing in court and it's going to be even worse. Low probability that happens, but it's not zero.

So, folks, the problem they're having right now, and while everyone is getting ready to politically throw Kamala Harris overboard, the campaign is a total train wreck. They cannot answer a single question about what Kamala Harris actually stands for. I'm going to give you the...

I usually do this in reverse. Kamala Harris did a CNN town hall last night. An abomination to humankind probably cost her a point nationally in the polls. I think it's going to, it was so bad that even the lefties on CNN, on CNN where it was hosted, were like, this is bad news.

I'm going to play David Axelrod on this in a minute. The reason I'm playing Axelrod is imagine when Axelrod talks, I know this from experience, this is Obama talking. This is Obama's puppet master. If Obama had a puppet master, it's this guy. He listens to this guy like no one else. When Axelrod talks, he doesn't say anything without Obama and them speaking like the Borg with a hive mind, okay?

Here's Axelrod on Kamala Harris's performance last night on the town hall. She was supposed to pitch herself to America last night and she just reaffirmed the preexisting political narrative that she has no idea what she's talking about and speaks in words. Check this out. She doesn't want to answer a question that,

Her habit is to kind of go to word salad city, and she did that on a couple of answers. One was on Israel. Anderson asked a direct question, would you be stronger on Israel than Trump? And there was a seven-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking. Folks, she's trying to rescue her campaign, but the problem is she doesn't have the toolkit to do it.

You know, I reiterate messages a lot on the show because when I was an instructor and you have to go to, they have these train the trainer things and usually they're lame, but one of them was tell people what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.

And one of the things I keep telling you is if you, you're never going to understand campaigns. If you don't understand this set of golden rules, I have, you know, snapshots and soundbites contrast, you know, all those. But the other one is if you are not the most effective weapon for your campaign and they are hiding the candidate, there is a 90% chance you're going to lose.

Not 100%, 90% chance. You always got the Eddie Murphy distinguished gentleman case, right? Where someone shows up and like runs on their dad's last name. Look at Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. Perfect example. A guy running for Senate who has never done a damn thing in his entire career, running against an accomplished guy, Dave McCormick. Casey has never done shit. He's running on his dad's name. Once in a while it works.

90% of the time it doesn't. You have to be the candidate as the candidate, the best weapon. You have to be the one at fundraisers. Everybody should be paying to see you. No one wants to pay to see the chief of staff. People go to a Donald Trump fundraiser. Imagine you pay, I don't know, $5,000 for a VIP ticket to a Donald Trump fundraiser and Guy shows up. I mean, I love Guy. I love Michael. They're great guys, but...

Let's be honest. No one's paying $5,000 to see them or me. No. You want to see Trump? Imagine going, damn, Bongino's here. I'm sure the Bongino army would be like, okay, cool, but I paid to see Trump, not him. I can watch him on the podcast. What's that? He said, if you want to talk about Star Wars, he's your guy. You want someone to do your math homework? Ask Michael. He's a smart math major, but he's not running for president.

Kamala Harris cannot save herself, folks. Nobody wants to see her. Nobody cares about her. Every time she opens her mouth, she says something stupid. And the thing is, the political narratives surrounding her are all true. Here she is last night giving an answer in the CNN town hall. I'm not going to play a lot of it because it was just typical Kamala Harris word salad bullshit. But here she is giving one of the worst answers I've ever seen.

Claiming that her superpower here, she tries to reframe a question, is that she studies too much.

Kamala Harris has a reputation for being lazy and not doing her homework. Don't ask me. Ask the staffers who quit and leaked it to the media. I don't know Kamala Harris's study habits. I don't know her. Here, watch this and then receipts incoming afterwards. Check this out. I may not be quick to have the answer as soon as you ask it about a specific policy issue sometimes because I'm going to want to research it. I'm going to want to study it.

I'm kind of a nerd sometimes, I confess. Folks, someone in a focus group, again, told her, you have a reputation for being unprepared, for being lazy, and for not doing your homework. So if you get the opportunity, try and reframe a question and tell everyone how smart you are and land that plane that you're kind of a nerd. The problem is, you've got to

You've got to give him time out. Got the perfect answer for you. I'm way too into today's show. The kid's got to calm down. Who's the kid? Two thumbs in the skies again. J.D. Vance. If J.D. Vance were to give that answer and say, what's my weakness? You know,

A little bit of a nerd. Sometimes I read too much into stuff and, you know, maybe sometimes I need to make speak from the heart or something. I'm not saying J.D. would and he doesn't speak, he does. I say, if he gave that answer, you'd be like, yeah, okay. Because J.D., every time you ask him a question about any issue at all,

J.D., tell us about first to invent versus first to file on patents. Well, let me tell you something. There's a strong case to be made for both. But I think personally, the intellectual property, you would believe it. The problem Kamala Harris has is this, Washington Examiner, Beckett Adams.

To her staff, Kamala Harris is a clueless bully who refuses to do her homework. This is from January of 2022. It's not me. Oh my gosh, you're calling her lazy. How dare you do that? I'm not calling her lazy. Her staff's calling her lazy. And she proves it every day because she can never give an answer on anything. She doesn't look like she knows anything because why, guys?

Because she doesn't. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to The Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcasts.