The Daily Gardener is a podcast about Garden History and Literature. The podcast celebrates the gard
Today we celebrate the birthday of the English Statesman who created “Garden walks” and the birthday
Today we celebrate a man known as “The Pathfinder” and the birthday of a man who impoverished himsel
Today we celebrate the German botanist who’s 1542 book is one of the most historically significant w
Today we celebrate the Spanish Enlightenment priest and botanist who named the Dahlia and the glamor
Today we celebrate a bryologist who Asa Gray called, "a noble fellow" and the botanist who, along wi
Today we celebrate the Father of Paleobotany and the botanical illustrator honored by King Charles X
Today we celebrate the woman who has been called the greatest painter of plants and insects who ever
Today we celebrate the 17th-century renegade who wanted medicine through herbs to be accessible to t
Today we celebrate an incredible woman, a true pioneer of Canada and a writer and botanical illustra
Today we celebrate the ending of the 1675 coffee shop ban in England and the birthday of a man who d
Today we celebrate the wealthy Dutch banker who bought enough plants to fill a book for a young Carl
Today we celebrate the one of the 19th century’s top orchidologist and the birthday of a man who use
Today we celebrate the Feast Day of a gardener Abbott and an important day in the life of the Father
Show Notes Today we celebrate the Chelsea Physic Garden Curator who was partly responsible for the B
Today we celebrate the Spanish botanist who tackled the area known as New Spain and the man who disc
Today we celebrate the gardener poet known for writing “hope is the thing with feathers”, and the ma
Today we celebrate the botanist who was also a spy during WWII. We'll learn about the German photog
Today we celebrate the botanist who made his mark in human anatomy and the botanist who lost his civ
Today we celebrate a wealthy vineyardist who came up with the idea for a raisin coop and the willow