The Daily Gardener is a podcast about Garden History and Literature. The podcast celebrates the gard
Today we celebrate one of the best British scientific botanical artists of the 20th century. We'll a
Today we celebrate the birthday of a man many of us have heard about, but the details of his life st
Today we celebrate a man who revealed the medicinal properties of Digitalis or Foxglove. We'll also
Today we celebrate a woman who made botanical art through her pioneering photography. We'll also lea
Today we celebrate the man who introduced Europe to the Piggyback Plant - it’s now a popular housepl
Today we celebrate a man remembered for bringing a ton of new and exciting plant species to Californ
Today we celebrate a botanical illustrator who is remembered as one of the greats from the 17th cent
Today we celebrate an East German Nurseryman and plant breeder who is remembered in the name Feather
Today we celebrate a French botanist and explorer who became an accomplished botanist after losing h
Today we celebrate the woman who donated her entire orchid collection to begin the Belle Isle Conser
Today we celebrate a man who wrote the book on growing and selling orchids. We'll also learn about a
Today we celebrate the man who is remembered in one of the garden’s sweetest summer annuals - the lo
Today we celebrate the man who went to Mexico as an ambassador and sent back the plant that became s
Today we celebrate the first woman to describe Fungi ("funj-eye") using the Linnaean system of class
Today we celebrate a charming woman who became known as the Apple Blossom Lady. We'll also learn abo
Today we celebrate a young botanist that wrote the first flora of Ireland at the age of 22. We'll al
Today we celebrate the birthday of a man who appreciated simplicity and knew that we would, too. We'
Today we celebrate a woman known as the Lady of Botany, yet today few people know her life story, an
Today we celebrate an American lyrical poet and playwright who wrote some beautiful poems about flow