cover of episode The First Post-Affirmative Action Class Enters College

The First Post-Affirmative Action Class Enters College

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David Leonhardt
David Leonhardt: 最高法院禁止平权行动后,美国精英大学的入学数据显示出复杂的种族构成变化。一些大学的黑人和西班牙裔学生比例显著下降,而亚裔学生比例则上升,这与平权行动的支持者和反对者的预测相符。然而,情况并非完全如此,一些大学的黑人学生比例保持稳定,甚至有些大学的低收入学生比例有所上升。这可能是因为大学更注重学生个人经历,通过申请论文来了解学生的背景,从而录取更多低收入学生,但同时也可能导致黑人和西班牙裔学生的比例下降。数据还显示,一些大学的多族裔学生被计入多个类别,这可能夸大了黑人和西班牙裔学生比例下降的幅度。此外,西班牙裔学生的比例变化更为复杂,有的学校下降,有的学校持平,甚至有的学校上升。总的来说,虽然一些大学的黑人学生比例下降,但经济多样性却有所提高。这可能是因为大学将经济因素作为种族因素的替代指标,但这种替代并非完美,无法完全弥补种族多样性的下降。未来,大学可能会面临更多法律诉讼,因为保守派可能会指控大学暗中考虑种族因素。 Katrin Benhold: 采访围绕着最高法院禁止平权行动后,美国精英大学新生入学数据中反映出的种族和经济多样性变化展开。数据显示,部分大学黑人和西裔学生比例下降,而低收入学生比例上升,这与取消平权行动后预期的结果有所不同。采访探讨了这种现象背后的原因,包括大学对学生个人经历的重视、对经济因素作为种族因素替代指标的使用,以及由此可能引发的法律争议。采访还分析了不同种族群体在未来大学入学比例变化的可能性,以及大学在维持种族和经济多样性方面面临的挑战和努力。

Deep Dive

The Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action has led to a complex shift in college demographics. Early data reveals a decline in Black student enrollment at some elite institutions like MIT and Amherst, while other schools like Duke, Yale, and Princeton have maintained similar levels. The trend for Hispanic students is even more varied, with some schools showing declines, others holding steady, and some even seeing increases. This initial data highlights the varied responses to the ban and suggests a need for further analysis as more data becomes available.
  • Decline in Black student enrollment at MIT and Amherst.
  • Varied trends for Hispanic student enrollment.
  • Overall picture remains complex with more data needed.

Shownotes Transcript

The Supreme Court’s decision to ban affirmative action last summer was expected to drastically change the demographics of college campuses around the country.

David Leonhardt, who has written about affirmative action for The Times, explains the extent and nature of that change as the new academic year gets underway.

Guest: David Leonhardt), a senior writer who runs The Morning), The Times’s flagship daily newsletter.

Background reading: 

For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.