The Daily Gardener is a podcast about Garden History and Literature. The podcast celebrates the gard
Today we celebrate St. Swithin's Day. We'll also learn about the English architect who brought class
Today we celebrate the botanist who climbed Pikes Peak and discovered the Columbine (Aquilegia vulga
Today we celebrate the Roman leader who is still honored with flowers. We'll also learn about one of
Today we celebrate the man who inspired National Simplicity Day (It's dedicated every July 12th). We
Today we celebrate National Rainier Cherry Day. We'll also learn about the Scottish Director of the
Today we celebrate the man who established the science of botany in America. We'll also learn about
Today we celebrate the man who named the lipstick tree and was known as Florida's Burbank. We'll als
Today we celebrate the preeminent botanist of North American deserts. We'll also learn about a belov
Today we celebrate a bishop botanist whose love of plants was second only to his love of God. We'll
We'll also learn about the botanical illustrator and collector who established a worldwide reputatio
Today we celebrate the man remembered in the genus name for Crape Myrtle. We'll also learn about the
Today we celebrate what I'm calling Dependence Day for Gardeners. We'll also learn about the gutta-p
Today we officially welcome the Dog Days - they start on this day and last for the next 40 days. We'
Today we celebrate a female botanist who fought to get recognition for women by the Linnaean Society
Today we welcome the new month - July - and we remember the first meeting of the Vale of York Field
Today we celebrate the French botanist and explorer who christened the Begonia, the Magnolia, and th
Today we celebrate the German artist who painted botanicals with extraordinary detail. We'll also le
Today we celebrate the birthday of a Russian Count who funded an expedition that led to the discover
Today we celebrate the discovery and naming of the state of Florida. We'll also learn about one of t
Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of the show and the man who wrote a flora of the Middle