cover of episode How the Election Is Sinking a $15 Billion Business Deal

How the Election Is Sinking a $15 Billion Business Deal

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Alan Rappeport
Sabrina Tavernisi
Alan Rappeport: 本期节目讨论了美国钢铁公司可能被日本制钢所收购的事件。这起事件涉及到美国历史悠久的钢铁公司、关键摇摆州宾夕法尼亚州以及美国劳工力量的政治影响。收购案面临来自工人、工会和立法者的强烈反对,拜登政府也可能介入阻止这笔交易。这起事件不仅仅关乎一家公司,更关乎美国在选举年中的政治和经济。美国钢铁公司曾是美国最大的公司,但由于技术落后、劳资纠纷和进口竞争,其规模已大幅缩小。特朗普政府时期对钢铁进口征收高额关税,对美国钢铁公司起到了一定的短期帮助作用,但并未从根本上解决问题。 此次收购案中,钢铁工人联合会强烈反对,他们担心裁员、工厂关闭和福利损失。他们对日本制钢所的承诺表示怀疑,并认为这笔交易是美国钢铁公司首席执行官为获得巨额补偿的策略。两党政客都对这笔交易表示担忧,拜登和哈里斯都公开表示支持钢铁工人,反对这笔交易。拜登政府可能会利用CFIUS(美国外国投资委员会)来阻止这笔交易,理由是国家安全担忧。美国钢铁公司则辩称这笔交易对工人和宾夕法尼亚州有利,并警告说如果交易被阻止,可能会导致工厂关闭和裁员。 这起事件反映了美国政治和经济之间的复杂关系,以及在选举年,政治因素如何影响经济决策。阻止这笔交易可能会对美国与日本的关系产生影响,并可能对未来的外国投资产生寒蝉效应。 Sabrina Tavernisi: 作为主持人,Sabrina Tavernisi 主要负责引导访谈,提出问题,并对 Alan Rappeport 的回答进行总结和补充说明,推动访谈的进行。 Donald Trump: 特朗普总统在2016年竞选期间,将矛头指向全球化政策,认为其导致美国钢铁工人失业,并承诺保护美国钢铁产业。他认为这笔交易是不可接受的,并表示如果他还在任,会立即阻止这笔交易。 David McCall: 钢铁工人联合会主席 David McCall 反对日本制钢所收购美国钢铁公司,他认为这笔交易会对工人的就业、福利和退休金造成威胁,并对日本制钢所的承诺表示怀疑。

Deep Dive

U.S. Steel, once the largest company in the United States, has declined due to global competition and technological stagnation. Its potential acquisition by Nippon Steel has become a political flashpoint in the presidential election, with candidates vying for the support of steelworkers in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.
  • U.S. Steel's decline began after World War II due to competition from Germany and Japan and its slow adoption of new technologies.
  • The company's workforce shrunk drastically from 170,000 in 1979 to 20,000 currently.
  • Donald Trump's focus on American workers and tariffs on steel imports brought U.S. Steel back into the political spotlight.
  • The company's potential sale to Nippon Steel has raised concerns about job security and the future of American steel production.

Shownotes Transcript

In a highly unusual move, the Biden administration signaled last week that it would block a Japanese company from buying an iconic American company in a critical swing state.

Alan Rappeport, who covers the Treasury Department for The Times, discusses the politics that could doom the multibillion-dollar deal, and what it says about the new power of American labor.

Guest: Alan Rappeport), an economic policy reporter for The New York Times.

Background reading: 

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