cover of episode 12 Days to Go: French Fries and Fascism

12 Days to Go: French Fries and Fascism

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Lisa Lerer
Michael Barbaro
Michael Schmidt
Nate Cohn
Reid Epstein
Michael Barbaro: 本期节目讨论了特朗普前幕僚长凯利指控特朗普为法西斯主义者,以及哈里斯利用这一指控来攻击特朗普,并分析了特朗普的竞选策略。 Michael S. Schmidt: 对凯利与特朗普的对话进行了详细的报道,凯利认为特朗普符合法西斯主义的定义,并揭露了特朗普的一些不当言论和行为,例如对阵亡士兵的评价以及对希特勒的评价。 Lisa Lerer: 分析了哈里斯与切尼联手争取保守派选民的策略,以及这种策略背后的考虑和潜在风险。 Reid Epstein: 讨论了哈里斯的竞选策略,以及她如何试图将自己定位为一个更温和的候选人,以争取中间派选民。 Nate Cohn: 分析了民调结果,指出尽管特朗普的支持率略有上升,但选情依然非常胶着,并建议不要过度关注民调的细微变化。 John Kelly: 凯利在采访中表示,特朗普符合法西斯主义的定义,并详细描述了特朗普的一些行为和言论,这些行为和言论让他感到担忧,并促使他决定公开发表意见。 Kamala Harris: 哈里斯利用凯利的证词来攻击特朗普,认为特朗普不适合担任总统,并强调了品格和性情在选择总统时的重要性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did John Kelly agree to speak with Michael Schmidt after four years of refusal?

Kelly was compelled to speak out after Trump's recent comments about using the military domestically, which Kelly saw as a red line.

Why does John Kelly believe Donald Trump meets the definition of a fascist?

Kelly believes Trump is a far-right authoritarian who admires dictators and fits the general definition of fascism, characterized by dictatorial leadership and forcible suppression of opposition.

Why did Donald Trump's comments about soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery upset John Kelly?

Kelly was deeply troubled by Trump's question, 'What was in it for them?' regarding soldiers who died in combat, which Kelly saw as a cheapening of their sacrifice.

Why is Kamala Harris focusing on Trump's character and fitness in the final weeks of the campaign?

Harris is emphasizing Trump's character and fitness to appeal to moderate and conservative voters who are concerned about his stability and potential threat to democracy.

Why is Kamala Harris campaigning with Liz Cheney in key states?

Harris is trying to court 'shy Harris voters,' particularly conservative women who may be concerned about Trump's rhetoric and divisiveness but are hesitant to publicly support Harris.

Why did Donald Trump visit McDonald's during his campaign?

Trump's visit to McDonald's was a viral stunt to cast Kamala Harris as out of touch with working-class Americans and to highlight her alleged fabrication of her middle-class background.

Why is Trump using more vulgar and outrageous language in his campaign?

Trump is trying to motivate his base with deliberate crudeness, which he believes resonates with his supporters, though it risks alienating moderate voters.

Why are early voting patterns not providing clear insights into the election outcome?

Early voters are typically those who are highly motivated to vote regardless of when they cast their ballots, making it difficult to infer a clear advantage for either party.

John Kelly, ex jefe de gabinete de Donald Trump, afirma que Trump cumple con la definición de fascista. Kelly cita las declaraciones de Trump sobre el uso del ejército estadounidense contra ciudadanos y sus comentarios sobre Hitler como ejemplos. También describe la falta de empatía de Trump por los soldados caídos.
  • John Kelly, ex jefe de gabinete de Trump, dice que Trump es un fascista.
  • Trump comentó que Hitler hizo algunas cosas buenas.
  • Trump preguntó '¿Qué ganaban ellos?' al referirse a los soldados caídos.

Shownotes Transcript

With less than two weeks to go in the race for the presidency, Donald Trump’s longest-serving White House chief of staff is warning that he met the definition of a fascist, Kamala Harris is seizing on the message of Mr. Trump as a threat to democracy and Mr. Trump himself is relying on viral stunts and vulgarity to break through to undecided voters.

The Times journalists Michael Barbaro, Michael S. Schmidt, Lisa Lerer, Reid J. Epstein and Nate Cohn try to make sense of it all.


  • Michael S. Schmidt), an investigative reporter for The New York Times, covering Washington
  • Lisa Lerer), a national political correspondent for The New York Times.
  • Reid J. Epstein), a New York Times reporter covering politics.
  • Nate Cohn), the chief political analyst for The New York Times.

Background reading: 

For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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